TrueCloud Backup: Allow specifying pack-size

Please allow specifying a pack-size for a Cloud Backup job.

Especially when sending backups to StorJ (where you have a per-segment fee) it makes sense to use 64MB packs instead of the default 16MB packs.

I saw that this was mentioned in the epic description of NAS-127165 but it seems like it was not implemented.

Maybe there was a reason for this? Or was it just forgotten?

Users can save money when the backup target charges fees per segment.

User Story
Add a new field in the Cloud Backup job that allows specifying the size.

Maybe even default it to 64MB when the backup target is StorJ?

I got a hint from another user (thank you) that there are some preconfgured options (Transfer Setting) that can help set pack size on the backup task screen.

Setting “Fast Storage” sets the pack size to 58MiB

It would be good, if some help-text gets added to the “Transfer Setting” field. Or add an option specifically for StorJ (because there is no option for a pack size of 64MB, that would be ideal for TrueCloud)