Apps Update - 2024-06-06

Sorry, been swamped past couple of days here :slight_smile:

Status update is:

  • Docker Backend is Merged. This means the docker CLI and compose functionality is present, but requires some midclt command to enable it at boot. Once enabled you have full docker / compose functionality at your fingertips.

  • Apps Catalog Backend is Merged. Framework for the new YAML / Composed Apps wizards is landed, work still ongoing to polish. This is more or less the same type wizards we have in UI today, where you get a guided install of Apps in our catalog.

  • Migration Engine - Partially Merged, getting close. Not fully automated yet, but manual migration is being tested now to confirm functionality is good.

  • UI Conversion - Just starting, not merged. UI pages still under construction, merge expected in next few weeks.

I’d say any eager users should plan on testing nightly images around mid Aug. I’ll update here when there is something more ready for experimentation, next few weeks will be a flurry of activity of things landing, so expect some churn.