Combined Application Resource Usage & Sortable CPU/RAM Columns

The Applications page in TrueNAS doesn’t show total CPU and RAM usage across all applications, making it hard to assess overall resource consumption. Additionally, the memory widget on the dashboard groups memory usage under “Services”, which includes apps, VMs, and system services, lacking necessary detail for effective management.

Displaying total CPU and RAM usage in the column headers on the Applications page will give users a clear overview of resource consumption. Making these columns sortable will help identify and manage resource-heavy applications efficiently. A new dashboard widget showing combined CPU and Memory usage for all applications will provide detailed insights for better resource allocation and system performance.

User Story
A TrueNAS user sees total CPU and RAM usage in the Applications page headers and sorts the columns to find resource-heavy apps. They also use the dashboard widget to monitor Application CPU and Memory usage.

Bah Humbug. :face_vomiting: It’s not important if you didn’t vote for your own request. (remember to vote for your own request)

Good call, my first post here. Voting now

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