Problem with rsync - permission error 13

Hi all

I’m trying to backup my truenas to an external storage.
I’ve created SSH keys on the truenas for root. I’ve copied the private key to roots home folder/.ssh
I’ve copied the public key to the remote ubuntu receiving the backup
I can make it work via SSH, but I would rather have the rsyncd handle it, as I don’t need the encryption overhead.

The problem is that when I enable the Module setting, gives the module number I get an error 13 permission denied
On the ubuntu I’ve created an rsync.conf that looks like this
log file = xxx
pid file = xxx
lock file = xxx

read only = no

and I’ve of course pointed the module in truenas to that module name.

Where am I going wrong?

If you create an Rsync Module (which listens with rsyncd), it should only be done on the “server” (i,e. “listener”), not both ends.

I’m not sure what this means.

It’s ambiguous what you’re doing. Can you post the configurations and share the system info? (I’m assuming you’re on Core, since SCALE does not have the Rsync Modules anymore.)

If you’ve setup Rsync Modules on the TrueNAS server, then the client simply needs to initiate the rsync transfer, using the module’s name (named on the TrueNAS server) in the client’s rsync command, such as:

rsync -options server.address::modulename /path/to/backup/