So, I am trying to set up replication from my (old)TrueNAS Core 13.0-U6-2 server over to a (new) TrueNAS Scale 24.04.2 server. Both servers are in my home network and I just need to copy everything in 1 directory over to the other server.
I am having trouble setting up the SSH connection between the 2. I have enabled the SSH service on both boxes.
On the old server I have SSH Set with:
port 22
Log in as Root with password
Allow Password authentication
Allow TCP port forwarding
that is it
On the New server
port 22
password login groups “admin”
Allow Password Authentication
that is it
When I try to create a replication task on the old server I get an error every time I try to set up the SSH connection. Here are the settings I used:
THat helped to establish the SSH tunnel, but now I can’t authenticate to the remote system. I have both an “admin” and “backup” user that should be able to authenticate and support this job, but when I try to set it up I get this error:
Did you tell your new-server the pubkey that it should be letting in?
Also, since it’s between two recent versions of TrueNAS, you should be able to use the “Semi-automatic” option to do that for you (In this case you would be using the https url).
Otherwise, go to the keypair and copy the Public Key (starts with ssh-rsa) like so:
and throw it into the root user’s Authorized Keys (on the other server) like so:
(the reason you don’t get a password field is that keyboard (aka interactive) authentication is not a supported method for replication)