Beyond that, even without exposing the “hidden” .ix-virt dataset and its children in the GUI, it would make sense to allow configuring the dataset properties for each new container. This will apply to its specific dataset, of course.
Here’s an example of creating a new jail: This will never happen for iocage on Core. Maybe for Incus on SCALE…?
A jail/container and its dataset (for the jail’s root filesystem) is an important relationship.
This is grounds for libel.
I have always been consistent in making it clear that I use ZSTD-9 for my jails and other general purpose datasets.
I would really want the UI to support this, otherwise I would find it quite confusing to backup or just manage the volumes when they are hidden from the user and managed by TrueNAS without really telling you what’s going on.
Similar to how apps are split into the configs in ix-apps and the volumes in an arbitrary dataset defined and managed by the user.
I dont think this will be done in Fangtooth.
But someone would just need to post feature request and it shouldnt be much work to add this functionality in next release.
How is it currently planned to manage / backup the disks? Backing it up with the entire pool? I think the lack of transparency in the UI is hurting here.
I dont know how iX plans to solve this.
But yes, you can snapshot the entire pool that includes .ix-virt which contains all instances.
But I understand that backup instances individually would be much better option.
Incus of course can do this, its just question of exposing it in middleware and UI. How to back up instances - Incus documentation
But since Truenas itself manages ZFS I think it would take some more work to make sure it plays nicely with Incus which also can manage its ZFS volumes.
Did you test clustering with a separate incus node?
This would be a really awesome feature to merge my Proxmox cluster and the two truenas nodes (die to very different hardware but some failover scenarios)
I sometimes see people confused about what components deal with virtualization and what exactly was changed in Fangtooth. So this is simple hierarchy from top level to bottom.
System containers/Jails: TrueNAS → Incus → LXC
VM before: TrueNAS → libvirt → QEMU → KVM
VM after: TrueNAS → Incus → QEMU → KVM