#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC1075,SC2027,SC2034,SC2128,SC2002,SC2004,SC2086,SC2162 LANG="en_US.UTF-8" # TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption="" # Set this to "" for no encryption, MUST REMAIN ON LINE 5. # NOTE: Some email providers will not send some encrypted file types, such as GMAIL, but .zip files are okay. # NOTE: 7zip is used for the compression/encryption and will not be installed unless encryption is enabled. ###### Get Config File Name and Location SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) Config_File_Name="$SCRIPT_DIR/multi_report_config.txt" set -E -o functrace failure(){ local -n _lineno="${1:-LINENO}" local -n _bash_lineno="${2:-BASH_LINENO}" local _last_command="${3:-${BASH_COMMAND}}" local _code="${4:-0}" ## Workaround for read EOF combo tripping traps if ! ((_code)); then return "${_code}" fi local _last_command_height="$(wc -l <<<"${_last_command}")" local _date="$(date)" local -a _output_array=() _output_array+=( '-----------------------------------' "Start: ${_date}" ' ' "lines_history: [${_lineno} ${_bash_lineno[*]}]" "function_trace: [${FUNCNAME[*]}]" "exit_code: ${_code}" ) if [[ "${#BASH_SOURCE[@]}" -gt '1' ]]; then _output_array+=('source_trace:') for _item in "${BASH_SOURCE[@]}"; do _output_array+=(" - ${_item}") done else _output_array+=("source_trace: [${BASH_SOURCE[*]}]") fi if [[ "${_last_command_height}" -gt '1' ]]; then _output_array+=( 'last_command: ->' "${_last_command}" ) else _output_array+=("last_command: ${_last_command}") fi # echo "End: $(date)" date >> /tmp/multi_report_errors.txt _output_array+=('---------------------------------') printf '%s\n' "${_output_array[@]}" printf '%s\n' "${_output_array[@]}" >> /tmp/multi_report_errors.txt # exit ${_code} } if test -e "/tmp/multi_report_errors.txt"; then rm /tmp/multi_report_errors.txt echo "Deleted" fi # trap 'failure "LINENO" "BASH_LINENO" "${BASH_COMMAND}" "${?}"' ERR # Use [-help] to read the Help Section. For a short list of commands use [-h]. # Use [-config] to create a configuration file in the directory this script is run from. ###### ZPool & SMART status report with FreeNAS/TrueNAS config backup ### Original script by joeschmuck ### Modified by Bidule0hm, melp, toomuchdata ### Thanks goes out to Basil Hendroff who created the SMR Drive Check script. ### Currently maintained by joeschmuck (joeschmuck2023@hotmail.com) # Version ### Changelog: # # V3.1 Beta 6 (11 January 2025) # # VERIFY DEFAULT VALUES # # - The multi_report script when generating a new config file had the wrong default value for # ---- the value 'Use_multi_report_config_values' which should have been "true". This has been corrected. # # - Maybe fixed the temperature sensor issue for Paul. # - Added memory to dump. # # Patch for 24.10.1 email issue until beter resolution comes around. # # # EMAIL FIXED BY OXYDE ! # # Changed -dump files to .tar. # # V3.1 Beta 1 (10 December 2024) # # - Removed all S.M.A.R.T. testing from Multi-Report and created companion script Drive-Selftest. # ---- Drive-Selftest script provides all the required functionality to run SMART tests on # ---- on all the system drives and report any issues. This is in preparation for when # ---- TrueNAS has resolved the NVMe SMART testing issues, then the companion script # ---- will no longer be required. Additionally it simplifies the Multi-Report script. # - A Zpool error now flags the suspect drive as well in the text section of the output file. # - Replacing switches '-dump emailextra' with '-dump emailall'. Either will function for now. # - Added NVMe Temperature Sensors 1 and 2 to the Chart, if then exist. # - Fixed sgdisk partition error for drives named 'sdp'. # # V3.0.8 Beta (18 November 2024) # # - Fix for some NVMe drives may report self-test results with leading white space. # - Fix for not checking if NVMe drives exist before attempting to run self-test. # - Fix for a drive serial number with white space. # - Added more data collection for NVMe drives (NVMe Self-Test Log and NVMe Error-Log). # - REMOVED SMART Testing from within Multi-Report and created new seperate companion script for SMART testing called Drive_Selftest. # - Added Partition Backups generated and attached when TrueNAS Configuration is attached (by request). # - Cleaned up the Text Section and added a little more data. # - Added dumping of API drive data to aid in development efforts using the API. # - Added automatic update to statistical data file (reformatting the file to fix 30 day Total Data Read/Written issue). # - Updated SMR Drive Checking to report drives for 14 runs of the script. # - Fix for NVMe errors messages for drive checks on NVMe drive which does not support Self-test. # - Added message that if using TrueNAS 24.10 or greater, the Smartmontools Override is no longer "required". However people may still desire to use it. # - Fixed some (null) error messages while collecting smart data from drive. # - Added error message for statistical data file not containing a driver serial number. # - Added ZFS/Pool ONLINE (green) or if other (red). # - Added API data capture routine for -dump routine supporting troubleshooting. # - Updated the JSON Error Log to remove some of the un-needed data. # - Added option to Enable/Disable running external SMART test script. Internal testing removed from Multi-Report. # - Added checking previous SMART check pass/fail. This will catch any SMART Long test failures from a previous run. # - No longer download all github files, only downloads the files we need. # V3.0.7 (08 June 2024) # # - Fixed for some NVMe drives may report self-test results with leading white space. # - Fixed to actually generate an alarm for Media Errors. # - Added Compensation (offset) for Media Errors. # - Added more data collection for NVMe drives (NVMe Self-Test Log and NVMe Error-Log). # V3.0.6 (02 June 2024) # # - (The push for this change) Fix for Zpool gptid listing in text section (listing cache, log, meta, spare, and dedup). # # - Added polling NVMe drives for self-test completion when 'waiting' for test complete. The default is now to wait for the test(s) to complete. # ---- The smart self-test will start on ALL NVMe drive at the same time will be asked if the test completed or failed once a second. # ---- When the results are present the script will continue on to each successive NVMe drive, which if they were all identical, the tests # ---- should be completing within a second of the first drive polled. This happens for both Short and Long tests. # ---- A new pair of variables in the multi_report_config.txt file can be set to "false" to have the script not wait and just use the previous # ---- results. By default the script will wait. # ---- Now for a question to hose who are reading this... How would yo feel about checking the last test time for each NVMe and if it # ---- the last test time was less than 18 hours old, then skip the test. Of course it will end up being a variable that the user could # ---- change the time value. I just thought of this because when I test, I end up running a lot of NVMe self-tests. # ---- Send me joeschmuck2023@hotmail.com an email or just message me on the forum if you have an option. # # - Changed using smartmontool if v7.4 is installed to "enable" as TrueNAS (no version) supports scheduled NVMe self-testing. # V3.0.5 (25 May 2024) # # -Fix for Zpool Status error messages. # -Added SMR drive background in yellow. # V3.0.4 (20 May 2024) # # -Fix for abnormally high HE levels, if RAW Value is over 100, utilize Normalized Values. # -Fix for 'cache' not being displayed in Text Section. # -Fix for Spencer integration for Dragonfish (24.04.0). # -Added '-disable_smr' and '-enable_smr' switches to modify the config file. # -Added '-check_smr' switch for a One-Time Run to check SMR drives if normal SMR Checking has been disabled. # -Fix for Pool Names which contain space characters. # V3.0.3 (13 May 2024) # # -Fix for downloading SMR script. # V3.0.2 (11 May 2024) # # -Fix for nvmecontrol for TrueNAS 13.3 # -Added sgdisk and gdisk to validate partitions. (Note: For CORE, will copy the files from GitHub) # -Fixed NVMe simulation # -Fixed Automatic Update so it runs the script immediately after the update. # -Added Total Data Read/Total Data Written to Zpool Stats (supports up to 9.2 YB values) # -Added "Total Data Written" per drive for "Last 30 Days" or "Current Month Actual" (Past 30 days is default). # -Added SMR Drive Detection, which can be disabled. # -Fixed MultiZone reporting Critical Error vice Warning Error. # -Fixed to Ignore MultiZone errors for SSDs. # V3.0.1 (08 April 2024) # # -Fixed NVMe Advanced Configuration question for NVMe Long Self-test. # -Fixed Temperature reporting for 'HPE' SSD. # -Added SCSI drive reporting when using SCSI to ATA Translation. # -Added SCSI "Accurate" Power On Hours for all SCSI drives (I hope) - Disabled by default, and new '-scsismart' switch. # -Added SCSI "Use Last Test Hours" for Power On Hours - Option if the previous option is not agreeable. # -Added LastTestType (hours) for drives which stop reporting Self-tests at 65535 hours. # -Updated User Guide to support new features. # V3.0 (30 March 2024) # # Notable issues: # NVMe - Last SMART Short and Long tests not displaying in text area. It will be solved when Smartmontools 7.4 is installed. # -- This is not an issue in SCALE 23.10.2 as it has Smartmontools 7.4. # # - Fixed checking NVMe drives for if they support Self-tests. # - Added NVME Short and Long Self-test for smartctl 7.3 and below. Monday through Saturday a Short Test, Sunday a Long Test. # --- a Long Test, you may disable either or both options. Once TrueNAS can run NVMe SMART Tests expect this option to go away. # - Updated to list Drive Idents for NVMe in the Text section. # - Added NVME Ignore "Invalid Field in Command", disabled by default. # - Added Wait for SMART Short/Long Self-test to complete before sending the report. # - Added SMART Self-test Failure Recognition for NVMe. # - Updated CORE ability to capture NVMe Last Test Age. # - Updated NVMe routines to ignore real data gathering while in test mode. # - Enhanced SCSI/SAS drive recognition and Power_On_Hours collection. # - Fixed Zpool Reporting of 'Resilvering xx days' incorrectly reporting in SCALE. # - Updated 7zip to only being installed if email is encrypted (See line 5 of this script). # - Updated script for SCALE Dragonfish for installing 7zip if required. # - Updated Configuration Questions to make configuration a little easier. # - Removed 'Mouseover' option and hardcoded it. # - Corrected 'Pool_Capacity_Type' variable missing in config file. # - Added checking for all software commands to respond (thanks dak180 for the idea). # - Added custom wear level alarm value 'i' to the group 'n' 'r' 'd'. 'i' = Ignore. This makes wearLevel="", non-exist. # - Added Email Report ONLY on Alert (any Error Message). # - Updated to send attachments when Email_On_Alarm_Only="true" and Email_On_Alarm_Only_And_Attachments="true". # - Changed Non-Recognized drive power_on_hours from Warning to Caution. # - Adjusted script for multiple LBA reporting on Yucun SSDs. # - Updated script to work in a directory with a 'space character' in the path. # - Removed variables (IncludedSSD and IncludeNVM). # ###### EMAIL SECTION ###### ###### Email Address(s) Email="YourEmail@Address.com" # Normal email address to send report. From="TrueNAS@local.com" # From address (default works for many) ###### Alert Email Configuration - For Temperature and Critical Error monitoring when you suspect a problem. ### You must use the '-m' switch AlertEmail="YourAlertEmail@Address.com" # Alert email address used with the '-m' switch. AlertOnWarningTemp="true" # Send alert on Warning Temp. Default = "true" AlertOnCriticalError="true" # Send alert on Critical Error. Default = "true" ###### EMAIL ON ALARM ONLY ###### Email_On_Alarm_Only="false" # When true, an email will only be sent if an alarm condition exists. Default = 'false' Email_On_Alarm_Only_And_Attachments="true" # When true, email attachments will be sent even when no alarm condition exists. Default = 'true' ###### HDD/SSD/NVMe SMART Testing ###### ### SMART Testing - SMART Testing is no longer an intergral part of Multi-Report and you must use an add_on script to perform the testing. External_SMART_Testing="true" # When set to "true" it will check if 'drive_selftest.sh' is present and run it. External_Script_Name="$SCRIPT_DIR/drive_selftest.sh" # Default setting is "$SCRIPT_DIR/drive_selftest.sh" ###### IGNORE LOCK ###### # LOCATED ONLY IN THE SCRIPT, NOT THE CONFIG FILE BECAUSE THIS VALUE IS REQUIRED BEFORE READING THE EXTERNAL CONFIG FILE. Ignore_Lock="disable" # Ignore_Lock when set to "enable" will ignore checking for multiple instances of multi_report.sh running. Default = "disable" ###### SCRIPT UPDATE ###### ###### Script Update ### Ensure you understand these options. Defaults check only, will not automatically update. Check_For_Updates="true" # Will check GitHub for updates and include message in next email. Default = "true" Automatic_Update="false" # WARNING !!! This option will automatically update the script if a newer version exists on GitHub with no user interaction. Default = "false" ###### SCRIPT ADD-ONS ###### SMR_Enable="true" # Will enable SMR operations if set to "true". Default = "true" SMR_Update="true" # Will automatically download Basil Hendroff's smr-check.sh file from Github if the file does not exist. Default = "true" SMR_Ignore_Alarm="false" # When "true" will not generate an alarm condition, however the Drive ID will still change the background color. Default = "false" SMR_New_Drive_Det_Count=14 # The SMR script will check the statistical_data_file for how many times the drive serial number has been listed. Default = 14 # - If it is less than or equal to this value, then run the SMR script. 0=Disable (Run SMR Check every time). ### PARTITION CHECK AND BACKUP Partition_Check="false" # Run sgdisk on each drive. Default = "false", this will install gdisk/sgdisk on TrueNAS CORE if not present. # -- It is "false" because you should choose to control what is installed or not. Partition_Backup="true" # Set to "true" to save each partition table with the TrueNAS configuration backup. # NOTE: You need sgdisk installed, run the Partition Check once to install on CORE. ### Spencer Integration # Warning Levels are: None, Warning, Critical -- This only affects the Email Subject Line, if any errors are present, an attachment will occur. spencer_new_warning_level="Warning" # What to do if a "new" error occurs. Default = "Warning" spencer_existing_warning_level="None" # What to do for an existing error. Default = "None" spencer_enable="true" # To call the Spencer.py script if "true" or "false" to not run the Spencer.py script. Default = "true" spencer_script_name="$SCRIPT_DIR/spencer.py" # The default is "spencer.py" located in the default script directory. ###### GENERAL THRESHOLDS ###### ### Zpool Status Summary Table Settings PoolUsedWarn=80 # Pool used percentage for CRITICAL color to be used. Default = 80 ScrubAgeWarn=37 # Maximum age (in days) of last pool scrub before CRITICAL color will be used. Default = 37. ZpoolFragWarn=80 # Percent of fragmentation before a Warning message occurs. ### Temperature Settings HDDtempWarn=45 # HDD Drive Warning Temp (in C) when a WARNING message will be used. Default = 45 HDDtempCrit=50 # HDD Drive Critical Temp (in C) when a CRITICAL message will be used. Default = 50 SSDtempWarn=50 # SSD Drive Warning Temp (in C) when a WARNING message will be used. Default = 50 SSDtempCrit=60 # SSD Drive Critical Temp (in C) when a CRITICAL message will be used. Default = 60 NVMtempWarn=55 # NVM Drive Warning Temp (in C) when a WARNING message will be used. Default = 55 NVMtempCrit=65 # NVM Drive Critical Temp (in C) when a CRITICAL message will be used. Default = 65 ### Current Power Cycle Maximum Temperature Override HDD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd="true" # HDD Max Drive Temp Override. This value when "true" will NOT alarm on any Current Power Cycle Max Temperature Limit. SSD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd="true" # SSD Max Drive Temp Override. This value when "true" will NOT alarm on any Current Power Cycle Max Temperature Limit. NVM_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd="true" # NVM Max Drive Temp Override. This value when "true" will NOT alarm on any Current Power Cycle Max Temperature Limit. ### Media Alarms SectorsWarn=0 # Number of sectors per drive when a WARNING message will be used, this value should be less than SectorsCrit. SectorsCrit=9 # Number of sectors per drive when a CRITICAL message will be used. ReAllocWarn=0 # Number of Reallocated sector events allowed. MultiZoneWarn=0 # Number of MultiZone Errors to allow when a Warning message will be used. Default is 0. MultiZoneCrit=5 # Number of MultiZone Errors to allow when a Warning message will be used. Default is 5. DeviceRedFlag="true" # Set to "true" to have the Device Column indicate RED for ANY alarm condition. Default is true. HeliumAlarm="true" # Set to "true" to set for a critical alarm any He value below "HeliumMin" value. Default is true. HeliumMin=100 # Set to 100 for a zero leak helium result. An alert will occur below this value. RawReadWarn=5 # Number of read errors to allow when a WARNING message will be used, this value should be less than RawReadCrit. RawReadCrit=100 # Number of read errors to allow when a CRITICAL message will be used. SeekErrorsWarn=5 # Number of seek errors to allow when a WARNING message will be used, this value should be less than SeekErrorsCrit. SeekErrorsCrit=100 # Number of seek errors to allow when a CRITICAL message will be used. NVM_Media_Errors=1 # Number of Media Errors to alarm with a CRITICAL message. WearLevelCrit=9 # Wear Level Alarm Setpoint when a WARNING message. 9% is the default. TestWarnAge=2 # Maximum age (in days) of last SMART test before CRITICAL color/message will be used. ### NVMe Low Power / Invalid Errors NVM_Low_Power="true" # Set the NVMe power level to the minimum setting. This does not mean the NVMe will remain at this power level. Only works in CORE. NVMe_Ignore_Invalid_Errors="disable" # Set to 'enable' to ignore 'Invalid Field in Command' messages. Google this message to see if you are comfortable ignoring it. ### Time-Limited Error Recovery (TLER) SCT_Enable="false" # Set to "true" to send a command to enable SCT on your drives for user defined timeout. SCT_Warning_Level="TLER_No_Msg" # Set to "all" will generate a Warning Message for all devices not reporting SCT enabled. "TLER" reports only drive which support TLER. # "TLER_No_Msg" will only report for TLER drives and not report a Warning Message if the drive can set TLER on. SCT_Read_Timeout=70 # Set to the read threshold. Default = 70 = 7.0 seconds. SCT_Write_Timeout=70 # Set to the write threshold. Default = 70 = 7.0 seconds. ##### SCSI Specific Settings ###### Run_SMART_No_power_on_time="false" # Some SCSI drives do not report power_on_time, yet they report SMART Self-test times. This option will force # a SMART Short Self-test, wait 2 minutes for the test to complete, and report the correct power_on_time. # This is the same as using the '-scsismart' switch at the CLI. ###### General Settings ###### ### Output Formats PowerTimeFormat="h" # Format for power-on hours string, valid options are "ymdh", "ymd", "ym", "y", or "h" (year month day hour). TempDisplay="*C" # The format you desire the temperature to be displayed. Common formats are: "*C", "^C", or "^c". Choose your own. Non_Exist_Value="---" # How do you desire non-existent data to be displayed. The Default is "---", popular options are "N/A" or " ". Pool_Capacity_Type="zfs" # Select "zfs" or "zpool" for Zpool Status Report - Pool Size and Free Space capacities. "zfs" is default. Last_Test_Type_poh="true" # Include the Last Test Power On Hours. lastTestTypeHoursIdent="hrs" # Test to follow power on hours numbers. Default = "hrs". ### Ignore or Activate Alarms IgnoreUDMA="false" # Set to "true" to ignore all UltraDMA CRC Errors for the summary alarm (Email Header) only, errors will appear in the graphical chart. Default is "false". IgnoreSeekError="true" # Set to "true" to ignore all Seek Error Rate/Health errors. Default is true. IgnoreReadError="true" # Set to "true" to ignore all Seek Error Rate/Health errors. Default is true. IgnoreMultiZone="false" # Set to "true" to ignore all MultiZone Errors. Default is false. DisableWarranty="true" # Set to "true to disable Email Subject line alerts for any expired warranty alert. The Email body will still report the alert. Default is "true". ### Enable-Disable Text Portion Enable_Text_Section="true" # This will display the Text Section below the CHART when "true". Default="true" ### Disable or Activate Input/Output File Settings ReportNonSMART="true" # Will force even non-SMART devices to be reported, "true" = normal operation to report non-SMART devices. DisableRAWdata="false" # Set to "true" to remove the smartctl -a data and non-smart data appended to the normal report. Default is false. ATA_Auto_Enable="false" # Set to "true" to automatically update Log Error count to only display a log error when a new one occurs. ### Text Output Selection Enable_Messages="true" # This will enable the Warning/Caution type messages. Default="true". Enable_Zpool_Messages="true" # This will list all 'zpool -v status' and identify drives by gptid to drive ident. Default="true". Enable_SMART_Messages="true" # This will output SMART data if available. Default="true". ### Total Data Written - 30 Day or Current Month Total_Data_Written_Month="30Days" # Options are: "month" for Current Month, or "30Days" for the rolling previous 30 days. ###### Statistical Data File statistical_data_file="$SCRIPT_DIR/statisticalsmartdata.csv" # Default location is where the script is located. SDF_DataRecordEnable="true" # Set to "true" will save all drive data into a CSV file defined by "statistical_data_file" below. SDF_DataEmail="true" # Set to "true" to have an attachment of the file emailed to you. Default is true. SDF_DataPurgeDays=730 # Set to the number of day you wish to keep in the data. Older data will be purged. Default is 730 days (2 years). 0=Disable. SDF_DataEmailDay="Mon" # Set to the day of the week the statistical report is emailed. (All, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Month) ###### TrueNAS config backup settings TrueNASConfigEmailEnable="true" # Set to "true" to save config backup (which renders next two options operational); "false" to keep disable config backups. TrueNASConfigEmailDay="Mon" # Set to the day of the week the config is emailed. (All, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Month) TrueNASConfigBackupSave="false" # Set to "false" to delete TrueNAS config backup after mail is sent; "true" to keep it in dir below. TrueNASConfigBackupLocation="/tmp/" # Directory in which to store the backup FreeNAS config files. ###### Attach multi_report_config.txt to email ###### MRConfigEmailEnable="true" # Set to "true" to enable periodic email (which renders next two options operational). MRChangedEmailSend="true" # If "true" will attach the updated/changed file to the email. MRConfigEmailDay="Mon" # Set to the day of the week the multi_report_config.txt is emailed. (All, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Month, Never) ###### REPORT CHART CONFIGURATION ###### CUSTOM SUBJECT LINE host=$(hostname -s) # The host name will precede the subject line message. Subject_Line_Critical="*CRITICAL ERROR* SMART Testing Results for ${host} *CRITICAL ERROR*" Subject_Line_Warning="*WARNING* SMART Testing Results for ${host} *WARNING*" Subject_Line_Normal="SMART Testing Results for ${host} - All is Good" ###### REPORT HEADER TITLE HDDreportTitle="Spinning Rust Summary Report" # This is the title of the HDD report, change as you desire. SSDreportTitle="SSD Summary Report" # This is the title of the SSD report, change as you desire. NVMreportTitle="NVMe Summary Report" # This is the title of the NVMe report, change as you desire. ###### CUSTOM REPORT CONFIGURATION ### By default most items are selected. Change the item to false to have it not displayed in the graph, true to have it displayed. ### NOTE: Alarm setpoints are not affected by these settings, this is only what columns of data are to be displayed on the graph. ### I would recommend that you remove columns of data that you don't really care about to make the graph less busy. ###### For Zpool Status Summary Zpool_Pool_Name_Title="Pool Name" Zpool_Status_Title="Status" Zpool_Pool_Size_Title="Pool Size" Zpool_Free_Space_Title="Free Space" Zpool_Used_Space_Title="Used Space" Zfs_Pool_Size_Title="^Pool Size" Zfs_Free_Space_Title="^Free Space" Zfs_Used_Space_Title="^Used Space" Zpool_Frag_Title="Frag" Zpool_Read_Errors_Title="Read Errors" Zpool_Write_Errors_Title="Write Errors" Zpool_Checksum_Errors_Title="Cksum Errors" Zpool_Scrub_Repaired_Title="Scrub Repaired Bytes" Zpool_Scrub_Errors_Title="Scrub Errors" Zpool_Scrub_Age_Title="Last Scrub Age" Zpool_Scrub_Duration_Title="Last Scrub Duration" Zpool_Total_Data_Written_Title="Total Data Read /
Total Data Written" ###### For Hard Drive Section HDD_Device_ID="true" HDD_Device_ID_Title="Device ID" HDD_Serial_Number="true" HDD_Serial_Number_Title="Serial Number" HDD_Model_Number="true" HDD_Model_Number_Title="Model Number" HDD_Capacity="true" HDD_Capacity_Title="HDD Capacity" HDD_Rotational_Rate="true" HDD_Rotational_Rate_Title="RPM" HDD_SMART_Status="true" HDD_SMART_Status_Title="SMART Status" HDD_Warranty_Title="Warr- anty" HDD_Warranty="true" HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate="true" HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate_Title="Raw Error Rate" HDD_Drive_Temp="true" HDD_Drive_Temp_Title="Curr Temp" HDD_Drive_Temp_Min="true" HDD_Drive_Temp_Min_Title="Temp Min" HDD_Drive_Temp_Max="true" HDD_Drive_Temp_Max_Title="Temp Max" HDD_Power_On_Hours="true" HDD_Power_On_Hours_Title="Power On Time" HDD_Start_Stop_Count="true" HDD_Start_Stop_Count_Title="Start Stop Count" HDD_Load_Cycle="true" HDD_Load_Cycle_Title="Load Cycle Count" HDD_Spin_Retry="true" HDD_Spin_Retry_Title="Spin Retry Count" HDD_Reallocated_Sectors="true" HDD_Reallocated_Sectors_Title="Re-alloc Sects" HDD_Reallocated_Events="true" HDD_Reallocated_Events_Title="Re-alloc Evnt" HDD_Pending_Sectors="true" HDD_Pending_Sectors_Title="Curr Pend Sects" HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable="true" HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable_Title="Offl Unc Sects" HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List="true" HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List_Title="UDMA CRC Error" HDD_Seek_Error_Rate="true" HDD_Seek_Error_Rate_Title="Seek Error Rate" HDD_MultiZone_Errors="true" HDD_MultiZone_Errors_Title="Multi Zone Error" HDD_Helium_Level="true" HDD_Helium_Level_Title="He Level" HDD_Last_Test_Age="true" HDD_Last_Test_Age_Title="Last Test Age" HDD_Last_Test_Type="true" HDD_Last_Test_Type_Title="Last Test Type (time conducted)" HDD_Total_Data_Written="true" HDD_Total_Data_Written_Title="Total Data Read
/ Written" HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month="true" HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="Total Data Written 30 Days" ###### For Solid State Drive Section SSD_Device_ID="true" SSD_Device_ID_Title="Device ID" SSD_Serial_Number="true" SSD_Serial_Number_Title="Serial Number" SSD_Model_Number="true" SSD_Model_Number_Title="Model Number" SSD_Capacity="true" SSD_Capacity_Title="SSD Capacity" SSD_SMART_Status="true" SSD_SMART_Status_Title="SMART Status" SSD_Warranty_Title="Warr- anty" SSD_Warranty="true" SSD_Drive_Temp="true" SSD_Drive_Temp_Title="Curr Temp" SSD_Drive_Temp_Min="true" SSD_Drive_Temp_Min_Title="Temp Min" SSD_Drive_Temp_Max="true" SSD_Drive_Temp_Max_Title="Temp Max" SSD_Power_On_Hours="true" SSD_Power_On_Hours_Title="Power On Time" SSD_Wear_Level="true" SSD_Wear_Level_Title="Wear Level" SSD_Reallocated_Sectors="true" SSD_Reallocated_Sectors_Title="Re-alloc Sects" SSD_Reallocated_Events="true" SSD_Reallocated_Events_Title="Re-alloc Evnt" SSD_Pending_Sectors="true" SSD_Pending_Sectors_Title="Curr Pend Sects" SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable="true" SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable_Title="Offl Unc Sects" SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List="true" SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List_Title="UDMA CRC Error" SSD_Last_Test_Age="true" SSD_Last_Test_Age_Title="Last Test Age" SSD_Last_Test_Type="true" SSD_Last_Test_Type_Title="Last Test Type (time conducted)" SSD_Total_Data_Written="true" SSD_Total_Data_Written_Title="Total Data Read
/ Written" SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month="true" SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="Total Data Written 30 Days" ###### For NVMe Drive Section NVM_Device_ID="true" NVM_Device_ID_Title="Device ID" NVM_Serial_Number="true" NVM_Serial_Number_Title="Serial Number" NVM_Model_Number="true" NVM_Model_Number_Title="Model Number" NVM_Capacity="true" NVM_Capacity_Title="NVMe Capacity" NVM_SMART_Status="true" NVM_SMART_Status_Title="SMART Status" NVM_Warranty_Title="Warr- anty" NVM_Warranty="true" NVM_Critical_Warning="true" NVM_Critical_Warning_Title="Critical Warning" NVM_Drive_Temp="true" NVM_Drive_Temp_Title="Curr Temp" NVM_Drive_Temp_Min="false" # Not usable on NVMe drive yet NVM_Drive_Temp_Min_Title="Temp Min" NVM_Drive_Temp_Max="false" # Not usable on NVMe drive yet NVM_Drive_Temp_Max_Title="Temp Max" NVM_Power_Level="true" NVM_Power_Level_Title="Power State" NVM_Power_On_Hours="true" NVM_Power_On_Hours_Title="Power On Time" NVM_Wear_Level="true" NVM_Wear_Level_Title="Wear Level" NVM_Media_Error="true" NVM_Media_Error_Title="Media Errors" NVM_Last_Test_Age="true" NVM_Last_Test_Age_Title="Last Test Age" NVM_Last_Test_Type="true" NVM_Last_Test_Type_Title="Last Test Type (time conducted)" NVM_Total_Data_Written="true" NVM_Total_Data_Written_Title="Total Data Read
/ Written" NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month="true" NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="Total Data Written 30 Days" ###### Drive Ignore List ### What does it do: ### Use this to list any drives to ignore and remove from the report. This is ### very useful for ignoring USB Flash Drives or other drives for which good ### data is not able to be collected (non-standard). ### ### How to use it: ### We are using a comma delimited file to identify the drive serial numbers. ### You MUST use the exact and full serial number smartctl reports, if there ### is no identical match then it will not ignore the drive. ### ### Format: Ignore_Drives_List="serial_number,serial_number,serial_number" ### Example: Ignore_Drives_List="VMWare,1JUMLBD,21HNSAFC21410E" Ignore_Drives_List="" ###### Drive UDMA CRC Error Count List, MultiZone List Errors List, ###### Reallocated Sectors Exceptions, Reallocated Sectors Events Exceptions ### ### What does it do: ### If you have a drive which has one of the above errors not a 0 (zero) value, ### this setting will offset the value back to zero for the considerations of ### monitoring future increases of this specific error. This will subtract ### the value by a correction value in order to 0 (zero) the value and ### highlight it in yellow to denote it was overridden. The Warning Title ### will not be flagged if this is zero'd out in this manner. ### ### How to use it: ### List each drive by serial number and include the current error count value. ### The format is very specific and will not work if you wing it, use the Example. ### ### Format: CRC_Errors_List="serial_number:current_udma_error_count,serial_number:current_udma_error_count" ### ### Example: CRC_Errors_List="WD-WMC4N2578099:1,S2X1J90CA48799:2,P02618119268:1" ATA_Errors_List="" CRC_Errors_List="" MultiZone_List="" ReAllocated_Sector_List="" ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List="" Media_Errors_List="" ###### Custom Drive Configuration ### Used to define specific alarm values for specific drives by serial number. ### This should only be used for drives where the default alarm settings ### are not proper or you need to reverse some values where they may be listed ### opposite, for example WearLevel may be listed as 0% vice 100%. ### Up to 24 unique drive values may be stored (tested). ### ### Use -config to set these values. ### ### THE BREAKDOWN OF THIS LINE FORMAT (entire list broken to two lines for viewing, separated using a comma) ### serial:tempwarn:tempcrit:sectorswarn:sectorscrit:reallocwarn:multizonewarn:multizonecrit:rawreadwarn: ### rawreadcrit:seekerrorswarn:seekerrorscrit:testage:testAgeOvrd:heliummin:wearleveladj ### (testAgeOvrd '0'=Default, '1'=Ignore, wearleveladj 'd'=Default 'r'=Reverse value 'n'=Normalized 'i'=Ignore) Custom_Drives_List="" ###### Warranty Expiration Date ### What does it do: ### This section is used to add warranty expiration dates for designated drives ### and to create an alert when they expire. This is good to give you a ### heads-up on when you might need to start looking for a replacement drive. ### ### How to use it: ### Format: Drive_Warranty_List="serial_number:YYYY-MM-DD,serial_number:YYYY-MM-DD" ### Example: Drive_Warranty_List="K1JUMLBD:2020-09-30,K1JRSWLD:2020-09-30,K1JUMW4D:2020-09-30,K1GVD84B:2020-10-12" Drive_Warranty_List="" ###### Expired Drive Warranty Colors expiredWarrantyBoxColor="#000000" # "#000000" = normal box perimeter color. WarrantyBackgndColor="#f1ffad" # Hex code or "none" = normal background. ###### Global table of colors ### The colors selected you can change but you will need to look up the proper ### HEX code for a color. okColor="#b5fcb9" # Hex code for color to use in SMART Status column if drives pass (default is darker light green, #b5fcb9). warnColor="#F38B16" # Hex code for WARN color (default is orange, #F38B16). critColor="#f44336" # Hex code for CRITICAL color (default is red, #f44336). altColor="#f4f4f4" # Table background alternates row colors between white and this color (default is light gray, #f4f4f4). whtColor="#ffffff" # Hex for White background. ovrdColor="#ffffe4" # Hex code for Override Yellow. blueColor="#87ceeb" # Hex code for Sky Blue, used for the SCRUB/SMART Test In Progress/background. yellowColor="#f1ffad" # Hex code for pale green-yellow. pohColor="#ffffcc" # Hex code for pale yellow. ###### THIS SECTION FOR DRIVE_SELFTEST SCRIPT ONLY ###### SCRIPT UPDATES ---- NOT OPERATIONAL YET Allow_Drive_Selftest_Script_Update="true" # When set to "true" then the script will automatically update itself if a new update is present. ###### HDD/SSD/NVMe SMART Testing ### SHORT SETTINGS Short_Test_Mode=2 # 1 = Use Short_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day value, 2 = All Drives Tested (Ignores other options), 3 = No Drives Tested. Short_Time_Delay_Between_Drives=1 # Tests will have a XX second delay between the drives starting testing. If drives are always spinning, this can be "0". Short_SMART_Testing_Order="DriveID" # Test order is for Test Mode 1 ONLY, select "Serial" or "DriveID" for sort order. Default = 'Serial' Short_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day=1 # For Test_Mode 1) How many drives to run each day minimum? Short_Drives_Test_Period="Week" # "Week" (7 days) or "Month" (28 days) Short_Drives_Tested_Days_of_the_Week="1,2,3,4,5,6,7" # Days of the week to run, 1=Mon, 2=Tue, 3=Wed, 4=Thu, 5=Fri, 6=Sat, 7=Sun. # This takes over for number of days variable. Short_Drives_Test_Delay=130 # How long to delay when running Short tests, before exiting to controlling procedure. Default is 130 second should allow. # Short tests to complete before continuing. If using without Mulit-Report, set this value to 1. ### LONG SETTINGS Long_Test_Mode=1 # 1 = Use Long_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day value, 2 = All Drives Tested (Ignores other options), 3 = No Drives Tested. Long_Time_Delay_Between_Drives=1 # Tests will have a XX second delay between the drives starting the next test. Long_SMART_Testing_Order="Serial" # Test order is either "Serial" or "DriveID". Default = 'Serial' Long_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day=1 # For Test_Mode 1) How many drives to run each day minimum? Long_Drives_Test_Period="Week" # "Week" (7 days) or "Month" (28 days) Long_Drives_Tested_Days_of_the_Week="1,2,3,4,5,6,7" # Days of the week to run, 1=Mon, 2=Tue, 3=Wed, 4=Thu, 5=Fri, 6=Sat, 7=Sun. # This takes over for number of days variable. ### REPORT Drive_List_Length=10 # This is how many drive IDs to list per line. Default is 10. Enable_Logging="true" # This will create a text file named "drive_test_xx.txt". Run -clearlog LOG_DIR=$SCRIPT_DIR"/DS_Logs" # The default log directory is the script directory. ### EXTERNAL CONFIGURATION FILE Use_multi_report_config_values="true" # A "true" value here will use the $Config_File_Name file values to override the values defined above. # This allows the values to be retained between versions. A "false" will utilize the values above. ########################## ########################## ### ### ### STOP EDITING THE ### ### SCRIPT HERE ### ### ### ########################## ########################## ###### Auto-generated Parameters softver=$(uname -s) #host=$(hostname -s) truenas_ver=$(cat /etc/version) testdata_path="data" Dump_Loop="0" re='^[0-9]+$' runfilename="multi_report.sh" ### temp files have been converted to variable stored, not stored in /tmp/ as a file. ### tempfilepath=$(( 10 + $RANDOM % 1000 )) logfile="/tmp/${tempfilepath}smart_report_body.tmp" logfile_header="/tmp/${tempfilepath}smart_report_header.tmp" logfile_temp="/tmp/${tempfilepath}smart_report_temp.tmp" boundary="gc0p4Jq0M2Yt08jU534c0p" CurrentFilename="multi_report_v3.1Beta6_2025_01_11.txt" valid_config_version_date="2025-01-05" # Configuration file valid date progverdate="$(echo $CurrentFilename | cut -d '_' -f4,5,6 | cut -d '.' -f1 | sed -r 's/[_]+/-/g')" progname="Multi-Report "$(echo $CurrentFilename | cut -d '_' -f3)" dtd:" physmem=$(midclt call system.info | jq -Mre '.physmem') if [[ $physmem -gt 1024 ]]; then physmem=$((( $physmem / 1024 ))); memunit="Ki"; fi if [[ $physmem -gt 1024 ]]; then physmem=$((( $physmem / 1024 ))); memunit="Mi"; fi if [[ $physmem -gt 1024 ]]; then physmem=$((( $physmem / 1024 ))); memunit="Gi"; fi if [[ $physmem -gt 1024 ]]; then physmem=$((( $physmem / 1024 ))); memunit="Ti"; fi if [[ $physmem -gt 1024 ]]; then physmem=$((( $physmem / 1024 ))); memunit="Pi"; fi physmem=$physmem$memunit uptime=$(midclt call system.info | jq -Mre '.uptime') if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then top -d1 | head -n 7 > /tmp/memory_free.txt if [[ "$(cat /etc/version | grep "FreeNAS")" ]]; then programver=progname$progverdate" (FreeNAS "$(cat /etc/version | cut -d " " -f1 | sed 's/FreeNAS-//')")" programver2="$(cat /etc/version | cut -d"-" -f1)" programver3="$(cat /etc/version | cut -d " " -f1 | sed 's/FreeNAS-//')" else programver=$progname$progverdate" (TrueNAS Core "$(cat /etc/version | cut -d " " -f1 | sed 's/TrueNAS-//')")" programver2="$(cat /etc/version | cut -d"-" -f1)_Core" programver3="$(cat /etc/version | cut -d " " -f1 | sed 's/TrueNAS-//')" fi totalmem=$physmem # usedmem=$(top -d1 | head -n 7 | tail -4 | grep "Mem:" | awk '{printf $7}') freemem=$(top -d1 | head -n 7 | tail -4 | grep "Mem:" | awk '{printf $8}')"i" swapused="Swap Total: "$(top -d1 | head -n 7 | tail -4 | grep "Swap:" | awk '{printf $2}')"i" swapused=$swapused", Swap Free: "$(top -d1 | head -n 7 | tail -4 | grep "Swap:" | awk '{printf $4}')"i" programver4="Total Memory: "$totalmem", Free Memory: "$freemem", "$swapused"
System Uptime: "$uptime truenas_ver=$(cat /etc/version | cut -d"-" -f2 | cut -d"." -f1) # Provides a whole number like '13' else free > /tmp/memory_free.txt # Add this to the dump totalmem=$(free -h | grep "Mem:" | awk '{printf $2}') usedmem=$(free -h | grep "Mem:" | awk '{printf $3}') freemem=$(free -h | grep "Mem:" | awk '{printf $4}') swapused=$(free -h | grep "Swap:" | awk '{printf $3}') programver=$progname$progverdate" (TrueNAS Scale "$(cat /etc/version)")" programver2="TrueNAS_Scale_$(cat /etc/version | cut -d" " -f1)" programver3="$(cat /etc/version)" programver4="Total Memory: "$totalmem", Used Memory: "$usedmem", Free Memory: "$freemem", Swap Used: "$swapused"
System Uptime: "$uptime truenas_ver=$(cat /etc/version | cut -d"-" -f1) # Provides the entire version number like '' fi truenas_ver_major=$(echo $truenas_ver | cut -d"." -f1) truenas_ver_minor=$(echo $truenas_ver | cut -d"." -f2) truenas_ver_low=$(echo $truenas_ver | cut -d"." -f3) truenas_ver_sub=$(echo $truenas_ver | cut -d"." -f4) #echo $truenas_ver #echo $truenas_ver_major #echo $truenas_ver_minor #echo $truenas_ver_low if [[ $truenas_ver_major -gt 23 ]] && [[ $truenas_ver_minor -gt 9 ]] && [[ $truenas_ver_low -gt 0 ]]; then echo "TrueNAS does not support sendmail function, using curl." truenas_sendmail_support="No" else truenas_sendmail_support="Yes" fi (echo " " echo "Pysical Memory from API" echo $physmem echo " " echo "Up Time" echo $uptime ) >> /tmp/memory_free.txt # STILL NEED TO GET USED AND AVAILABLE MEMORY AND ADD TO THE TEXT SECTION OF THE SCRIPT. nvme_supports_selftest="" # To stop nvme check if self-test not supported. drive_name="" declare -a testfilenames declare -a testfilenamesHDD declare -a smartdrives UpdateAvailable="" smr_already_tested=0 No_External_File="false" attachment=() # Declaring the global drive arrays # HDD/SSD/NVMe Common Drives_ID_Array="" # Drive Obtained Value Drives_SN_Array="" # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Subsystem_Array="" # API Drives_Model_Array="" # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Capacity_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Rotation_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_SMART_Status_Array="" # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Type_Array="" # API Obtained Value Drives_ZFSGUID_Array="" # API Obtained Value Drives_Size_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Multipath_Array="" # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Description_Array="" # API Obtained Value Drives_BUS_Array="" # API Obtained Value Drives_Pool_Array="" # API Obtained Value Drives_Current_Temp_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Min_Temp=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Max_Temp=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Power_On_Time_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Start_Stop_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Load_Cycle_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Spin_Retry_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Reallocated_Sectors_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Reallocated_Events_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Current_Pending_Sectors_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Offline_Uncorrectable_Sectors_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_UDMA_CRC_Errors_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Raw_Read_Error_Rate_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Seek_Error_Rate_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_MultiZone_Error_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_He_Level_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Last_Test_Hours_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Last_Test_Type_Array="" # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Last_Test_Age_Array=0 # Calculated Value # SSD/NVMe Unique Drives_Critical_Warning_Array="" # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Wear_Level_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Wear_Level_Thresh_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value Drives_Media_Errors_Array=0 # Drive Obtained Value ########################## ########################## ### ### ### PROGRAMMING / ### ### TROUBLESHOOTING ### ### HACKS ### ### ### ########################## ########################## #Unique programming hacks to properly emulate other hardware that is not actually on the system. VMWareNVME="off" # Set to "off" normally, "on" to assist in incorrect VMWare fake drives reporting. Joes_System="false" # Custom settings for my system and to remove these from your system. Sample_Test="false" # Setup static test values for testing. Develop="false" # Set to 'true' for development output. GitHubSimulate="false" # Use test section of GitHub. ########################## ########################## ### ### ### DEFINE FUNCTIONS ### ### ### ########################## ########################## ########## EXIT IF MULTIPLE INSTANCES ARE RUNNING ########## # Let's stop a second instance from running. mefull=`basename "$0"` if [[ "$1" == "-ignore_lock" || "$2" == "-ignore_lock" || "$3" == "-ignore_lock" || "$4" == "-ignore_lock" || "$Ignore_Lock" == "enable" ]]; then printf "Ignoring Multiple Instance Check\n" >&2 else if ! mkdir /tmp/multi_report.lock; then printf "Script is already Running... Exiting\n" >&2 printf "If this message is in error, remove '/tmp/multi_report.lock' directory or just reboot TrueNAS to recover.\n" >&2 exit 1 fi fi trap 'rm -rf /tmp/multi_report.lock' EXIT # Remove the lock directory on exit #################### FUNCTIONS #################### ########## CREATE ATTACHMENT FILE ########## # This file will convert and create any required attachments. # Call with attachment_file_path and attachment_file_name # Example: create_attachement_file /tmp/temp_body_report.txt report.txt create_attachment_file () { if test -e "/tmp/attachment.json"; then # If the file exists then we need to add on to the end, but need to delete the last ']'. # LETS SEE IF THE LIST ALREADY CONTAINS THIS FILE if grep -q $2 "/tmp/attachment.json"; then return fi # I need to read the file back, remove the last 2 lines, add line ' },', then add new header. updating_attachment=$(head -n -2 /tmp/attachment.json) # This removes the last lines. ( echo "${updating_attachment}" echo ' },' ) > /tmp/attachment.json else ( echo '[' ) > /tmp/attachment.json fi encoded_content=$(base64 --wrap=0 $1) # add header 'new' information ( echo ' {' echo ' "headers": [' echo ' {' echo ' "name": "Content-Transfer-Encoding",' echo ' "value": "base64"' echo ' },' echo ' {' echo ' "name": "Content-Type",' echo ' "value": "application/octet-stream",' echo ' "params": {' echo ' "name": "'"$2"'"' echo ' }' echo ' }' echo ' ],' echo ' "content": "'"$encoded_content"'"' echo ' }' echo ']' ) >> /tmp/attachment.json } ########## SPENCER INTEGRATION - CHECK MESSAGES FILE FOR ERROR MESSAGES ########## # We will check the /var/log/messages file for any iscsi, cam, ctl, or cdb error messages # # Use the CSV that is used in the data recording to record each instance of an alarm. # Search each instance for an exact match for repeat offenders. # Remove entries if they no longer exits in the messages log file. # # Count up the duplicate errors and put them as "6x error message" for example. # Create a Message file to add to the Warning list so we can punt this out. # spencer () { # Check status of "/tmp/spencer_report.txt" file, then if we have errors process it. spencer_error="false" if [ -f "/tmp/spencer_report.txt" ]; then if [ $(grep -wic "New Error Messages" "/tmp/spencer_report.txt") -gt 0 ]; then # Error Levels are: None, Warning, Critical if [[ $spencer_new_warning_level == "Warning" ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Spencer New Error Data - See Attachment")" elif [[ $spencer_new_warning_level == "Critical" ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Spencer New Error Data - See Attachment")" fi spencer_error="true" fi if [ $(grep -wic "Previous" "/tmp/spencer_report.txt") -gt 0 ]; then # Error Levels are: None, Warning, Critical if [[ $spencer_existing_warning_level == "Warning" ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Spencer Existing Error Data - See Attachment")" elif [[ $spencer_existing_warning_level == "Critical" ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Spencer Existing Error Data - See Attachment")" fi spencer_error="true" fi else if ! test -e "$spencer_script_name"; then spencer_error="notinstalled" fi fi } ### Using Drive_id_data_temp=list of drive IDs, Return is both serial or ID ### This routine uses the TrueNAS API. Called: gets_drive_serial_numbers_api "serials" get_drive_serial_numbers_api () { api_x=0 api_drive_name="" api_drive_serial_number="" echo -n "Scanning Drives" while [[ "$(midclt call disk.query | jq -r '.['$api_x'].name')" != "null" ]]; do for api_temp_loop in $drive_id_data_temp; do api_drive_name_test=$(midclt call disk.query | jq -r '.['$api_x'].name' | sed 's/nvd/nvme/g') if [[ "$api_drive_name_test" == *"$api_temp_loop"* ]]; then echo -n "." # $api_drive_name_test if [[ "$api_drive_name_test" == *"nvme"* ]]; then api_drive_name=$api_drive_name" "$(echo "nvme"$(echo $api_drive_name_test | sed -r 's#^nvme##' | cut -d 'n' -f 1)" ") else api_drive_name=$api_drive_name" "$api_drive_name_test fi api_drive_serial_number=$api_drive_serial_number" "$(midclt call disk.query | jq -r '.['$api_x'].serial') continue fi done ((api_x ++)) done api_drive_name=$(echo $api_drive_name | xargs) api_drive_serial_number=$(echo $api_drive_serial_number | xargs) } ##### GET DRIVE SERAL NUMBERS VIA SMARTCTL TO SEE IF THIS IS FASTER OR NOT. ALSO KEEP IS AS A BACKUP ROUTINE. # STILL NEED TO BE CHANGED FROM API TO SMARTCTL. sort_serial_number () { # Input - api_drive_serial_number, Output - smartdrives_sorted api_x=0 api_y=0 api_drive_name="" echo " " echo -n "Organizing Drive Test Order " for api_drive_serial_order in $api_drive_serial_number; do while [[ "$(midclt call disk.query | jq -r '.['$api_y'].name')" != "null" ]]; do # Loop through all of the drives comparing S/N Order to drive api_drive_serial_test=$(midclt call disk.query | jq -r '.['$api_y'].serial') echo -n "." Serial_Length=$(wc -c <<< "$api_drive_serial_test") # Too short of a S/N = Not Valid Drive if [[ $Serial_Length -gt 3 ]]; then if [[ $api_drive_serial_order == $api_drive_serial_test ]]; then api_drive_name_test=$(midclt call disk.query | jq -r '.['$api_y'].name') if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then api_drive_name=$api_drive_name" "$api_drive_name_test" " else if [[ $api_drive_name_test == *"nvme"* ]]; then api_drive_name=$api_drive_name" "$(echo "nvme"$(echo $api_drive_name_test | sed -r 's#^nvme##' | cut -d 'n' -f 1)" ") else api_drive_name=$api_drive_name" "$api_drive_name_test" " fi fi break fi fi ((api_y ++)) done api_y=0 ((api_x ++)) done smartdrives_sorted=$(echo $api_drive_name | xargs | sed 's/nvd/nvme/g' ) } ########## SET NVMe TO LOWEST POWER SETTING ########## nvm_power () { for drive in $smartdrivesNVM; do current_power_state=$(($(nvmecontrol power $drive | head -1 | rev | cut -c1-2 | rev))) lowest_power_state=$(($(nvmecontrol power -l $drive | tail -1 | cut -c1-2))) if [[ $current_power_state -ne $lowest_power_state ]]; then echo "Changing "$drive" power state from "$current_power_state" to "$lowest_power_state"." fi sleep 2 nvmecontrol power -p $lowest_power_state $drive sleep 1.5 echo "Checking to see if we remained at power state "$lowest_power_state current_power_state=$(($(nvmecontrol power $drive | head -1 | rev | cut -c1-2 | rev))) echo "Power state is "$current_power_state done } ########## SEE IF 7ZIP IS LOADED AND IF NOT, INSTALL IT ########## # NOTE: We check for 7zip installed and if not install it. check_7zip () { if type "7z" &> /dev/null; then return; fi # No 7zip is installed, lets go get it. echo "Installing 7-Zip..." wget https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z2201-linux-x64.tar.xz > /dev/null 2>&1 # Get 7-zip tar xf 7z*-linux-x64.tar.xz 7zzs > /dev/null 2>&1 # Extract the executable file only # Check if /usr is readonly (SCALE 24.x started this) if grep "[[:space:]]ro[[:space:],]" /proc/mounts | grep -q "/usr"; then mount -o remount,rw '/usr' romount="true" fi cp 7zzs /usr/local/bin # Copy to /bin ln -s /usr/local/bin/7zzs /usr/local/bin/7z # Symlink it to "7z" echo "7-Zip Installed" # Cleanup if test -e "7z2201-linux-x64.tar.xz"; then rm "7z2201-linux-x64.tar.xz"; fi if test -e "7zzs"; then rm "7zzs"; fi # If /usr was originally 'ro', change it back. if [[ romount == "true" ]]; then mount -o remount,ro '/usr' fi } ########## DOWNLOAD SMR-CHECK from GITHUB ########## update_smr () { echo "Downloading SMR-CHECK Script for GitHub" echo "Removing Old Script if it exists" if test -e "/tmp/truenas-smr-check"; then rm -R "/tmp/truenas-smr-check"; echo "Directory Removed";fi # Failed, possible loop if test -e "smr-check.sh"; then rm "smr-check.sh"; echo "File Removed"; fi echo "Downloading new script files" if [[ "$(curl -is https://github.com | head -n 1)" ]]; then # Go git the file ( cd /tmp git clone -q https://github.com/basilhendroff/truenas-smr-check.git ) cp /tmp/truenas-smr-check/smr-check.sh $SCRIPT_DIR"/." fi echo "File downloaded... Continuing with Multi-Report script..." } ########## CHECK FOR GDISK/SGDISK ########## check_gdisk () { # Check for gdisk and sgdisk (FreeBSD Only) if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then if ! [[ "$(find /usr/ -name "gdisk")" ]]; then echo "gdisk not found" # WE NEED TO COPY THE FILE if ! test -e "/tmp/Multi-Report"; then if [[ "$(curl -is https://github.com | head -n 1)" ]]; then # Go git the file ( mkdir /tmp/Multi-Report cd /tmp/Multi-Report # git clone -q https://github.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report.git curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/Multi-Report/gdisk curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/Multi-Report/sgdisk ) fi else echo "/tmp/Multi-Report present, files should be on the system." fi cp /tmp/Multi-Report/gdisk /usr/local/sbin cp /tmp/Multi-Report/sgdisk /usr/local/sbin chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/gdisk chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/sgdisk echo "gdisk and sgdisk copied to /usr/local/sbin and made executable." fi if ! [[ "$(find /usr/ -name "sgdisk")" ]]; then echo "sgdisk not found" # WE NEED TO COPY THE FILE fi fi } ########## AUTOMATIC SCRIPT UPDATE ########## # This will update the script with any newer script on GitHub and is manually evoked [-update] # # How it works or might work # Check GitHub for Date on script, if that is possible. # If date/time is more current than this current script is, download the new script. # Next write the new file over the current file name. # Edit line #5 with a password if one was present. update_script () { echo "Update Script Routine" # # ENSURE WE DELETE /TMP/MULTI-REPORT DIRECTORY WHEN EITHER WE END THE SCRIPT OR START THE SCRIPT. MAYBE IN THE UPDATE? # echo "Removing Old Script Source if it exists" if test -e "/tmp/Multi-Report"; then rm -R "/tmp/Multi-Report"; fi if test -e "/tmp/multi_report_update.txt"; then rm "/tmp/multi_report_update.txt"; fi echo "Downloading new script files" if [[ "$(curl -is https://github.com | head -n 1)" ]]; then # Go git the file ( mkdir /tmp/Multi-Report cd /tmp/Multi-Report # git clone -q https://github.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report.git curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/current_script new_script=$(cat current_script) curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/${new_script} curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/current_cksum curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/Multi_Report_User_Guide.pdf curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/Multi-Report/Multi_Report_Quick_Start_Guide.pdf curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/Multi-Report/changelog.txt # GRAB DRIVE-SELFTEST SCRIPT THIS ONE TIME, ONLY BECASUE IT IS NEW. # THIS GOES AWAY IN THE NEXT VERSION OR SOMETHING SIMILAR NEEDS TO HAPPEN. ALSO VERSION CHECKING IS NEEDED TO ENSURE # WE ARE USING A COMPATABLE VERSION. ALSO ADD CHKSUM TO DRIVE-SELFTEST IN NEXT VERSION. # if ! test -e $SCRIPT_DIR"/drive_selftest.sh"; then # curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/drive_selftest_v1_2024_12_11.txt # curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/Drive_Selftest_User_Guide.pdf # cp "/tmp/Multi-Report/drive_selftest_v1_2024_12_11.txt" $SCRIPT_DIR"/"drive_selftest.sh # cp "/tmp/Multi-Report/Drive_Selftest_User_Guide.pdf" $SCRIPT_DIR"/." # fi ) # For the Public distribution GitVersion="$(cat "/tmp/Multi-Report/current_script")" validate="$(cat "/tmp/Multi-Report/current_cksum")" checksum="$(cat "/tmp/Multi-Report/current_script")" # For the Development distribution if [[ $GitHubSimulate == "true" ]]; then GitVersion="$(cat "/tmp/Multi-Report/current_script1")" validate="$(cat "/tmp/Multi-Report/current_cksum1")" checksum="$(cat "/tmp/Multi-Report/current_script1")" fi echo " " echo "Your current version is: "$CurrentFilename echo " The new version is: "$GitVersion echo " " if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then # Script Checksum checksum="$(md5 /tmp/Multi-Report/$checksum | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" else # Script Checksum checksum="$(md5sum --tag /tmp/Multi-Report/$checksum | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" fi if [[ $checksum == $validate ]]; then echo "File is valid" else echo "Downloaded file is corrupt, does not match CRC." if [[ $Automatic_Update == "true" ]]; then Automatic_Update="false" return fi fi if [[ $Automatic_Update != "true" ]]; then echo "Enter 'y' to commit or any other key to abort." read Keyboard_yn else echo "Automatic Update is Enabled..." Keyboard_yn="y" fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]] || [[ $Keyboard_yn == "Y" ]]; then echo "Updating Script..." echo "3" sed '5s/.*/TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption="'$TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption'" # Set this to "" for no encryption, MUST REMAIN ON LINE 5./' /tmp/Multi-Report/$GitVersion > /tmp/multi_report_update.txt sleep .5 # Generate the full file name minus the .txt VersionFilename="$(echo $CurrentFilename | rev | cut -d '.' -f 2,3,4,5 | rev)" echo "2" sleep .5 # Backup the original multi_report.sh file and config file to save if test -e $SCRIPT_DIR"/multi_report.sh"; then cp $SCRIPT_DIR"/multi_report.sh" $SCRIPT_DIR"/"$CurrentFilename; fi cp $SCRIPT_DIR"/multi_report_config.txt" $SCRIPT_DIR"/"$VersionFilename"_config.txt" # Check if old multi_report.sh file exists and delete if test -e $SCRIPT_DIR"/"$runfilename; then rm $SCRIPT_DIR"/"${runfilename} # Remove actual script fi # Copy the new multi_report.sh file and set permissions cp /tmp/multi_report_update.txt $SCRIPT_DIR"/"$runfilename chmod 755 $SCRIPT_DIR"/"$runfilename > /dev/null 2<&1 # Copy the User Guide echo "1" sleep .5 cp "/tmp/Multi-Report/Multi_Report_User_Guide.pdf" $SCRIPT_DIR"/." cp "/tmp/Multi-Report/Multi_Report_Quick_Start_Guide.pdf" $SCRIPT_DIR"/." > /dev/null 2<&1 cp "/tmp/Multi-Report/changelog.txt" $SCRIPT_DIR"/." echo " " echo "Your script has been updated and a new copy of the User Guide and changelog is in your directory." sleep 1 ### THIS IS NOT COMPLETE AND IS INTENTIONED TO UPDATE THE DRIVE SELF-TEST SCRIPT. # Copy the drive_selftest.sh script. When it runs, if it sees a newer version, it will automatically update itself. # cp "/tmp/Multi-Report/drive_selftest.up" $SCRIPT_DIR"/drive_selftest.sh" # Temporary to get the script on systems. # Cleanup Leftover Files if test -e "/tmp/Multi-Report"; then rm -R "/tmp/Multi-Report"; fi if test -e "/tmp/multi_report_update.txt"; then rm "/tmp/multi_report_update.txt"; fi else echo "Aborted" if test -e "/tmp/Multi-Report"; then rm -R "/tmp/Multi-Report"; fi exit 0 fi else echo "GitHub is Not Available" fi if [[ $Automatic_Update != "true" ]]; then echo "Exiting..." exit 0 fi } ########## CHECK FOR NEWER SCRIPT ########## # This will check GitHub to find out if the script is newer. # If it is newer then it will send a message to the user via email. # It's up to the user if they want the update or not. checkforupdate () { echo "Checking for Updates" if test -e "/tmp/Multi-Report"; then rm -R "/tmp/Multi-Report"; fi if [[ "$(curl -is https://github.com | head -n 1)" ]]; then # Go git the file ( cd /tmp # git clone -q https://github.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report.git # Just download the one file vice cloning the entire repository. mkdir Multi-Report cd Multi-Report curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/current_script curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/messages.txt ) # Examine the file name in 'current_script' for version and date. if test -e "/tmp/Multi-Report/current_script"; then GitVersion="$(cat "/tmp/Multi-Report/current_script" | cut -d 'v' -f 2 | cut -d '_' -f 1)" # For the Development distribution if [[ $GitHubSimulate == "true" ]]; then if test -e "/tmp/Multi-Report/current_script1"; then GitVersion="$(cat "/tmp/Multi-Report/current_script1" | cut -d 'v' -f 2 | cut -d '_' -f 1)" fi fi VersionFilename="$(echo $CurrentFilename | cut -d 'v' -f 2 | cut -d '_' -f 1)" echo "Current Version "$VersionFilename" -- GitHub Version "$GitVersion if [[ $GitVersion > $VersionFilename ]] && [[ $VersionFilename != "" ]]; then UpdateAvailable="true" echo "Update Available -- Use the '-update' switch to update the script." else echo "No Update Required" fi else echo "No GitHub Version File Available" fi else echo "GitHub.com Not Available" fi if test -e "/tmp/Multi-Report/messages.txt"; then Messages="$(cat "/tmp/Multi-Report/messages.txt")" if [[ $Messages != "" ]]; then echo "Message from Joe"; fi else echo "No GitHub Message Available" fi } ########## LOAD EXTERNAL CONFIGURATION FILE ########## load_config () { if test -e "$Config_File_Name"; then . "$Config_File_Name" # Lets test if the config file needs to be updated first. config_version_date="$(cat "$Config_File_Name" | grep "dtd" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 )" if [[ $config_version_date < $valid_config_version_date ]]; then echo "Found Old Configuration File"; echo "Automatically updating configuration file..."; update_config_file; echo "Continuing to run script"; fi . "$Config_File_Name" else echo " " echo " No Config File Exists --- Checking for a valid email within the script..." if [[ $Email == "YourEmail@Address.com" ]]; then echo " " echo " No Valid Email Address..." echo " Recommend running script with the '-config' switch and selecting" echo " the N)ew Configuration option." echo " " echo "... Exiting" echo " " exit 1 else echo "Valid Email within the script = "$Email", using script parameters..." echo " " External_Config="no" return fi fi } ########## CLEAR VARIABLES ########## # Setup variables for each drive pass. clear_variables () { altlastTestHours="" altlastTestType="" capacity="" chkreadfailure="" crcErrors="" crcErrorsOrig="" devicetype="" Helium="" He2="" lastTestHours="" lastTestType="" loadCycle="" mediaErrorsOrig="" modelnumber="" multiZone="" multiZoneOrig="" nvm_power_level="" NVMcriticalWarning="" NVMelastTestHoursFake="" offlineUnc="" onHours="" onTime="" pending="" rawReadErrorRate="" rawReadErrorRate2="" reAlloc="" reAllocEvent="" reAllocEventOrig="" reAllocOrig="" rotation="" seek="" seekErrorHealth="" seekErrorHealth2="" seekErrorRate="" SER="" serial="" serial1="" smartStatus="" smarttesting="" spinRetry="" startStop="" tdw="" temp="" temp_max="" temp_min="" testAge="" test_ata_error="" WarrantyClock="" warrantytemp="" wearLevel="" wearLevelAdj="" zpool_TDR="" ssdtdr="" # And Reset bgColors if [[ "$bgColor" == "$altColor" ]]; then bgColor="#ffffff"; else bgColor="$altColor"; fi crcErrorsColor=$bgColor deviceStatusColor=$bgColor HeliumColor=$bgColor lastTestTypeColor=$bgColor mediaErrorsColor=$bgColor multiZoneColor=$bgColor NVMcriticalWarningColor=$bgColor offlineUncColor=$bgColor onTimeColor=$bgColor pendingColor=$bgColor rawReadErrorRateColor=$bgColor reAllocColor=$bgColor reAllocEventColor=$bgColor seekErrorHealthColor=$bgColor smartStatusColor=$bgColor smrColor=$bgColor spinRetryColor=$bgColor tempColor=$bgColor temp_maxColor=$bgColor testAgeColor=$bgColor WarrantyBackgroundColor=$bgColor WarrantyBoxColor="black" wearLevelColor=$bgColor } ########## CHECK FOR SMR DRIVE ######### check_for_smr () { if [[ $smr_already_tested -eq 1 ]]; then return; else smr_already_tested=1; fi smr_present="" if ! test -e "$SCRIPT_DIR/smr-check.sh"; then #echo "Basil Heddroff's 'smr-check.sh' script is not present." if [[ "$SMR_Update" == "true" ]]; then echo "SMR Update Authorized, grabbing a copy from Github..." update_smr else if [[ $get_smr_update_message == "" ]]; then echo "SMR Drive Check - No File Present" echo "Please use '-smr_update' switch to obtain smr-check.sh from Github." get_smr_update_message="Already Posted the message once." fi fi fi if test -e "$SCRIPT_DIR/smr-check.sh"; then if [[ "$($SCRIPT_DIR"/smr-check.sh" | grep $serial)" ]]; then smr_present=$serial if [[ $SMR_Ignore_Alarm != "true" ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" is probably an SMR Drive.
")" fi fi > /dev/null 2<&1 fi } ########## CONVERT TO DECIMAL ########## # Convert any number into decimal format convert_to_decimal () { if [[ "$1" == "" ]]; then return; fi Converting_Value=${1#0} Converting_Value="${Converting_Value//,}" Return_Value=$Converting_Value if [[ $1 == "0" ]]; then Return_Value=0; fi } ########## SORT DRIVES ROUTINE for CORE ########## # Sort drives into alphabetical order. sort_drives () { sort_list=$(for i in `echo $sort_list`; do echo "$i" done | sort -V) } ########## SORT DRIVES ROUTINE for SCALE ########## # Sort drives into alphabetical order. sort_drives_scale () { sort_list_short=$(for i in `echo $sort_list`; do echo "$i" done | awk 'length<4' | sort -V) sort_list_long=$(for i in `echo $sort_list`; do echo "$i" done | awk 'length>3' | sort -V) sort_list=$sort_list_short" "$sort_list_long sort_list="$(echo $sort_list | tr -s " ")" } ########## REMOVE DUPLICATE DRIVE SERIAL NUMBERS - MULTIPATH FIX ########## remove_duplicate () { # Passed Variable is 'duplicate_list' good_serial="" good_drive="" bad_drive="" bad_serial="" good_gptid="" bad_gptid="" s_serial="" d_serial="" u_serial="" # Get drive serial number for i in ${duplicate_list}; do # Drive ID's smartdata5="$(smartctl -x --json=u /dev/"$i")" if [[ "$(echo ${smartdata5} | grep -i "SCSI")" ]]; then # First, is this SCSI interface. if [[ "$(smartctl -d sat -x --json=u /dev/"$i" | grep -i "serial_number")" ]]; then # Is this SCSI to ATA Translation smartdata5="$(smartctl -d sat -x --json=u /dev/"$i")" # Yes, then reload the newer SMART data smartdata="$(smartctl -d sat -a --json=u /dev/"$i")" fi fi # Need to put simulated smartdata5 here. dup_test="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.serial_number | values' | tr -d ' ')" # Drive Serial Number # Get the gptid if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then # For FreeBSD gptid_test="$(glabel status | tail -n +2 | grep " $i" | cut -d '/' -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1)" else # For Debian gptid_test="$(lsblk -o +PARTUUID,NAME,LABEL | grep "$i" | egrep -v "swap" | grep "part" | awk '{print $7}' | tail -n1)" fi # Save some data for Multipath='serial' s_serial=$s_serial" "$dup_test d_serial=$d_serial" "$i # 'normal' runs well here. Flag duplicate serial numbers and record those and gptid if [[ "$Multipath" != "serial" ]]; then if [[ ! "$good_serial" == *"$dup_test"* ]]; then #good_serial=$good_serial" "$dup_test if [[ $good_drive == "" ]]; then good_drive=$i good_gptid=$gptid_test good_serial=$dup_test else good_drive=$good_drive" "$i good_gptid=$good_gptid" "$gptid_test good_serial=$good_serial" "$dup_test fi else bad_serial=$bad_serial" "$dup_test bad_gptid=$bad_gptid" "$gptid_test # Check against good_gptid if [[ "$Multipath" != "off" && "$Multipath" != "normal" ]]; then # Do the script if we are ensuring no duplicate gptid. if [[ "$good_gptid" == *"$gptid_test"* ]]; then # This gptid exists in the good_gptid table, we can ignore this one. if [[ $bad_drive == "" ]]; then bad_drive=$i bad_gptid=$gptid_test else bad_drive=$bad_drive" "$i bad_gptid=$bad_gptid" "$gptid_test fi else # ELSE this is a second gptid on the same drive, lets keep it. good_drive=$good_drive" "$i good_gptid=$good_gptid" "$gptid_test fi else # ELSE No duplicate serial numbers, no checking of gptid at all. if [[ $bad_drive == "" ]]; then bad_drive=$i bad_gptid=$gptid_test else bad_drive=$bad_drive" "$i bad_gptid=$bad_gptid" "$gptid_test fi fi fi else good_serial=$good_serial" "$dup_test fi done if [[ "$Multipath" == "serial" ]]; then # Sort by serial number u_serial=$(echo $s_serial | tr -s " ") sort_list=$s_serial if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then sort_drives else sort_drives_scale fi s_serial=$sort_list d_serial=$(echo $d_serial | tr -s " ") # We have serial numbers sorted. Now look up the drives by serial number for k in ${s_serial}; do # Not used except to loop the number of times for serial numbers. st="1" good_test="" for j in ${u_serial}; do # Rotate through all the sorted serial numbers, the order they are displayed good_test="$(echo $u_serial | awk '{print $var}' var="${st}")" if [[ "$j" == "$k" ]]; then good_test="$(echo $d_serial | awk '{print $var}' var="${st}")" good_drive=$good_drive" "$good_test continue else st=$((${st} + 1)) fi done done fi if [[ "$Develop" == "true" ]]; then echo "----" echo "good_drive="$good_drive echo "good_serial="$good_serial echo "good_gptid="$good_gptid echo "---" echo "bad_drive="$bad_drive echo "bad_serial="$bad_serial echo "bad_gptid="$bad_gptid fi duplicate_list=$good_drive } ########## CONVERT TEST DRIVE NUMBERS INTO SCALE DRIVE NAMES ########## # This will convert ada"1" into sd"a", ada"26" into sd"z", etc. # Incoming and outgoing variable is "numbertoletters" # Accommodating 208 drives in SCALE ! number_to_letters () { declare -i j=$numbertoletters+1 if [[ $j -gt 182 && $j -lt 209 ]]; then # First Character 'd' declare -i scaleid=$(($j-182)) firstletter="g" declare -i k=$[ 96+${scaleid} ] secondletter=$(printf \\$(printf '%03o' $k)) fi if [[ $j -gt 156 && $j -lt 183 ]]; then # First Character 'd' declare -i scaleid=$(($j-156)) firstletter="f" declare -i k=$[ 96+${scaleid} ] secondletter=$(printf \\$(printf '%03o' $k)) fi if [[ $j -gt 130 && $j -lt 157 ]]; then # First Character 'd' declare -i scaleid=$(($j-130)) firstletter="e" declare -i k=$[ 96+${scaleid} ] secondletter=$(printf \\$(printf '%03o' $k)) fi if [[ $j -gt 104 && $j -lt 131 ]]; then # First Character 'd' declare -i scaleid=$(($j-104)) firstletter="d" declare -i k=$[ 96+${scaleid} ] secondletter=$(printf \\$(printf '%03o' $k)) fi if [[ $j -gt 78 && $j -lt 105 ]]; then # First Character 'c' declare -i scaleid=$(($j-78)) firstletter="c" declare -i k=$[ 96+${scaleid} ] secondletter=$(printf \\$(printf '%03o' $k)) fi if [[ $j -gt 52 && $j -lt 79 ]]; then # First Character 'b' declare -i scaleid=$(($j-52)) firstletter="b" declare -i k=$[ 96+${scaleid} ] secondletter=$(printf \\$(printf '%03o' $k)) fi if [[ $j -gt 26 && $j -lt 53 ]]; then # First Character 'a' declare -i scaleid=$(($j-26)) firstletter="a" declare -i k=$[ 96+${scaleid} ] secondletter=$(printf \\$(printf '%03o' $k)) fi numbertoletters=$firstletter$secondletter if [[ $j -lt 27 ]]; then declare -i k=$[ 96+${j} ] firstletter=$(printf \\$(printf '%03o' $k)) numbertoletters=$firstletter fi } ########## PURGE OLD DATA FROM CSV FILE ########## # This routine will purge the "statistical_data_file" of data older then "SDF_DataPurgeDays". purge_exportdata () { # Delete temp file if it exists if test -e "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv"; then rm "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv"; fi if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then expireDate=$(date -v -"$SDF_DataPurgeDays"d +%Y/%m/%d) else expireDate=$(date -d "$SDF_DataPurgeDays days ago" +%Y/%m/%d) fi awk -v expireDate="$expireDate" -F, '{ if($1 >= expireDate) print $0;}' "$statistical_data_file" > "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv" cp -R "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv" "$statistical_data_file" } ########## PURGE TEST DATA FROM CSV FILE ########## # This routine will purge the "statistical_data_file" of test data matching "TEST". purge_testdata () { echo "Purging Statistical Database of Test Data" # Delete temp file if it exists if test -e "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv"; then rm "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv"; fi awk -F, '{ if($3 != "TEST") print $0;}' "$statistical_data_file" > "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv" cp -R "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv" "$statistical_data_file" } ########## UPDATE CSV HEADER ########## # This will rewrite the log file header first line automatically is the goal. rewrite_csv () { # Delete temp file if it exists if test -e "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv"; then rm "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv"; fi # Does file exist? # If the file does not exist, create it. printf "Date,Time,Device ID,Drive Type,Serial Number,SMART Status,Temp,Power On Hours,Wear Level,Start Stop Count,Load Cycle,Spin Retry,Reallocated Sectors,\ Reallocated Sector Events,Pending Sectors,Offline Uncorrectable,UDMA CRC Errors,Seek Error Rate,Multi Zone Errors,Read Error Rate,Helium Level,Total MBytes Written,Total MBytes Read\n" > "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv" # Now read current CSV file, skip line 1 and write the rest to the temp file. cat $statistical_data_file | tail -n +2 >> "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv" # Save the new file cp -R "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv" "$statistical_data_file" } ########## READ TDW DATA FROM CSV FILE Current Month or Past 30 days ########## read_csv () { # Delete temp file if it exists if test -e "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv"; then rm "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv"; fi if [[ $1 == "month" ]]; then if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then expireDate=$(date -v -1m +%Y/%m/01) else expireDate=$(date -d '-1months' +%Y/%m/01) fi else if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then expireDate=$(date -v -30d +%Y/%m/%d) else expireDate=$(date -d '-30days' +%Y/%m/%d) fi fi # Need to read the date, S/N, and TDW, then make sure we can set TDW variable # Remove all earlier data and put rest in a temp file. awk -v expireDate="$expireDate" -F, '{ if($1 >= expireDate) print $0;}' "$statistical_data_file" > "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv" # Start at the beginning of the file, search for serial number, when match, grab last entry (TDW) tdw_read="$(cat /tmp/temp_purge_file.csv | grep -m 1 "${serial}" | cut -d',' -f22)" tdr_read="$(cat /tmp/temp_purge_file.csv | grep -m 1 "${serial}" | cut -d',' -f23)" # Place a fake zero in place of a null for the older file structure if [[ $tdw_read == "" ]]; then tdw_read="0" logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "No Statistical data on file for this drive "$drive".
If this is the first time testing this drive with Multi-Report, you can ignore this message.
")" fi if [[ $tdr_read == "" ]]; then tdr_read="0"; fi # echo "No Statistical data on file for this drive."; fi if test -e "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv"; then rm "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv"; fi } ########## CLEAN UP TEMPORARY FILES ########## cleanup_files () { ### Clean up our temporary files if test -e "/tmp/temp_purge_file.csv"; then rm /tmp/temp_purge_file.csv; fi if test -e "/tmp/*smart_report*"; then rm /tmp/*smart_report*; fi # > /dev/null 2>&1 if test -e "/tmp/${tempfilepath}*"; then rm /tmp/${tempfilepath}*; fi # > /dev/null 2>&1 ### Clean up multiple drive data files f=(/tmp/*_a.txt) if [[ -f "${f[0]}" ]]; then rm /tmp/*_a.txt; fi f=(/tmp/*_x.txt) if [[ -f "${f[0]}" ]]; then rm /tmp/*_x.txt; fi f=(/tmp/*.json) if [[ -f "${f[0]}" ]]; then rm /tmp/*.json; fi f=(/tmp/*.partition) if [[ -f "${f[0]}" ]]; then rm /tmp/*.partition; fi f=(/tmp/*.tar) if [[ -f "${f[0]}" ]]; then rm /tmp/*.tar; fi f=(/tmp/zfslist.txt) if [[ -f "${f[0]}" ]]; then rm /tmp/zfslist.txt; fi f=(/tmp/zpoollist.txt) if [[ -f "${f[0]}" ]]; then rm /tmp/zpoollist.txt; fi f=(/tmp/zpoolstatus.txt) if [[ -f "${f[0]}" ]]; then rm /tmp/zpoolstatus.txt; fi f=(/tmp/*smart_report*) if [[ -f "${f[0]}" ]]; then rm /tmp/*smart_report*; fi f=(/tmp/truenas-smr-check) if [[ -f "${f[0]}" ]]; then rm -R /tmp/truenas-smr-check; fi if [[ -f "/tmp/selftestlog" ]]; then rm /tmp/selftestlog; fi # if [[ -f "/tmp/*.partition" ]]; then rm /tmp/*.partition; fi if [[ -d "/tmp/Multi-Report" ]]; then rm -R "/tmp/Multi-Report"; fi ### Clean up individual files if test -e "/tmp/${Config_Name}.db"; then rm "/tmp/${Config_Name}.db"; fi if test -e "/tmp/config_backup.md5"; then rm /tmp/config_backup.md5; fi if test -e "/tmp/config_backup.sha256"; then rm /tmp/config_backup.sha256; fi if test -e "/tmp/${Config_Name}.zip"; then rm "/tmp/$Config_Name.zip"; fi if test -e "/tmp/${Config_Name}.tar"; then rm "/tmp/$Config_Name.tar"; fi if test -e "/tmp/freenas-v1.db"; then rm "/tmp/freenas-v1.db"; fi if test -e "/tmp/freenas-v1.md5"; then rm "/tmp/freenas-v1.md5"; fi if test -e "/tmp/freenas-v1.sha256"; then rm "/tmp/freenas-v1.sha256"; fi if test -e "/tmp/pwenc_secret"; then rm "/tmp/pwenc_secret"; fi if test -e "/tmp/pwenc_secret.md5"; then rm "/tmp/pwenc_secret.md5"; fi if test -e "/tmp/pwenc_secret.sha256"; then rm "/tmp/pwenc_secret.sha256"; fi if test -e "/tmp/drive_selftest_log.txt"; then rm "/tmp/drive_selftest_log.txt"; fi if test -e "/tmp/attachment.json"; then rm "/tmp/attachment.json"; fi if test -e "/tmp/attachment_files.txt"; then rm "/tmp/attachment_files.txt"; fi if test -e "/tmp/memory_free.txt"; then rm "/tmp/memory_free.txt"; fi if test -e "/tmp/gptid.txt"; then rm "/tmp/gptid.txt"; fi if test -e "/tmp/json_error_log.txt"; then rm "/tmp/json_error_log.txt"; fi if test -e "/tmp/logfile_tmp"; then rm "/tmp/logfile_tmp"; fi if test -e "/tmp/output.html"; then rm "/tmp/output.html"; fi # if test -e "/tmp/dump.tar"; then rm "/tmp/dump.tar"; fi if test -e "/tmp/mr_sendemail.py"; then rm "/tmp/mr_sendemail.py"; fi if test -e "/tmp/mr_sendemail_cksum.txt"; then rm "/tmp/mr_sendemail_cksum.txt"; fi if test -e "/tmp/attachment_files2.txt"; then rm "/tmp/attachment_files2.txt"; fi ### Clean up Spencer File if test -e "/tmp/spencer_report.txt"; then rm "/tmp/spencer_report.txt"; fi ### Clean up Drive Self-test files if test -e "/tmp/drive_test_temp.txt"; then rm "/tmp/drive_test_temp.txt"; fi if test -e "/tmp/drive_test_timer_temp.txt"; then rm "/tmp/drive_test_timer_temp.txt"; fi if test -e "/tmp/smartdrive_selftest_text.txt"; then rm "/tmp/smartdrive_selftest_text.txt"; fi ### Clean up complete! } #################### EMAIL FUNCTIONS #################### ########## EMAIL EXPORT DATA CSV FILE ########## # Attach statistical data file Email_datafile () { if [ "$SDF_DataEmail" == "true" ]; then Now=$(date +"%a") doit="false" case $SDF_DataEmailDay in All) doit="true" ;; Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) if [[ "$SDF_DataEmailDay" == "$Now" ]]; then doit="true"; fi ;; Month) if [[ $(date +"%d") == "01" ]]; then doit="true"; fi ;; *) ;; esac if [[ "$doit" == "true" ]]; then Attach_Statistical_File="true"; Attach_Files1="true"; else Attach_Statistical_File="false"; fi doit="" fi if [[ "$MRConfigEmailEnable" == "true" ]]; then if [[ "$MR_Attach_Config" == "1" ]]; then doit="true"; fi Now=$(date +"%a") case $MRConfigEmailDay in All) doit="true" ;; Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) if [[ "$MRConfigEmailDay" == "$Now" ]]; then doit="true"; fi ;; Month) if [[ $(date +"%d") == "01" ]]; then doit="true"; fi ;; Never) ;; *) ;; esac if [[ "$doit" == "true" ]] || [[ "$dump_all" != "0" ]]; then Attach_Multi_Report="true"; Attach_Files1="true"; else Attach_Multi_Report="false"; fi fi } ########## COMBINE ALL DATA INTO A FORMAL EMAIL MESSAGE AND SEND IT ########## # Create Email Header and Send Email get_sendemail () { # Generate the Python based sendemail.py file # Big thanks goes out to @oxyde if [[ "$(curl -is https://github.com | head -n 1)" ]]; then # Go git the file ( cd /tmp curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/mr_sendemail.py # curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/mr_sendemail_cksum.txt ) # Still need to do the cksum on the file. cp /tmp/mr_sendemail.py $SCRIPT_DIR"/mr_sendemail.py" else echo "github not available, try again later" exit 1 fi } create_Email () { # Test if there is a Warning Message and Setup Subject Line if [[ $logfile_critical != "" ]]; then subject=$Subject_Line_Critical elif [[ $logfile_warning != "" ]]; then subject=$Subject_Line_Warning elif [[ $DisableWarranty == "false" ]]; then if [[ ! $logfile_warranty == "" ]]; then subject=${host}" *Drive Warranty Expired* - SMART Testing Results" else subject=$Subject_Line_Normal fi else subject=$Subject_Line_Normal fi if [[ $Monitor == "true" ]]; then Email=$AlertEmail subject="${host} -> ALERT" fi ### Set email headers ### if test -e "${logfile_header}"; then rm "${logfile_header}"; fi if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" != "No" ]]; then # Add this if sendmail works. ( echo "MIME-Version: 1.0" echo "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=${boundary}" echo "From: ${From}" echo "To: ${Email}" echo "Subject: ${subject}" echo " " echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" ) > ${logfile_header} fi ( if [[ $Monitor == "false" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo $programver | grep -i "beta")" ]] || [[ $UpdateAvailable == "true" ]]; then echo ""; fi echo $programver"
Report Run "$(date "+%d-%b-%Y %A")" @ "$timestamp"
" echo $programver4"
" duration=$SECONDS if [[ $duration -lt 60 ]]; then echo "Script Execution Time: $(($duration % 60)) Seconds" else echo "Script Execution Time: $(($duration / 60)) Minutes : $(($duration % 60)) Seconds" fi if [[ $UpdateAvailable == "true" ]]; then echo "
UPDATE AVAILABLE --> "$GitVersion; fi if [[ $Messages != "" ]]; then echo "
Message from Joe: "$Messages"
"; fi if [[ "$(echo $programver | grep -i "beta")" ]] || [[ $UpdateAvailable == "true" ]]; then echo "
"; fi if [[ $TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption != "" ]] && [[ $Config_Encrypted == "true" ]]; then echo "
Attached zip file is encrypted."; fi echo "

" # Keyboard_Message comes from the '-dump email' command. if [[ $Keyboard_Message != "" ]]; then echo ""$Keyboard_Message"

" fi fi ) >> ${logfile_header} cat $logfile >> $logfile_header ### Send report # sendmail -t -oi < "$logfile_header" ### WORKS, Need to structure the command and then pass as the entire command. cat $logfile_header > /tmp/logfile_tmp # THIS LINE ALONE IS REQUIRED TO PREPROCESS THE HTML AND SEND NO ATTACHMENTS html_data=$(cat /tmp/logfile_tmp | jq -Rs .) #Expecting ',' delimiter: line 1 column 145 (char 144) if [[ $truenas_sendmail_support == "No" ]]; then # ONLY DO THIS IF WE MUST USE CURL, FORCING ATTACHMENTS. if ! test -e "/tmp/attachment_files.txt"; then touch /tmp/attachment_files.txt # NEED THIS TO CREATE AN EMPTY FILE. THIS IS A TEMOPARY MEASURE UNTIL WE CAN SEND HTML IN CRON, LIKE WE CAN IN CLI. fi fi if test -e /tmp/attachment_files.txt; then # echo "File Attachments Section" # WE NEED TO FORCE EVERYTHING TO BE AN ATTACHMENT UNTIL WE CAN FIX THE ISSUE WITH THE BODY NOT ACCEPTING THE FULL HTML FILE. create_attachment_file $logfile_header Chart.html # echo "dump_all="$dump_all # exit if [[ $dump_all != "0" ]]; then tar_attachments fi while read line; do eval "$line"; done < /tmp/attachment_files.txt html_data="Due to TrueNAS 24.10.1 and later (for now) changing the email software, the chart you are use to seeing is now an attachment called 'Chart.html'.

This will only happen when you have attachments acompanying the email. If you have no attachments then the Email body will display the Chart.html data as it use to.

This will be fixed as soon as a solution becomes available.

Thank you,
The Management" if [[ $subject == $Subject_Line_Normal ]]; then html_data="All is NORMAL.

TrueNAS 24.10.1 and later currently do not support sending a complex email body. We have resorted to sending the information as an attachment until this can be rectified.

Thank you,
The Management" elif [[ $subject == $Subject_Line_Warning ]]; then html_data="You have a WARNING present. Please refer to the Chart.html attachemnt for further information.

TrueNAS 24.10.1 and later currently do not support sending a complex email body. We have resorted to sending the information as an attachment until this can be rectified.

Thank you,
The Management" else # Must be critical. html_data="You have a CRITICAL ALERT present. Refer to the Chart.html attachemnt for further information.

TrueNAS 24.10.1 and later currently do not support sending a complex email body. We have resorted to sending the information as an attachment until this can be rectified.

Thank you,
The Management" fi else # echo "NO File Attachments Section" html_data=$(cat /tmp/logfile_tmp | jq -Rs .) # THIS WORKS ONLY FOR NO ATTACHMENTS, SO FAR. fi # No Attachments (No attachment file required) (works) if ! test -e "/tmp/attachment.json"; then # echo "truenas_ver="$truenas_ver # echo "truenas_sendmail_support="$truenas_sendmail_support if [[ $truenas_sendmail_support == "Yes" ]]; then sendmail -t -oi < "$logfile_header" # I have no idea if the format will be good or not. else #echo "Must be SCALE - No Attachments" ( midclt call -job mail.send "{ \"subject\": \"${subject}\", \"html\": $html_data, \"to\": [\"${Email}\"] }" ) #> /dev/null 2<&1 fi else #echo "Must be SCALE - With Attachments" # With Attachments (works) # port_address=$(midclt call system.general.config | jq | grep ui_port | sed "s/[^0-9.]*//g") sed 's/\w*.//' /tmp/attachment_files.txt | sed 's/\s.*$//' > /tmp/attachment_files2.txt sleep .1 if test -e "/tmp/temp_attach.txt"; then rm /tmp/temp_attach.txt; fi while read line; do attachment+=("$line") done < /tmp/attachment_files2.txt #echo ${attachment[@]} > test.txt if ! test -e mr_sendemail.py; then # We need to generate the Python Script echo "Downloading @oxyde's sendemail.py script to send emails..." get_sendemail fi echo "Sending Email Courtesy of @oxyde" ( python3 mr_sendemail.py \ --subject "$subject" \ --to_address "$Email" \ --mail_body_html "/tmp/logfile_tmp" \ --attachment_files "${attachment[@]}" ) > /dev/null 2<&1 #( curl -k –location-trusted -i -u $curl_account:$curl_password --form-string 'data={"method": "mail.send", "params": [{"subject": "'"${subject}"'", "to": ["'"${Email}"'"], "html": "'"${html_data}"'", "attachments": true}]}' -F "file=@/tmp/attachment.json"${port_address}/_upload/) > /dev/null 2<&1 fi if test -e "/tmp/attachment.json"; then rm "/tmp/attachment.json"; fi } ########## TRUENAS CONFIGURATION BACKUP ########## # TrueNAS Configuration Backup (if enabled) config_backup () { if [[ "$Monitor" == "true" ]]; then return; fi ###### Config backup (if enabled) if [ "$TrueNASConfigEmailEnable" == "true" ]; then Now=$(date +"%a") doit="false" case $TrueNASConfigEmailDay in All) doit="true" ;; Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) if [[ "$TrueNASConfigEmailDay" == "$Now" ]]; then doit="true" fi ;; Month) if [[ $(date +"%d") == "01" ]]; then doit="true" fi ;; *) ;; esac if [[ "$doit" == "true" ]]; then # Set up file names, etc for later tarfile="/tmp/config_backup.zip" ### Test config integrity if ! [ "$(sqlite3 /data/freenas-v1.db "pragma integrity_check;")" == "ok" ]; then # Config integrity check failed, set MIME content type to html and print warning if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "echo 'echo "Automatic backup of FreeNAS configuration has failed! The configuration file is corrupted!" echo "You should correct this problem as soon as possible!" echo "
"'" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Automatic backup of FreeNAS configuration has failed! The configuration file is corrupted!" echo "You should correct this problem as soon as possible!" echo "
" ) >> "$logfile" fi else Attach_TrueNAS_Config="true" Attach_Files1="true" # Config integrity check passed; copy config db, generate checksums, make .zip archive cp /data/freenas-v1.db "/tmp/freenas-v1.db" cp /data/pwenc_secret "/tmp/pwenc_secret" if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then md5 "/tmp/freenas-v1.db" > /tmp/freenas-v1.md5 sha256 "/tmp/freenas-v1.db" > /tmp/freenas-v1.sha256 md5 "/tmp/pwenc_secret" > /tmp/pwenc_secret.md5 sha256 "/tmp/pwenc_secret" > /tmp/pwenc_secret.sha256 else md5sum "/tmp/freenas-v1.db" > /tmp/freenas-v1.md5 sha256sum "/tmp/freenas-v1.db" > /tmp/freenas-v1.sha256 md5sum "/tmp/pwenc_secret" > /tmp/pwenc_secret.md5 sha256sum "/tmp/pwenc_secret" > /tmp/pwenc_secret.sha256 fi if [[ $TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption != "" ]]; then Config_Name="$(date "+"$host"_Config_"$programver3"_%Y-%m-%d.zip")" Config_Encrypted="true" else Config_Name="$(date "+"$host"_Config_"$programver3"_%Y-%m-%d.tar")" fi ( cd "/tmp/" || exit; if [[ $TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption != "" ]]; then if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then # Core - Encrypt 7z a "${Config_Name}" ./freenas-v1.db ./pwenc_secret -tzip -mem=AES256 -mx1 -p${TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption} > /dev/null 2<&1 else # Scale - Encrypt (using local copy) 7z a "${Config_Name}" ./freenas-v1.db ./pwenc_secret -tzip -mem=AES256 -mx1 -p${TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption} > /dev/null 2<&1 fi else if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then # Core - UnEncrypted tar -czf "${Config_Name}" ./freenas-v1.db ./pwenc_secret > /dev/null 2<&1 else # Scale - UnEncrypted tar -czf "${Config_Name}" ./freenas-v1.db ./pwenc_secret > /dev/null 2<&1 fi fi ) # If logfile saving is enabled, copy .zip file to specified location before it (and everything else) is removed below if [ "$TrueNASConfigBackupSave" == "true" ]; then TrueNASConfigBackupLocation="$(echo $TrueNASConfigBackupLocation | sed 's:/*$::')" if [[ $TrueNASConfigBackupLocation != "/tmp" ]]; then cp "/tmp/${Config_Name}" "${TrueNASConfigBackupLocation}/${Config_Name}" fi fi fi fi fi } ########## DUMP PARTITION DATA ########## dump_drive_partition () { if [[ "$drive" != "cd0" ]]; then tempjson="$(smartctl -x --json /dev/${drive})" serial1="$(echo "${tempjson}" | jq -Mre '.serial_number | values' | tr -d ' ')" rpm="$(echo "${tempjson}" | jq -Mre '.rotation_rate | values')" if [[ "$rpm" == "0" ]]; then drivetype="SSD"; else drivetype="HDD"; fi # if [[ "$(echo $tempjson | grep -i "nvm")" ]]; then drivetype="NVM"; fi if [[ $Partition_Backup == "true" ]] && [[ $Attach_Files1 == "true" ]]; then if test -e "/tmp/${tempfilepath}_${drive}_${serial1}.partition"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/${tempfilepath}_${drive}_${serial1}.partition ${serial1}_SGDISK_Partition.par" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=${serial1}_SGDISK_Partition.par" base64 "/tmp/${tempfilepath}_${drive}_${serial1}.partition" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi fi fi } ########## DUMP DRIVE DATA ########## # This routine will dump the selected drive data into individual files for troubleshooting. dump_drive_data () { if [[ "$drive" != "cd0" ]]; then tempjson="$(smartctl -x --json /dev/${drive})" serial1="$(echo "${tempjson}" | jq -Mre '.serial_number | values' | tr -d ' ')" rpm="$(echo "${tempjson}" | jq -Mre '.rotation_rate | values')" if [[ "$rpm" == "0" ]]; then drivetype="SSD"; else drivetype="HDD"; fi if [[ "$(echo $tempjson | grep -i "nvm")" ]]; then drivetype="NVM"; fi # ( if [[ $json_error_log != "" ]]; then if test -e "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drive}_${serial1}_a.txt"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/${tempfilepath}${drive}_${serial1}_a.txt ${drive}_${serial1}_a.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=${drive}_${serial1}_a.txt" base64 "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drive}_${serial1}_a.txt" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi if test -e "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drive}_${serial1}_x.txt"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/${tempfilepath}${drive}_${serial1}_x.txt ${drive}_${serial1}_x.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=${drive}_${serial1}_x.txt" base64 "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drive}_${serial1}_x.txt" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi fi # Get all the data, NVMe may not produce results until TrueNAS has incorporated the middleware. if [[ $(midclt call disk.smart_attributes $drive | jq | grep "python") == "" ]]; then midclt call disk.smart_attributes $drive | jq > "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_API.json" fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if test -e "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_API.json"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_API.json ${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_API.json" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_API.json" base64 "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_API.json" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi if test -e "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}.json"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}.json ${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}.json" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}.json" base64 "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}.json" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi if [[ $drivetype == "NVM" ]]; then if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then $(nvmecontrol logpage -p 0x06 $drive > /tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Selftest_Log.json) $(nvmecontrol logpage -p 0x01 $drive > /tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Error_Log.json) else $(nvme self-test-log --output-format=json /dev/${drive} > /tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Selftest_Log.json) $(nvme error-log /dev/${drive} > /tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Error_Log.json) fi fi if test -e "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Selftest_Log.json"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Selftest_Log.json ${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Selftest_Log.json" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Selftest_Log.json" base64 "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Selftest_Log.json" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi if test -e "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Error_Log.json"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Error_Log.json ${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Error_Log.json" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Error_Log.json" base64 "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}_Error_Log.json" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi if [[ $Partition_Backup == "true" ]] && [[ $Attach_Files1 == "true" ]]; then if test -e "/tmp/${tempfilepath}_${drive}_${serial1}.partition"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/${tempfilepath}_${drive}_${serial1}.partition ${serial1}_SGDISK_Partition.par" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=${serial1}_SGDISK_Partition.par" base64 "/tmp/${tempfilepath}_${drive}_${serial1}.partition" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi fi if test -e "/tmp/multi_report_errors.txt"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/multi_report_errors.txt multi_report_errors.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=multi_report_errors.txt" base64 "/tmp/multi_report_errors.txt" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi if test -e "/tmp/drive_test_temp.txt"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then if ! grep -q "drive_test_temp.txt" "/tmp/attachment_files.txt"; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/drive_test_temp.txt drive_test_temp.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) fi else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=drive_test_temp.txt" base64 "/tmp/drive_test_temp.txt" rm "/tmp/drive_test_temp.txt" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi if test -e "/tmp/drive_test_timer_temp.txt"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then if ! grep -q "drive_test_timer_temp.txt" "/tmp/attachment_files.txt"; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/drive_test_timer_temp.txt drive_test_timer_temp.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) fi else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=drive_test_timer_temp.txt" base64 "/tmp/drive_test_timer_temp.txt" rm "/tmp/drive_test_timer_temp.txt" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi if test -e "/tmp/memory_free.txt"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/memory_free.txt memory_free.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=memory_free.txt" base64 "/tmp/memory_free.txt" rm "/tmp/memory_free.txt" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi # ) >> "$logfile" fi } #################### ZPOOL FUNCTIONS #################### ########## GENERATE ZPOOL REPORT ########## # Report Summary Section (html tables) zpool_report () { if [[ "$Monitor" == "false" ]]; then ( echo "" if [[ $Pool_Capacity_Type == "zfs" ]]; then echo "" else echo "" fi echo "" echo " " echo " " echo " " echo " " echo " " echo " " echo " " echo " " echo " " echo " " echo " " echo " " echo " " echo " " echo "" ) > "$logfile" fi # Let's find out the name of the pools and sort them. if [[ "$testdata" == "-t" ]]; then # Use IMPORTED test data echo "Zpool Does not Function Yet. Next Revision." ### Until is does function, use the system at hand for the data. pools="$(zpool list -H -o name | sort)" else pools="$(zpool list -H -o name | sort)" fi poolNum=0 # Alternate background in pools table tempIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for pool in $pools; do scrub_errors=0 # zpool health summary pool_length=$(wc -w <<< $pool) status="$(zpool list -H -o health "$pool")" # Total all read, write, and checksum errors per pool errors="$(zpool status "$pool" | grep -E "(ONLINE|DEGRADED|FAULTED|UNAVAIL|REMOVED)[ \\t]+[0-9]+")" Errors_Loc=$(( $pool_length + 2 )) readErrors=0 for err in $(echo "$errors" | awk -v shift="$Errors_Loc" '{print $shift}'); do if echo "$err" | grep -E -q "[^0-9]+"; then readErrors=1000 break fi readErrors=$((readErrors + err)) done Errors_Loc=$(( $pool_length + 3 )) writeErrors=0 for err in $(echo "$errors" | awk -v shift="$Errors_Loc" '{print $shift}'); do if echo "$err" | grep -E -q "[^0-9]+"; then writeErrors=1000 break fi writeErrors=$((writeErrors + err)) done Errors_Loc=$(( $pool_length + 4 )) cksumErrors=0 for err in $(echo "$errors" | awk -v shift="$Errors_Loc" '{print $shift}'); do if echo "$err" | grep -E -q "[^0-9]+"; then cksumErrors=1000 break fi cksumErrors=$((cksumErrors + err)) done if [[ $readErrors -ne 0 ]] || [[ $writeErrors -ne 0 ]] || [[ $cksumErrors -ne 0 ]]; then scrub_errors=1; fi if [ "$readErrors" -gt 999 ]; then readErrors=">1K"; fi if [ "$writeErrors" -gt 999 ]; then writeErrors=">1K"; fi if [ "$cksumErrors" -gt 999 ]; then cksumErrors=">1K"; fi # Get ZFS capacity (the real capacity) Errors_Loc=$(( $pool_length + 1 )) zfs_pool_used="$(zfs list "$pool" | awk -v shift="$Errors_Loc" '{print $shift}' | tail -n 1)" Errors_Loc=$(( $pool_length + 2 )) zfs_pool_avail="$(zfs list "$pool" | awk -v shift="$Errors_Loc" '{print $shift}' | tail -n 1)" if [[ $zfs_pool_used == *"T"* ]]; then zfs_pool_used1="$(awk -v a="$zfs_pool_used" 'BEGIN { printf a*1000 }' ")$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "done, " | awk '{print $5" "$6" "$7}')" scrubTime="$(echo "Est Comp:
")$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "done, " | awk '{print $5}')" # Check if the SCRUB is completed or canceled. elif [ "$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $2}')" = "scrub" ] && [ "$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $3}')" = "canceled" ]; then scrubAge="Canceled" elif [ "$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $2}')" = "scrub" ]; then scrubRepBytes="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $4}')" scrubRepBytesfull=$scrubRepBytes if [ "$(echo "$programver" | grep "TrueNAS")" ]; then scrubRepBytes="$(echo "$scrubRepBytes" | rev | cut -c2- | rev)" fi scrubErrors="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $10}')" # Convert time/datestamp format presented by zpool status, compare to current date, calculate scrub age # For FreeBSD if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then scrubDate="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $17"-"$14"-"$15"_"$16}')" scrubTS="$(date -j -f "%Y-%b-%e_%H:%M:%S" "$scrubDate" "+%s")" else # For Linux scrubDate="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $14" "$15" "$17" "$16}')" scrubTS="$(date --date="$scrubDate" "+%s")" fi currentTS="$(date "+%s")" scrubAge=$((((currentTS - scrubTS) + 43200) / 86400)) scrubTimetemp="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $8}')" scrubTime="$scrubextra days $scrubTimetemp" # echo "scrubextra="$scrubextra ### THE NEXT TWO LINES ARE FOR DRIVE_SMARTTEST TO DETERMINE IF IT SHOULD ISSUE A LONG TEST WHILE THE DRIVE IS RUNNING A SCRUB/RESILVER. # echo "For scrub/resilver decision in drive_selftest script. Or should this be in drive_selftest, hummmm." # echo "scrubTimetemp="$scrubTimetemp # echo "scrubTime="$scrubTime elif [ "$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $2}')" = "resilvered" ]; then scrubRepBytes="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $3}')" scrubRepBytesfull=$scrubRepBytes if [ "$(echo "$programver" | grep "TrueNAS")" ]; then scrubRepBytes="$(echo "$scrubRepBytes" | rev | cut -c2- | rev)" scrubRepBytesfull="Resilvered "$scrubRepBytesfull fi scrubErrors="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $9}')" # Convert time/datestamp format presented by zpool status, compare to current date, calculate scrub age # For FreeBSD if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then scrubDate="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $16"-"$13"-"$14"_"$15}')" scrubTS="$(date -j -f "%Y-%b-%e_%H:%M:%S" "$scrubDate" "+%s")" else # For Linux scrubDate="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $13" "$14" "$16" "$15}')" scrubTS="$(date --date="$scrubDate" "+%s")" fi currentTS="$(date "+%s")" scrubAge=$((((currentTS - scrubTS) + 43200) / 86400)) scrubTime="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $5" "$6" "$7}')" else #No scrub previously performed scrubAge="Never Scrubbed" fi else #Check if scrub in progress if [ "$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep -w "scan" | awk '{print $4}')" = "progress" ]; then scrubAge="In Progress" scrubTime="$(echo "Est Comp: ")$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "done, " | awk '{print $5}')" # Check if the SCRUB is completed or canceled. elif [ "$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $2}')" = "scrub" ] && [ "$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $3}')" = "canceled" ]; then scrubAge="Canceled" elif [ "$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $2}')" = "scrub" ]; then scrubRepBytes="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $4}')" scrubRepBytesfull=$scrubRepBytes if [ "$(echo "$programver" | grep "TrueNAS")" ]; then scrubRepBytes="$(echo "$scrubRepBytes" | rev | cut -c2- | rev)" fi scrubErrors="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $8}')" # Convert time/datestamp format presented by zpool status, compare to current date, calculate scrub age # For FreeBSD if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then scrubDate="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $15"-"$12"-"$13"_"$14}')" scrubTS="$(date -j -f "%Y-%b-%e_%H:%M:%S" "$scrubDate" "+%s")" else # For Linux scrubDate="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $12" "$13" "$15" "$14}')" scrubTS="$(date --date="$scrubDate" "+%s")" fi currentTS="$(date "+%s")" scrubAge=$((((currentTS - scrubTS) + 43200) / 86400)) scrubTime="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $6}')" elif [ "$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $2}')" = "resilvered" ]; then scrubRepBytes="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $3}')" scrubRepBytesfull=$scrubRepBytes if [ "$(echo "$programver" | grep "TrueNAS")" ]; then scrubRepBytes="$(echo "$scrubRepBytes" | rev | cut -c2- | rev)" scrubRepBytesfull="Resilvered "$scrubRepBytesfull fi scrubErrors="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $7}')" # Convert time/datestamp format presented by zpool status, compare to current date, calculate scrub age # For FreeBSD if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then scrubDate="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $14"-"$11"-"$12"_"$13}')" scrubTS="$(date -j -f "%Y-%b-%e_%H:%M:%S" "$scrubDate" "+%s")" else # For Linux scrubDate="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $11" "$12" "$14" "$13}')" scrubTS="$(date --date="$scrubDate" "+%s")" fi currentTS="$(date "+%s")" scrubAge=$((((currentTS - scrubTS) + 43200) / 86400)) scrubTime="$(echo "$statusOutput" | grep "scan" | awk '{print $5" "$6" "$7}')" else #No scrub previously performed scrubAge="Never Scrubbed" fi fi #echo "scrubRepBytes="$scrubRepBytes #echo "scrubErrors="$scrubErrors #echo "scrubAge="$scrubAge #echo "scrubTime="$scrubTime # Set row's background color; alternates between white and $altColor (light gray) if [ $((poolNum % 2)) == 1 ]; then bgColor="#ffffff"; else bgColor="$altColor"; fi poolNum=$((poolNum + 1)) # Set up conditions for warning or critical colors to be used in place of standard background colors if [ "$status" != "ONLINE" ]; then statusColor="$warnColor"; logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(echo "Pool: $pool - ZFS Online Error
")"; else statusColor="$okColor"; fi if [ "$readErrors" != "0" ]; then readErrorsColor="$warnColor"; logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "Pool: $pool - Scrub Read Errors
")"; else readErrorsColor="$bgColor"; fi if [ "$writeErrors" != "0" ]; then writeErrorsColor="$warnColor"; logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "Pool: $pool - Scrub Write Errors
")"; else writeErrorsColor="$bgColor"; fi if [ "$cksumErrors" != "0" ]; then cksumErrorsColor="$warnColor"; logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "Pool: $pool - Scrub Cksum Errors
")"; else cksumErrorsColor="$bgColor"; fi if [ "$used" -ge "$PoolUsedWarn" ]; then usedColor="$warnColor"; logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "Pool: $pool - ZFS Used
")"; else usedColor="$bgColor"; fi if [ "$scrubRepBytes" != "$Non_Exist_Value" ] && [ "$scrubRepBytes" != "0" ] && ! [ "$(echo "$scrubRepBytesfull" | grep "Resilvered")" ]; then scrubRepBytesColor="$warnColor"; logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "Pool: $pool - Scrub Rep Bytes
")"; else scrubRepBytesColor="$bgColor"; fi if [ "$scrubErrors" != "$Non_Exist_Value" ] && [ "$scrubErrors" != "0" ]; then scrubErrorsColor="$warnColor"; logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(echo "Pool: $pool - Scrub Errors
")"; else scrubErrorsColor="$bgColor"; fi if [ "$(echo "$scrubAge" | awk '{print int($1)}')" -ge "$ScrubAgeWarn" ]; then scrubAgeColor="$warnColor"; logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "Pool: $pool - Scrub Age
")"; else scrubAgeColor="$bgColor"; fi if [ "$scrubAge" == "In Progress" ]; then scrubAgeColor="$blueColor"; fi if [ "$frag" != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]; then if [ "$frag" -ge "$ZpoolFragWarn" ]; then fragColor="$warnColor"; logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "Pool: $pool - Fragmentation above Threshold - $frag%
")"; else fragColor="$bgColor"; fi frag=" "$frag"%" fi #if [[ $scrub_errors -ne 0 ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "Drive $drive
")"; fi # DRIVE VALUE DOES NOT REPRESENT THIS FAILURE. if [[ $Pool_Capacity_Type == "zfs" ]]; then pool_size=$zfs_pool_size pool_free=$zfs_pool_avail used=$zfs_pool_used" ("$used"%)" else used=$pool_used" ("$used"%)" fi if [[ $testfilepath == "" ]]; then #Bypass for Test Data FOR NOW, until I can work out the smartdata5 file. ################################################################################################################################ # Zpool Total Data Written drive_name_list="" drive_name_partition="" zpool_TDW=0 zpool_TDR=0 smartdata5="" ###### FREEBSD VERSION OF THIS SECTION if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then drives_in_gptid=$(zpool status "$pool" | grep "gptid" | awk '{print $1}') # HDD and SSD if [[ $(zpool status "$pool" | grep "nvd") ]]; then drives_in_gptid=$drives_in_gptid$(zpool status "$pool" | grep "nvd" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d " " -f1 | cut -d "p" -f1) # NVM fi if [[ $(zpool status "$pool" | grep -v "data" | grep " da") ]]; then drive_da=$(zpool status "$pool" | grep -v "data" | grep " da0" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d " " -f1 | cut -d "p" -f1) # daX drive_da=$(glabel status | tail -n +2 | grep " $drive_da" | awk '{print $1}') drives_in_gptid=$drives_in_gptid$drive_da fi zpool_list=$(zpool status -v "$pool") for longgptid in $drives_in_gptid; do drive_name=$(glabel status | tail -n +2 | grep "$longgptid" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d '/' -f2 | cut -d 'p' -f1) if [[ $Partition_Check == "true" ]]; then sgdisk -v /dev/${drive_name} partition_results=$? echo "partition_results="$partition_results" Drive="$drive_name if [[ $partition_results == 0 ]]; then echo "sgdisk: Normal program execution for drive ${drive_name}" elif [[ $partition_results == 2 ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "sgdisk: ($drive_name) - ERROR: 2 - An error occurred while reading the partition table.
")" elif [[ $partition_results == 3 ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "sgdisk: ($drive_name) - ERROR: 3 - Non-GPT disk detected and no -g option, but operation requires a write action.
")" elif [[ $partition_results == 4 ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "sgdisk: ($drive_name) - ERROR: 4 - An error prevented saving changes.
")" elif [[ $partition_results == 5 ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "sgdisk: ($drive_name) - ERROR: 5 - An error occurred while reading standard input.
")" elif [[ $partition_results == 8 ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "sgdisk: ($drive_name) - ERROR: 8 - Disk replication operation (-R) failed.
")" else logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "sgdisk: ($drive_name) - ARG! - My bananas are not ripe. Yes, something went wrong, but what.
")" echo "sgdisk: ARG! - My bananas are not ripe." fi fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # We want to not echo this to the email/screen if [[ "$drive_name" == *"nvd"* ]]; then drive_name="nvme"$(echo ${drive_name} | cut -d'd' -f2); fi get_tdr get_tdw done else #### LINUX VERSION OF THIS SECTION drives_in_gptid=$(lsblk -o +PARTUUID,NAME,LABEL | grep -P "(^|[^-*&$!])\b$pool\b" | awk -F" " '{print $7}') zpool_list=$(zpool status -v "$pool") # echo $zpool_list | awk '{print $1 $2}' >> /tmp/pool_to_drive.txt for longgptid in $drives_in_gptid; do drive_name=$(lsblk -o +PARTUUID,NAME,LABEL | grep -w "$longgptid" | awk -F" " '{print $8}') # echo $drive_name >> /tmp/pool_to_drive.txt virtual_drive_test="$(echo ${smartdata5} | grep -i "virtual")" if [[ $Partition_Check == "true" ]]; then sgdisk -v /dev/${drive_name} partition_results=$? echo "partition_results="$partition_results" Drive="$drive_name if [[ $partition_results == 0 ]]; then echo "sgdisk: Normal program execution ${drive_name}" elif [[ $partition_results == 2 ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "sgdisk: ($drive_name) - ERROR: 2 - An error occurred while reading the partition table.
")" elif [[ $partition_results == 3 ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "sgdisk: ($drive_name) - ERROR: 3 - Non-GPT disk detected and no -g option, but operation requires a write action.
")" elif [[ $partition_results == 4 ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "sgdisk: ($drive_name) - ERROR: 4 - An error prevented saving changes.
")" elif [[ $partition_results == 5 ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "sgdisk: ($drive_name) - ERROR: 5 - An error occurred while reading standard input.
")" elif [[ $partition_results == 8 ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "sgdisk: ($drive_name) - ERROR: 8 - Disk replication operation (-R) failed.
")" else logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(echo "sgdisk: ($drive_name) - ARG! - My bananas are not ripe. Yes, something went wrong, but what.
")" echo "sgdisk: ARG! - My bananas are not ripe." fi fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # We want to not echo this to the email/screen get_tdr get_tdw done fi if [[ $zpool_TDR != $Non_Exist_Value ]]; then zpool_TD=$zpool_TDR format_zpool_td zpool_TDR=$tdw fi if [[ $zpool_TDW != $Non_Exist_Value ]]; then zpool_TD=$zpool_TDW format_zpool_td zpool_TDW=$tdw fi if [[ $virtual_drive_test != "" ]]; then zpool_TDW="Virtual Drive" else zpool_TDW=$zpool_TDR" / "$zpool_TDW fi fi ################################################################################################################################# if [[ "$Monitor" == "false" ]]; then ( # Use the information gathered above to write the date to the current table row printf "\\n" "$bgColor" "$pool" "$statusColor" "$status" "$pool_size" "$pool_free" "$usedColor" "$used" "$fragColor" "$frag" "$readErrorsColor" "$readErrors" "$writeErrorsColor" "$writeErrors" "$cksumErrorsColor" \ "$cksumErrors" "$scrubRepBytesColor" "$scrubRepBytesfull" "$scrubErrorsColor" "$scrubErrors" "$scrubAgeColor" "$scrubAge" "$scrubTime" "$zpool_TDW" ) >> "$logfile" fi done IFS=$tempIFS # End of zpool status table if [[ "$Monitor" == "false" ]]; then echo "
*ZPool/ZFS Status Report Summary
*ZPool Status Report Summary
%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s
" >> "$logfile" if [[ $Pool_Capacity_Type == "zfs" ]]; then echo "
*Data obtained from zpool and zfs commands." >> "$logfile" else echo "
*Data obtained from zpool command. Capacities include Parity Data." >> "$logfile" fi fi } ###### GET GET TDR/TDW #### # Input = drive_name get_tdr () { ### TOTAL DATA READ - POOL ### ssdtdw=0 ssdtdr=0 ssdblocksize="" ID242="" if [[ $smartdata5 == "" ]]; then smartdata5="$(smartctl -x --json=u /dev/"$drive_name")" # The first time it is loaded. fi # Check Model Family (For Sandforce or Marvel Controller for ID241/242) if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.model_family | values')" ]]; then model_family="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.model_family | values')" elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_model_family | values')" ]]; then model_family="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_model_family | values')" else json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .model_family not in json")" fi # > /dev/null 2<&1 #echo "Model Family" # Currently do not use this if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.logical_block_size | values')" ]]; then ssdblocksize="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.logical_block_size | values')" fi # > /dev/null 2<&1 #echo "BLK SIZE" #echo "ssdtdr0="$ssdtdr # Check for LBAs First ( if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[]?.table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Read") | .value | values')" ]]; then ssdtdr="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[]?.table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Read") | .value | values')" ssdtdr="$((( $ssdtdr * 512 ) / 1000000 ))" # Convert LBA into bytes #echo "LBA1" #echo "ssdtdr1="$ssdtdr # Check for LBAs Second (Not Duplicate of Above) If page 0 above fails, try no page ident elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[]?.table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Read") | .value | values')" ]]; then ssdtdr="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[]?.table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Read") | .value | values')" ssdtdr="$((( $ssdtdr * 512 ) / 1000000 ))" # Convert LBA into bytes #echo "LBA2" #echo "ssdtdr2="$ssdtdr # Check for NVMe (data_units_read) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.data_units_read | values')" ]]; then ssdtdr="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.data_units_read | values')" #echo "NVM1 = "$ssdtdr ssdtdr="$((( $ssdtdr * 512000 ) / 1000000 ))" #echo "NVM2 = "$ssdtdr # Check for SCSI (gigabytes_processed) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_error_counter_log.read.gigabytes_processed | values')" ]]; then #echo "ssdtdr3="$ssdtdr ssdtdr="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_error_counter_log.read.gigabytes_processed | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" #echo "ssdtdr4="$ssdtdr ssdtdr="$(( $ssdtdr * 1000 ))" #echo "SCSI" # Check for some SSDs (Total_Reads_GiB) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Total_Reads_GiB") | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then ssdtdr="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Total_Reads_GiB") | .raw.value | values')" ssdtdr="$((( $ssdtdr * 1074 ) / 1000000 ))" #echo "TRGiB="$ssdtdr # Check for some SSDs (Total_Reads_32MiB) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Host_Reads_32MiB") | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then ssdtdr="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Host_Reads_32MiB") | .raw.value | values')" ssdtdr="$((( $ssdtdr * 33554432 ) / 1000000 ))" #echo "TR32MiB" # Check for ID242 (Last Resort as this value does not appear standardized) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 242) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then #echo "ssdtdr5="$ssdtdr ssdtdr="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 242) | .raw.value | values')" #echo "ssdtdr6="$ssdtdr if [[ $model_family == *"SandForce"* ]]; then #echo "ssdtdr7="$ssdtdr ssdtdr="$(( $ssdtdr * 1000 ))" # Sandforce reports in GB #echo "ID242-1="$ssdtdr else ssdtdr="$((( $ssdtdr * 512 ) / 1000000 ))" #echo "ID242-2="$ssdtdr fi else ssdtdr=1 #echo "ID242" fi #> /dev/null 2<&1 ### TOTAL DATA READ ### ### RETURN THE DATA - zpool_TDR zpool_TDR=$(( $zpool_TDR + $ssdtdr )) } ############################################# get_tdw () { ### TOTAL DATA WRITTEN - POOL ### ssdtdw=0 ssdtdr=0 ssdblocksize="" ID241="" # Conversion factors # 1LBA * 512 = bytes # 1KiB * 1024 = bytes # 1MiB * 1048576 = bytes # 1GiB * 1073741824 = bytes # 1KB * 1000 = bytes # 1MB * 1000000 = bytes # 1GB * 1000000000 = bytes #SSD - Sandforce=Lifetime Displayed in GB, Marvel=Lifetime Displayed as LBAs. if [[ $smartdata5 == "" ]]; then smartdata5="$(smartctl -x --json=u /dev/"$drive_name")" # Second time to possibly load if smartdata5 is Null fi # Check Model Family (For Sandforce or Marvel Controller for ID241/242) if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.model_family | values')" ]]; then model_family="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.model_family | values')" elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_model_family | values')" ]]; then model_family="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_model_family | values')" else json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .model_family not in json")" fi # Currently do not use. if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.logical_block_size | values')" ]]; then ssdblocksize="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.logical_block_size | values')" # Don't need block size yet. fi # Check for LBAs if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[]?.table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Written") | .value | values')" ]]; then ssdtdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[0].table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Written") | .value | values')" ssdtdw="$((( $ssdtdw * 512 ) / 1000000 ))" # Convert LBA into bytes # Check for LBAs slightly differently elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[]?.table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Written") | .value | values')" ]]; then ssdtdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[].table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Written") | .value | values')" ssdtdw="$((( $ssdtdw * 512 ) / 1000000 ))" # Convert LBA into bytes # Check for NVMe (data_units_written) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.data_units_written | values')" ]]; then ssdtdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.data_units_written | values')" ssdtdw="$((($ssdtdw * 512000) / 1000000))" # Get SCSI (gigabytes_processed) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_error_counter_log.write.gigabytes_processed | values')" ]]; then ssdtdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_error_counter_log.write.gigabytes_processed | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" ssdtdw="$(( $ssdtdw * 1000 ))" # Get Total Write GiB (Total_Writes_GiB) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Total_Writes_GiB") | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then ssdtdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Total_Writes_GiB") | .raw.value | values')" ssdtdw="$((( $ssdtdw * 1074 ) / 1000000 ))" # Check for some SSDs (Total_Writes_32MiB) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Host_Writes_32MiB") | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then ssdtdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Host_Writes_32MiB") | .raw.value | values')" ssdtdw="$((( $ssdtdw * 33554432 ) / 1000000 ))" elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 241) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep -i "lba")" ]]; then ssdtdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 241) | .raw.value | values')" if [[ $model_family == *"SandForce"* ]]; then ssdtdw="$(( $ssdtdw / 1000000000000 ))" # Sandforce reports in GB else ssdtdw="$((( $ssdtdw * 512 ) / 1000000))" fi fi fi #> /dev/null 2<&1 # DEBUG # ssdtdw=9223372036854775806 # BASH can't go above 9223372036854775807 ### TOTAL DATA READ ### ### RETURN THE DATA zpool_TDW=$(( $zpool_TDW + $ssdtdw )) #echo "zpool_TDW="$zpool_TDW virtual_drive_test="$(echo $smartdata5 | grep -i -q "virtual")" } ############################################# ###### Format TDR/TDW # Return zpool_TDR, zpool_TDW format_zpool_td () { ##### CALCULATE TOTAL DATA WRITTEN ########## # Display in TiB Written or GiB Written ##### NEED TO FIX NVME SELECTION, STEP 1 #echo "TD Formatting Input="$zpool_TD in bytes value tdwbytes=$zpool_TD if [[ $tdwbytes != "" ]]; then #BASH cannot support BB or GpB high numbers in bytes, maybe 'bc' can? We divided by 1,000,000 #if [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000000000000000000000 ]]; then # tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10000000000000000000000 ))) # tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 100 )))" # tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" # tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" GpB" #if [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000000000000000000 ]]; then # tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10000000000000000000 ))) # tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 100 )))" # tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" # tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" BB" if [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000000000000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10000000000000000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 100 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" YB" # BASH can't go above 9223372036854775807 = A BIG ASS NUMBER ! elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000000000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10000000000000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 100 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" ZB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10000000000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 100 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" EB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10000000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 100 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" PB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 100000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 10 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1)" tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" TB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 100 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 10 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1)" tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" GB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1 ]]; then # tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10 ))) # tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 1 )))" # tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1)" # tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" MB" tdw=$tdwbytes" MB" elif [[ $tdwbytes != 0 ]]; then tdw="<1 MB" else tdw=$Non_Exist_Value fi # tdw_num=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2 else tdw=$Non_Exist_Value fi #echo "Exiting TD Formatting="$zpool_TD } #################### DRIVE DATA FUNCTIONS #################### ########## IGNORE DRIVES ROUTINE ########## # Examine the $Ignore_Drives_List variable and remove any matches from the $drive variable. process_ignore_drives () { targument="$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "Serial Number:" | awk '{print $3}')"; s="0" IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$Ignore_Drives_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do if [[ $i == $targument ]]; then s="1"; continue; fi done if [[ $s == "0" ]]; then printf "%s " "${drive}"; fi } ########## GET SMART HARD DRIVES ########## # Get listing of the SMART HDD's and put into $smartdrives variable - example: 'ada0 ada1 ada2 ada3' OR 'sda sdb sdc sdd', in the order desired. # The output is smartdrives sorted however we desire. get_smartHDD_listings () { if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then smartdrives=$(for drive in $(sysctl -n kern.disks); do if [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "SMART support is:.\s*Enabled")" ] && ! [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "Solid State Device")" ]; then process_ignore_drives; fi done | awk '{for (i=NF; i!=0 ; i--) print $i }' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') else smartdrives=$(for drive in $(fdisk -l | grep "Disk /dev/sd" | cut -c 11-15 | cut -d ":" -f1 | tr '\n' ' '); do if [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "SMART support is:.\s*Enabled")" ] && ! [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "Solid State Device")" ]; then process_ignore_drives; fi done | awk '{for (i=NF; i!=0 ; i--) print $i }' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Sort drive idents sort_list=$smartdrives if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then sort_drives else sort_drives_scale fi smartdrives=$sort_list # Call Sort Routine with the drive string. ### DUPLICATE DRIVES ARE REMOVED IN DRIVE_SELFTEST SCRIPT AUTOMATICALLY # if [[ "$smartdrives" != "" ]]; then # if [[ "$Multipath" != "off" ]]; then # 'off' means skip the remove_duplicate code # duplicate_list=$smartdrives # remove_duplicate # Remove duplicate serial numbers for MultiPath # smartdrives=$duplicate_list # fi # fi } ########## GET SMART SOLID DISK DRIVES ########## # Get listing of the SMART SSD's and put into $smartdrivesSSD variable # The output is smartdrivesSSD sorted however we desire. get_smartSSD_listings () { if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then smartdrivesSSD=$(for drive in $(sysctl -n kern.disks); do if [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "SMART support is:.\s*Enabled")" ] && [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "Solid State Device")" ]; then process_ignore_drives; fi done | awk '{for (i=NF; i!=0 ; i--) print $i }' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') else smartdrivesSSD=$(for drive in $(fdisk -l | grep "Disk /dev/sd" | cut -c 11-15 | cut -d ":" -f1 | tr '\n' ' '); do if [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "SMART support is:.\s*Enabled")" ] && [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "Solid State Device")" ]; then process_ignore_drives; fi done | awk '{for (i=NF; i!=0 ; i--) print $i }' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Sort Drive Idents sort_list=$smartdrivesSSD if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then sort_drives else sort_drives_scale fi smartdrivesSSD=$sort_list # Call Sort Routine with the drive string. ### DUPLICATE DRIVES ARE REMOVED IN DRIVE_SELFTEST SCRIPT AUTOMATICALLY # if [[ "$smartdrivesSSD" != "" ]]; then # if [[ "$Multipath" != "off" ]]; then # duplicate_list=$smartdrivesSSD # remove_duplicate # Remove duplicate serial numbers # smartdrivesSSD=$duplicate_list # fi # fi } ########## GET NVMe DRIVES ########## # Get listing of the SMART NVMe's and put into $smartdrivesNVM variable # The output is smartdrivesNVM sorted however we desire. get_smartNVM_listings () { if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then smartdrivesNVM=$(for drive in $(sysctl -n kern.disks); do if [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "NVM")" ]; then process_ignore_drives; fi done | awk '{for (i=NF; i!=0 ; i--) print $i }' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') ### Convert nvdx to nvmexx in smartdrivesNVM ### else smartdrivesNVM=$(for drive in $(fdisk -l | grep "Disk /dev/nvm" | cut -d ':' -f 1 | cut -d '/' -f 3 | tr '\n' ' '); do if [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "NVM")" ]; then process_ignore_drives; fi done | awk '{for (i=NF; i!=0 ; i--) print $i }' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') ### Convert nvdx to nvmexx in smartdrivesNVM ### fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # smartdrivesNVM="" if [[ "$smartdrivesNVM" != "" ]]; then # Skip all this if there are no NVMe drives. ### Convert nvdx to nvmexx in smartdrivesNVM ### smartdrivesNVM=$( echo "$smartdrivesNVM" | sed 's/nvd/nvme/g' ) ### Convert nvme0n1 to nvme0, or nvme34n1 to nvme34 to make compatible with Smartmontools 7.4 ### Maybe this can go away with version 7.5? for smartdrivesnvme in $smartdrivesNVM; do nvme_drive=$nvme_drive$(echo "nvme"$(echo $smartdrivesnvme | sed -r 's#^nvme##' | cut -d 'n' -f 1)" ") done smartdrivesNVM=$nvme_drive # Sort Drive Idents sort_list=$smartdrivesNVM if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then sort_drives else sort_drives_scale fi smartdrivesNVM=$sort_list # Call Sort Routine with the drive string. ### DUPLICATE DRIVES ARE REMOVED IN DRIVE_SELFTEST SCRIPT AUTOMATICALLY # if [[ "$Multipath" != "off" ]]; then # duplicate_list=$smartdrivesNVM # remove_duplicate # Remove duplicate serial numbers # smartdrivesNVM=$duplicate_list # fi fi } ########## GET OTHER SMART DEVICES ########## # Get listing of the OTHER-SMART devices and put into $non-smartdrives variable get_smartOther_listings () { ### Get the non-SSD listing - MUST support SMART # variable nonsmartdrives if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then nonsmartdrives=$(for drive in $(sysctl -n kern.disks); do if [ ! "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "SMART support is:.\s*Enabled")" ] && [ ! "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "NVM")" ]; then process_ignore_drives; fi done | awk '{for (i=NF; i!=0 ; i--) print $i }' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') else nonsmartdrives=$(for drive in $(fdisk -l | grep "Disk /dev/sd" | cut -c 11-13 | tr '\n' ' '); do if [ ! "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "SMART support is: Enabled")" ]; then process_ignore_drives; fi done | awk '{for (i=NF; i!=0 ; i--) print $i }' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Sort Drive Idents sort_list=$nonsmartdrives if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then sort_drives else sort_drives_scale fi nonsmartdrives=$sort_list # Call Sort Routine with the drive string. ### DUPLICATE DRIVES ARE REMOVED IN DRIVE_SELFTEST SCRIPT AUTOMATICALLY # if [[ "$nonsmartdrives" != "" ]]; then # if [[ "$Multipath" != "false" ]]; then # duplicate_list=$nonsmartdrives # remove_duplicate # Remove duplicate serial numbers # nonsmartdrives=$duplicate_list # fi # fi } ########## SAVE JSON DATA ########## # Rename function to "save_json_data" get_json_data () { # Save drive JSON data if -dump command used # Uses $drive parameter. if [[ "$drive" != "cd0" ]]; then if [[ "$dump_all" != "0" ]]; then # Routine -dump # Pull a fresh JSON listing tempjson="$(smartctl -x --json=u /dev/${drive})" serial1="$(echo "${tempjson}" | jq -Mre '.serial_number | values' | tr -d ' ')" rpm="$(echo "${tempjson}" | jq -Mre '.rotation_rate | values')" if [[ "$rpm" == "0" ]]; then drivetype="SSD"; else drivetype="HDD"; fi if [[ "$(echo $tempjson | grep -i "nvm")" ]]; then drivetype="NVM"; fi echo "$tempjson" > "/tmp/${tempfilepath}${drivetype}_${drive}_${serial1}.json" fi fi } ########## GET DRIVE DATA ########## # Gets drive data for HDD/SSD/NVM drives. # $1 = HDD/SSD/NVM, $smartdrives* must have drive ident data as well. get_drive_data () { # File /tmp/json_errors.txt is used to write what data did not come from a json file. if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo " " echo "Looking for "$drive echo " " fi if [[ "$testfilepath" != "" ]]; then # Import simulated drive data. # Find matching "$drive" to file in $smartdrives ${testfilenames[i]} smartdata5="" if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]]; then smartdriveswc="$(echo ${smartdrives[*]} | wc -w)" if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "Number of words in this run to scan = "$smartdriveswc; fi for i in $(seq 0 $smartdriveswc); do if [[ "${smartdrives[$i]}" == "${drive}" ]]; then if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "We have a match"; fi smartdata5="$(cat "${testfilenamesHDD[$i]}")" echo "/dev/$drive -- ${testfilenamesHDD[i]}" break fi done fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]]; then smartdriveswc="$(echo ${smartdrivesSSD[*]} | wc -w)" if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "Number of words in this run to scan = "$smartdriveswc; fi for i in $(seq 0 $smartdriveswc); do if [[ "${smartdrivesSSD[$i]}" == "${drive}" ]]; then if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "We have a match"; fi smartdata5="$(cat "${testfilenamesSSD[$i]}")" echo "/dev/$drive -- ${testfilenamesSSD[i]}" break fi done fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]]; then smartdriveswc="$(echo ${smartdrivesNVM[*]} | wc -w)" if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "Number of words in this run to scan = "$smartdriveswc; fi for i in $(seq 0 $smartdriveswc); do if [[ "${smartdrivesNVM[$i]}" == "${drive}" ]]; then if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "We have a match"; fi smartdata5="$(cat "${testfilenamesNVM[$i]}")" echo "/dev/$drive -- ${testfilenamesNVM[i]}" break fi done fi ######################################## FIX ME ############################################################## # NON Option - This needs to be changed to the non-smart drive list. if [[ "$1" == "NON" ]]; then smartdriveswc="$(echo ${smartdrivesNVM[*]} | wc -w)" if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "Number of words in this run to scan = "$smartdriveswc; fi for i in $(seq 0 $smartdriveswc); do if [[ "${smartdrivesNVM[$i]}" == "${drive}" ]]; then if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "We have a match"; fi smartdata5="$(cat "${testfilenamesNVM[$i]}")" echo "/dev/$drive -- ${testfilenamesNVM[i]}" break fi done fi ############################################################################################################### if [[ "$testfile2" != "" ]]; then smartdata="$(cat "$testfile2")" else smartdata="" fi else # Else let's read the Real Drive Data if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "Looking at Real Drive Data, Not Simulated"; fi # Get drive data for json processing smartdata5="$(smartctl -x --json=u /dev/"$drive")" # Get drive data old school for what isn't in json yet smartdata="$(smartctl -a /dev/"$drive")" # Get drive data for ATA drive using SCSI translation in json format if [[ "$(echo ${smartdata5} | grep -i "SCSI")" ]]; then # First, is this SCSI interface. if [[ "$(smartctl -d sat -x --json=u /dev/"$drive" | grep -i "serial_number")" ]]; then # Is this SCSI to ATA Translation smartdata5="$(smartctl -d sat -x --json=u /dev/"$drive")" # Yes, then reload the newer SMART data smartdata="$(smartctl -d sat -a --json=u /dev/"$drive")" fi fi fi # Get Serial Number if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.serial_number | values')" ]]; then serial="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.serial_number | values' | tr -d ' ')" else if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep -i "vmware")" ]]; then serial="VMWare"; fi json_error_log=$json_error_log"\n$(echo $drive" .serial_number not in json")" > /dev/null 2<&1 fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Check for SMR Drive Model if [[ $SMR_Enable == "true" ]]; then # Enable SMR Operations if "true". if [[ $SMR_New_Drive_Det_Count -gt 0 ]]; then # 0=Disable if test -e "$statistical_data_file"; then # Check all drive serial numbers against the $statistical_data_file to see if the serial number has been listed. drive_count_record=$(wc -w <<< $(cat "$statistical_data_file" | grep -i $drive)) if ! [[ $drive_count_record -le $SMR_New_Drive_Det_Count ]]; then SMR_Ignore_Alarm="true" fi else SMR_Ignore_Alarm="true" fi fi check_for_smr fi # Get Model Number if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.model_name | values')" ]]; then modelnumber="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.model_name | values')"; elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_model_name | values')" ]]; then modelnumber="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_model_name | values')"; else json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .model_name not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get Capacity if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.logical_block_size | values')" ]]; then capacity1="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.logical_block_size | values')"; else json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .logical_block_size not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.user_capacity.blocks | values')" ]]; then capacity2="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.user_capacity.blocks | values')"; else json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .user_capacity.blocks not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Calculate Capacity and adjust for GB/TB capacity=$(( ${capacity1} * ${capacity2} )) capacity="$(( capacity/1000000000 ))" if [[ $capacity -gt 999 ]]; then capacity="$(awk -v a="$capacity" 'BEGIN { printf "%.2f", a/1000 }' /dev/null 2<&1 # Get SMART Status if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.smart_status.passed | values')" ]]; then if [ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.smart_status.passed | values')" = "true" ]; then smartStatus="PASSED" else smartStatus="FAILED" fi else json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .smart_status.passed not in json")" fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get Temperature - Normal if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.temperature.current | values')" ]]; then temp="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.temperature.current | values')" fi if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_environmental_reports.temperature_1.current | values')" ]]; then temp="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_environmental_reports.temperature_1.current | values')" fi # Check if invalid json temp value - If yes then check ID 194 on json data. if [[ $temp < 1 ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 194) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then temp="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 194) | .raw.value | values')" # If Temp is still not there, look at the raw -x data and hope it shows up. else json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .temperature.current not in json")" if [[ "$(smartctl -x /dev/"$drive" | grep "Current Temperature:" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d '/' -f2)" != "?" ]]; then temp=$(smartctl -x /dev/"$drive" | grep "Current Temperature:" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d '/' -f2) else temp=$Non_Exist_Value fi fi > /dev/null 2<&1 fi # Get Temperature - Minimum for Power Cycle if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.temperature.power_cycle_min | values')" ]]; then temp_min="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.temperature.power_cycle_min | values')" elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_environmental_reports.temperature_1.minimum_since_power_on | values')" ]]; then temp_min="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_environmental_reports.temperature_1.minimum_since_power_on | values')" elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 194) | .raw.string | values')" ]]; then tempstring="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 194) | .raw.string | values')" temp_min=$(echo "${tempstring}" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d '/' -f1) temp_max=$(echo "${tempstring}" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d '/' -f2 | tr -d ')') else temp_min=$Non_Exist_Value if [[ $1 == "HDD" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .temperature.power_cycle_min not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get Temperature - Maximum for Power Cycle if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.temperature.power_cycle_max | values')" ]]; then temp_max="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.temperature.power_cycle_max | values')" fi if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_environmental_reports.temperature_1.maximum_since_power_on | values')" ]]; then temp_max="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_environmental_reports.temperature_1.maximum_since_power_on | values')" fi if [[ $temp_max == "" ]]; then temp_max=$Non_Exist_Value if [[ $1 == "HDD" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .temperature.power_cycle_max not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 fi ### SETUP FOR NO VALUE OBTAINED if [[ $TempDisplaytemp != "" ]]; then TempDisplay=$TempDisplaytemp; fi TempDisplaymin=$TempDisplay TempDisplaymax=$TempDisplay if ! [[ $temp =~ $re ]]; then temp=$Non_Exist_Value; TempDisplaytemp=$TempDisplay; TempDisplay=""; fi if ! [[ $temp_min =~ $re ]]; then temp_min=$Non_Exist_Value; TempDisplaymin=""; fi if ! [[ $temp_max =~ $re ]]; then temp_max=$Non_Exist_Value; TempDisplaymax=""; fi # Get NVMe Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 Temperatures if they exist, can only use smartctl right now as I don't have an NVMe drive # in my SCALE system which report Sensor 1[0] and Sensor 2[1], only Current Temperature. if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.temperature_sensors[0]')" != null ]]; then temp_sensor_0="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.temperature_sensors[0]')" else temp_sensor_0=0 fi if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.temperature_sensors[1]')" != null ]]; then temp_sensor_1="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.temperature_sensors[1]')" else temp_sensor_1=0 fi # Get Start Stop Count if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 4) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then startStop="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 4) | .raw.value | values')"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $startStop == "" ]] && [[ $1 == "HDD" ]]; then startStop="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep -i "Accumulated start-stop cycles" | cut -d ':' -f 3 | tr -d ' ",')" json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" Accumulated start-stop cycles not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $startStop == "" ]] && [[ $1 == "HDD" ]]; then startStop="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_start_stop_cycle_counter.accumulated_start_stop_cycles | values')" json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" accumulated_start_stop_cycles not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get Load Cycle Count if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 193) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then loadCycle="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 193) | .raw.value | values')"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $loadCycle == "" ]] && [[ $1 == "HDD" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .id == 193 Load_Cycle_Count not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $loadCycle == "" ]] && [[ $1 == "HDD" ]]; then loadCycle="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_start_stop_cycle_counter.accumulated_load_unload_cycles | values')" json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" accumulated_load_unload_cycles not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $loadCycle == "" ]] && [[ $1 == "HDD" ]]; then loadCycle="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep "load-unload cycles:" | cut -d ':' -f3 | cut -d '"' -f1 | tr -d ' ')" json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" load-unload cycles: not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get Spin Retry Count if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 10) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then spinRetry="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 10) | .raw.value | values')"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $spinRetry == "" ]] && [[ $1 == "HDD" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .id == 10 Spin_Retry_Count not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get Reallocated Sectors Count if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 5) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then reAlloc="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 5) | .raw.value | values')"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $reAlloc == "" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .id == 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get Reallocated Sector Events Count if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 196) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then reAllocEvent="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 196) | .raw.value | values')"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $reAllocEvent == "" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .id == 196 Reallocated_Event_Count not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_grown_defect_list | values')" ]]; then reAllocEvent="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_grown_defect_list | values')"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $reAllocEvent == "" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .scsi_grown_defect_list not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get Current Pending Sectors Count if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 197) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then pending="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 197) | .raw.value | values')"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $pending == "" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .id == 197 Current_Pending_Sector not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get Offline Uncorrectable Errors if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 198) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then offlineUnc="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 198) | .raw.value | values')"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $offlineUnc == "" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .id == 198 Offline_Uncorrectable not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_error_counter_log.write.total_uncorrected_errors | values')" ]]; then offlineUnc1="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_error_counter_log.write.total_uncorrected_errors | values')"; offlineUnc2="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_error_counter_log.read.total_uncorrected_errors | values')"; offlineUnc=$((( $offlineUnc1 + $offlineUnc2 ))); fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get UDMA CRC Errors if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 199) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then crcErrors="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 199) | .raw.value | values')"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $crcErrors == "" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .id == 199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get Read Error Rate if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 1) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then rawReadErrorRate="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 1) | .raw.value | values')"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $rawReadErrorRate == "" ]] && [[ $1 == "HDD" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .id == 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get Seek Error Rate if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 7) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then seekErrorHealth="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 7) | .raw.value | values')"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $seekErrorHealth == "" ]] && [[ $1 == "HDD" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .id == 7 Seek_Error_Rate not in json")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get MultiZone Error Rate if [[ $rotation -gt 1 ]]; then # Pass HDD Only, Ignore SSD & NVMe drives not on these drives, yet. if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 200) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then multiZone="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 200) | .raw.value | values')"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 200) | .name | values')" == "Pressure_Limit" ]]; then multiZone=""; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $multiZone == "" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep "Multi_Zone_Error_Rate")" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .id == 200 Multi_Zone_Error not decoded properly")" fi fi > /dev/null 2<&1 fi # Get Helium Level he2="" # Are these two variables needed here? lastTestHours="" he2="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep -i "helium" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '",' | head -1)" if [[ "$he2" != "" ]]; then Helium="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "'${he2}'") | .raw.value | values')" if [[ $Helium -gt 100 ]]; then Helium="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "'${he2}'") | .value | values')" fi heliumthresh="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "'${he2}'") | .thresh | values')" # Normalize Helium to 100. if [[ $heliumthresh > 50 ]]; then Helium=$(( 100 - $Helium )) # Helium is now Normalized where "100" is good. fi else if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep -i "helium")" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" Helium_Level not decoded properly")" #> /dev/null 2<&1 fi fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get SSD Total Data Written ssdtdw="" ssdblocksize="" ID241="" if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.logical_block_size | values')" ]]; then ssdblocksize="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.logical_block_size | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[].table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Written") | .value | values')" ]]; then ssdtdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[0].table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Written") | .value | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $ssdtdw == "" ]]; then # If page 0 above fails, try no page ident if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[].table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Written") | .value | values')" ]]; then ssdtdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[].table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Written") | .value | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" fi > /dev/null 2<&1 fi if [[ $ssdtdw == "" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Total_Writes_GiB") | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then ID241="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Total_Writes_GiB") | .raw.value | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 241) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then ssdtdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 241) | .raw.value | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" fi > /dev/null 2<&1 fi # Get Total Data Read ssdtdr="" drive_name=$drive get_tdr zpool_TD=$zpool_TDR format_zpool_td tdr=$tdw #smartdata5="$(cat /mnt/farm2/scripts/sean_nvme/SSD_23.json)" # Get Wear Level wearLevelThreshold="" wearLevel="" # Get Percentage Usage First if it exists. This is out #1 priority value regardless of any other value. if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[]?.table[]? | select(.name == "Percentage Used Endurance Indicator") | .value | values')" ]]; then wearLevel="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[]?.table[]? | select(.name == "Percentage Used Endurance Indicator") | .value | values')" wearLevelThreshold=100 #echo "wearlevel 1:"$wearLevel" Thresh:"$wearLevelThreshold" Drive:"$drive if [[ $wearLevel -gt 100 ]]; then wearLevel=""; fi elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 231) | .value | values')" ]]; then wearLevel="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 231) | .value | values')" wearLevelThreshold="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 231) | .thresh | values')" #echo "wearlevel 2:"$wearLevel" Thresh:"$wearLevelThreshold" Drive:"$drive elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Percent_Lifetime_Remain") | .value | values')" ]]; then wearLevel="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Percent_Lifetime_Remain") | .value | values')" wearLevelThreshold="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Percent_Lifetime_Remain") | .thresh | values')" #echo "wearlevel 3:"$wearLevel" Thresh:"$wearLevelThreshold" Drive:"$drive elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Media_Wearout_Indicator") | .value | values')" ]]; then wearLevel="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Media_Wearout_Indicator") | .value | values')" wearLevelThreshold="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Media_Wearout_Indicator") | .thresh | values')" #echo "wearlevel 4:"$wearLevel" Thresh:"$wearLevelThreshold" Drive:"$drive elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Wear_Leveling_Count") | .value | values')" ]]; then wearLevel="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Wear_Leveling_Count") | .value | values')" wearLevelThreshold="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Wear_Leveling_Count") | .thresh | values')" #echo "wearlevel 5:"$wearLevel" Thresh:"$wearLevelThreshold" Drive:"$drive # fi #> /dev/null 2<&1 elif [[ $wearLevel == "" ]] && [[ $1 != "HDD" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo ${smartdata5} | grep -i "wear")" ]] || [[ "$(echo ${smartdata5} | grep -i "life")" ]]; then json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .id == 231 SSD_Life_Left not properly decoded")"; #echo "wearlevel 6:"$wearLevel" Thresh:"$wearLevelThreshold" Drive:"$drive fi fi #> /dev/null 2<&1 # Adjust wearLevel for negative values. if [[ $wearLevelThreshold != "" ]] && [[ $wearLevel != "" ]]; then if [[ $wearLevelThreshold -gt 50 ]]; then wearLevel=$((100 - $wearLevel)) fi fi # Get Normalized Wear Level for use in Custom Drive Selection if needed if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Wear_Leveling_Count") | .value | values')" ]]; then wearLevelNormalized="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Wear_Leveling_Count") | .value | values')" fi > /dev/null 2<&1 #echo "wearlevel 7:"$wearLevel" Thresh:"$wearLevelThreshold" Drive:"$drive # Check SSD/NVMe Wear Level - THIS WORKS for NVMe Where 100 = 100 if [[ $wearLevel == "" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.percentage_used | values')" ]]; then wearLevel="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.percentage_used | values')" wearLevel=$((100 - $wearLevel)) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.available_spare | values')" ]]; then wearLevel="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.available_spare | values')" fi > /dev/null 2<&1 fi #echo "wearlevel 8:"$wearLevel" Thresh:"$wearLevelThreshold" Drive:"$drive # WORKS FOR SCSI Where 0 = 100 if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_percentage_used_endurance_indicator | values')" ]]; then wearLevel=$((100 - "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_percentage_used_endurance_indicator | values')")) fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get Device Type - SCSI if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.device.type | values')" ]]; then devicetype="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.device.type | values')" else json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1 " "$serial" .device.type not in json")" > /dev/null 2<&1 fi > /dev/null 2<&1 if [[ $devicetype == "scsi" ]]; then modelnumber=$modelnumber" (SCSI)" fi # Get NVMe Critical Warning Value if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.critical_warning | values')" ]]; then NVMcriticalWarning="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.critical_warning | values')" fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get NVMe Media Errors if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.media_errors | values')" ]]; then mediaErrors="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.media_errors | values')" fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Get NVMe Power State if [[ "$testfilepath" == "" ]]; then if [[ $smartdrivesNVM != "" ]]; then if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then nvm_power_level=$(nvmecontrol power "$drive" | rev | cut -c1-2 | rev) if [[ "$nvm_power_level" != "" ]] && [[ "$nvm_power_level" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $nvm_power_level; nvm_power_level=$Return_Value; fi nvm_power_watts=$(nvmecontrol power -l "$drive" | grep $nvm_power_level":" | grep "W" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d 'W' -f 1)"W" nvm_power_level="PS-"$nvm_power_level"
"$nvm_power_watts else nvm_power_level_temp2=$(nvme get-feature /dev/"$drive" -f 2 | rev | cut -c1) nvm_power_level_temp1=$(nvme get-feature /dev/"$drive" -f 2 | rev | cut -c2) nvm_power_level=$nvm_power_level_temp1$nvm_power_level_temp2 if [[ "$nvm_power_level" != "" ]] && [[ "$nvm_power_level" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $nvm_power_level; nvm_power_level=$Return_Value; fi nvm_power_watts=$(nvme -id-ctrl /dev/"$drive" | grep $nvm_power_level" :" | grep "W" | cut -d ':' -f 3 | cut -d 'W' -f 1)"W" nvm_power_level="PS-"$nvm_power_level$"
"$nvm_power_watts fi > /dev/null 2<&1 fi fi # Check Model Family (For Sandforce or Marvel Controller for ID241/242) if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.model_family | values')" ]]; then model_family="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.model_family | values')"; elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_model_family | values')" ]]; then model_family="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_model_family | values')"; else json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .model_family not in json")"; fi #> /dev/null 2<&1 # Currently do not use. if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.logical_block_size | values')" ]]; then ssdblocksize="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.logical_block_size | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" # Don't need block size yet. fi #> /dev/null 2<&1 # Normalize from Bytes to MB # Check for LBAs if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[].table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Written") | .value | values')" ]]; then tdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[0].table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Written") | .value | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" echo "Convert LBA 1 tdw="$tdw ssdtdw="$((( $tdw * 512 ) / 1000000 ))" # Convert LBA into bytes, now MB # Check for LBAs slightly differently elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[].table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Written") | .value | values')" ]]; then tdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_device_statistics.pages[].table[]? | select(.name == "Logical Sectors Written") | .value | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" echo "Convert LBA 2 tdw="$tdw ssdtdw="$((( $tdw * 512 ) / 1000000 ))" # Convert LBA into bytes, now MB # Check for NVMe (data_units_written) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.data_units_written | values')" ]]; then tdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_smart_health_information_log.data_units_written | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" echo "Convert Data Units tdw="$tdw ssdtdw="$((($tdw * 512000) / 1000000))" # Convert to bytes, now MB # Get SCSI (gigabytes_processed) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_error_counter_log.write.gigabytes_processed | values')" ]]; then tdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.scsi_error_counter_log.write.gigabytes_processed | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" echo "Convert SCSI tdw="$tdw ssdtdw="$(( $tdw * 1000 ))" # Default is GB, * 1000 to make MB # Get Total Write GiB (Total_Writes_GiB) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Total_Writes_GiB") | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then tdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Total_Writes_GiB") | .raw.value | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" echo "Convert Total Write GiB tdw="$tdw ssdtdw="$((( $tdw * 1074 ) / 1000000 ))" # Convert to bytes, now MB # Check for some SSDs (Total_Writes_32MiB) elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Host_Writes_32MiB") | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then tdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.name == "Host_Writes_32MiB") | .raw.value | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" echo "Convert Total Writes 32 MiB tdw="$tdw ssdtdw="$((( $tdw * 33554432 ) / 1000000 ))" # Convert to bytes, now MB elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 241) | .raw.value | values')" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep -i "lba")" ]]; then tdw="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_attributes.table[]? | select(.id == 241) | .raw.value | values' | cut -d'.' -f1)" if [[ $model_family == *"SandForce"* ]]; then echo "Convert SandForce tdw="$tdw ssdtdw="$(( $tdw * 1000 ))" # Sandforce reports in GB, now MB else echo "Convert Default = 512 tdw="$tdw ssdtdw="$((( $tdw * 512 ) / 1000000 ))" fi fi fi > /dev/null 2<&1 sas=0 if [[ "$(echo "$smartdata5" | grep "SAS")" ]]; then sas=1; sas_message=1; fi if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep ".ata_smart_attributes")" ]]; then if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "SMART Attributes are Present Look Up By Number Add common ID's here."; fi else json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .ata_smart_attributes not in json")" > /dev/null 2<&1 # SCSI Unique if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "++++++++ SMART Attributes are NOT present ++++++++"; fi # Data from 'smartctl -x' if [[ "$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Spin_Retry_Count" | awk '{print $10}')" ]]; then spinRetry="$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Spin_Retry_Count" | awk '{print $10 + 0}')"; fi if [[ "$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Current_Pending_Sector" | awk '{print $10}')" ]]; then pending="$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Current_Pending_Sector" | awk '{print $10}')"; fi if [[ "$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Offline_Uncorrectable" | awk '{print $10}')" ]]; then offlineUnc="$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Offline_Uncorrectable" | awk '{print $10}')"; fi if [[ "$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Uncorrectable_Error_Cnt" | awk '{print $10}')" ]]; then offlineUnc="$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Uncorrectable_Error_Cnt" | awk '{print $10}')"; fi if [[ "$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "UDMA_CRC_Error_Count" | awk '{print $10}')" ]]; then crcErrors="$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "UDMA_CRC_Error_Count" | awk '{print $10 + 0}')"; fi if [[ "$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "CRC_Error_Count" | awk '{print $10}')" ]]; then crcErrors="$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "CRC_Error_Count" | awk '{print $10}')"; fi if [[ "$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Multi_Zone_Error_Rate" | awk '{print $10}')" ]]; then multiZone="$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Multi_Zone_Error_Rate" | awk '{print $10 + 0}')"; fi fi if [[ $crcErrors == "" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Interface CRC Errors" | awk '{print $4}')" ]]; then crcErrors="$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Interface CRC Errors" | awk '{print $4}')"; fi fi if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_data.self_test.status.remaining_percent | values')" ]]; then smarttesting="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_data.self_test.status.remaining_percent | values')" fi ### ADD CHECKING THE SECOND LINE FOR TEST PASS/FAIL FOR THE FOLLOWING LASTTESTSTATUSPASS VARIABLE lastTestStatusPass="true" # Setup default, a failure can change it. if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_self_test_log.extended.table | values')" ]]; then lastTestHours="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_self_test_log.extended.table[0].lifetime_hours | values')" lastTestType="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_self_test_log.extended.table[0].type.string | values')" lastTestStatus="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_self_test_log.extended.table[0].status.string | values')" lastTestStatusPass="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_self_test_log.extended.table[0].status.passed | values')" if [[ $lastTestStatusPass == "true" ]]; then # If the last test passed, check the previous test as well. lastTestStatusPass="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_self_test_log.extended.table[1].status.passed | values')" # echo "Checking Previous Test Pass" fi elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_self_test_log.standard.table | values')" ]]; then lastTestHours="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_self_test_log.standard.table[0].lifetime_hours | values')" lastTestType="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_self_test_log.standard.table[0].type.string | values')" lastTestStatus="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_self_test_log.standard.table[0].status.string | values')" lastTestStatusPass="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_self_test_log.standard.table[0].status.passed | values')" if [[ $lastTestStatusPass == "true" ]]; then # If the last test passed, check the previous test as well. lastTestStatusPass="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_self_test_log.standard.table[1].status.passed | values')" fi elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_selective_self_test_log.table | values')" ]]; then lastTestHours="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_selective_self_test_log.table[0].lifetime_hours | values')" lastTestType="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_selective_self_test_log.table[0].status.string | values')" lastTestStatus="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_selective_self_test_log.table[0].status.string | values')" lastTestStatusPass="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_selective_self_test_log.table[0].status.passed | values')" if [[ $lastTestStatusPass == "true" ]]; then # If the last test passed, check the previous test as well. lastTestStatusPass="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_selective_self_test_log.table[1].status.passed | values')" fi # New NVMe to hopefully capture testing % in progress elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log | values')" ]]; then lastTestHours="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log.table[0].power_on_hours | values')" lastTestType="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log.current_self_test_operation.string | values')" lastTestStatus="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log.current_self_test_completion_percent | values')" if [[ "$lastTestType" == *"No self-test"* ]]; then lastTestType="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log.table[0].self_test_code.string | values')" else lastTestType=$lastTestType" "$((100-$lastTestStatus))"% Remaining" fi lastTestStatusPass="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log.table[0].self_test_result.value | values')" if [[ $lastTestStatusPass == 0 ]]; then lastTestStatusPass="true"; fi if [[ $lastTestStatusPass == "true" ]]; then # If the last test passed, check the previous test as well. lastTestStatusPass="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log.table[1].self_test_result.value | values')" if [[ $lastTestStatusPass == 0 ]]; then lastTestStatusPass="true"; fi fi elif [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log.table | values')" ]]; then lastTestHours="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log.table[0].power_on_hours | values')" lastTestType="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log.table[0].self_test_code.string | values')" lastTestStatus="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log.table[0].self_test_result.string | values')" lastTestStatusPass="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log.table[0].self_test_result.value | values')" if [[ $lastTestStatusPass == 0 ]]; then lastTestStatusPass="true"; fi if [[ $lastTestStatusPass == "true" ]]; then # If the last test passed, check the previous test as well. lastTestStatusPass="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.nvme_self_test_log.table[1].self_test_result.value | values')" if [[ $lastTestStatusPass == 0 ]]; then lastTestStatusPass="true"; fi fi ################ REMOVE THIS SECTION WHEN SMARTMONTOOLS 7.4 IS INCORPORATED INTO TRUENAS ######################## else if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then if [[ "$(nvmecontrol logpage -p 0x06 ${drive})" ]]; then lastTestType="$(nvmecontrol logpage -p 0x06 ${drive} | grep -m 1 "0]" | cut -d ' ' -f3)" lastTestStatus="$(nvmecontrol logpage -p 0x06 ${drive} | grep -m 1 "0]" | cut -d ' ' -f5-10)" temptest="$(echo $lastTestStatus | grep "without")" if [[ "$temptest" == "" ]]; then lastTestStatusPass="false" else # lastTestStatusPass="true" lastTestStatus="$(nvmecontrol logpage -p 0x06 ${drive} | grep -m 1 "1]" | cut -d ' ' -f5-10)" temptest="$(echo $lastTestStatus | grep "without")" if [[ "$temptest" == "" ]]; then lastTestStatusPass="false" else lastTestStatusPass="true" fi fi LTH_HEX="0x$(nvmecontrol logpage -p 0x06 ${drive} -x | cut -d " " -f 4 | head -1)xFF" lastTestHours=$(printf "%d\n" $LTH_HEX) fi > /dev/null 2<&1 else if [[ "$(nvme self-test-log --output-format=json /dev/${drive} | grep -m 1 "Self test result")" ]]; then # Get Last Self Test Type lastTestType="$(nvme self-test-log --output-format=json /dev/${drive} | grep -m 1 "Self test code" | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d ',' -f1 | xargs)" if [[ $lastTestType == 1 ]]; then lastTestType="Short" fi if [[ $lastTestType == 2 ]]; then lastTestType="Extended" fi if [[ $lastTestType == 0 ]]; then lastTestType="" fi # Get Last Self Test Result lastTestStatus="$(nvme self-test-log --output-format=json /dev/${drive} | grep -m 1 "Self test result" | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d ',' -f1 | xargs)" if [[ $lastTestStatus == 0 ]]; then lastTestStatus="Completed without error" lastTestStatusPass="true" if [[ "$(nvme self-test-log --output-format=json /dev/${drive} | grep -m 2 "Self test result" | tail -n1 | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d ',' -f1 | xargs)" != 0 ]]; then lastTestStatusPass="false" fi else lastTestStatus="Failure or Abort" lastTestStatusPass="false" fi # Get Last Self Test Hours lastTestHours="$(nvme self-test-log --output-format=json /dev/${drive} | grep -m 1 "Power on hours" | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d ',' -f1)" fi > /dev/null 2<&1 fi ####################################################### NVME SMARTMONTOOLS ALTERNATE END OF CODE ################################################# fi if [[ $lastTestStatus == "" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_data.self_test.status.string | values')" ]]; then lastTestStatus="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.ata_smart_data.self_test.status.string | values')" fi fi if [[ $lastTestHours == "" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep "NOW")" ]]; then lastTestHours="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep "# 2" | awk '{print $8}' )" lastTestStatus="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep "# 1" | awk '{print $6" "$7" "$8" "$9}' )" smarttesting="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep -i "Self-test execution status:" | cut -d ':' -f 3 | tr -d '[a-z]% ,\\"')" # Alternate? smarttesting="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep -i "remaining" | cut -d% -f1 | rev | cut -b -2 | rev)" else lastTestHours="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep "# 1" | awk '{print $8}' )" lastTestStatus="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep "# 1" | awk '{print $6}' )" smarttesting="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep -i "Self-test execution status:" | cut -d ':' -f 3 | tr -d '[a-z]% ,\\"')" fi lastTestType="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | grep "# 1" | awk '{print $4" "$5}' )" fi ################ # Get Power On Hours if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.power_on_time.hours | values')" ]]; then onHours="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.power_on_time.hours | values')" logfile_caution=$logfile_caution"$(printf "Drive "$serial" actual Power On Hours = "$onHours"
")" > /dev/null 2<&1 else json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .power_on_time.hours not in json")" onHours=$lastTestHours # Use last test hours. #Set Power On Hours Background to Yellow to indicate we are using last test time, not real power on hours. onTimeColor=$pohColor fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Setup for a Zero Hour Report, Yes in case someone has a zero hour value, the division will fail. if [[ $onHours == "" ]]; then onHours=0; fi if [[ $onHours == "0" ]]; then onHours=1; json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n'"$(echo $1" "$serial" .power_on_time.hours = 0")"; logfile_caution=$logfile_caution"$(printf "Drive "$serial" actual Power On Hours = 0, added 1 hour so the script doesn't fail, if this persists it may be a script failure or unrecognized drive.
")"; fi > /dev/null 2<&1 # Adjust for a drive that does report a passed SMART Test but not the hour. if [[ $lastTestHours == "0" ]] && [[ $lastTestStatusPass == "true" ]]; then lastTestHours=$onHours fi if [[ $onHours == "1" ]]; then lastTestHours=$onHours; fi if [[ $lastTestStatusPass == "" ]]; then lastTestStatusPass="true"; fi if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata}" | grep "# 1" | awk '{print $5}')" ]]; then chkreadfailure="$(echo "${smartdata}" | grep "# 1" | awk '{print $5}')" fi if [[ $lastTestType == "" ]]; then lastTestType=$Non_Exist_Value; fi ### Try looking for Custom_Drive data here. Need it for wearLevelAdj. IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$Custom_Drives_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do cdrivesn1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 1)" if [[ $cdrivesn1 == $serial ]]; then if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 16)" == "d" || "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 16)" == "r" || "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 16)" == "n" ]] ; then wearLevelAdj="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 16)"; fi fi done if [[ "$rotation" == "" || "$rotation" == "0" ]]; then # Lets treat this as a SSD or NVMe and zero out any possible invalid values that could cause an alarm. multiZone="" Helium="" fi if [[ "$rotation" > 0 ]]; then Custom_Drives_ListDrive="HDD" fi if [[ "$rotation" == "0" ]]; then Custom_Drives_ListDrive="SSD" if [[ $wearLevelAdj == "r" ]]; then wearLevel=$(( 100 - $wearLevel )) fi if [[ $wearLevelAdj == "n" ]]; then wearLevel=$wearLevelNormalized fi fi if [[ "$rotation" == "" ]] && [[ $1 == "HDD" ]]; then Custom_Drives_ListDrive="HDD" fi if [[ "$(echo "$smartdata5" | grep "NVM")" ]]; then Custom_Drives_ListDrive="NVM" fi if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo " " echo "Drive Type: "$1" | Serial Number: "$serial" | Model: "$modelnumber echo "Capacity: "$capacity" | RPM: "$rotation" | SMART Status: "$smartStatus echo "Curr Temp: "$temp" | Temp Min: "$temp_min" | Temp Max: "$temp_max echo "onHours="$onHours" | Start Stop Count: "$startStop" | Load Cycle: "$loadCycle echo "Spin Retry: "$spinRetry" | Reallocated Sectors: "$reAlloc" | Reallocated Events: "$reAllocEvent echo "Curr Pending Sectors: "$pending" | Offline uncorrectable: "$offlineUnc" | UDMA CRC Errors: "$crcErrors echo "Read Error Rate: "$rawReadErrorRate" | Seek Error Rate: "$seekErrorHealth" | MultiZone: "$multiZone echo "Helium: "$Helium" | HeliumThreshold="$heliumthresh" | Wear Level: "$wearLevel echo "Last Test Age: "$lastTestHours" | Last Test Type: "$lastTestType" | lastTestStatus="$lastTestStatus echo "testStatus="$smarttesting" | lastTestStatusPass="$lastTestStatusPass echo #echo "SAS="$sas #echo "lastTestHours="$lastTestHours", altlastTestHours="$altlastTestHours echo "==========================================" fi # Definitions of variables: # # $1 = Drive Type (HDD/SSD/NVM) # $lastTestType = The last/current test (background short/long, Short/Long offline, Conveyance) # $lastTestStatus = "Completed without error", "Completed", "Self test in progress", etc... # $testStatus = Percent completed of a test in progress "35%" with "%" trimmed. # $lastTestStatusPass = json passed = "true" or "false". if [[ $Sample_Test == "true" ]]; then echo "In Testing Mode" # Change any value below to override the actual drive values. # These are critical monitored values #temp_min=10 #temp_max=50 #temp=44 #spinRetry=0 reAlloc=1 reAllocEvent=1 pending=1 #offlineUnc=10 crcErrors=1 multiZone=1 #Helium=91 #wearLevel=16 #mediaErrors=0 # Below here are non-critical (No alarm generated) #seekErrorHealth=6 #seekErrorRate=6 #rawReadErrorRate=5 #startStop=490 #loadCycle=500 #onHours=50026 #lastTestHours=50000 #tdw=175234 fi ########## CALL CONVERT VARIABLES TO DECIMAL ########## if [[ "$temp_min" != "" ]] && [[ "$temp_min" != "0" ]] && [[ "$temp_min" != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $temp_min; temp_min=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$temp_max" != "" ]] && [[ "$temp_max" != "0" ]] && [[ "$temp_max" != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $temp_max; temp_max=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$temp" != "" ]] && [[ "$temp" != "0" ]] && [[ "$temp" != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $temp; temp=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$spinRetry" != "" ]] && [[ "$spinRetry" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $spinRetry; spinRetry=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$reAllocEvent" != "" ]] && [[ "$reAllocEvent" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $reAllocEvent; reAllocEvent=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$pending" != "" ]] && [[ "$pending" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $pending; pending=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$offlineUnc" != "" ]] && [[ "$offlineUnc" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $offlineUnc; offlineUnc=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$crcErrors" != "" ]] && [[ "$crcErrors" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $crcErrors; crcErrors=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$seekErrorHealth2" != "" ]] && [[ "$seekErrorHealth2" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $seekErrorHealth2; seekErrorHealth2=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$seekErrorHealth" != "" ]] && [[ "$seekErrorHealth" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $seekErrorHealth; seekErrorHealth=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$rawReadErrorRate2" != "" ]] && [[ "$rawReadErrorRate2" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $rawReadErrorRate2; rawReadErrorRate2=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$rawReadErrorRate" != "" ]] && [[ "$rawReadErrorRate" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $rawReadErrorRate; rawReadErrorRate=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$multiZone" != "" ]] && [[ "$multiZone" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $multiZone; multiZone=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$mediaErrors" != "" ]] && [[ "$mediaErrors" != "0" ]] && [[ "$mediaErrors" != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $mediaErrors; mediaErrors=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$wearLevel" != "" ]] && [[ "$wearLevel" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $wearLevel; wearLevel=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$tdw" != "" ]] && [[ "$tdw" != "0" ]] && [[ "$tdw" != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $tdw; tdw=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$temp" != "" ]] && [[ "$temp" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $temp; temp=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$startStop" != "" ]] && [[ "$startStop" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $startStop; startStop=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$loadCycle" != "" ]] && [[ "$loadCycle" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $loadCycle; loadCycle=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$reAlloc" != "" ]] && [[ "$reAlloc" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $reAlloc; reAlloc=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$onHours" != "" ]] && [[ "$onHours" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $onHours; onHours=$Return_Value; fi if [[ "$Helium" != "" ]] && [[ "$Helium" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $Helium; Helium=$Return_Value; fi lastTestHours="$(echo $lastTestHours | tr -d "()%/")" if [[ "$lastTestHours" != "" ]] && [[ "$lastTestHours" != "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $lastTestHours; lastTestHours=$Return_Value; fi altlastTestHours="$(echo $altlastTestHours | tr -d "()%/")" if [[ "$altlastTestHours" -gt "0" ]]; then convert_to_decimal $altlastTestHours; altlastTestHours=$Return_Value; fi # The next two things 'IF' statements are approximations due to odd drive counting of hours. # Some drives do not report test age after 65536 hours AND the onHours recycles to zero. Should we change the background color? if [[ $onHours -gt "65536" ]] && [[ $lastTestHours -gt "0" && $lastTestHours -lt "65535" ]]; then lastTestHours=$(($lastTestHours + 65536)); fi # Some drives do not report test age after 65535 hour AND the onHours continues to count. Should we change the background color? Last_Test_Type_poh2=$Last_Test_Type_poh if [[ $lastTestHours -eq "65535" ]] && [[ $onHours -gt "65535" ]]; then lastTestHours=$onHours if [[ $Last_Test_Type_poh == "true" ]]; then Last_Test_Type_poh2="false"; fi fi # Remove POH if not accurate. ######## VMWare Hack to fix NVMe bad variables ##### if [[ "$VMWareNVME" == "on" ]]; then if [[ "$serial" == "VMWare" ]]; then onHours="17,200" wearLevel="98" temp="38" temp_min="20" temp_max="43" fi fi # Grab partition data too if [[ $Partition_Backup == "true" ]] && [[ $1 != "NVM" ]]; then if ! [[ "$(find /usr/ -name "sgdisk")" ]]; then echo "sgdisk not found" >> "$logfile_caution" else sgdisk -b="/tmp/${tempfilepath}_${drive}_${serial}.partition" /dev/${drive} > /dev/null 2<&1 fi fi get_json_data # Save data for -dump routine if [[ "$dump_all" == "4" ]]; then # Dump '-dump emailextra | emailall' "$(echo "$smartdata" > /tmp/${tempfilepath}${drive}_$"{serial}"_a.txt)" 2> /dev/null "$(smartctl -x /dev/"$drive" > /tmp/${tempfilepath}${drive}_$"{serial}"_x.txt)" 2> /dev/null fi # Add a line return between drives json_error_log=$json_error_log$'\n' } # Check if power on time is present, if not, run smart short selftest or set power_on_time equal to last test run. # I DON'T THINK WE DO IT ALL, WE ARE CHECKING THE TIME, RUNNING A TEST IF NEEDED, BUT WERE IS THE SECOND CHECK AFTER THE SMART TEST IS RUN? Check_power_on_time () { # Check every drive. for drive in ${smartdrives[@]}; do smartdata5="$(smartctl -x --json=u /dev/"$drive")" if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.power_on_time.hours | values')" ]]; then onHours="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.power_on_time.hours | values')" else if [[ "$Run_SMART_No_power_on_time" == "true" ]]; then smartctl -t short /dev/$drive smartctl_test_running="true" echo "Drive "$drive" being tested." fi fi > /dev/null 2<&1 done for drive in ${smartdrivesSSD[@]}; do smartdata5="$(smartctl -x --json=u /dev/"$drive")" if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.power_on_time.hours | values')" ]]; then onHours="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.power_on_time.hours | values')" else if [[ "$Run_SMART_No_power_on_time" == "true" ]]; then smartctl -t short /dev/$drive smartctl_test_running="true" echo "Drive "$drive" being tested." fi fi > /dev/null 2<&1 done for drive in ${smartdrivesNVM[@]}; do smartdata5="$(smartctl -x --json=u /dev/"$drive")" if [[ "$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.power_on_time.hours | values')" ]]; then onHours="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.power_on_time.hours | values')" else if [[ "$Run_SMART_No_power_on_time" == "true" ]]; then smartctl -t short /dev/$drive smartctl_test_running="true" echo "Drive "$drive" being tested." fi fi > /dev/null 2<&1 done # Sleep while short self-test is running. # THIS PUTS ONE TEST ON THE NVME DRIVE, JUST INCASE IT WAS NEVER TESTED BEFORE, BUT DO I REALLY NEED IT? if [[ "$smartctl_test_running" == "true" ]]; then echo "Running SMART Short Self-test to obtain power_on_time, Sleeping 120 seconds..." sleep 120 echo "Continuing" fi } ########## GENERATE TABLE ########## # Call function with generate_table "HDD|SSD|NVM" generate_table () { if [[ "$Monitor" == "true" ]]; then return; fi detail_level="$1" # Lets add up how many columns we will need. if [[ "$Drive_Warranty_List" == "none" || "$Drive_Warranty_List" == "" ]]; then HDD_Warranty="false" SSD_Warranty="false" NVM_Warranty="false" fi Columns=0; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Device_ID" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Serial_Number" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Model_Number" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Capacity" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Rotational_Rate" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_SMART_Status" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Warranty" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Drive_Temp" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Drive_Temp_Min" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Drive_Temp_Max" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Power_On_Hours" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Start_Stop_Count" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Load_Cycle" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Spin_Retry" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Reallocated_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Reallocated_Events" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Pending_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Seek_Error_Rate" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_MultiZone_Errors" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Helium_Level" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Total_Data_Written" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Last_Test_Age" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Last_Test_Type" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; # Count for SSD if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Device_ID" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Serial_Number" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Model_Number" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Capacity" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_SMART_Status" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Warranty" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Drive_Temp" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Drive_Temp_Min" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Drive_Temp_Max" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Power_On_Hours" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Wear_Level" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Reallocated_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Reallocated_Events" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Pending_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Total_Data_Written" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Last_Test_Age" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Last_Test_Type" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; # Count for NVMe if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Device_ID" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Serial_Number" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Model_Number" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Capacity" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_SMART_Status" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Warranty" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Critical_Warning" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Drive_Temp" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Drive_Temp_Min" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Drive_Temp_Max" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Power_On_Hours" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Power_Level" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Wear_Level" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Media_Error" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Last_Test_Age" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Last_Test_Type" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Total_Data_Written" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month" == "true" ]]; then ((Columns=Columns+1)); fi; ( # Write HTML table headers to log file echo "

" echo "" if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]]; then echo ""; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]]; then echo ""; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]]; then echo ""; fi echo "" if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Device_ID" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Device_ID" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Device_ID" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Serial_Number" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Serial_Number" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Serial_Number" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Model_Number" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Model_Number" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Model_Number" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Capacity" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Capacity" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Capacity" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Rotational_Rate" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_SMART_Status" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_SMART_Status" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_SMART_Status" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Warranty" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Warranty" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Warranty" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Critical_Warning" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Drive_Temp" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Drive_Temp" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Drive_Temp" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Drive_Temp_Min" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Drive_Temp_Min" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Drive_Temp_Min" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Drive_Temp_Max" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Drive_Temp_Max" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Drive_Temp_Max" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Power_Level" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Power_On_Hours" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Power_On_Hours" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Power_On_Hours" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Wear_Level" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Wear_Level" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Start_Stop_Count" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Load_Cycle" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Spin_Retry" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Reallocated_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Reallocated_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Reallocated_Events" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Reallocated_Events" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Pending_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Pending_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Seek_Error_Rate" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_MultiZone_Errors" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Helium_Level" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Media_Error" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Last_Test_Age" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Last_Test_Age" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Last_Test_Age" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Last_Test_Type" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Last_Test_Type" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Last_Test_Type" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Total_Data_Written" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Total_Data_Written" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Total_Data_Written" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month" == "true" ]]; then echo " "; fi echo "" ) >> "$logfile" } ########## WRITE TABLE ########## # Call function with end_table "HDD|SSD|NVM" write_table () { if [[ "$Monitor" == "true" ]]; then return; fi ( printf "\n" $bgColor; # DRIVE ID - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Device_ID" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$deviceStatusColor" "$drive"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Device_ID" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$deviceStatusColor" "$drive"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Device_ID" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$deviceStatusColor" "$drive"; fi # SERIAL NUMBER - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Serial_Number" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$bgColor" "$serial"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Serial_Number" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$bgColor" "$serial"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Serial_Number" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$bgColor" "$serial"; fi # MODEL NUMBER - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Model_Number" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$modelnumber"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Model_Number" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$modelnumber"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Model_Number" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$modelnumber"; fi # CAPACITY - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Capacity" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$capacity"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Capacity" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$capacity"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Capacity" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$capacity"; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Rotational_Rate" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$rotation"; fi # SMART STATUS - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_SMART_Status" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$smartStatusColor" "$smartStatus"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_SMART_Status" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$smartStatusColor" "$smartStatus"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_SMART_Status" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$smartStatusColor" "$smartStatus"; fi # WARRANTY - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Warranty" == "true" ]] && [[ "$WarrantyBoxColor" == "$expiredWarrantyBoxColor" ]]; then printf "\n" "$WarrantyBackgroundColor" "$WarrantyBoxColor" "$WarrantyClock"; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Warranty" == "true" ]] && [[ "$WarrantyBoxColor" != "$expiredWarrantyBoxColor" ]]; then printf "\n" "$WarrantyBackgroundColor" "$WarrantyBoxColor" "$WarrantyClock"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Warranty" == "true" ]] && [[ "$WarrantyBoxColor" == "$expiredWarrantyBoxColor" ]]; then printf "\n" "$WarrantyBackgroundColor" "$WarrantyBoxColor" "$WarrantyClock"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Warranty" == "true" ]] && [[ "$WarrantyBoxColor" != "$expiredWarrantyBoxColor" ]]; then printf "\n" "$WarrantyBackgroundColor" "$WarrantyBoxColor" "$WarrantyClock"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Warranty" == "true" ]] && [[ "$WarrantyBoxColor" == "$expiredWarrantyBoxColor" ]]; then printf "\n" "$WarrantyBackgroundColor" "$WarrantyBoxColor" "$WarrantyClock"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Warranty" == "true" ]] && [[ "$WarrantyBoxColor" != "$expiredWarrantyBoxColor" ]]; then printf "\n" "$WarrantyBackgroundColor" "$WarrantyBoxColor" "$WarrantyClock"; fi # CRITICAL WARNING - CHART if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Critical_Warning" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$NVMcriticalWarningColor" "$NVMcriticalWarning"; fi # DRIVE TEMPERATURE - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Drive_Temp" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$tempColor" "$temp"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Drive_Temp" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$tempColor" "$temp"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Drive_Temp" == "true" ]]; then if [[ $temp_sensor_0 -ne 0 ]]; then TempDisplay=$TempDisplay"
"$temp_sensor_0"/"$temp_sensor_1; fi printf "\n" "$tempColor" "$temp"; fi # DRIVE TEMPERATURE MIN - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Drive_Temp_Min" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$temp_min"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Drive_Temp_Min" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$temp_min"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Drive_Temp_Min" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$temp_min"; fi # DRIVE TEMPERATURE MAX - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Drive_Temp_Max" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$temp_maxColor" "$temp_max"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Drive_Temp_Max" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$temp_maxColor" "$temp_max"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Drive_Temp_Max" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$temp_maxColor" "$temp_max"; fi # NVME POWER LEVEL - CHART if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Power_Level" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$bgColor" "$nvm_power_level"; fi # POWER ON HOURS - CHART if [[ "$onTimeColor" == "$yellowColor" ]]; then onTime=$onTime" from Last Test Hours"; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Power_On_Hours" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$onTimeColor" "$onTime"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Power_On_Hours" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$onTimeColor" "$onTime"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Power_On_Hours" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$onTimeColor" "$onTime"; fi # WEAR LEVEL - CHART if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Wear_Level" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$wearLevelColor" "$wearLevel"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Wear_Level" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$wearLevelColor" "$wearLevel"; fi # NVME MEDIA ERROR - CHART if [[ $mediaErrorsColor != $ovrdColor ]]; then if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Media_Error" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$mediaErrorsColor" "$mediaErrors"; fi else if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Media_Error" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$mediaErrorsColor" "$mediaErrors" "$mediaErrorsOrig"; fi fi # HDD START STOP COUNT - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Start_Stop_Count" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$startStop"; fi # HDD LOAD CYCLE - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Load_Cycle" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$loadCycle"; fi # HDD SPIN RETRY - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Spin_Retry" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$spinRetryColor" "$spinRetry"; fi # REALLOCATED SECTORS - CHART if [[ $reAllocColor != $ovrdColor ]]; then if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Reallocated_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$reAllocColor" "$reAlloc"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Reallocated_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$reAllocColor" "$reAlloc"; fi else if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Reallocated_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$reAllocColor" "$reAlloc" "$reAllocOrig"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Reallocated_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$reAllocColor" "$reAlloc" "$reAllocOrig"; fi fi # REALLOCATED EVENTS - CHART if [[ $reAllocEventColor != $ovrdColor ]]; then if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Reallocated_Events" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$reAllocEventColor" "$reAllocEvent"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Reallocated_Events" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$reAllocEventColor" "$reAllocEvent"; fi else if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Reallocated_Events" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$reAllocEventColor" "$reAllocEvent" "$reAllocEventOrig"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Reallocated_Events" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$reAllocEventColor" "$reAllocEvent" "$reAllocEventOrig"; fi fi # PENDING SECTORS - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Pending_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$pendingColor" "$pending"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Pending_Sectors" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$pendingColor" "$pending"; fi # OFFLINE UNCORRECTABLE SECTORS - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$offlineUncColor" "$offlineUnc"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$offlineUncColor" "$offlineUnc"; fi # UDMA CRC ERRORS - CHART if [[ $crcErrorsColor != $ovrdColor ]]; then if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$crcErrorsColor" "$crcErrors"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$crcErrorsColor" "$crcErrors"; fi else if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$crcErrorsColor" "$crcErrors" "$crcErrorsOrig"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$crcErrorsColor" "$crcErrors" "$crcErrorsOrig"; fi fi # RAW READ ERROR RATE - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$rawReadErrorRateColor" "$rawReadErrorRate"; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Seek_Error_Rate" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$seekErrorHealthColor" "$seekErrorHealth"; fi # MULTIZONE - CHART if [[ $multiZoneColor != $ovrdColor ]]; then if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_MultiZone_Errors" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$multiZoneColor" "$multiZone"; fi else if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_MultiZone_Errors" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$multiZoneColor" "$multiZone" "$multiZoneOrig"; fi fi # HELIUM LEVEL - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Helium_Level" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$HeliumColor" "$Helium"; fi # LAST TEST AGE - CHART if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Last_Test_Age" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$testAgeColor" "$testAge"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Last_Test_Age" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$testAgeColor" "$testAge"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Last_Test_Age" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$testAgeColor" "$testAge"; fi # LAST TEST TYPE - CHART if [[ $lastTestTypeColor == $bgColor ]] && [[ "$(echo $lastTestStatus | grep -i "progress" )" ]]; then lastTestTypeColor=$blueColor; fi if [[ $Last_Test_Type_poh == "true" ]] && [[ $Last_Test_Type_poh2 == "false" ]]; then lastTestTypeColor=$yellowColor lastTestType=$lastTestType" (*)" fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Last_Test_Type" == "true" ]] && [[ "$Last_Test_Type_poh2" != "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$lastTestTypeColor" "$lastTestType"; fi if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Last_Test_Type" == "true" ]] && [[ "$Last_Test_Type_poh2" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$lastTestTypeColor" "$lastTestType ($lastTestHours $lastTestTypeHoursIdent)"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Last_Test_Type" == "true" ]] && [[ "$Last_Test_Type_poh2" != "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$lastTestTypeColor" "$lastTestType"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Last_Test_Type" == "true" ]] && [[ "$Last_Test_Type_poh2" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$lastTestTypeColor" "$lastTestType ($lastTestHours $lastTestTypeHoursIdent)"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Last_Test_Type" == "true" ]] && [[ "$Last_Test_Type_poh2" != "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$lastTestTypeColor" "$lastTestType"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Last_Test_Type" == "true" ]] && [[ "$Last_Test_Type_poh2" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$lastTestTypeColor" "$lastTestType ($lastTestHours $lastTestTypeHoursIdent)"; fi # TOTAL DATA WRITTEN if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Total_Data_Written" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$bgColor" "$tdr / $tdw"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Total_Data_Written" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$bgColor" "$tdr / $tdw"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Total_Data_Written" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$bgColor" "$tdr / $tdw"; fi # TOTAL DATA WRITTEN CURRENT MONTH or LAST 30 DAYS? if [[ "$1" == "HDD" ]] && [[ "$HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$bgColor" "$tdr_num / $tdw_num"; fi if [[ "$1" == "SSD" ]] && [[ "$SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$bgColor" "$tdr_num / $tdw_num"; fi if [[ "$1" == "NVM" ]] && [[ "$NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" "$bgColor" "$tdr_num / $tdw_num"; fi echo "" ) | tr -d "[]" >> "$logfile" } ########## END THE TABLE ########## end_table () { if [[ "$Monitor" == "true" ]]; then return; fi ( echo "" echo "
" if [[ "$SER1" == "1" ]]; then echo "* = Seek Error Rate is Normalized. Higher is better."; fi if [[ $sas_message == "1" ]]; then echo "SCSI Drive(s) Detected: Reallocation Event Column = SCSI Grown Defects List, Offline Uncorrectable Sectors Column = SCSI Total Uncorrected Errors (Read+Write)
" fi if [[ $Last_Test_Type_poh == "true" ]] && [[ $Last_Test_Type_poh2 == "false" ]]; then echo "* = Note: The Last Test Type hours are stuck at 65535 hours and will not increment. Some drives exhibit this 'feature'.
" fi echo "
" ) >> "$logfile" } ########## COMPILE DETAILED REPORT ########## # Detailed Report Section (monospace text) detailed_report () { # Need to add three variables #Enable_Messages="true" # This will enable the Warning/Caution type messages. Default="true". #Enable_Zpool_Messages="true" # This will list all 'zpool -v status' and identify drives by gptid to drive ident. Default="true". #Enable_SMART_Messages="true" # This will output SMART data if available. Default="true". testfile=$1 if [[ $Monitor == "false" ]]; then ( echo "
			echo "Multi-Report Text Section"
			echo "
		) >> "$logfile"

		if test -e "$Config_File_Name"; then
			echo "1) External Configuration File (Present) dtd:$config_version_date " >> "$logfile"
			echo "1) External Configuration File (Not Present)" >> "$logfile"

		if [[ "$dump_all" == "3" ]] || [[ "$dump_all" == "4" ]]; then
			echo "YOU have requested '-dump email' and thus an email was sent to Joe Schmuck for analysis.
He will try to contact you on the sending email address. If this is an invalid
email address then please send a followup email to joeschmuck2023@hotmail.com
Your personal information will not be shared.

" >> "$logfile" fi if [[ $SDF_DataRecordEnable == "true" ]]; then if [[ $statistical_data_file_created == "1" ]]; then echo "-- Statistical Data File Created.
" >> "$logfile"; fi if [[ "$(echo $statistical_data_file | grep "/tmp/")" ]]; then echo "2) The Statistical Data File is located in the /tmp directory and is not permanent.
Recommend changing to a proper dataset.
" >> "$logfile" else echo "2) Statistical Data Log (Present) @ ($statistical_data_file)" >> "$logfile" fi fi echo " " >> "$logfile" echo "Attachments:" >> "$logfile" if [[ $TrueNASConfigEmailEnable == "true" ]]; then echo "1) TrueNAS Configuration File ($TrueNASConfigEmailDay) - (Enabled)" >> "$logfile"; else echo "1) TrueNAS Configuration File ($TrueNASConfigEmailDay) - (Disabled)" >> "$logfile"; fi if [[ $MRConfigEmailEnable == "true" ]]; then echo "2) Multi Report Configuration File ($MRConfigEmailDay) - (Enabled)" >> "$logfile"; else echo "2) Multi Report Configuration File ($MRConfigEmailDay) - (Disabled)" >> "$logfile"; fi if [[ $SDF_DataEmail == "true" ]]; then echo "3) Statistical Log ($SDF_DataEmailDay) - (Enabled)" >> "$logfile"; else echo "3) Statistical Log ($SDF_DataEmailDay) - (Disabled)" >> "$logfile"; fi if [[ $Partition_Backup == "true" ]]; then echo "4) HDD/SSD Partition Backup ($TrueNASConfigEmailDay) - (Enabled)" >> "$logfile"; else echo "4) HDD/SSD Partition Backup ($TrueNASConfigEmailDay) - (Disabled)" >> "$logfile"; fi if [[ $dump_type != "" ]]; then echo "5) Dump Files ($dump_type)" >> "$logfile"; fi echo " " >> "$logfile" echo "Checks/Tests:" >> "$logfile" if [[ $SMR_Enable == "true" ]]; then if echo "$logfile_warning" | grep -q "SMR"; then echo "1) SMR Checking - (Enabled) - WARNING" >> "$logfile"; else echo "1) SMR Checking - (Enabled) - No Errors Detected" >> "$logfile"; fi else echo "1) SMR Checking - (Disabled)" >> "$logfile" fi if [[ $partition_results -gt 0 ]]; then echo "2) Partition Check - (Enabled) - Possible Errors Detected" >> "$logfile" elif [[ $partition_results -eq 0 ]]; then echo "2) Partition Check - (Enabled) - No Errors Detected" >> "$logfile" else echo "2) Partition Check - (Disabled)" >> "$logfile" fi if [[ $spencer_error == "true" ]]; then echo "3) Spencer - (Enabled) - Possible Errors Detected
" >> "$logfile" elif [[ $spencer_error == "false" ]]; then echo "3) Spencer - (Enabled) - No Errors" >> "$logfile" elif [[ $spencer_error == "notinstalled" ]]; then echo "3) Spencer - (Not Installed)" >> "$logfile" else echo "3) Spencer - (Disabled)" >> "$logfile" fi if [[ $External_SMART_Testing == "true" ]]; then echo "4) S.M.A.R.T Testing External File - (Enabled)" >> "$logfile" if [ -f "/tmp/smartdrive_selftest_text.txt" ]; then cat /tmp/smartdrive_selftest_text.txt >> "$logfile" rm /tmp/smartdrive_selftest_text.txt # Let's clean it up. else if [[ $No_External_File == "true" ]]; then echo " The external file was not present.
" >> "$logfile" else echo " No '/tmp/smartdrive_selftest_text.txt' data file
" >> "$logfile" fi fi else echo "4) S.M.A.R.T Testing External File - (Disabled)
" >> "$logfile" fi fi ### Lets write out the error messages if there are any, Critical first followed by Warning Monitor_Send_Email="false" if [[ $AlertOnCriticalError == "true" ]] && [[ $Monitor == "true" ]]; then if [[ $logfile_critical != "" ]]; then Monitor_Send_Email="true" fi fi if [[ $AlertOnWarningTemp == "true" ]] && [[ $Monitor == "true" ]]; then if [[ $Temperature_Log != "" ]]; then Monitor_Send_Email="true" fi fi ( if [[ $Monitor == "false" ]]; then if [[ ! $logfile_messages == "" ]]; then echo "MESSAGES LOG FILE" echo $logfile_messages echo "
" fi if [[ $logfile_critical != "" ]]; then echo "CRITICAL LOG FILE" echo $logfile_critical echo "
" fi if [[ $logfile_warning != "" ]]; then echo "WARNING LOG FILE" echo $logfile_warning echo "
" fi if [[ ! $Ignore_Drives_List == "" ]]; then echo "Ignored Drives = "$Ignore_Drives_List echo "
" fi if [[ ! $logfile_warranty == "" ]]; then echo $logfile_warranty echo "
" fi else if [[ $logfile_critical != "" ]]; then echo $logfile_critical fi if [[ $Temperature_Log != "" ]]; then echo $Temperature_Log fi fi ) >> "$logfile" if [[ $Monitor == "false" ]]; then if [[ $DisableRAWdata != "true" ]]; then ### zpool status for each pool ( IFS=$'\n' for pool in $pools; do # drive_read_error_chk=0 # drive_write_error_chk=0 # drive_cksum_error_chk=0 this_disk_errors="" ###### FREEBSD VERSION OF THIS SECTION if [ $softver != "Linux" ]; then drives_in_gptid=$(zpool status "$pool" | grep "gptid" | awk '{print $1}') # GPTID if [[ $(zpool status "$pool" | grep "nvd") ]]; then drives_in_gptid=$drives_in_gptid$(zpool status "$pool" | grep "nvd" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d " " -f1) # NVM + partition fi if [[ $(zpool status "$pool" | grep -v "data" | grep " da") ]]; then drive_da=$(zpool status "$pool" | grep -v "data" | grep " da" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d " " -f1 | cut -d "p" -f1) # daX - partition drive_da=$(glabel status | tail -n +2 | grep " $drive_da" | awk '{print $1}') drives_in_gptid=$drives_in_gptid$'\n'$drive_da fi if [[ $(zpool status "$pool" | grep -v "data" | grep " ada") ]]; then drive_da=$(zpool status "$pool" | grep -v "data" | grep " ada" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d " " -f1) # adaX + partition drive_da=$(gpart list | grep -A 10 "$drive_da" | grep "rawuuid" | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f2) drives_in_gptid=$drives_in_gptid$'\n'$drive_da fi driveit=0 ( # Create a simple header and drop the output of zpool status -v echo "########## ZPool status report for ${pool} ##########" zpool status -v "$pool" zpool_list=$(zpool status -v "$pool") zpool_glabel=$(glabel status) for longgptid in $drives_in_gptid; do if [[ $(echo $zpool_list | grep "$longgptid") ]]; then # gptid in glabel drive_ident=$(glabel status | tail -n +2 | grep "$longgptid" | awk '{print $1 " -> " $3}' | cut -d '/' -f2 | cut -d 'p' -f1) drive_name=$(glabel status | tail -n +2 | grep "$longgptid" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d '/' -f2 | cut -d 'p' -f1) else # Not in glabel longgptid_temp=$(echo $longgptid | cut -d '/' -f2) drive_name=$(gpart list | grep -B 7 "$longgptid_temp" | grep "Name" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d "p" -f1) drive_ident=$longgptid" -> "$drive_name fi if [[ "$drive_name" == *"nvd"* ]]; then drive_name="nvme"$(echo ${drive_name} | cut -d'd' -f2); fi serial_temp=$(smartctl -a "/dev/"$drive_name --json=u | jq -Mre '.serial_number | values' | tr -d ' ') if [[ $serial_temp == "" ]]; then serial_temp=$Non_Exist_Value; fi virtual_drive_test=$(smartctl -a "/dev/"$drive_name | grep -i "virtual") if [[ $virtual_drive_test != "" ]]; then drive_ident=$(echo $drive_ident | cut -d'/' -f2) drive_ident="Virtual Drive "$drive_ident fi # THIS DOES NOT WORK UNLESS THE DRIVES HAVE A VALID GPTID, SO 99% OF THE TIME. drive_read_error_chk=$(zpool status "$pool" | grep "$longgptid" | awk '{print $3}') # READ ERRORS if [[ $drive_read_error_chk == "" ]]; then drive_read_error_chk="0"; fi drive_write_error_chk=$(zpool status "$pool" | grep "$longgptid" | awk '{print $4}') # WRITE ERRORS if [[ $drive_write_error_chk == "" ]]; then drive_write_error_chk="0"; fi drive_cksum_error_chk=$(zpool status "$pool" | grep "$longgptid" | awk '{print $5}') # CKSUM ERRORS if [[ $drive_cksum_error_chk == "" ]]; then drive_cksum_error_chk="0"; fi if [[ $drive_read_error_chk != "0" ]] || [[ $drive_write_error_chk != "0" ]] || [[ $drive_cksum_error_chk != "0" ]]; then this_disk_errors=" PROBLEM"; else this_disk_errors=""; fi if [[ $drive_ident != "" ]]; then if [[ $driveit == "0" ]]; then echo "
Drives for this pool are listed in order:"; driveit="1"; fi echo $drive_ident" -> S/N:"$serial_temp" "$this_disk_errors fi done echo "
" ) >> "$logfile" fi #### LINUX VERSION OF THIS SECTION if [ $softver == "Linux" ]; then # drives_in_gptid=$(lsblk -o +PARTUUID,NAME,LABEL | grep -w "$pool" | awk -F" " '{print $7}' | grep "........-") drives_in_gptid=$(lsblk -o +PARTUUID,NAME,LABEL | grep -P "(^|[^-*&$!])\b$pool\b" | awk -F" " '{print $7}' | grep "........-") driveit=0 ( # Create a simple header and drop the output of zpool status -v echo "########## ZPool status report for ${pool} ##########" zpool status -v "$pool" zpool_list=$(zpool status -v "$pool") for longgptid in $drives_in_gptid; do drive_ident=$(lsblk -o +PARTUUID,NAME,LABEL | grep -w "$longgptid" | awk -F" " '{print $7 " -> " $8}') drive_name=$(lsblk -o +PARTUUID,NAME,LABEL | grep -w "$longgptid" | awk -F" " '{print $8}') serial_temp=$(smartctl -a "/dev/"$drive_name --json=u | jq -Mre '.serial_number | values' | tr -d ' ') if [[ $serial_temp == "" ]]; then serial_temp=$Non_Exist_Value; fi virtual_drive_test=$(smartctl -a "/dev/"$drive_name | grep -i "virtual") if [[ $virtual_drive_test != "" ]]; then drive_ident="Virtual Drive "$drive_ident fi # THIS DOES NOT WORK UNLESS THE DRIVES HAVE A VALID GPTID, SO 99% OF THE TIME. drive_read_error_chk=$(zpool status "$pool" | grep "$longgptid" | awk '{print $3}') # READ ERRORS if [[ $drive_read_error_chk == "" ]]; then drive_read_error_chk="0"; fi drive_write_error_chk=$(zpool status "$pool" | grep "$longgptid" | awk '{print $4}') # WRITE ERRORS if [[ $drive_write_error_chk == "" ]]; then drive_write_error_chk="0"; fi drive_cksum_error_chk=$(zpool status "$pool" | grep "$longgptid" | awk '{print $5}') # CKSUM ERRORS if [[ $drive_cksum_error_chk == "" ]]; then drive_cksum_error_chk="0"; fi if [[ $drive_read_error_chk != "0" ]] || [[ $drive_write_error_chk != "0" ]] || [[ $drive_cksum_error_chk != "0" ]]; then this_disk_errors=" PROBLEM"; else this_disk_errors=""; fi if [[ $drive_ident != "" ]]; then if [[ $driveit == "0" ]]; then echo "
Drives for this pool are listed below:"; driveit="1"; fi echo $drive_ident" -> S/N:"$serial_temp" "$this_disk_errors drive_ident="" fi done echo "
" ) >> "$logfile" fi done ) drives="${smartdrives} ${smartdrivesSSD} ${smartdrivesNVM}" ### SMART status for each drive - SMART Enabled write_ATA_Errors="0" for drive in $drives; do if [[ $drive == "TEST" ]] ; then testfileX="$( cat "${testfile}" )" modelnumber="$(echo "${testfileX}" | jq -Mre '.model_name | values')" serial="$(echo "${testfileX}" | jq -Mre '.serial_number | values' | tr -d ' ')" ( echo "
########## FULL TESTFILE -- SMART status report for drive ${drive} (${modelnumber}: ${serial}) ##########" echo "
Data not available in test mode" ) >> "$logfile" else # Gather brand and serial number of each drive smartdata="$(smartctl -a /dev/"$drive")" smartdata5="$(smartctl -x --json=u /dev/"$drive")" if [[ "$(echo ${smartdata5} | grep -i "SCSI")" ]]; then # First, is this SCSI interface. if [[ "$(smartctl -d sat -x --json=u /dev/"$drive" | grep -i "serial_number")" ]]; then # Is this SCSI to ATA Translation smartdata5="$(smartctl -d sat -x --json=u /dev/"$drive")" # Yes, then lets try '-d sat'. smartdata="$(smartctl -d sat -a --json=u /dev/"$drive")" fi fi modelnumber="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.model_name | values')" serial="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.serial_number | values' | tr -d ' ')" test_ata_error="$(smartctl -H -A -l error /dev/"$drive" | grep "ATA Error Count" | awk '{print $4}')" modelnumber="$(echo "${modelnumber}" | sed -e 's/\ *$//g')" if [[ $serial == "" ]]; then serial="N/A"; fi if [[ $modelnumber == "" ]]; then modelnumber="N/A"; fi # If no data in ATA_Errors_List then lets gather data if needed. ### ATA ERROR LOG ### Let's find a match to string ATA_Errors_List IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$ATA_Errors_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do ataerrorssn1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 1)" ataerrorsdt1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" if [[ $ataerrorssn1 == "" ]]; then if [[ ! $test_ata_error == "" ]]; then if [[ $ATA_Auto_Enable == "true" ]]; then temp_ATA_Errors=$temp_ATA_Errors$serial:$test_ata_error"," write_ATA_Errors="1" fi fi fi if [[ "$ataerrorssn1" == "$serial" ]]; then ataerrors=$ataerrorsdt1 if [[ $ATA_Errors_List == "" ]]; then write_ATA_Errors="1" fi temp_ATA_Errors=$temp_ATA_Errors$serial:$test_ata_error"," if [[ $test_ata_error -gt $ataerrors ]]; then write_ATA_Errors="1" logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" ATA Error Count: "$test_ata_error" - Value Increased
")" fi fi continue done ( # Create a simple header and drop the output of some basic smartctl commands echo "########## SMART status report for ${drive} drive (${modelnumber} : ${serial}) ##########" if [[ $test_ata_error -gt "0" ]]; then if [[ $test_ata_error -gt $ataerrors ]]; then if [[ $NVMe_Ignore_Invalid_Errors != "enable" ]]; then smartctl -H -A -l error /dev/"$drive" # Lets allow all error messages else smartctl -H -A -l error /dev/"$drive" | grep -v -i 'Invalid Field in Command' # Erase those error messages fi else if [[ $NVMe_Ignore_Invalid_Errors != "enable" ]]; then smartctl -H -A -l error /dev/"$drive" # Lets allow all error messages else smartctl -H -A -l error /dev/"$drive" | grep -v -i 'Invalid Field in Command' # Lets allow all error messages fi echo "ATA Error Count: "$test_ata_error echo " " fi else if [[ $NVMe_Ignore_Invalid_Errors != "enable" ]]; then smartctl -H -A -l error /dev/"$drive" else smartctl -H -A -l error /dev/"$drive" | grep -v -i 'Invalid Field in Command' # Lets allow all error messages fi fi # Create Recent Tests Report echo "Most recent Short & Extended Tests - Listed by test number" if [[ $(smartctl -x /dev/"$drive" | egrep "# 1") ]]; then # Adjustment for Smartctl 7.4 lasttest1="$(smartctl -x /dev/"$drive" | egrep "# 1")" if [[ $lasttest1 == *"Short offline"* ]]; then lastfind="Extended offline"; fi; if [[ $lasttest1 == *"Extended offline"* ]]; then lastfind="Short offline"; fi; else lasttest1="$(smartctl -x /dev/"$drive" | egrep -E ' (Short|Extended) ' | head -1)" if [[ $lasttest1 == *"Short"* ]]; then lastfind="Extended"; fi; if [[ $lasttest1 == *"Extended"* ]]; then lastfind="Short"; fi; fi echo $lasttest1 lasttest2="$(smartctl -x /dev/"$drive" | egrep "$lastfind" | head -1)" echo $lasttest2 echo "
" ) >> "$logfile" # SCT Error Recovery Control Report scterc="$(smartctl -l scterc /dev/"$drive" | tail -3 | head -2)" ( echo "SCT Error Recovery Control: "$scterc echo "
" ) >> "$logfile" fi done fi fi } ########## COMPILE NON-SMART REPORT ########## ### NON-SMART status report section # I don't particularly use this but some folks might find it useful. # To activate it, in the variables set ReportNonSMART=true. # It will list all drives where Non-SMART is true and remove devices starting with "cd", for example "cd0" non_smart_report () { if [[ "$Monitor" == "true" ]]; then return; fi drives=$nonsmartdrives if [ $ReportNonSMART == "true" ]; then for drive in $drives; do if [ ! "$(echo "$drive" | grep "cd")" ]; then # Gather model number and serial number of each drive modelnumber="" serial="" smartdata="$(smartctl -a /dev/"$drive")" smartdata5="$(smartctl -x --json=u /dev/"$drive")" if [[ "$(echo ${smartdata5} | grep -i "SCSI")" ]]; then # First, is this SCSI interface. if [[ "$(smartctl -d sat -x --json=u /dev/"$drive" | grep -i "serial_number")" ]]; then # Is this SCSI to ATA Translation smartdata5="$(smartctl -d sat -x --json=u /dev/"$drive")" # Yes, then reload the newer SMART data smartdata="$(smartctl -d sat -a --json=u /dev/"$drive")" fi fi serial="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.serial_number | values' | tr -d ' ')" if [[ $serial == "" ]]; then serial="$(echo "$smartdata" | grep "Serial Number" | awk '{print $3}')" fi modelnumber="$(echo "${smartdata5}" | jq -Mre '.model_name | values')" modelnumber="$(echo "${modelnumber}" | sed -e 's/\ *$//g')" if [[ $serial == "" ]]; then serial="N/A"; fi if [[ $modelnumber == "" ]]; then modelnumber="N/A"; fi ( echo "
" echo "########## NON-SMART status report for ${drive} drive (${modelnumber} : ${serial}) ##########" # And we will dump everything since it's not a standard SMART device. echo "SMARTCTL DATA" smartctl -a /dev/"$drive" echo "
" if [ $softver == "Linux" ]; then echo "FDISK DATA" fdisk -l /dev/"$drive" fi > /dev/null 2<&1 ) >> "$logfile" fi done fi } ########## REMOVE UN-NEEDED JUNK AND FINALIZE EMAIL MESSAGE END ########## remove_junk_report () { ### Remove some un-needed junk from the output sed -i -e '/smartctl/d' "$logfile" sed -i -e '/Copyright/d' "$logfile" sed -i -e '/=== START OF READ/d' "$logfile" sed -i -e '/SMART Attributes Data/d' "$logfile" sed -i -e '/Vendor Specific SMART/d' "$logfile" sed -i -e '/SMART Error Log Version/d' "$logfile" } tar_attachments () { #### This will tar all -dump file attachments. Not used for normal operations, only -dump operations. # Read all the attachments and tar them. # Input file is /tmp/attachment_files.txt # Format is file $2 = path/name and $3 = file to be named, ignore $1. while read line; do tar_file=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}') tar -rf "/tmp/dump.tar" $tar_file > /dev/null 2<&1 done < /tmp/attachment_files.txt echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/dump.tar dump.tar" > /tmp/attachment_files.txt } attach_files () { #### CAN THE REST OF THIS FUNCTION THIS BE MOVED INTO A SINGLE SECTION FOR ATTACHMENTS ????? ###### doit="false" if [[ "$dump_all" != "0" ]]; then output_x=0 # Now attach all the attachments. ( if [[ "$(echo $programver | grep -i "beta")" ]] || [[ $UpdateAvailable == "true" ]]; then echo ""; fi echo $programver"
Report Run "$(date +%d-%b-%Y)" @ "$timestamp"
" duration=$SECONDS if [[ $duration -lt 60 ]]; then echo "Script Execution Time: $(($duration % 60)) Seconds" else echo "Script Execution Time: $(($duration / 60)) Minutes : $(($duration % 60)) Seconds" fi if [[ $UpdateAvailable == "true" ]]; then echo "
UPDATE AVAILABLE --> "$GitVersion; fi if [[ $Messages != "" ]]; then echo "
Message from Joe: "$Messages"
"; fi if [[ "$(echo $programver | grep -i "beta")" ]] || [[ $UpdateAvailable == "true" ]]; then echo "
"; fi if [[ $TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption != "" ]] && [[ $Config_Encrypted == "true" ]]; then echo "
Attached zip file is encrypted."; fi echo "

" # Keyboard_Message comes from the '-dump email' command. if [[ $Keyboard_Message != "" ]]; then echo ""$Keyboard_Message"

" fi ) > ${logfile_header} output_html="$(cat $logfile_header)$(cat $logfile)" output_x=1 # Write MIME section header for file attachment (encoded with base64) if [[ $output_html != "" ]]; then echo $output_html > /tmp/output.html if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then # (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/output.html email_body.html" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) sleep .1 # Do nothing else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=email_body.html" base64 "/tmp/output.html" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi doit="true" fi if [[ $Attach_Files1 == "true" ]]; then if [[ $Attach_Multi_Report == "true" ]]; then if test -e "/tmp/Old_multi_report_config.txt"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/Old_multi_report_config.txt Old_multi_report_config.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( # Write MIME section header for file attachment (encoded with base64) echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Old_multi_report_config.txt" base64 "/tmp/Old_multi_report_config.txt" rm /tmp/Old_multi_report_config.txt ) >> "$logfile" fi fi if test -e "$Config_File_Name"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file $Config_File_Name multi_report_config.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( # Write MIME section header for file attachment (encoded with base64) echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=multi_report_config.txt" base64 "$Config_File_Name" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi fi if [[ $Attach_Statistical_File == "true" ]]; then if test -e $statistical_data_file; then # Write MIME section header for file attachment (encoded with base64) if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file $statistical_data_file Statistical_Data.csv" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/csv" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Statistical_Data.csv" base64 "$statistical_data_file" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi fi if [[ $Attach_TrueNAS_Config == "true" ]]; then if test -e /tmp/$Config_Name; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/$Config_Name ${Config_Name}" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: application/zip" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=${Config_Name}" base64 /tmp/$Config_Name rm /tmp/$Config_Name ) >> "$logfile" fi fi fi if [[ $dump_all != "0" ]]; then $(zpool list > /tmp/zpoollist.txt) if test -e "/tmp/zpoollist.txt"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/zpoollist.txt zpoollist.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=zpoollist.txt" base64 "/tmp/zpoollist.txt" rm /tmp/zpoollist.txt ) >> "$logfile" fi fi $(zpool status -v > /tmp/zpoolstatus.txt) if test -e "/tmp/zpoolstatus.txt"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/zpoolstatus.txt zpoolstatus.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=zpoolstatus.txt" base64 "/tmp/zpoolstatus.txt" rm /tmp/zpoolstatus.txt ) >> "$logfile" fi fi $(zfs list > /tmp/zfslist.txt) if test -e "/tmp/zfslist.txt"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/zfslist.txt zfslist.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=zfslist.txt" base64 "/tmp/zfslist.txt" rm /tmp/zfslist.txt ) >> "$logfile" fi fi if [[ $softver == "Linux" ]]; then # ( $(lsblk -o +PARTUUID,NAME,LABEL > /tmp/gptid.txt) # ) >> "$logfile" else # ( $(glabel status > /tmp/gptid.txt) # ) >> "$logfile" fi if test -e "/tmp/gptid.txt"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/gptid.txt gptid.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=gptid.txt" base64 "/tmp/gptid.txt" rm /tmp/gptid.txt ) >> "$logfile" fi fi if [[ $json_error_log != "" ]]; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then printf "%b" "$json_error_log" > /tmp/json_error_log.txt (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/json_error_log.txt json_error_log.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/plain" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=json_error_log.txt" base64 <<< $json_error_log ) >> "$logfile" fi fi $(midclt call smart.test.results | jq > "/tmp/smart_results_all_drives_API.json") if test -e "/tmp/smart_results_API.json"; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/smart_results_API.json Smart_Results_All_Drives_API.json" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Smart_Results_All_Drives_API.json" base64 "/tmp/smart_results_all_drives_API.json" rm "/tmp/smart_results_all_drives_API.json" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi fi fi if test -e "/tmp/spencer_report.txt"; then if [ $(grep -wic "New Error Messages" "/tmp/spencer_report.txt") -gt 0 ] || [ $(grep -wic "Previous" "/tmp/spencer_report.txt") -gt 0 ]; then if [[ "$truenas_sendmail_support" == "No" ]]; then (echo "create_attachment_file /tmp/spencer_report.txt spencer_report.txt" >> /tmp/attachment_files.txt) else ( echo "--${boundary}" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=spencer_report.txt" base64 "/tmp/spencer_report.txt" ) >> "$logfile" fi fi fi if [[ "$dump_all" != "0" ]]; then # Attach dump files first for drive in $smartdrives; do dump_drive_data done for drive in $smartdrivesSSD; do dump_drive_data done for drive in $smartdrivesNVM; do dump_drive_data done for drive in $nonsmartdrives; do dump_drive_data done else # If we are just normally running, attach partition files if they exist. for drive in $smartdrives; do dump_drive_partition done for drive in $smartdrivesSSD; do dump_drive_partition done # NVMe Partitions not there yet. Keep here as a placeholder. # for drive in $smartdrivesNVM; do # dump_drive_partition # done for drive in $nonsmartdrives; do dump_drive_partition done fi } ########## CRUNCH THE NUMBERS and FORMAT MESSAGES and COLORS ########## ##### Call with HDD|SSD|NVM ############## crunch_numbers () { detail_level=$1 ### Lets adjust for all the Media Alarms, Temp Alarms, and Wear Level for the new Custom_Drives_List # We need to change the values in the running script to use slight different variables # for example SectorsWarn will now be SectorsWarnx # Do this for all the pertinent variables and add a section to scan the Custom_Drives_List variable # and if a serial number matches, then use the variables there vs the defaults. ### Order of data -- $serial":"$tempwarn":"$tempcrit":"$sectorswarn":"$sectorscrit":"$reallocwarn":"$multizonewarn":"$multizonecrit":"$rawreadwarn":"$rawreadcrit":"$seekerrorswarn":"$seekerrorscrit":"$testage":"$testAgeOvrd":"$heliummin":"$wearleveladj" # Predefine default variables if [[ $Custom_Drives_ListDrive == "HDD" ]]; then HDDtempWarnx=$HDDtempWarn; HDDtempCritx=$HDDtempCrit fi if [[ $Custom_Drives_ListDrive == "SSD" ]]; then SSDtempWarnx=$SSDtempWarn; SSDtempCritx=$SSDtempCrit fi if [[ $Custom_Drives_ListDrive == "NVM" ]]; then NVMtempWarnx=$NVMtempWarn; NVMtempCritx=$NVMtempCrit fi SectorsWarnx=$SectorsWarn SectorsCritx=$SectorsCrit ReAllocWarnx=$ReAllocWarn MultiZoneWarnx=$MultiZoneWarn MultiZoneCritx=$MultiZoneCrit RawReadWarnx=$RawReadWarn RawReadCritx=$RawReadCrit SeekErrorsWarnx=$SeekErrorsWarn SeekErrorsCritx=$SeekErrorsCrit TestWarnAgex=$TestWarnAge testAgeOvrd="0" HeliumMinx=$HeliumMin ### 'd' = Default Values IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$Custom_Drives_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do cdrivesn1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 1)" if [[ $cdrivesn1 == $serial ]]; then if [[ $Custom_Drives_ListDrive == "HDD" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" != "d" ]]; then HDDtempWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 3)" != "d" ]]; then HDDtempCritx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 3)" fi fi if [[ $Custom_Drives_ListDrive == "SSD" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" != "d" ]]; then SSDtempWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 3)" != "d" ]]; then SSDtempCritx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 3)" fi fi if [[ $Custom_Drives_ListDrive == "NVM" ]]; then if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" != "d" ]]; then NVMtempWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 3)" != "d" ]]; then NVMtempCritx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 3)" fi fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 4)" != "d" ]]; then SectorsWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 4)"; fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 5)" != "d" ]]; then SectorsCritx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 5)"; fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 6)" != "d" ]]; then ReAllocWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 6)"; fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 7)" != "d" ]]; then MultiZoneWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 7)"; fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 8)" != "d" ]]; then MultiZoneCritx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 8)"; fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 9)" != "d" ]]; then RawReadWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 9)"; fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 10)" != "d" ]]; then RawReadCritx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 10)"; fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 11)" != "d" ]]; then SeekErrorsWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 11)"; fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 12)" != "d" ]]; then SeekErrorsCritx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 12)"; fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 13)" != "d" ]]; then TestWarnAgex="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 13)"; fi testAgeOvrd="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 14)" if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 15)" != "d" ]]; then HeliumMinx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 15)"; fi if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 16)" != "d" ]]; then wearLevelAdj="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 16)"; fi ### Remove this check in future version if [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 16)" == "" ]] || [[ "$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 16)" == "," ]]; then wearLevelAdj="d" echo "Illegal Custom Drive Configuration Data... Delete and recreate the Custom Drive configuration data." echo "Temporary patch applied for Wear Level Adjustment." else wearLevelAdj="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 16)" fi fi done ### Remove Leading Zeros from all variables # This is important because double square brackets interpret a leading zero as Octal number # This only works for positive numbers, not negative. Thankfully I should not have negative # numbers in this script. # Make onHours a base 10 number and remove any commas onHours=${onHours#0} onHours="${onHours//,}" ### Convert onHours to onTime if [[ $onHours -gt "262800" ]]; then onHours=0; fi # 30 years if [[ $onHours != 0 ]]; then if [[ $lastTestHours != "" ]]; then let testAge=$(((($onHours - $lastTestHours) / 24))); fi let yrs=$((($onHours / 8760))) let mos=$(((($onHours % 8760) / 730))) let dys=$((((($onHours % 8760) % 730) / 24))) let hrs=$(((($onHours % 8760) % 730) % 24)) if [[ $PowerTimeFormat == "ymdh" ]]; then onTime="${yrs}y ${mos}m ${dys}d ${hrs}h"; elif [[ $PowerTimeFormat == "ymd" ]]; then onTime="${yrs}y ${mos}m ${dys}d"; elif [[ $PowerTimeFormat == "ym" ]]; then onTime="${yrs}y ${mos}m"; elif [[ $PowerTimeFormat == "y" ]]; then onTime="${yrs}y"; elif [[ $PowerTimeFormat == "h" ]]; then onTime=$onHours; else onTime=$onHours; fi else lastTestHours=$onHours fi ##### CALCULATE TOTAL DATA WRITTEN ########## # Display in TiB Written or GiB Written tdwbytes=$ssdtdw tdw_log=$tdwbytes tdr_log=$ssdtdr if [[ $tdwbytes != "" ]]; then if [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000000000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10000000000000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 100 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" ZB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10000000000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 100 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" EB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10000000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 100 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" PB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 100000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 10 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1)" tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" TB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 100 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 10 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1)" tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" GB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1 ]]; then # tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10 ))) # tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 1 )))" # tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1)" # tdw=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" MB" tdw=$tdwbytes" MB" elif [[ $tdwbytes != 0 ]]; then tdw="<1 MB" else tdw=$Non_Exist_Value fi else tdw=$Non_Exist_Value fi ##### CALCULATE DIFFERENCE FOR TOTAL DATA WRITTEN PER MONTH # tdw_log=Current TDW # tdw_read=Old TDW (from statisticaldatafile) # READ DATA FROM statisticaldatafile read_csv $Total_Data_Written_Month if [[ $tdw_read -lt 1 ]] ;then tdw_read=1; fi tdwbytes=$((( $tdw_log - $tdw_read ))) # Find the difference if [[ $tdwbytes != "" ]]; then if [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000000000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10000000000000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 100 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdw_num=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" ZB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10000000000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 100 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdw_num=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" EB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 10000000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 100 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdw_num=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" PB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 100000 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 10 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1)" tdw_num=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" TB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1000 ]]; then tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 100 ))) tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 10 )))" tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1)" tdw_num=$tdwbytes1"."$tdwbytes2" GB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 1 ]]; then # tdwbytes=$((( $tdwbytes / 100 ))) # tdwbytes1="$((( $tdwbytes / 10 )))" # tdwbytes2="$(echo $tdwbytes | rev | cut -c 1)" tdw_num=$tdwbytes" MB" elif [[ $tdwbytes -ge 0 ]]; then tdw_num="<1 MB" else tdw_num=$Non_Exist_Value fi else tdw_num=$Non_Exist_Value fi if [[ $tdr_read -lt 1 ]] ;then tdr_read=1; fi tdrbytes=$((( $tdr_log - $tdr_read ))) # Find the difference if [[ $tdrbytes != "" ]]; then if [[ $tdrbytes -ge 1000000000000000 ]]; then tdrbytes=$((( $tdrbytes / 10000000000000 ))) tdrbytes1="$((( $tdrbytes / 100 )))" tdrbytes2="$(echo $tdrbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdr_num=$tdrbytes1"."$tdrbytes2" ZB" elif [[ $tdrbytes -ge 1000000000000 ]]; then tdrbytes=$((( $tdrbytes / 10000000000 ))) tdrbytes1="$((( $tdrbytes / 100 )))" tdrbytes2="$(echo $tdrbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdr_num=$tdrbytes1"."$tdrbytes2" EB" elif [[ $tdrbytes -ge 1000000000 ]]; then tdrbytes=$((( $tdrbytes / 10000000 ))) tdrbytes1="$((( $tdrbytes / 100 )))" tdrbytes2="$(echo $tdrbytes | rev | cut -c 1,2 | rev)" tdr_num=$tdrbytes1"."$tdrbytes2" PB" elif [[ $tdrbytes -ge 1000000 ]]; then tdrbytes=$((( $tdrbytes / 100000 ))) tdrbytes1="$((( $tdrbytes / 10 )))" tdrbytes2="$(echo $tdrbytes | rev | cut -c 1)" tdr_num=$tdrbytes1"."$tdrbytes2" TB" elif [[ $tdrbytes -ge 1000 ]]; then tdrbytes=$((( $tdrbytes / 100 ))) tdrbytes1="$((( $tdrbytes / 10 )))" tdrbytes2="$(echo $tdrbytes | rev | cut -c 1)" tdr_num=$tdrbytes1"."$tdrbytes2" GB" elif [[ $tdrbytes -ge 1 ]]; then # tdrbytes=$((( $tdrbytes / 100 ))) # tdrbytes1="$((( $tdrbytes / 10 )))" # tdrbytes2="$(echo $tdrbytes | rev | cut -c 1)" tdr_num=$tdrbytes" MB" elif [[ $tdrbytes -ge 0 ]]; then tdr_num="<1 MB" else tdr_num=$Non_Exist_Value fi else tdr_num=$Non_Exist_Value fi # This will set the testAge value to 1 so it passes the math portion of the quality checks. if [[ $testAgeOvrd == "1" ]]; then testAge=1; fi ### WARRANTY DATE # Use Format: DriveWarranty="DriveSerialNumber YYYY-MM-DD," s="0" IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$Drive_Warranty_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do drivesn1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 1)" drivedt1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" if [[ $drivesn1 == $serial ]]; then warrantyyear="$(echo $drivedt1 | cut -d '-' -f1)" warrantymonth="$(echo $drivedt1 | cut -d '-' -f2)" warrantyday="$(echo $drivedt1 | cut -d '-' -f3)" tempnow="$((`date +%s`))" if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then warrantytemp="$((`date -j -v"$warrantyyear"y -v"$warrantymonth"m -v"$warrantyday"d +%s`))" else # Debian Date in seconds warrantytemp="$((`date -d "$drivedt1" +%s`))" fi warrantytemp="$((("$tempnow" - "$warrantytemp")/3600))" let waryrs=$((($warrantytemp / 8760))) let warmos=$(((($warrantytemp % 8760) / 730))) let wardys=$((((($warrantytemp % 8760) % 730) / 24))) let warhrs=$(((($warrantytemp % 8760) % 730) % 24)) let wardays=$((($warrantytemp / 24))) wartemp2=${wardays#-} wartemp3=${waryrs#-} if [[ $wartemp2 -gt 31 ]]; then if [[ $wartemp3 -gt 0 ]]; then wartext="${waryrs#-}y ${warmos#-}m ${wardys#-}d" else wartext="${warmos#-}m ${wardys#-}d" fi else wartext="${wardays#-}d" fi if [[ "$warrantytemp" > 0 ]]; then WarrantyClock=$wartext else WarrantyClock=${wartext#-} fi if [[ "$datestamp2" > "$drivedt1" ]]; then s="1" drivesn2=$drivesn1 drivedt2=$drivedt1 continue fi fi done if [[ "$WarrantyClock" == "" ]]; then WarrantyClock=$Non_Exist_Value fi if [[ $s != "0" ]]; then if [[ $WarrantyBackgndColor != "none" ]]; then WarrantyBackgroundColor=$WarrantyBackgndColor; fi WarrantyBoxColor=$expiredWarrantyBoxColor logfile_warranty=$logfile_warranty"Drive "$drivesn2" Warranty Expired on "$drivedt2"
" fi ### SMART STATUS if [[ $smartStatus == "" || $smartStatus == "PASSED" || $smartStatus == "OK" ]]; then smartStatusColor=$okColor; else smartStatusColor=$critColor; fi if [[ $smartStatus == "" || $smartStatus == "PASSED" || $smartStatus == "OK" ]]; then a=1; else logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$device " - Check Smart Status
")"; fi if [[ $smartStatus == "" ]]; then smartStatus="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi ### BAD SECTORS s="0" IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$ReAllocated_Sector_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do badsectsn1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 1)" badsectdt1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" if [[ $badsectsn1 == $serial ]]; then s="1" badsectsn2=$badsectsn1 badsectdt2=$badsectdt1 continue fi done if [[ $s != "0" ]]; then reAllocColor=$ovrdColor reAllocOrig=$reAlloc reAlloc=$(($reAlloc-$badsectdt2)) fi ### BAD SECTORS2 s="0" IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do badsectsn3="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 1)" badsectdt3="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" if [[ $badsectsn3 == $serial ]]; then s="1" badsectsn4=$badsectsn3 badsectdt4=$badsectdt3 continue fi done if [[ $s != "0" ]]; then reAllocEventColor=$ovrdColor reAllocEventOrig=$reAllocEvent reAllocEvent=$(($reAllocEvent-$badsectdt4)) fi ########## TEMPERATURE SECTION ########## # LETS ZERO OUT BOGUS HIGH TEMPS and LOW TEMPS if [[ $temp != $Non_Exist_Value ]]; then if [[ $temp -gt 150 ]]; then temp="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi if [[ $temp -lt -60 ]]; then temp="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi fi ### TEMP for HDD if [[ $detail_level == "HDD" ]]; then if [[ $temp != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $temp -ge $HDDtempCritx ]]; then tempColor=$critColor; else if [[ $temp -ge $HDDtempWarnx ]]; then tempColor=$warnColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $temp != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $temp -ge $HDDtempCritx ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Critical Drive Temp "$temp" - Threshold = "$HDDtempCritx"
")"; else if [[ $temp -ge $HDDtempWarnx ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" High Drive Temp "$temp" - Threshold set at "$HDDtempWarnx"
")"; Temperature_Log=$Temperature_Log$"$(printf "Drive "$serial" High Temp "$temp"
")"; fi; fi; fi if [[ $HDD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd != "true" ]]; then if [[ $temp_max != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $temp_max -ge $HDDtempCritx ]]; then temp_maxColor=$critColor; else if [[ $temp_max -ge $HDDtempWarnx ]]; then temp_maxColor=$warnColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $temp_max != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $temp_max -ge $HDDtempCritx ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Critical Drive Temp "$temp_max" - Temp Max Threshold = "$HDDtempCritx"
")"; else if [[ $temp_max -ge $HDDtempWarnx ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" High Drive Temp "$temp_max" - Temp Max Threshold set at "$HDDtempWarnx"
")"; fi; fi; fi fi fi ### TEMP for SSD if [[ $detail_level == "SSD" ]]; then if [[ $temp != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $temp -ge $SSDtempCritx ]]; then tempColor=$critColor; else if [[ $temp -ge $SSDtempWarnx ]]; then tempColor=$warnColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $temp != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $temp -ge $SSDtempCritx ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Critical Drive Temp "$temp" - Threshold = "$SSDtempCritx"
")"; else if [[ $temp -ge $SSDtempWarnx ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" High Drive Temp "$temp" - Threshold set at "$SSDtempWarnx"
")"; Temperature_Log=$Temperature_Log"$(printf "Drive "$serial" High Temp "$temp"
")"; fi; fi; fi if [[ $SSD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd != "true" ]]; then if [[ $temp_max != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $temp_max -ge $SSDtempCritx ]]; then temp_maxColor=$critColor; else if [[ $temp_max -ge $SSDtempWarnx ]]; then temp_maxColor=$warnColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $temp_max != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $temp_max -ge $SSDtempCritx ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Critical Drive Temp "$temp_max" - Threshold = "$SSDtempCritx"
")"; else if [[ $temp_max -ge $SSDtempWarnx ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" High Drive Temp "$temp_max" - Temp Max Threshold set at "$SSDtempWarnx"
")"; fi; fi; fi fi fi ### TEMP for NVM if [[ $detail_level == "NVM" ]]; then if [[ $temp != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $temp -ge $NVMtempCritx ]]; then tempColor=$critColor; else if [[ $temp -ge $NVMtempWarnx ]]; then tempColor=$warnColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $temp != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $temp -ge $NVMtempCritx ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Critical Drive Temp "$temp" - Threshold = "$NVMtempCritx"
")"; else if [[ $temp -ge $NVMtempWarnx ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" High Drive Temp "$temp" - Threshold set at "$NVMtempWarnx"
")"; Temperature_Log=$Temperature_Log"$(printf "Drive "$serial" High Temp "$temp"
")"; fi; fi; fi ### TEMP_MAX for NVM if [[ $NVM_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd != "true" ]]; then if [[ $temp_max != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $temp_max -ge $NVMtempCritx ]]; then temp_maxColor=$critColor; else if [[ $temp_max -ge $NVMtempWarnx ]]; then temp_maxColor=$warnColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $temp_max != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $temp_max -ge $NVMtempCritx ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Critical Drive Temp "$temp_max" - Threshold = "$NVMtempCritx"
")"; else if [[ $temp_max -ge $NVMtempWarnx ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" High Drive Temp "$temp_max" - Threshold set at "$NVMtempWarnx"
")"; fi; fi; fi fi fi # NVM CRITICAL WARNING if [[ $detail_level == "NVM" ]]; then NVMcriticalWarningColor="$okColor" if [[ $NVMcriticalWarning != "0" ]]; then NVMcriticalWarning="0"; fi if [[ $NVMcriticalWarning != "" ]]; then if [[ $NVMcriticalWarning != "0" ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" NVM Critical Warning "$NVMcriticalWarning"
")"; fi; fi if [[ $NVMcriticalWarning != "" ]]; then if [[ $NVMcriticalWarning != "0" ]]; then NVMcriticalWarningColor=$critColor; fi; fi if [[ $NVMcriticalWarning != "" ]]; then if [[ $NVMcriticalWarning != "0" ]]; then NVMcriticalWarning="CRITICAL FAILURE"; fi; fi if [[ $NVMcriticalWarning == "0" ]]; then NVMcriticalWarning="GOOD"; fi if [[ $NVMcriticalWarning == "" ]]; then NVMcriticalWarning="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi fi if [[ $detail_level == "HDD" ]]; then # Helium Critical Warning if [[ $Helium == "" ]]; then Helium="$Non_Exist_Value"; HeliumColor="$bgColor"; fi if [[ $Helium -ge $HeliumMinx ]] || [[ "$Helium" == "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then HeliumColor="$bgColor" else if [[ $HeliumAlarm == "true" ]]; then HeliumColor="$critColor" logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Helium Critical Warning - Value "$Helium"
")" fi fi > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [[ $rotation == "" ]]; then rotation="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi if [[ $capacity == "" ]]; then capacity="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi ########## PROCESSING THAT AFFECTS EVERYTHING ########## ### SPINRETRY if [[ $spinRetry != "" ]]; then if [[ $spinRetry != "0" ]]; then spinRetryColor=$critColor; fi; fi if [[ $spinRetry != "" ]]; then if [[ $spinRetry != "0" ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Spin Retry "$spinRetry" - Threshold = 0
")"; fi; fi if [[ $spinRetry == "" ]]; then spinRetry="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi ### REALLOC and REALLOCEVENT if [[ $reAlloc != "" ]]; then if [[ $(($reAlloc + 0)) -gt $SectorsCritx ]]; then reAllocColor=$critColor; else if [[ $(($reAlloc + 0)) -gt $SectorsWarnx ]]; then reAllocColor=$warnColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $reAlloc != "" ]]; then if [[ $(($reAlloc + 0)) -gt $SectorsCritx ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Critical Reallocated Sectors "$reAlloc" - Threshold = "$SectorsCritx"
")"; else if [[ $(($reAlloc + 0)) -gt $SectorsWarnx ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Warning Reallocated Sectors "$reAlloc" - Threshold = "$SectorsWarnx"
")"; fi; fi; fi if [[ $reAlloc == "" ]]; then reAlloc="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi if [[ $reAllocEvent != "" ]]; then if [[ $(($reAllocEvent + 0)) -gt $SectorsCritx ]]; then reAllocEventColor=$critColor; else if [[ $(($reAllocEvent + 0)) -gt $SectorsWarnx ]]; then reAllocEventColor=$warnColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $reAllocEvent != "" ]]; then if [[ $(($reAllocEvent + 0)) -gt $SectorsCritx ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Critical Reallocated Sectors Events "$reAllocEvent" - Threshold = "$SectorsCritx"
")"; else if [[ $(($reAllocEvent + 0)) -gt $SectorsWarnx ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Warning Reallocated Sectors Events "$reAllocEvent" - Threshold = "$SectorsWarnx"
")"; fi; fi; fi if [[ $reAllocEvent == "" ]]; then reAllocEvent="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi ### PENDING SECTORS if [[ $pending != "" ]]; then if [[ $(($pending + 0)) -gt $SectorsCritx ]]; then pendingColor=$critColor; else if [[ $(($pending + 0)) -gt $SectorsWarnx ]]; then pendingColor=$warnColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $pending != "" ]]; then if [[ $(($pending + 0)) -gt $SectorsCritx ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Pending Sector Errors "$pending" - Threshold = "$SectorsCritx"
")"; else if [[ $(($pending + 0)) -gt $SectorsWarnx ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Pending Sector Errors "$pending" - Threshold = "$SectorsWarnx"
")"; fi; fi; fi if [[ $pending == "" ]]; then pending="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi ### OFFLINE UNCORRECTABLE SECTORS if [[ $offlineUnc != "" ]]; then if [[ $(($offlineUnc + 0)) > $SectorsCritx ]]; then offlineUncColor=$critColor; else if [[ $offlineUnc != 0 ]]; then offlineUncColor=$warnColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $offlineUnc != "" ]]; then if [[ $(($offlineUnc + 0)) > $SectorsCritx ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Uncorrectable Sector Errors "$offlineUnc"
")"; else if [[ $(($offlineUnc + 0)) -gt $SectorsWarnx ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Uncorrectable Sector Errors "$offlineUnc" - Threshold = "$SectorsWarnx"
")";fi; fi; fi if [[ $offlineUnc == "" ]]; then offlineUnc="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi ### CRC ERRORS if [[ $crcErrors != "" ]]; then if [[ $crcErrors != "0" ]]; then crcErrorsColor=$critColor; fi; fi if [[ $crcErrors == "" ]]; then crcErrors="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi ### SMARTTESTING if [[ $smarttesting -gt 0 ]]; then lastTestType="$smarttesting% Remaining"; fi ### CHKREADFAILURE if [[ $lastTestStatusPass != "true" ]]; then lastTestType=$lastTestStatus; lastTestTypeColor=$critColor; logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Read Failure "$chkreadfailure"
")"; else lastTestTypeColor=$bgColor; fi ### SEEK ERRORS # If seekErrorHealth RAW_VALUE is some crazy number, use the VALUE column data. # Seek Error Rate fix for Seagate Drives # We use seekErrorHealth for the Seagate Rate, and seekErrorHealth2 for the Normalized Rate if we must. if [[ $seekErrorHealth -gt 0 ]]; then # Lets see if this is a NORMAL drive, not reporting crazy ass numbers. if [[ $seekErrorHealth -lt $SeekErrorsWarnx ]] && [[ $seekErrorHealth -le 4294967295 ]]; then seek="done"; fi if [[ $seekErrorHealth -ge $SeekErrorsWarnx ]] && [[ $seekErrorHealth -lt $SeekErrorsCritx ]]; then seekErrorHealthColor=$warnColor seek="done" fi if [[ $seekErrorHealth -ge $SeekErrorsCritx ]] && [[ $seekErrorHealth -le 500 ]]; then seekErrorHealthColor=$critColor seek="done" fi # If the count is above the Seagate FFFFFFFF value, divide it out or if below FFFFFFFF then make value zero. if [[ $seekErrorHealth -lt 4294967295 ]] && [[ $seek != "done" ]]; then seekErrorHealth=0; fi if [[ $seekErrorHealth -ge 4294967295 ]]; then seekErrorHealth=$(($seekErrorHealth / 4294967295)); fi if [[ $IgnoreSeekError != "true" ]]; then if [[ $(($seekErrorHealth + 0)) -gt $SeekErrorsCritx ]]; then seekErrorHealthColor=$critColor logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Seek Errors "$seekErrorHealth" - Threshold = "$SeekErrorsCritx"
")" else if [[ $(($seekErrorHealth + 0)) -gt $SeekErrorsWarnx ]]; then seekErrorHealthColor=$warnColor logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Seek Errors "$seekErrorHealth" - Threshold = "$SeekErrorsWarnx"
")" fi fi fi fi seek="" ### Raw Read Error Rate # If seekErrorHealth RAW_VALUE is some crazy number, use the VALUE column data. # Raw Read Error Rate fix for Seagate Drives # We use rawReadErrorRate for the Seagate Rate, and rawReadErrorRate2 for the Normalized Rate if we must. if [[ $rawReadErrorRate -gt 0 ]] && [[ $rotation == "0" ]]; then rawReadErrorRate=""; fi if [[ $rawReadErrorRate -gt 0 ]]; then # Lets see if this is a NORMAL drive, not reporting crazy ass numbers. if [[ $rawReadErrorRate -lt $RawReadWarnx ]] && [[ $rawReadErrorRate -le 4294967295 ]]; then seek="done"; fi if [[ $rawReadErrorRate -ge $RawReadWarnx ]] && [[ $rawReadErrorRate -lt $RawReadCritx ]]; then rawReadErrorRateColor=$warnColor seek="done" fi if [[ $rawReadErrorRate -ge $RawReadCritx ]] && [[ $rawReadErrorRate -le 500 ]]; then rawReadErrorRateColor=$critColor seek="done" fi # If the count is above the Seagate FFFFFFFF value, divide it out or if below FFFFFFFF then make value zero if [[ $rawReadErrorRate -lt 4294967295 ]] && [[ $seek != "done" ]]; then rawReadErrorRate=0; fi if [[ $rawReadErrorRate -ge 4294967295 ]]; then rawReadErrorRate=$(($rawReadErrorRate / 4294967295)); fi if [[ $IgnoreReadError != "true" ]]; then if [[ $(($rawReadErrorRate + 0)) -ge $RawReadCritx ]]; then rawReadErrorRateColor=$critColor logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Raw Read Error Rate "$rawReadErrorRate" - Threshold = "$RawReadCritx"
")" else if [[ $(($rawReadErrorRate + 0)) -ge $RawReadWarnx ]]; then rawReadErrorRateColor=$warnColor logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" Raw Read Error Rate "$rawReadErrorRate" - Threshold = "$RawReadWarnx"
")" fi fi fi fi seek="" wearLevelColor=$bgColor if [[ $multiZone == "" ]]; then multiZone="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi if [[ $wearLevelAdj == "i" ]]; then wearLevel=""; fi if [[ $wearLevel == "" || $wearLevel == "0" ]]; then wearLevel="$Non_Exist_Value"; else wearLevel=$(($wearLevel + 0)); fi if [[ $wearLevel != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $wearLevel -lt $WearLevelCrit ]]; then wearLevelColor=$warnColor; logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive: "$serial" - Wear Level = "$wearLevel"%%
")"; fi; fi if [[ $modelnumber == "" ]]; then modelnumber="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi if [[ $startStop == "" ]]; then startStop="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi if [[ $loadCycle == "" ]]; then loadCycle="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi if [[ $seekErrorHealth == "" ]]; then seekErrorHealth="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi if [[ $rawReadErrorRate == "" ]]; then rawReadErrorRate="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi if [[ $Helium == "" ]]; then Helium="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi if [[ $mediaErrors == "" ]]; then mediaErrors="$Non_Exist_Value"; fi ########## SMR DRIVES ########## if [[ $smr_present != "" ]]; then smrColor=$yellowColor; drive=$drive"
SMR"; smr_present=""; fi ########## WRITE STATISTICAL DATA ########## # Save Statistical Data before we make any changes to it. if [[ $SDF_DataRecordEnable == "true" && $writing_data != "1" ]]; then writing_data=1 fi tempdrive=$drive # Replace Device ID in spreadsheet with TEST so we can identify test data and use the Purge routine. if [[ $testfilepath != "" ]]; then drive="TEST"; fi if [[ $SDF_DataRecordEnable == "true" ]] && [[ $Write_Statistics == "true" ]]; then printf $datestamp","$timestamp","$drive","$detail_level","$serial","$smartStatus","$temp","$onHours","$wearLevel","$startStop","$loadCycle","$spinRetry","$reAlloc","$reAllocEvent","$pending","$offlineUnc","$crcErrors","$seekErrorHealth","$multiZone","$rawReadErrorRate","$Helium","$tdw_log","$tdr_log"\n" >> "$statistical_data_file";fi drive="$tempdrive" ### Routine to zero out the UDMA CRC Error Count and Highlights it Yellow. s="0" IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$CRC_Errors_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do crc_errsn1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 1)" crc_errst1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" if [[ $crc_errsn1 == $serial ]]; then s="1" crc_errsn2=$crc_errsn1 crc_errst2=$crc_errst1 continue fi done if [[ $s != "0" ]]; then crcErrorsColor=$ovrdColor crcErrorsOrig=$crcErrors crcErrors=$(($crcErrors-$crc_errst2)) fi s="0" IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$MultiZone_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do badsectsn1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 1)" badsectdt1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" if [[ $badsectsn1 == $serial ]]; then s="1" badsectsn2=$badsectsn1 badsectdt2=$badsectdt1 continue fi done if [[ $s != "0" ]]; then multiZoneColor=$ovrdColor multiZoneOrig=$multiZone multiZone=$(($multiZone-$badsectdt2)) fi s="0" IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$Media_Errors_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do badsectsn1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 1)" badsectdt1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" if [[ $badsectsn1 == $serial ]]; then s="1" badsectsn2=$badsectsn1 badsectdt2=$badsectdt1 continue fi done if [[ $s != "0" ]]; then mediaErrorsColor=$ovrdColor mediaErrorsOrig=$mediaErrors mediaErrors=$(($mediaErrors-$badsectdt2)) fi if [[ $mediaErrors != "" ]] && [[ $mediaErrors != $Non_Exist_Value ]]; then if [[ $mediaErrors -ge $NVM_Media_Errors ]]; then mediaErrorsColor=$critColor logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" - $mediaErrors Media Errors
")" fi fi if [[ $IgnoreMultiZone != "true" ]]; then if [[ $multiZone != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $multiZone -gt $MultiZoneWarnx ]]; then multiZoneColor=$warnColor; logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive: "$serial" - MultiZone Errors = "$multiZone"
")"; fi; fi; fi if [[ $IgnoreUDMA != "true" ]]; then if [[ $crcErrors != "$Non_Exist_Value" ]]; then if [[ $crcErrors != "0" ]]; then logfile_critical=$logfile_critical"$(printf "Drive "$serial" CRC Errors "$crcErrors"
")";fi; fi; fi if [[ $testAge -ge $TestWarnAgex ]]; then testAgeColor=$warnColor; else testAgeColor=$bgColor; fi if [[ $testAge -ge $TestWarnAgex ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive: "$serial" - Test Age = "$testAge" Days
")"; fi if [[ $lastTestHours == "0" || $lastTestHours == "" ]]; then testAge=$Non_Exist_Value; fi # REMOVE THE NEXT LINE ONCE SMARTMONTOOLS 7.4 IS ADDED if [[ $NVMelastTestHoursFake == "true" ]]; then testAge=$Non_Exist_Value; fi ########## DEVICE ID WARNING COLOR ########## if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$HeliumColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$reAllocColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$reAllocEventColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$crcErrorsColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$pendingColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$offlineUncColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$seekErrorHealthColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$rawReadErrorRateColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$testAgeColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$multiZoneColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$wearLevelColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$spinRetryColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$temp_maxColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$tempColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $smartStatusColor != $okColor ]]; then if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$smartStatusColor; fi; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$mediaErrorsColor; fi; fi; fi if [[ $DeviceRedFlag == "true" ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $critColor ]]; then if [[ $deviceStatusColor != $warnColor ]]; then deviceStatusColor=$smrColor; fi; fi; fi # SCT Error Recovery Control Report scterc="$(smartctl -l scterc /dev/"$drive" | tail -3 | head -2)" if [[ $SCT_Warning_Level == "TLER" ]]; then # Warning Level TLER = Ignore Drives that do not report "seconds" or "Disable" # Warning Level TLER_No_Msg = same as above but will not report TLER disabled message until after trying to set TLER fails. if [[ $scterc =~ "Disabled" ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" TLER is Disabled
")"; fi fi if [[ $SCT_Warning_Level == "TLER_No_Msg" && $SCT_Enable == "true" ]]; then if [[ $scterc =~ "Disabled" ]]; then # Now we set the TLER ONLY for Disabled Drives because we do not know how it will affect other drives. smartctl -l scterc,"$SCT_Read_Timeout","$SCT_Write_Timeout" /dev/"$drive" > /dev/null 2>&1 scterc="$(smartctl -l scterc /dev/"$drive" | tail -3 | head -2)" if [[ $scterc =~ "seconds" ]]; then logfile_messages=$logfile_messages"$(printf "Drive "$serial" TLER is NOW ENABLED !
")"; fi if [[ $scterc =~ "Disabled" ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" TLER is Disabled and failed to set.
")"; fi fi fi if [[ $SCT_Warning_Level == "all" ]]; then if [[ $scterc =~ "Disabled" ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" TLER is Disabled
")" else if [[ ! $scterc =~ "seconds" ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" TLER is Unsupported
")"; fi fi fi if [[ $SCT_Enable == "true" ]]; then if [[ $scterc =~ "Disabled" ]]; then # Now we set the TLER ONLY for Disabled Drives because we do not know how it will affect other drives. smartctl -l scterc,"$SCT_Read_Timeout","$SCT_Write_Timeout" /dev/"$drive" > /dev/null 2>&1 scterc="$(smartctl -l scterc /dev/"$drive" | tail -3 | head -2)" if [[ $SCT_Warning_Level == "all" || $SCT_Warning_Level == "TLER" ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" TLER is NOW ENABLED !
")"; fi if [[ $scterc =~ "Disabled" ]]; then if [[ $SCT_Warning_Level == "all" || SCT_Warning_Level == "TLER" ]]; then logfile_warning=$logfile_warning"$(printf "Drive "$serial" TLER is Disabled and failed to set.
")"; fi fi fi fi # This section will change the testAge value to the Non_Exist_Value for proper display in the chart. Displaying a bogus "1" is misleading. if [[ $testAgeOvrd == "1" ]]; then testAge=$Non_Exist_Value; fi } ########## UPDATE CONFIG FILE ########## ### This will generate or update a configuration file with any new changes. ### The customizations will remain until the end of a major version number and then ### be removed in order to support the next major version number. ### Current updates incorporated to support version 2.1.x to 3.0.x update_config_file () { # Lets backup the current config file and send to the user. if test -e "$Config_File_Name"; then cp "$Config_File_Name" /tmp/Old_multi_report_config.txt fi ( # Lets convert any old variables into new variables from version 2.4 to 3.0.4 # version 3.0.4 # Update titles for "Read" addition. if [[ "$HDD_Total_Data_Written_Title" == "Total Data Written" ]]; then HDD_Total_Data_Written_Title="Total Data Read
/ Written"; fi if [[ "$SSD_Total_Data_Written_Title" == "Total Data Written" ]]; then SSD_Total_Data_Written_Title="Total Data Read
/ Written"; fi if [[ "$NVM_Total_Data_Written_Title" == "Total Data Written" ]]; then NVM_Total_Data_Written_Title="Total Data Read
/ Written"; fi if [[ "$HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title" == "Total Data 30 Days" ]]; then HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="Total 30 Days Read
/ Write"; fi if [[ "$SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title" == "Total Data 30 Days" ]]; then SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="Total 30 Days Read
/ Write"; fi if [[ "$NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title" == "Total Data 30 Days" ]]; then NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="Total 30 Days Read
/ Write"; fi # version 3.0 if [[ "$Ignore_Drives_List" == "none" ]]; then Ignore_Drives_List=""; fi # if [[ "$Multipath" == "true" ]]; then Multipath="normal"; fi # if [[ "$Multipath" == "false" ]]; then Multipath="off"; fi # Lets write the configuration file. echo "#" $programver echo "#" echo "# This file is used exclusively to configure the multi_report version 2.4 or later." echo "#" echo "# The configuration file will be created in the same directory as the script." echo "#" echo "# The configuration file will override the default values coded into the script." echo " " echo "###### Email Address(s)" echo '### Enter your Email address to send the report to. To send to multiple email addresses separate those using a semicolon ";".' echo "### The from address does not need to be changed unless you experience an error sending the email, however some email servers" echo "### only use the email address associated with the email server so you may need to add your email address for the server in use." echo " " echo 'Email="'$Email'" # Send normal emails to this address' echo 'From="'$From'" # From address (default works for many)' echo " " echo "###### Alert Email Configuration" echo "### You must use the '-m' switch" echo 'AlertEmail="'$AlertEmail'" # Alert email address used with the '-m' switch.' echo 'AlertOnWarningTemp="'$AlertOnWarningTemp'" # Send alert on Warning Temp. Default ="true"' echo 'AlertOnCriticalError="'$AlertOnCriticalError'" # Send alert on Critical Error. Default = "true"' echo " " echo "###### EMAIL ON ALARM ONLY" echo 'Email_On_Alarm_Only="'$Email_On_Alarm_Only'" # When true, an email will only be sent if an alarm condition exists. Default = "false"' echo 'Email_On_Alarm_Only_And_Attachments="'$Email_On_Alarm_Only_And_Attachments'" # When "true", email attachments will be sent even when no alarm condition exists. Default = "true"' echo " " echo "###### HDD/SSD/NVMe SMART Testing ######" echo "### SMART Testing - SMART Testing is no longer an intergral part of Multi-Report and you must use an add_on script to perform the testing." echo 'External_SMART_Testing="'$External_SMART_Testing'" # When set to "true" it will check if External_Script_Name file is present and run it.' echo 'External_Script_Name="'$External_Script_Name'" # Default setting is "$SCRIPT_DIR/drive_selftest.txt"' echo " " echo "###### SCRIPT UPDATE -- Ensure you understand these options." echo 'Check_For_Updates="'$Check_For_Updates'" # Will check GitHub for updates and include message in next email.' echo 'Automatic_Update="'$Automatic_Update'" # WARNING !!! This option will automatically update the script if a newer version exists on GitHub.' echo " " echo "###### Script Add-Ons" echo 'SMR_Enable="'$SMR_Enable'" # Will enable SMR operations if set to "true". Default = "true"' echo 'SMR_Update="'$SMR_Update'" # Will automatically download Basil Hendroff smr-check.sh file from Github. Default = "true' echo 'SMR_Ignore_Alarm="'$SMR_Ignore_Alarm'" # When "true" will not generate an alarm condition, however the Drive ID will still change the background color. Default = "false"' echo 'SMR_New_Drive_Det_Count='$SMR_New_Drive_Det_Count' # The SMR script will check the statistical_data_file for how many times the drive serial number has been listed. Default = 14' echo ' # - If it is less than or equal to this value, then run the SMR script. 0=Disable (Run SMR Check every time).' echo " " echo '### PARTITION CHECK AND BACKUP' echo 'Partition_Check="'$Partition_Check'" # Run sgdisk on each drive. Default = "false", this will install gdisk/sgdisk on TrueNAS CORE if not present.' echo ' # -- It is "false" because you should choose to control what is installed or not.' echo 'Partition_Backup="'$Partition_Backup'" # Set to "true" to save each partition table with the TrueNAS configuration backup.' echo ' # NOTE: You need sgdisk installed, run the Partition Check once to install on CORE.' echo " " echo "###### Spencer Integration" echo "### Warning Levels are: None, Warning, Critical -- This only affects the Email Subject Line, if any errors are present, an attachment will occur." echo 'spencer_new_warning_level="'$spencer_new_warning_level'" # What to do if a "new" error occurs. Default = "Warning"' echo 'spencer_existing_warning_level="'$spencer_existing_warning_level'" # What to do for an existing error. Default = "None"' echo 'spencer_enable="'$spencer_enable'" # To call the Spencer.py script if "true" or "false" to not run the Spencer.py script. Default = "true"' echo 'spencer_script_name="'$spencer_script_name'" # The default is "spencer.py" located in the default script directory.' echo " " echo "###### GENERAL THRESHOLDS ######" echo " " echo "### Zpool Status Summary Table Settings" echo 'PoolUsedWarn='$PoolUsedWarn' # Pool used percentage for CRITICAL color to be used. Default = 80' echo 'ScrubAgeWarn='$ScrubAgeWarn' # Maximum age (in days) of last pool scrub before CRITICAL error (30 + 7 days for day of week). Default=37.' echo "ZpoolFragWarn=$ZpoolFragWarn # Percent of fragmentation before a Warning message occurs." echo " " echo "### Temperature Settings" echo "HDDtempWarn=$HDDtempWarn # HDD Drive temp (in C) when WARNING message will be used." echo "HDDtempCrit=$HDDtempCrit # HDD Drive temp (in C) when CRITICAL message will be used." echo "SSDtempWarn=$SSDtempWarn # SSD Drive temp (in C) when WARNING message will be used." echo "SSDtempCrit=$SSDtempCrit # SSD Drive temp (in C) when CRITICAL message will be used." echo "NVMtempWarn=$NVMtempWarn # NVM Drive temp (in C) when WARNING message will be used." echo "NVMtempCrit=$NVMtempCrit # NVM Drive temp (in C) when CRITICAL message will be used." echo " # --- NOTE: NVMe drives currently do not report Min/Max temperatures so this is a future feature." echo " " echo "### Current Power Cycle Maximum Temperature Override" echo 'HDD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd="'$HDD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd'" # HDD Max Drive Temp Override. This value when "true" will not alarm on any Current Power Cycle Max Temperature Limit.' echo 'SSD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd="'$SSD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd'" # SSD Max Drive Temp Override. This value when "true" will not alarm on any Current Power Cycle Max Temperature Limit.' echo 'NVM_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd="'$NVM_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd'" # NVM Max Drive Temp Override. This value when "true" will not alarm on any Current Power Cycle Max Temperature Limit.' echo " " echo "### Media Alarms" echo "SectorsWarn=$SectorsWarn # Number of sectors per drive to allow with errors before WARNING color/message will be used, this value should be less than SectorsCrit." echo "SectorsCrit=$SectorsCrit # Number of sectors per drive with errors before CRITICAL color/message will be used." echo "ReAllocWarn=$ReAllocWarn # Number of Reallocated sector events allowed. Over this amount is an alarm condition." echo "MultiZoneWarn=$MultiZoneWarn # Number of MultiZone Errors to allow before a Warning color/message will be used. Default is 0." echo "MultiZoneCrit=$MultiZoneCrit # Number of MultiZone Errors to allow before a Warning color/message will be used. Default is 5." echo 'DeviceRedFlag="'$DeviceRedFlag'" # Set to "true" to have the Device Column indicate RED for ANY alarm condition. Default is true.' echo 'HeliumAlarm="'$HeliumAlarm'" # Set to "true" to set for a critical alarm any He value below "HeliumMin" value. Default is true.' echo "HeliumMin=$HeliumMin # Set to 100 for a zero leak helium result. An alert will occur below this value." echo "RawReadWarn=$RawReadWarn # Number of read errors to allow before WARNING color/message will be used, this value should be less than RawReadCrit." echo "RawReadCrit=$RawReadCrit # Number of read errors to allow before CRITICAL color/message will be used." echo "SeekErrorsWarn=$SeekErrorsWarn # Number of seek errors to allow before WARNING color/message will be used, this value should be less than SeekErrorsCrit." echo "SeekErrorsCrit=$SeekErrorsCrit # Number of seek errors to allow before CRITICAL color/message will be used." echo "NVM_Media_Errors=$NVM_Media_Errors # Number of NVM Media Errors will cause a CRITICAL alarm. Default is 1." echo "WearLevelCrit=$WearLevelCrit # Wear Level Alarm Setpoint for WARNING message, 9% is the default." echo "TestWarnAge=$TestWarnAge # Maximum age (in days) of last SMART test before CRITICAL color/message will be used." echo " " echo "### NVMe Low Power / Invalid Errors" echo 'NVM_Low_Power="'$NVM_Low_Power'" # Set the NVMe power level to the minimum setting. This does not mean the NVMe will remain at this power level.' echo 'NVMe_Ignore_Invalid_Errors="'$NVMe_Ignore_Invalid_Errors'" # Set to "enable" to ignore "Invalid Field in Command" messages. Google this message to see if you are comfortable ignoring it.' echo " " echo "### Time-Limited Error Recovery (TLER)" echo 'SCT_Enable="'$SCT_Enable'" # Set to "true" to send a command to enable SCT on your drives for user defined timeout.' echo 'SCT_Warning_Level="'$SCT_Warning_Level'" # Set to "all" will generate a Warning Message for all devices not reporting SCT enabled. "TLER" reports only drive which support TLER.' echo ' # "TLER_No_Msg" will only report for TLER drives and not report a Warning Message if the drive can set TLER on.' echo " " echo "SCT_Read_Timeout=$SCT_Read_Timeout # Set to the read threshold. Default = 70 = 7.0 seconds." echo "SCT_Write_Timeout=$SCT_Write_Timeout # Set to the write threshold. Default = 70 = 7.0 seconds." echo " " echo "##### SCSI Specific Settings" echo 'Run_SMART_No_power_on_time="'$Run_SMART_No_power_on_time'" # Some SCSI drives do not report power_on_time, yet they report SMART Self-test times. This option will force' echo " # a SMART Short Self-test, wait 2 minutes for the test to complete, and report the correct power_on_time." echo " # This is the same as using the '-scsismart' switch at the CLI." echo " " echo "###### General Settings" echo "### Output Formats" echo 'PowerTimeFormat="'$PowerTimeFormat'" # Format for power-on hours string, valid options are "ymdh", "ymd", "ym", "y", or "h" (year month day hour).' echo 'TempDisplay="'$TempDisplay'" # The format you desire the temperature to be displayed in. Common formats are: "*C", "^C", or "^c". Choose your own.' echo 'Non_Exist_Value="'$Non_Exist_Value'" # How do you desire non-existent data to be displayed. The Default is "---", popular options are "N/A" or " ".' echo 'Pool_Capacity_Type="'$Pool_Capacity_Type'" # Select "zfs" or "zpool" for Zpool Status Report - Pool Size and Free Space capacities. "zfs" is default.' echo 'Last_Test_Type_poh="'$Last_Test_Type_poh'" # Include the Last Test Power On Hours.' echo 'lastTestTypeHoursIdent="'$lastTestTypeHoursIdent'" # Test to follow power on hours numbers. Default = "hrs".' echo " " echo "### Ignore Alarms" echo 'IgnoreUDMA="'$IgnoreUDMA'" # Set to "true" to ignore all UltraDMA CRC Errors for the summary alarm (Email Header) only, errors will still appear in the graphical chart. Default = "false"' echo 'IgnoreSeekError="'$IgnoreSeekError'" # Set to "true" to ignore all Seek Error Rate/Health errors. Default is true.' echo 'IgnoreReadError="'$IgnoreReadError'" # Set to "true" to ignore all Raw Read Error Rate/Health errors. Default is true.' echo 'IgnoreMultiZone="'$IgnoreMultiZone'" # Set to "true" to ignore all MultiZone Errors. Default is false.' echo 'DisableWarranty="'$DisableWarranty'" # Set to "true to disable Email Subject line alerts for any expired warranty alert. The email body will still report the alert. Default = "true"' echo " " echo '######## Enable-Disable Text Portion' echo 'Enable_Text_Section="'$Enable_Text_Section'" # This will display the Text Section below the CHART when = "true". Default = "true"' echo " " echo "### Disable or Activate Input/Output File Settings" echo 'ReportNonSMART="'$ReportNonSMART'" # Will force even non-SMART devices to be reported, "true" = normal operation to report non-SMART devices.' echo 'DisableRAWdata="'$DisableRAWdata'" # Set to "true" to remove the 'smartctl -a' data and non-smart data appended to the normal report. Default = "false"' echo 'ATA_Auto_Enable="'$ATA_Auto_Enable'" # Set to "true" to automatically update Log Error count to only display a log error when a new one occurs.' echo " " echo "### Text Output Selection" echo 'Enable_Messages="'$Enable_Messages'" # This will enable the Warning/Caution type messages. Default="true".' echo 'Enable_Zpool_Messages="'$Enable_Zpool_Messages'" # This will list all 'zpool -v status' and identify drives by gptid to drive ident. Default = "true".' echo 'Enable_SMART_Messages="'$Enable_SMART_Messages'" # This will output SMART data if available. Default = "true".' echo " " echo "### Total Data Written - 30 Day or Current Month" echo 'Total_Data_Written_Month="'$Total_Data_Written_Month'" # Options are: "month" for Current Month, or "30Days" for the rolling previous 30 days.' echo " " echo "###### Statistical Data File (SDF)" echo 'statistical_data_file="'$statistical_data_file'" # Default location is where the script is located.' echo 'SDF_DataRecordEnable="'$SDF_DataRecordEnable'" # Set to "true" will save all drive data into a CSV file defined by "statistical_data_file" below.' echo "SDF_DataPurgeDays="$SDF_DataPurgeDays" # Set to the number of day you wish to keep in the data. Older data will be purged. Default is 730 days (2 years). 0=Disable." echo 'SDF_DataEmail="'$SDF_DataEmail'" # Set to "true" to have an attachment of the file emailed to you. Default is true.' echo 'SDF_DataEmailDay="'$SDF_DataEmailDay'" # Set to the day of the week the statistical report is emailed. (All, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Month)' echo " " echo "###### TrueNAS config backup settings" echo 'TrueNASConfigEmailEnable="'$TrueNASConfigEmailEnable'" # Set to "true" to save config backup (which renders next two options operational); "false" to keep disable config backups.' echo 'TrueNASConfigEmailDay="'$TrueNASConfigEmailDay'" # Set to the day of the week the config is emailed. (All, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Month)' echo 'TrueNASConfigBackupSave="'$TrueNASConfigBackupSave'" # Set to "false" to delete TrueNAS config backup after mail is sent; "true" to keep it in dir below.' echo 'TrueNASConfigBackupLocation="'$TrueNASConfigBackupLocation'" # Directory in which to store the backup FreeNAS config files.' echo " " echo "###### Attach multi_report_config.txt to Email ######" echo 'MRConfigEmailEnable="'$MRConfigEmailEnable'" # Set to "true" to enable periodic email (which renders next two options operational).' echo 'MRChangedEmailSend="'$MRChangedEmailSend'" # If "true" it will attach the updated/changed file to the email.' echo 'MRConfigEmailDay="'$MRConfigEmailDay'" # Set to the day of the week the multi_report_config.txt is emailed. (All, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Month, Never)' echo " " echo "###### REPORT CHART CONFIGURATION" echo "###### CUSTOM SUBJECT LINE" echo "### The host name will precede the subject line message." echo " " echo 'Subject_Line_Critical="'$Subject_Line_Critical'"' echo 'Subject_Line_Warning="'$Subject_Line_Warning'"' echo 'Subject_Line_Normal="'$Subject_Line_Normal'"' echo " " echo "###### REPORT HEADER TITLE" echo 'HDDreportTitle="'$HDDreportTitle'" # This is the title of the HDD report, change as you desire.' echo 'SSDreportTitle="'$SSDreportTitle'" # This is the title of the SSD report, change as you desire.' echo 'NVMreportTitle="'$NVMreportTitle'" # This is the title of the NVMe report, change as you desire.' echo " " echo "###### CUSTOM REPORT CONFIGURATION" echo "### By default most items are selected. Change the item to "false" to have it not displayed in the graph, "true" to have it displayed." echo "### NOTE: Alarm setpoints are not affected by these settings, this is only what columns of data are to be displayed on the graph." echo "### I would recommend that you remove columns of data that you don't really care about to make the graph less busy." echo " " echo "# For Zpool Status Summary" echo 'Zpool_Pool_Name_Title="'$Zpool_Pool_Name_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Status_Title="'$Zpool_Status_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Pool_Size_Title="'$Zpool_Pool_Size_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Free_Space_Title="'$Zpool_Free_Space_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Used_Space_Title="'$Zpool_Used_Space_Title'"' echo 'Zfs_Pool_Size_Title="'$Zfs_Pool_Size_Title'"' echo 'Zfs_Free_Space_Title="'$Zfs_Free_Space_Title'"' echo 'Zfs_Used_Space_Title="'$Zfs_Used_Space_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Frag_Title="'$Zpool_Frag_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Read_Errors_Title="'$Zpool_Read_Errors_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Write_Errors_Title="'$Zpool_Write_Errors_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Checksum_Errors_Title="'$Zpool_Checksum_Errors_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Scrub_Repaired_Title="'$Zpool_Scrub_Repaired_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Scrub_Errors_Title="'$Zpool_Scrub_Errors_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Scrub_Age_Title="'$Zpool_Scrub_Age_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Scrub_Duration_Title="'$Zpool_Scrub_Duration_Title'"' echo 'Zpool_Total_Data_Written_Title="'$Zpool_Total_Data_Written_Title'"' echo " " echo "# For Hard Drive Section" echo 'HDD_Device_ID="'$HDD_Device_ID'"' echo 'HDD_Device_ID_Title="'$HDD_Device_ID_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Serial_Number="'$HDD_Serial_Number'"' echo 'HDD_Serial_Number_Title="'$HDD_Serial_Number_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Model_Number="'$HDD_Model_Number'"' echo 'HDD_Model_Number_Title="'$HDD_Model_Number_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Capacity="'$HDD_Capacity'"' echo 'HDD_Capacity_Title="'$HDD_Capacity_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Rotational_Rate="'$HDD_Rotational_Rate'"' echo 'HDD_Rotational_Rate_Title="'$HDD_Rotational_Rate_Title'"' echo 'HDD_SMART_Status="'$HDD_SMART_Status'"' echo 'HDD_SMART_Status_Title="'$HDD_SMART_Status_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Warranty="'$HDD_Warranty'"' echo 'HDD_Warranty_Title="'$HDD_Warranty_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate="'$HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate'"' echo 'HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate_Title="'$HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Drive_Temp="'$HDD_Drive_Temp'"' echo 'HDD_Drive_Temp_Title="'$HDD_Drive_Temp_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Drive_Temp_Min="'$HDD_Drive_Temp_Min'"' echo 'HDD_Drive_Temp_Min_Title="'$HDD_Drive_Temp_Min_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Drive_Temp_Max="'$HDD_Drive_Temp_Max'"' echo 'HDD_Drive_Temp_Max_Title="'$HDD_Drive_Temp_Max_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Power_On_Hours="'$HDD_Power_On_Hours'"' echo 'HDD_Power_On_Hours_Title="'$HDD_Power_On_Hours_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Start_Stop_Count="'$HDD_Start_Stop_Count'"' echo 'HDD_Start_Stop_Count_Title="'$HDD_Start_Stop_Count_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Load_Cycle="'$HDD_Load_Cycle'"' echo 'HDD_Load_Cycle_Title="'$HDD_Load_Cycle_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Spin_Retry="'$HDD_Spin_Retry'"' echo 'HDD_Spin_Retry_Title="'$HDD_Spin_Retry_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Reallocated_Sectors="'$HDD_Reallocated_Sectors'"' echo 'HDD_Reallocated_Sectors_Title="'$HDD_Reallocated_Sectors_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Reallocated_Events="'$HDD_Reallocated_Events'"' echo 'HDD_Reallocated_Events_Title="'$HDD_Reallocated_Events_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Pending_Sectors="'$HDD_Pending_Sectors'"' echo 'HDD_Pending_Sectors_Title="'$HDD_Pending_Sectors_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable="'$HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable'"' echo 'HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable_Title="'$HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable_Title'"' echo 'HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List="'$HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List'"' echo 'HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List_Title="'$HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Seek_Error_Rate="'$HDD_Seek_Error_Rate'"' echo 'HDD_Seek_Error_Rate_Title="'$HDD_Seek_Error_Rate_Title'"' echo 'HDD_MultiZone_Errors="'$HDD_MultiZone_Errors'"' echo 'HDD_MultiZone_Errors_Title="'$HDD_MultiZone_Errors_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Helium_Level="'$HDD_Helium_Level'"' echo 'HDD_Helium_Level_Title="'$HDD_Helium_Level_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Last_Test_Age="'$HDD_Last_Test_Age'"' echo 'HDD_Last_Test_Age_Title="'$HDD_Last_Test_Age_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Last_Test_Type="'$HDD_Last_Test_Type'"' echo 'HDD_Last_Test_Type_Title="'$HDD_Last_Test_Type_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Total_Data_Written="'$HDD_Total_Data_Written'"' echo 'HDD_Total_Data_Written_Title="'$HDD_Total_Data_Written_Title'"' echo 'HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month="'$HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month'"' echo 'HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="'$HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title'"' echo " " echo "# For Solid State Drive Section" echo 'SSD_Device_ID="'$SSD_Device_ID'"' echo 'SSD_Device_ID_Title="'$SSD_Device_ID_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Serial_Number="'$SSD_Serial_Number'"' echo 'SSD_Serial_Number_Title="'$SSD_Serial_Number_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Model_Number="'$SSD_Model_Number'"' echo 'SSD_Model_Number_Title="'$SSD_Model_Number_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Capacity="'$SSD_Capacity'"' echo 'SSD_Capacity_Title="'$SSD_Capacity_Title'"' echo 'SSD_SMART_Status="'$SSD_SMART_Status'"' echo 'SSD_SMART_Status_Title="'$SSD_SMART_Status_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Warranty="'$SSD_Warranty'"' echo 'SSD_Warranty_Title="'$SSD_Warranty_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Drive_Temp="'$SSD_Drive_Temp'"' echo 'SSD_Drive_Temp_Title="'$SSD_Drive_Temp_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Drive_Temp_Min="'$SSD_Drive_Temp_Min'"' echo 'SSD_Drive_Temp_Min_Title="'$SSD_Drive_Temp_Min_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Drive_Temp_Max="'$SSD_Drive_Temp_Max'"' echo 'SSD_Drive_Temp_Max_Title="'$SSD_Drive_Temp_Max_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Power_On_Hours="'$SSD_Power_On_Hours'"' echo 'SSD_Power_On_Hours_Title="'$SSD_Power_On_Hours_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Wear_Level="'$SSD_Wear_Level'"' echo 'SSD_Wear_Level_Title="'$SSD_Wear_Level_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Reallocated_Sectors="'$SSD_Reallocated_Sectors'"' echo 'SSD_Reallocated_Sectors_Title="'$SSD_Reallocated_Sectors_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Reallocated_Events="'$SSD_Reallocated_Events'"' echo 'SSD_Reallocated_Events_Title="'$SSD_Reallocated_Events_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Pending_Sectors="'$SSD_Pending_Sectors'"' echo 'SSD_Pending_Sectors_Title="'$SSD_Pending_Sectors_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable="'$SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable'"' echo 'SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable_Title="'$SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable_Title'"' echo 'SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List="'$SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List'"' echo 'SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List_Title="'$SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Last_Test_Age="'$SSD_Last_Test_Age'"' echo 'SSD_Last_Test_Age_Title="'$SSD_Last_Test_Age_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Last_Test_Type="'$SSD_Last_Test_Type'"' echo 'SSD_Last_Test_Type_Title="'$SSD_Last_Test_Type_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Total_Data_Written="'$SSD_Total_Data_Written'"' echo 'SSD_Total_Data_Written_Title="'$SSD_Total_Data_Written_Title'"' echo 'SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month="'$SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month'"' echo 'SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="'$SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title'"' echo " " echo "# For NVMe Drive Section" echo 'NVM_Device_ID="'$NVM_Device_ID'"' echo 'NVM_Device_ID_Title="'$NVM_Device_ID_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Serial_Number="'$NVM_Serial_Number'"' echo 'NVM_Serial_Number_Title="'$NVM_Serial_Number_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Model_Number="'$NVM_Model_Number'"' echo 'NVM_Model_Number_Title="'$NVM_Model_Number_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Capacity="'$NVM_Capacity'"' echo 'NVM_Capacity_Title="'$NVM_Capacity_Title'"' echo 'NVM_SMART_Status="'$NVM_SMART_Status'"' echo 'NVM_SMART_Status_Title="'$NVM_SMART_Status_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Warranty="'$NVM_Warranty'"' echo 'NVM_Warranty_Title="'$NVM_Warranty_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Critical_Warning="'$NVM_Critical_Warning'"' echo 'NVM_Critical_Warning_Title="'$NVM_Critical_Warning_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Drive_Temp="'$NVM_Drive_Temp'"' echo 'NVM_Drive_Temp_Title="'$NVM_Drive_Temp_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Drive_Temp_Min="'$NVM_Drive_Temp_Min'" # NVMe does not support yet' echo 'NVM_Drive_Temp_Min_Title="'$NVM_Drive_Temp_Min_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Drive_Temp_Max="'$NVM_Drive_Temp_Max'" # NVMe does not support yet' echo 'NVM_Drive_Temp_Max_Title="'$NVM_Drive_Temp_Max_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Power_Level="'$NVM_Power_Level'"' echo 'NVM_Power_Level_Title="'$NVM_Power_Level_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Power_On_Hours="'$NVM_Power_On_Hours'"' echo 'NVM_Power_On_Hours_Title="'$NVM_Power_On_Hours_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Wear_Level="'$NVM_Wear_Level'"' echo 'NVM_Wear_Level_Title="'$NVM_Wear_Level_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Media_Error="'$NVM_Media_Error'"' echo 'NVM_Media_Error_Title="'$NVM_Media_Error_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Last_Test_Age="'$NVM_Last_Test_Age'"' echo 'NVM_Last_Test_Age_Title="'$NVM_Last_Test_Age_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Last_Test_Type="'$NVM_Last_Test_Type'"' echo 'NVM_Last_Test_Type_Title="'$NVM_Last_Test_Type_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Total_Data_Written="'$NVM_Total_Data_Written'"' echo 'NVM_Total_Data_Written_Title="'$NVM_Total_Data_Written_Title'"' echo 'NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month="'$NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month'"' echo 'NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="'$NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title'"' echo " " echo "###### Drive Ignore List" echo "# What does it do:" echo '# Use this to list any drives to ignore and remove from the report. This is' echo '# very useful for ignoring USB Flash Drives or other drives for which good' echo '# data is not able to be collected (non-standard).' echo "#" echo '# How to use it:' echo '# We are using a comma delimited file to identify the drive serial numbers.' echo '# You MUST use the exact and full serial number smartctl reports, if there' echo '# is no identical match then it will not ignore the drive.' echo "#" echo '# Format: Ignore_Drives_List="serial_number,serial_number,serial_number"' echo '# Example: Ignore_Drives_List="VMWare,1JUMLBD,21HNSAFC21410E"' echo " " echo 'Ignore_Drives_List="'$Ignore_Drives_List'"' echo " " echo '###### Drive ATA Errors, UDMA CRC Error Count List, MultiZone List Errors List,' echo '###### Reallocated Sectors Exceptions, Reallocated Sectors Events Exceptions' echo '#' echo '# What does it do:' echo '# If you have a drive which has one of the above errors not a 0 (zero) value,' echo '# this setting will offset the value back to zero for the considerations of' echo '# monitoring future increases of this specific error. This will subtract' echo '# the value by a correction value in order to 0 (zero) the value and' echo '# highlight it in yellow to denote it was overridden. The Warning Title' echo "# will not be flagged if this is zero'd out in this manner." echo '#' echo '# How to use it:' echo '# List each drive by serial number and include the current error count value.' echo '# The format is very specific and will not work if you wing it, use the Example.' echo '#' echo '# Format: CRC_Errors_List="serial_number:current_udma_error_count,serial_number:current_udma_error_count"' echo '# Example: CRC_Errors_List="WD-WMC4N2578099:1,S2X1J90CA48799:2,P02618119268:1"' echo " " echo 'ATA_Errors_List="'$ATA_Errors_List'"' echo 'CRC_Errors_List="'$CRC_Errors_List'"' echo 'MultiZone_List="'$MultiZone_List'"' echo 'ReAllocated_Sector_List="'$ReAllocated_Sector_List'"' echo 'ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List="'$ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List'"' echo 'Media_Errors_List="'$Media_Errors_List'"' echo " " echo '###### Custom Drive Configuration' echo '# Used to define specific alarm values for specific drives by serial number.' echo '# This should only be used for drives where the default alarm settings' echo '# are not proper or you need to reverse some values where they may be listed' echo '# opposite, for example WearLevel may be listed as 0% vice 100%.' echo '# Up to 24 unique drive values may be stored (tested).' echo '#' echo '# Use -config to set these values.' echo '#' echo '# THE BREAKDOWN OF THIS LINE FORMAT (entire list broken to two lines for viewing, separated using a comma)' echo '# serial:tempwarn:tempcrit:sectorswarn:sectorscrit:reallocwarn:multizonewarn:multizonecrit:rawreadwarn:' echo '# rawreadcrit:seekerrorswarn:seekerrorscrit:testage:testAgeOvrd:heliummin:wearleveladj' echo '# (testAgeOvrd '0'=Default, '1'=Ignore, wearleveladj 'd'=Default 'r'=Reverse value 'n'=Normalized 'i'=Ignore)' echo " " echo 'Custom_Drives_List="'$Custom_Drives_List'"' echo " " echo '####### Warranty Expiration Date' echo '# What does it do:' echo '# This section is used to add warranty expiration dates for designated drives' echo '# and to create an alert when they expire. This is good to give you a' echo '# heads-up on when you might need to start looking for a replacement drive.' echo '#' echo '# How to use it:' echo '# Format: Drive_Warranty_List="serial_number:YYYY-MM-DD,serial_number:YYYY-MM-DD"' echo '# Example: Drive_Warranty_List="K1JUMLBD:2020-09-30,K1JRSWLD:2020-09-30,K1JUMW4D:2020-09-30,K1GVD84B:2020-10-12"' echo " " echo 'Drive_Warranty_List="'$Drive_Warranty_List'"' echo " " echo '######## Expired Drive Warranty Setup' echo 'expiredWarrantyBoxColor="'$expiredWarrantyBoxColor'" # "black" = normal box perimeter color.' echo 'WarrantyBackgndColor="'$WarrantyBackgndColor'" # Background color for expired drives. "none" = normal background.' echo " " echo "###### Global table of colors" echo "# The colors selected you can change but you will need to look up the proper HEX code for a color." echo " " # Reset the colors option in '-config' if [[ $Update_Colors != "1" ]]; then echo 'okColor="'$okColor'" # Hex code for color to use in SMART Status column if drives pass (default is darker light green, #b5fcb9).' echo 'warnColor="'$warnColor'" # Hex code for WARN color (default is orange, #F38B16).' echo 'critColor="'$critColor'" # Hex code for CRITICAL color (default is red, #f44336).' echo 'altColor="'$altColor'" # Table background alternates row colors between white and this color (default is light gray, #f4f4f4).' echo 'whtColor="'$whtColor'" # Hex for White background.' echo 'ovrdColor="'$ovrdColor'" # Hex code for Override Yellow.' echo 'blueColor="'$blueColor'" # Hex code for Sky Blue, used for the SCRUB/SMART Test In Progress/background.' echo 'yellowColor="'$yellowColor'" # Hex code for pale yellow.' echo 'pohColor="'$pohColor'" # Hex code for pale yellow.' else echo 'okColor="#b5fcb9" # Hex code for color to use in SMART Status column if drives pass (default is darker light green, #b5fcb9).' echo 'warnColor="#F38B16" # Hex code for WARN color (default is orange, #F38B16).' echo 'critColor="#f44336" # Hex code for CRITICAL color (default is red, #f44336).' echo 'altColor="#f4f4f4" # Table background alternates row colors between white and this color (default is light gray, #f4f4f4).' echo 'whtColor="#ffffff" # Hex for White background.' echo 'ovrdColor="#ffffe4" # Hex code for Override Yellow.' echo 'blueColor="#87ceeb" # Hex code for Sky Blue, used for the SCRUB In Progress background.' echo 'yellowColor="#f1ffad" # Hex code for pale yellow.' echo 'pohColor="#ffffcc" # Hex code for pale yellow.' fi echo " " echo "###### THIS SECTION FOR DRIVE_SELFTEST SCRIPT ONLY" echo "###### SCRIPT UPDATES ---- NOT OPERATIONAL YET" echo 'Allow_Drive_Selftest_Script_Update="'$Allow_Drive_Selftest_Script_Update'" # When set to "true" then the script will automatically update itself if a new update is present.' echo " " echo "###### HDD/SSD/NVMe SMART Testing" echo "### SHORT SETTINGS" echo "Short_Test_Mode=$Short_Test_Mode # 1 = Use Short_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day value, 2 = All Drives Tested (Ignores other options), 3 = No Drives Tested." echo "Short_Time_Delay_Between_Drives=$Short_Time_Delay_Between_Drives # Tests will have a XX second delay between the drives starting testing." echo 'Short_SMART_Testing_Order="'$Short_SMART_Testing_Order'" # Test order is for Test Mode 1 ONLY, select "Serial" or "DriveID" for sort order. Default = "Serial"' echo "Short_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day=$Short_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day # For Test_Mode 1) How many drives to run each day minimum?" echo 'Short_Drives_Test_Period="'$Short_Drives_Test_Period'" # "Week" (7 days) or "Month" (28 days)' echo 'Short_Drives_Tested_Days_of_the_Week="'$Short_Drives_Tested_Days_of_the_Week'" # Days of the week to run, 1=Mon, 2=Tue, 3=Wed, 4=Thu, 5=Fri, 6=Sat, 7=Sun.' echo "Short_Drives_Test_Delay=$Short_Drives_Test_Delay # How long to delay when running Short tests, before exiting to controlling procedure. Default is 130 second should allow." echo " # Short tests to complete before continuing. If using without Mulit-Report, set this value to 1." echo "### LONG SETTINGS" echo "Long_Test_Mode=$Long_Test_Mode # 1 = Use Long_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day value, 2 = All Drives Tested (Ignores other options), 3 = No Drives Tested." echo "Long_Time_Delay_Between_Drives=$Long_Time_Delay_Between_Drives # Tests will have a XX second delay between the drives starting the next test." echo 'Long_SMART_Testing_Order="'$Long_SMART_Testing_Order'" # Test order is either "Serial" or "DriveID". Default = "Serial"' echo "Long_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day=$Long_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day # For Test_Mode 1) How many drives to run each day minimum?" echo 'Long_Drives_Test_Period="'$Long_Drives_Test_Period'" # "Week" (7 days) or "Month" (28 days)' echo 'Long_Drives_Tested_Days_of_the_Week="'$Long_Drives_Tested_Days_of_the_Week'" # Days of the week to run, 1=Mon, 2=Tue, 3=Wed, 4=Thu, 5=Fri, 6=Sat, 7=Sun.' echo " " echo "### REPORT" echo "Drive_List_Length=$Drive_List_Length # This is how many drive IDs to list per line. Default is 10." echo 'Enable_Logging="'$Enable_Logging'" # This will create a text file named "drive_test_xx.txt". Run -clearlog' echo 'LOG_DIR="'$SCRIPT_DIR/DS_Logs'" # The default log directory is the script directory.' echo " " echo "### EXTERNAL CONFIGURATION FILE" echo 'Use_multi_report_config_values="'$Use_multi_report_config_values'" # A "true" value here will use the $Config_File_Name file values to override the values defined below.' echo ' # This allows the values to be retained between versions. A "false" will utilize the values below.' echo " " ) > "$Config_File_Name" if [[ $MRChangedEmailSend == "true" ]]; then MR_Attach_Config="1"; fi } ########## GENERATE CONFIG FILE ########## # # Update configuration file is retired now that the config file is automatically updated. generate_config_file () { SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) Config_File_Name="$SCRIPT_DIR/multi_report_config.txt" for (( z=1; z<=50; z++ )); do clear echo $programver echo " " echo " Configuration File Management" echo " " if test -e "$Config_File_Name"; then echo " *** WARNING - A CONFIGURATION CURRENTLY FILE EXISTS ***"; fi echo " " echo " N)ew configuration file (creates a new clean external configuration file)" echo " A)dvanced configuration (must have a configuration file already present)" echo " S)pencer Integration (configure Spencer add-on)" echo " D)rive Self-test configuration (companion script)" echo " H)ow to use this configuration tool (general instructions)" echo " X) Exit" echo " " echo "NOTE: In using this configuration script when the value is:" echo " Number or Text: The current value will be displayed. You have the option to" echo " just press Enter/Return to accept the current value or you may enter a" echo " different value." echo " " echo " True or False: The current value will be displayed. You have the option to" echo " press Enter/Return to accept the current value or you may press 't' for true" echo " or 'f' for false." echo " " echo " " echo -n " Make your selection: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var shopt -s nocasematch case $Keyboard_var in # First Level Start A) clear echo " " echo " Advanced Configuration Settings" echo " " echo " Loading Configuration File Data..." echo " " if [[ ! -f "$Config_File_Name" ]]; then echo "You do not have an external configuration file yet." echo "Please create an external configuration file." echo " " exit 1 fi load_config echo "This is not a complete configuration setup, it is just the most common settings" echo "that a user would typically require for a normal setup. You may directly edit" echo "the config text file with any text editor to take full advantage of the options." echo " " echo "The config text file is located here: "$Config_File_Name echo " " for (( x=1; x<=50; x++ )); do clear echo " Advanced Configuration Settings" echo " " echo " A) Alarm Setpoints (Temp, Zpool, Media, Activate In/Out, Ignore, Email On Alert Only)" echo " B) Config-Backup (Edit Config-Backup & Multi-Report_Config Settings)" echo " C) Email Address (Edit Email address and Encryption)" echo " D) HDD Column Selection (Select columns to display/hide)" echo " E) SSD Column Selection (Select columns to display/hide)" echo " F) NVMe Column Selection (Select columns to display/hide)" echo " G) Output Formats (Hours, Temp, Non-Existent, Pool Capacity, Power On Hours)" echo " H) Report Header Titles (Edit Header Titles, Add/Remove Text Section)" echo " I) Statistical Data File Setup" echo " J) TLER / SCT (Setup if TLER is active)" echo " K) Drive Errors (Ignore Drives, UDMA CRC, MultiZone," echo " Reallocated Sectors, ATA Errors, Warranty Expiration)" echo " L) Subject Line Custom Settings" # echo " M) Multipath Setting" echo " N) NVMe Custom Settings (Set Low Power State, SMART Test Options)" # echo " O) (Not operational) SCSI Drive Settings (Obtain true Power On Hours)" # echo " R) Run HDD/SDD Short & Long SMART Tests from Multi-Report Script" echo " S) Custom Drive Configuration" echo " T) SMR Drive Options and GPT Partition Checking/Backup" echo " U) Update Script - Automatic or Manual Internet (Github) Updates" echo " W) Write Configuration File (Save your changes)" echo " X) Exit - Will not automatically save changes" echo " Z) Zpool Settings" echo " " echo -n " Make your selection: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var2 echo " " # shopt -s nocasematch case $Keyboard_var2 in # Advanced Configuration Level Start A) for (( y=1; y<=50; y++ )); do clear echo " Alarm Configuration Settings" echo " " echo "These setting affect all drives unless they are overridden" echo " using the Custom Drive Configuration option." echo " " echo " A) Temperature Settings (Various Temperature Settings)" echo " B) Zpool Settings (Scrub Age, Pool % Avail, and Frag % Alarms)" echo " C) Media Alarm Settings (Sectors and CRC Type Alarms)" echo " D) Activate Input/Output Settings (Enable SSD/NVMe/Non-SMART)" echo " E) Ignore Alarms (Ignore CRC/MultiZone/Seek Type Errors/Email on Alert Only)" echo " F) Monitor Email Settings" echo " X) Exit - Return to previous menu" echo " " echo -n " Make your selection: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " # shopt -s nocasematch case $Keyboard_var3 in A) clear echo "Temperature Settings" echo " " echo "The current value will be in parentheses." echo "Enter a new value or press Return to keep current value." echo " " echo "HDD Warning Temperature ("$HDDtempWarn") " echo -n "(1-256) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn -gt 85 ]]; then echo "Ouch! that is HOT!, but you are the boss."; fi if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then HDDtempWarn=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDDtempWarn")" echo " " echo "HDD Critical Temperature ("$HDDtempCrit") " echo -n "(1-256) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then HDDtempCrit=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDDtempCrit")" echo " " echo "HDD Max Temperature Override for Power Cycle Enabled ("$HDD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd") " echo 'When "true" will not alarm on any Current Power Cycle Max Temperature Limit.' echo -n "(t = true, f = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd="true"; else HDD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd")" echo " " echo "SSD Warning Temperature ("$SSDtempWarn") " echo -n "(1-256) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then SSDtempWarn=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSDtempWarn")" echo " " echo "SSD Critical Temperature ("$SSDtempCrit") " echo -n "(1-256) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then SSDtempCrit=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSDtempCrit")" echo " " echo "SSD Max Temperature Override for Power Cycle Enabled ("$SSD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd") " echo 'When "true" will not alarm on any Current Power Cycle Max Temperature Limit.' echo -n "(t = true, f = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd="true"; else SSD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Cur_Pwr_Max_Temp_Ovrd")" echo " " echo "NVMe Warning Temperature ("$NVMtempWarn") " echo -n "(1-256) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then NVMtempWarn=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVMtempWarn")" echo " " echo "NVMe Critical Temperature ("$NVMtempCrit") " echo -n "(1-256) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then NVMtempCrit=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVMtempCrit")" echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; B) clear echo "Zpool Settings" echo " " echo "Maximum age (in days) since last pool scrub before CRITICAL color will be used." echo "Scrub maximum days since last completion ("$ScrubAgeWarn") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then ScrubAgeWarn=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$ScrubAgeWarn")" echo " " echo "Pool used percentage for CRITICAL color to be used." echo "Pool Space Used Alert ("$PoolUsedWarn") " echo -n "(1-100) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then PoolUsedWarn=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$PoolUsedWarn")" echo " " echo "Pool Fragmentation percentage for WARNING color to be used." echo "Pool Frag Alert ("$ZpoolFragWarn") " echo -n "(1-100) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then ZpoolFragWarn=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$ZpoolFragWarn")" echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; C) clear echo "Media Alarm Settings" echo " " echo "SSD/NVMe Wear Level lower limit ("$WearLevelCrit") " echo -n "(1-100) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then WearLevelCrit=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$WearLevelCrit")" echo " " echo "Sector Errors Warning ("$SectorsWarn") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then SectorsWarn=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$SectorsWarn")" echo " " echo "Sector Errors Critical ("$SectorsCrit") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then SectorsCrit=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$SectorsCrit")" echo " " echo "Reallocated Sectors Warning ("$ReAllocWarn") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then ReAllocWarn=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$ReAllocWarn")" echo " " echo "Raw Read Errors Warning ("$RawReadWarn") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then RawReadWarn=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$RawReadWarn")" echo " " echo "Raw Read Errors Critical ("$RawReadCrit") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then RawReadCrit=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$RawReadCrit")" echo " " echo "Seek Errors Warning ("$SeekErrorsWarn") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then SeekErrorsWarn=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$SeekErrorsWarn")" echo " " echo "Seek Errors Critical ("$SeekErrorsCrit") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then SeekErrorsCrit=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$SeekErrorsCrit")" echo " " echo "MultiZone Errors Warning ("$MultiZoneWarn") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then MultiZoneWarn=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$MultiZoneWarn")" echo " " echo "MultiZone Errors Critical ("$MultiZoneCrit") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then MultiZoneCrit=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$MultiZoneCrit")" echo " " echo "Helium Minimum Level ("$HeliumMin") " echo -n "(1-100) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then HeliumMin=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$HeliumMin")" echo " " echo "Helium Critical Alert Message ("$HeliumAlarm") " echo 'A "true" value will generate an email subject line alert for a error.' echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HeliumAlarm="true"; else HeliumAlarm="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HeliumAlarm")" echo " " echo "S.M.A.R.T. Test Age Warning ("$TestWarnAge") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then TestWarnAge=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$TestWarnAge")" echo " " echo "NVMe Media Errors ("$NVM_Media_Errors") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then NVM_Media_Errors=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Media_Errors")" echo " " echo "Flag Device ID RED on Error ("$DeviceRedFlag") " echo -n "('t' = true. 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then DeviceRedFlag="true"; else DeviceRedFlag="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$DeviceRedFlag")" echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; D) clear echo "Activate/Disable Input/Output Settings" echo " " echo "Force non-SMART devices to be reported" echo "Report Non-SMART Devices ("$ReportNonSMART") " echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then ReportNonSMART="true"; else ReportNonSMART="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$ReportNonSMART")" echo " " echo 'Set to "true" to remove the smartctl -a data and non-smart data appended to the normal report.' echo "Remove Non-SMART Data from the emailed report ("$DisableRAWdata") " echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then DisableRAWdata="true"; else DisableRAWdata="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$DisableRAWdata")" echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; E) clear echo "Ignore Alarm Settings" echo " " echo "Email Only On Alarm ("$Email_On_Alarm_Only")" echo "This will Only send an email if an alarm is present." echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then Email_On_Alarm_Only="true"; else Email_On_Alarm_Only="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$Email_On_Alarm_Only")" echo " " echo "Email Only On Alarm And Attachments ("$Email_On_Alarm_Only_And_Attachments")" echo "This will Only send an email if an alarm is present OR Attachments" echo "are ready such as TrueNAS Config or Multi-Report Config." echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then Email_On_Alarm_Only_And_Attachments="true"; else Email_On_Alarm_Only_And_Attachments="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$Email_On_Alarm_Only_And_Attachments")" echo " " echo "Ignore UDMA CRC Errors ("$IgnoreUDMA") " echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then IgnoreUDMA="true"; else IgnoreUDMA="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$IgnoreUDMA")" echo " " echo "Ignore Raw Read Errors ("$IgnoreReadError") " echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then IgnoreReadError="true"; else IgnoreReadError="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$IgnoreReadError")" echo " " echo "Ignore Seek Errors ("$IgnoreSeekError") " echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then IgnoreSeekError="true"; else IgnoreSeekError="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$IgnoreSeekError")" echo " " echo "Ignore MultiZone Errors ("$IgnoreMultiZone") " echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then IgnoreMultiZone="true"; else IgnoreMultiZone="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$IgnoreMultiZone")" echo " " echo "Disable Warranty Email Header Warning ("$DisableWarranty") " echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then DisableWarranty="true"; else DisableWarranty="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$DisableWarranty")" echo " " echo "ATA Auto Enable ("$ATA_Auto_Enable") " echo 'Set to "true" to automatically update Log Error count to ONLY display a log' echo "error when a new one occurs." echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then ATA_Auto_Enable="true"; else ATA_Auto_Enable="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$ATA_Auto_Enable")" echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; F) clear echo "Monitor Email Settings" echo " " echo "AlertOnWarningTemp ("$AlertOnWarningTemp") " echo 'Set to "true" will send Temperature Warnings to the Monitor Email address' echo 'when using the "-m" switch.' echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then AlertOnWarningTemp="true"; else AlertOnWarningTemp="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$AlertOnWarningTemp")" echo " " echo "AlertOnCriticalError ("$AlertOnCriticalError") " echo 'Set to "true" will send Critical Alarms to the Monitor Email address' echo 'when using the "-m" switch.' echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then AlertOnCriticalError="true"; else AlertOnCriticalError="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$AlertOnCriticalError")" echo " " ;; X) clear echo "Returning to the previous menu..." sleep 2 y=100 ;; *) echo "Invalid Option" sleep 2 ;; esac done ;; B) clear echo "TrueNAS Configuration Backup Setup" echo " " echo "Configuration Backup Enabled ("$TrueNASConfigEmailEnable") " echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then TrueNASConfigEmailEnable="true"; else TrueNASConfigEmailEnable="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$TrueNASConfigEmailEnable")" echo " " if [[ $TrueNASConfigEmailEnable == "true" ]]; then echo "Save a local copy of the config-backup file ("$TrueNASConfigBackupSave") " echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then TrueNASConfigBackupSave="true"; else TrueNASConfigBackupSave="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$TrueNASConfigBackupSave")" if [[ $TrueNASConfigBackupSave == "true" ]]; then echo " " echo "TrueNAS Backup Configuration file location ("$TrueNASConfigBackupLocation")" echo "Enter new location or press Enter/Return to accept current value" echo "NOTE: Do not use any spaces." echo -n ": " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then TrueNASConfigBackupLocation=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$TrueNASConfigBackupLocation")" fi echo " " echo "What day of the week would you like the file attached?" echo "Current Value: "$TrueNASConfigEmailDay echo -n "(All, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Month) " read Keyboard_HDD if [[ ! $Keyboard_HDD == "" ]]; then TrueNASConfigEmailDay=$Keyboard_HDD; fi echo "Set Value: ("$TrueNASConfigEmailDay")" fi echo " " echo '"multi_report_config.txt" Backup Setup' echo " " echo "Enable sending multi_report_config.txt file" echo "(will enable next two options if true) ("$MRConfigEmailEnable") " echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then MRConfigEmailEnable="true"; else MRConfigEmailEnable="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$MRConfigEmailEnable")" if [[ $MRConfigEmailEnable == "true" ]]; then echo " " echo "What day of the week would you like the file attached?" echo "Current Value: "$MRConfigEmailDay echo -n "(All, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Month, Never) " read Keyboard_HDD if [[ ! $Keyboard_HDD == "" ]]; then MRConfigEmailDay=$Keyboard_HDD; fi echo "Set Value: ("$MRConfigEmailDay")" echo " " echo " " echo "Send email of multi_report_config.txt file for any change ("$MRChangedEmailSend") " echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then MRChangedEmailSend="true"; else MRChangedEmailSend="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$MRChangedEmailSend")" fi echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; C) clear echo "Email Settings" echo " " echo "Current Email address(s): "$Email" " echo " " echo "Separate multiple email addresses with a comma " echo 'Enter nothing to accept the default or change it to something new.' echo -n ": " read Keyboard_Email if [[ ! $Keyboard_Email == "" ]]; then Email=$Keyboard_Email; fi echo "Set Value: "$Email echo "------------------------------------------------------------" echo " " echo "Current Email address(s): "$AlertEmail" " echo " " echo "Enter your Drive temperature monitoring Email address (used with -m switch only)." echo "This is the email or series of emails (comma separated) address(s) to send an" echo "alert to. Blank = Use Normal Email Address." echo "Press Return to use your normal email address" echo -n ": " read Keyboard_Email if [[ $Keyboard_Email == "" ]]; then echo "Using normal Email address..." AlertEmail=$Email fi if [[ ! $Keyboard_Email == "" ]]; then AlertEmail=$Keyboard_Email; fi echo "Set Value: "$AlertEmail echo "-------------------------------------------------------------" echo " " echo "Current from address: "$From" " echo 'While most people are able to use the default "from" address,' echo 'Some email servers will not work unless you use the email address' echo 'the email address the server is associated with.' echo 'Enter nothing to accept the default or change it.' echo -n ": " read Keyboard_Email if [[ ! $Keyboard_Email == "" ]]; then From=$Keyboard_Email; fi echo "Set Value: "$From echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo " " echo "Current TrueNAS Configuration File passphrase: "$TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption echo " " echo 'You have the option to Encrypt your TrueNAS Configuration Backup File.' echo 'This is just for the sake of the email, the actual file is already encrypted.' echo 'However by request I have added it.' echo 'Use 7-zip, PKZIP, WinZip or similar to decrypt the file.' echo ' ' echo 'Press Enter/Return to accept the current passphrase, or' echo 'enter "disable" to remove any passphrase, or enter a new passphrase.' echo -n ": " read Keyboard_Email if [[ ! $Keyboard_Email == "" ]]; then TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption=$Keyboard_Email; fi if [[ $Keyboard_Email == "disable" ]]; then TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption=""; fi echo "Set Value: "$TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption echo " " echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_Email == "" ]]; then echo "No change" else echo "Writing Passphrase into Script Now..." sed '5s/.*/TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption="'$TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption'" # Set this to "" for no encryption or enter some text as your passphrase./' "$mefull" > /tmp/multi_report_update.txt cp "/tmp/multi_report_update.txt" "$mefull" rm "/tmp/multi_report_update.txt" fi echo "You still need to write any other changes made such as an email address." echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; D) clear echo "HDD Column Selection" echo " " echo "These settings do not disable/enable any alarm settings." echo "Please select which columns to display. True=Display, False=Do Not Display" echo " " echo -n "Device ID ("$HDD_Device_ID") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Device_ID="true"; else HDD_Device_ID="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Device_ID")" echo " " echo -n "Serial Number ("$HDD_Serial_Number") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Serial_Number="true"; else HDD_Serial_Number="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Serial_Number")" echo " " echo -n "Model Number ("$HDD_Model_Number") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Model_Number="true"; else HDD_Model_Number="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Model_Number")" echo " " echo -n "Capacity ("$HDD_Capacity") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Capacity="true"; else HDD_Capacity="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Capacity")" echo " " echo -n "Rotational Rate ("$HDD_Rotational_Rate") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Rotational_Rate="true"; else HDD_Rotational_Rate="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Rotational_Rate")" echo " " echo -n "SMART Status ("$HDD_SMART_Status") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_SMART_Status="true"; else HDD_SMART_Status="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_SMART_Status")" echo " " echo -n "Warranty ("$HDD_Warranty") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Warranty="true"; else HDD_Warranty="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Warranty")" echo " " echo -n "Drive Temp ("$HDD_Drive_Temp") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Drive_Temp="true"; else HDD_Drive_Temp="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Drive_Temp")" echo " " echo -n "Drive Temp Minimum for power cycle ("$HDD_Drive_Temp_Min") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Drive_Temp_Min="true"; else HDD_Drive_Temp_Min="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Drive_Temp_Min")" echo " " echo -n "Drive Temp Maximum for power cycle ("$HDD_Drive_Temp_Max") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Drive_Temp_Max="true"; else HDD_Drive_Temp_Max="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Drive_Temp_Max")" echo " " echo -n "Power On Hours ("$HDD_Power_On_Hours") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Power_On_Hours="true"; else HDD_Power_On_Hours="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Power_On_Hours")" echo " " echo -n "Start / Stop Count ("$HDD_Start_Stop_Count") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Start_Stop_Count="true"; else HDD_Start_Stop_Count="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Start_Stop_Count")" echo " " echo -n "Load Cycle Count ("$HDD_Load_Cycle") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Load_Cycle="true"; else HDD_Load_Cycle="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Load_Cycle")" echo " " echo -n "Spin Retry Count ("$HDD_Spin_Retry") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Spin_Retry="true"; else HDD_Spin_Retry="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Spin_Retry")" echo " " echo -n "Reallocated Sectors ("$HDD_Reallocated_Sectors") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Reallocated_Sectors="true"; else HDD_Reallocated_Sectors="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Reallocated_Sectors")" echo " " echo -n "Reallocated Events ("$HDD_Reallocated_Events") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Reallocated_Events="true"; else HDD_Reallocated_Events="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Reallocated_Events")" echo " " echo -n "Pending Sectors ("$HDD_Pending_Sectors") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Pending_Sectors="true"; else HDD_Pending_Sectors="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Pending_Sectors")" echo " " echo -n "Offline Uncorrectable Errors ("$HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable="true"; else HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Offline_Uncorrectable")" echo " " echo -n "UDMA CRC Errors ("$HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List="true"; else HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List")" echo " " echo -n "Raw Read Error Rate ("$HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate="true"; else HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Raw_Read_Error_Rate")" echo " " echo -n "Seek Error Rate ("$HDD_Seek_Error_Rate") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Seek_Error_Rate="true"; else HDD_Seek_Error_Rate="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Seek_Error_Rate")" echo " " echo -n "MultiZone Errors ("$HDD_MultiZone_Errors") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_MultiZone_Errors="true"; else HDD_MultiZone_Errors="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_MultiZone_Errors")" echo " " echo -n "Helium Level ("$HDD_Helium_Level") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Helium_Level="true"; else HDD_Helium_Level="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Helium_Level")" echo " " echo -n "Last Test Age ("$HDD_Last_Test_Age") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Last_Test_Age="true"; else HDD_Last_Test_Age="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Last_Test_Age")" echo " " echo -n "Last Test Type ("$HDD_Last_Test_Type") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Last_Test_Type="true"; else HDD_Last_Test_Type="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Last_Test_Type")" echo " " echo -n "Total Data Written ("$HDD_Total_Data_Written") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Total_Data_Written="true"; else HDD_Total_Data_Written="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Total_Data_Written")" echo " " echo -n "Data Written (Month/30 Days) ("$HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month="true"; else HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month")" echo " " echo " " echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 4 ;; E) clear echo "SSD Column Selection" echo " " echo "These settings do not disable/enable any alarm settings." echo "Please select which columns to display. True=Display, False=Do Not Display" echo " " echo -n "Device ID ("$SSD_Device_ID") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Device_ID="true"; else SSD_Device_ID="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Device_ID")" echo " " echo -n "Serial Number ("$SSD_Serial_Number") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Serial_Number="true"; else SSD_Serial_Number="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Serial_Number")" echo " " echo -n "Model Number ("$SSD_Model_Number") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Model_Number="true"; else SSD_Model_Number="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Model_Number")" echo " " echo -n "Capacity ("$SSD_Capacity") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Capacity="true"; else SSD_Capacity="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Capacity")" echo " " echo -n "SMART Status ("$SSD_SMART_Status") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_SMART_Status="true"; else SSD_SMART_Status="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_SMART_Status")" echo " " echo -n "Drive Temp ("$SSD_Drive_Temp") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Drive_Temp="true"; else SSD_Drive_Temp="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Drive_Temp")" echo " " echo -n "Warranty ("$SSD_Warranty") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Warranty="true"; else SSD_Warranty="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Warranty")" echo " " echo -n "Drive Temp Minimum for power cycle ("$SSD_Drive_Temp_Min") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Drive_Temp_Min="true"; else SSD_Drive_Temp_Min="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Drive_Temp_Min")" echo " " echo -n "Drive Temp Maximum for power cycle ("$SSD_Drive_Temp_Max") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Drive_Temp_Max="true"; else SSD_Drive_Temp_Max="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Drive_Temp_Max")" echo " " echo -n "Power On Hours ("$SSD_Power_On_Hours") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Power_On_Hours="true"; else SSD_Power_On_Hours="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Power_On_Hours")" echo " " echo -n "Wear Level ("$SSD_Wear_Level") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Wear_Level="true"; else SSD_Wear_Level="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Wear_Level")" echo " " echo -n "Reallocated Sectors ("$SSD_Reallocated_Sectors") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Reallocated_Sectors="true"; else SSD_Reallocated_Sectors="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Reallocated_Sectors")" echo " " echo -n "Reallocated Events ("$SSD_Reallocated_Events") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Reallocated_Events="true"; else SSD_Reallocated_Events="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Reallocated_Events")" echo " " echo -n "Pending Sectors ("$SSD_Pending_Sectors") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Pending_Sectors="true"; else SSD_Pending_Sectors="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Pending_Sectors")" echo " " echo -n "Offline Uncorrectable Errors ("$SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable="true"; else SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Offline_Uncorrectable")" echo " " echo -n "UDMA CRC Errors ("$SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List="true"; else SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_UDMA_CRC_Errors_List")" echo " " echo -n "Last Test Age ("$SSD_Last_Test_Age") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Last_Test_Age="true"; else SSD_Last_Test_Age="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Last_Test_Age")" echo " " echo -n "Last Test Type ("$SSD_Last_Test_Type") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Last_Test_Type="true"; else SSD_Last_Test_Type="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Last_Test_Type")" echo " " echo -n "Total Data Written ("$SSD_Total_Data_Written") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SSD_Total_Data_Written="true"; else SSD_Total_Data_Written="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SSD_Total_Data_Written")" echo " " echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; F) clear echo "NVMe Column Selection" echo " " echo "These settings do not disable/enable any alarm settings." echo "Please select which columns to display. True=Display, False=Do Not Display" echo " " echo -n "Device ID ("$NVM_Device_ID") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Device_ID="true"; else NVM_Device_ID="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Device_ID")" echo " " echo -n "Serial Number ("$NVM_Serial_Number") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Serial_Number="true"; else NVM_Serial_Number="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Serial_Number")" echo " " echo -n "Model Number ("$NVM_Model_Number") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Model_Number="true"; else NVM_Model_Number="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Model_Number")" echo " " echo -n "Capacity ("$NVM_Capacity") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Capacity="true"; else NVM_Capacity="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Capacity")" echo " " echo -n "SMART Status ("$NVM_SMART_Status") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_SMART_Status="true"; else NVM_SMART_Status="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_SMART_Status")" echo " " echo -n "Warranty ("$NVM_Warranty") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Warranty="true"; else NVM_Warranty="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Warranty")" echo " " echo -n "Critical Warning Status ("$NVM_Critical_Warning") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Critical_Warning="true"; else NVM_Critical_Warning="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Critical_Warning")" echo " " echo -n "Drive Temp ("$NVM_Drive_Temp") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Drive_Temp="true"; else NVM_Drive_Temp="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Drive_Temp")" echo " " echo -n "Drive Temp Minimum for power cycle ("$NVM_Drive_Temp_Min") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Drive_Temp_Min="true"; else NVM_Drive_Temp_Min="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Drive_Temp_Min")" echo " " echo -n "Drive Temp Maximum for power cycle ("$NVM_Drive_Temp_Max") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Drive_Temp_Max="true"; else NVM_Drive_Temp_Max="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Drive_Temp_Max")" echo " " # echo -n "Power State ("$NVM_Power_Level") " # read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn # if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then # if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Power_Level="true"; else NVM_Power_Level="false"; fi # fi # echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Power_Level")" # echo " " echo -n "Power On Hours ("$NVM_Power_On_Hours") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Power_On_Hours="true"; else NVM_Power_On_Hours="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Power_On_Hours")" echo " " echo -n "Wear Level ("$NVM_Wear_Level") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Wear_Level="true"; else NVM_Wear_Level="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Wear_Level")" echo " " echo -n "Media Errors ("$NVM_Media_Error") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Media_Error="true"; else NVM_Media_Error="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Media_Error")" echo " " echo -n "Last Test Age ("$NVM_Last_Test_Age") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Last_Test_Age="true"; else NVM_Last_Test_Age="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Last_Test_Age")" echo " " echo -n "Last Test Type ("$NVM_Last_Test_Type") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Last_Test_Type="true"; else NVM_Last_Test_Type="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Last_Test_Type")" echo " " echo -n "Total Data Written ("$NVM_Total_Data_Written") " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then NVM_Total_Data_Written="true"; else NVM_Total_Data_Written="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$NVM_Total_Data_Written")" echo " " echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; G) clear echo "Output Formats" echo " " echo "Power On Hours Time Format ("$PowerTimeFormat") " echo -n "valid options are "ymdh", "ymd", "ym", "y", or "h" (year month day hour): " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then PowerTimeFormat=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: "$PowerTimeFormat echo " " echo "Temperature Display ("$TempDisplay") " echo -n "You may use anything you desire. Common formats are: *C, ^C, or ^c: " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then TempDisplay=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: "$TempDisplay echo " " echo "Non-existent Value ("$Non_Exist_Value") " echo "You may use anything you desire. Common formats are: ---, N/A, or a" echo -n "space character: " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then Non_Exist_Value=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: "$Non_Exist_Value echo " " echo "Pool Size and Free Space" echo "ZFS is the most accurate and conforms to the GUI values" echo "for RAIDZ's, however MIRRORs you might try 'zpool'." echo "Current Value: ("$Pool_Capacity_Type") " echo -n "Enter 'zfs' or 'zpool' or Enter/Return for unchanged: " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn != "" ]] && [[ $Keyboard_yn != "zfs" ]] && [[ $Keyboard_yn != "zpool" ]]; then echo "INCORRECT VALUE!: "$Keyboard_yn echo "Setting default value: 'zfs'" Keyboard_yn="zfs" fi if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then Pool_Capacity_Type=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: "$Pool_Capacity_Type echo " " echo "Last Test - Power On Hours" echo "Include power on hours in with your Last Test Type field?" echo "Current Value: ("$Last_Test_Type_poh") " echo -n "Enter 't', 'f', or Enter/Return for unchanged: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then Last_Test_Type_poh="true"; else Last_Test_Type_poh="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: "$Last_Test_Type_poh echo " " echo "Last Test - Power On Hours - Units" echo "Do you want to change the Units (word) after the power on hours?" echo "Current Value: ("$lastTestTypeHoursIdent") " echo "Example: (18734 "$lastTestTypeHoursIdent")" echo -n "Enter a new string such as 'hours', or 'hrs', or Enter/Return for unchanged: " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then lastTestTypeHoursIdent=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: "$lastTestTypeHoursIdent echo " " echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 3 ;; H) clear echo "Report Header Titles" echo "The titles for each CHART section." echo " " echo 'Current HDD Report Header: "'$HDDreportTitle'" ' echo -n 'Enter new value or Return to accept current value: ' read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then HDDreportTitle=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo 'Set Value: "'$HDDreportTitle'"' echo " " echo 'Current SSD Report Header: "'$SSDreportTitle'" ' echo -n 'Enter new value or Return to accept current value: ' read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then SSDreportTitle=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo 'Set Value: "'$SSDreportTitle'"' echo " " echo 'Current NVM Report Header: "'$NVMreportTitle'" ' echo -n 'Enter new value or Return to accept current value: ' read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then NVMreportTitle=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo 'Set Value: "'$NVMreportTitle'"' echo " " echo "Text Section - Enable/Disable" echo "This will display (true) or remove (false) the Text Section" echo "of the email report." echo 'Current value: "'$Enable_Text_Section'" ' echo 'Enter new value or Return to accept current value: ' echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then Enable_Text_Section="true"; else Enable_Text_Section="false"; fi fi echo 'Set Value: "'$Enable_Text_Section'"' echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; I) clear echo "Statistical Data Setup" echo " " echo " " echo "Do you want to update your CSV file with the current column titles in the file?" echo "This is not required however it may make it easier to read in a spreadsheet" echo "for what each column of data means. We are working on a automatic upgrade to" echo "remove this option" echo " " echo "NOTE: This is an immediate action. You do not need to 'Write' the" echo " configuration file, you can just exit if you have no other changes." echo " " echo -n "Enter 'y' or 'n'" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn echo " " if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then echo "Commencing the update... " rewrite_csv echo "Update Complete, FAST!" echo " " echo "Do you want to Exit here of continue to more options?" echo " " echo "Enter 'x' Exit or 'c' Continue " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn != "c" ]]; then echo "Returning..." continue fi fi fi fi echo " " echo "Statistical Data Recording Enabled ("$SDF_DataRecordEnable") " echo -n "('t' - true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SDF_DataRecordEnable="true"; else SDF_DataRecordEnable="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SDF_DataRecordEnable")" if [[ $SDF_DataRecordEnable == "true" ]]; then echo " " echo "Statistical Data Email Enabled ("$SDF_DataEmail") " echo -n "('t' - true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SDF_DataEmail="true"; else SDF_DataEmail="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SDF_DataEmail")" echo " " echo "Statistical file : ("$statistical_data_file")" echo "Enter new location and file name or press Enter/Return" echo -n "to accept current value: " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then statistical_data_file=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$statistical_data_file")" echo " " echo "Statistical Data Purge Days ("$SDF_DataPurgeDays") " echo -n "(1-10000) " read Keyboard_HDD if [[ ! $Keyboard_HDD == "" ]]; then SDF_DataPurgeDays=$Keyboard_HDD; fi echo "Set Value: ("$SDF_DataPurgeDays")" echo " " echo "What day of the week would you like the file attached?" echo "Current Value: "$SDF_DataEmailDay echo -n "(All, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Month) " read Keyboard_SDF_DataEmailDay if [[ ! $Keyboard_SDF_DataEmailDay == "" ]]; then SDF_DataEmailDay=$Keyboard_SDF_DataEmailDay; fi echo "Set Value: ("$SDF_DataEmailDay")" fi echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; J) clear echo "Activate TLER (Time Limited Error Recovery)" echo " " echo "Hardware RAID controllers have a timeout period, where if a drive becomes" echo "unresponsive, the controller gives the drive a chance to respond again." echo "If the drive doesn’t respond within that time frame, it is removed from" echo "the array. This puts the array in a degraded state, which creates a greater" echo "risk of losing the entire array during the rebuilding process." echo " " echo "This option will turn on TLER if the drive supports it." echo " " echo "Activate TLER ("$SCT_Enable") " echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SCT_Enable="true"; else SCT_Enable="false"; fi fi echo "Set Value: ("$SCT_Enable")" if [[ $SCT_Enable == "true" ]]; then echo " " echo "TLER Warning Level: ("$SCT_Warning_Level") " echo " 1) TLER_No_Msg = Only generate an error message if TLER cannot be turned on for" echo " a supported drive." echo " 2) TLER = Report error messages in WARNING Section and email header." echo " 3) all = Report drives which also do not support TLER." echo " " echo "Note: The default 'TLER_No_Msg' option 1 is recommended." echo -n "(1, 2, 3) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_SCT_Warning_Level if [[ $Keyboard_SCT_Warning_Level == "1" ]]; then SCT_Warning_Level="TLER_No_Msg"; fi if [[ $Keyboard_SCT_Warning_Level == "2" ]]; then SCT_Warning_Level="TLER"; fi if [[ $Keyboard_SCT_Warning_Level == "3" ]]; then SCT_Warning_Level="all"; fi echo "Set Value: ("$SCT_Warning_Level")" echo " " echo "SCT Read Timeout Setting ("$SCT_Read_Timeout") " echo -n "(0-200, 70 is typical = 7.0 seconds) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then SCT_Read_Timeout=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$SCT_Read_Timeout")" echo " " echo "SCT Write Timeout Setting ("$SCT_Write_Timeout") " echo -n "(0-200, 70 is typical = 7.0 seconds) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then SCT_Write_Timeout=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: ("$SCT_Write_Timeout")" fi echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; K) clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "Collecting data, Please wait..." # Lets go ahead and grab all the drive data we will need for the entire K section. get_smartHDD_listings get_smartSSD_listings get_smartNVM_listings smartdrivesall="$smartdrives $smartdrivesSSD $smartdrivesNVM" clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "Ignore Drives" echo " " echo "Drives listed will be ignored from the entire report and are" echo "listed by serial number." echo " " if [[ $Ignore_Drives_List == "" ]]; then Ignore_Drives_List2="EMPTY"; else Ignore_Drives_List2=$Ignore_Drives_List; fi echo "Current: "$Ignore_Drives_List2 echo " " echo "Press 'e' to Edit/Add, 'd' to Delete, or any other key to Accept " echo -n "('e' = Edit, 'd' = Delete, 'Return' = Accept) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then Ignore_Drives_List=$Keyboard_yn; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "d" ]]; then Ignore_Drives_List="none"; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "e" ]]; then # Let's list each drive and ask to keep or reject for drive in $smartdrivesall; do clear_variables get_drive_data echo " " echo "Do you want to ignore this drive (y/n): Drive ID: "$drive" Serial Number: "$serial read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then ignoredriveslist=$ignoredriveslist$serial","; fi echo "Updated Value="$ignoredriveslist done if [[ ! $ignoredriveslist == "" ]]; then Ignore_Drives_List="$(echo "$ignoredriveslist" | sed 's/.$//')"; else Ignore_Drives_List="none"; fi fi if [[ $Ignore_Drives_List == "" ]]; then Ignore_Drives_List2="EMPTY"; else Ignore_Drives_List2=$Ignore_Drives_List; fi echo "Set Value: "$Ignore_Drives_List2 echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "AUTOMATIC DRIVE COMPENSATION - UDMA_CRC, MultiZone, and Reallocated Sectors" echo " " echo "You have the option to automatically setup offset values for UDMA_CRC," echo "MultiZone, and Bad Sectors that are permanently recorded on the drives." echo " " echo "This will create an offset to be displayed in the charts resulting in a" echo "zero value and the value will be colored in light yellow by default." echo "You will be able to see any future changes/failures which occur." echo " " echo "If you select No, you will be allowed to manually enter each offset." echo " " echo "Enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no, or Return to skip this section." read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then autoselect=1 echo "Automatic Configuration selected..." echo "This may take a minute while scanning the drives..." echo " " for drive in $smartdrivesall; do echo "Scanning drive "$drive clear_variables get_drive_data if [[ ! $crcErrors == "0" ]] && [[ ! $crcErrors == "" ]]; then listofdrivescrc="$listofdrivescrc$serial":"$crcErrors,"; fi if [[ ! $multiZone == "0" ]] && [[ ! $multiZone == "" ]]; then listofdrivesmulti="$listofdrivesmulti$serial":"$multiZone,"; fi if [[ ! $reAlloc == "0" ]] && [[ ! $reAlloc == "" ]]; then listofdrivesbad="$listofdrivesbad$serial":"$reAlloc,"; fi if [[ ! $reAllocEvent == "0" ]] && [[ ! $reAllocEvent == "" ]]; then listofdrivesbad2="$listofdrivesbad2$serial":"$reAllocEvent,"; fi if [[ ! $mediaErrors == "0" ]] && [[ ! $mediaErrors == "" ]]; then listofdrivesmedia="$listofdrivesmedia$serial":"$mediaErrors,"; fi done echo " " echo "Scanning Results:" if [[ ! $listofdrivescrc == "" ]]; then CRC_Errors_List="$(echo "$listofdrivescrc" | sed 's/.$//')"; echo "UDMA_CRC Errors detected"; else CRC_Errors_List=""; echo "No UDMA_CRC Errors"; fi if [[ ! $listofdrivesmulti == "" ]]; then MultiZone_List="$(echo "$listofdrivesmulti" | sed 's/.$//')"; echo "MultiZone Errors Detected"; else MultiZone_List=""; echo "No MultiZone Errors"; fi if [[ ! $listofdrivesbad == "" ]]; then ReAllocated_Sector_List="$(echo "$listofdrivesbad" | sed 's/.$//')"; echo "Bad Sectors Detected"; else ReAllocated_Sector_List=""; echo "No Reallocated Sectors"; fi if [[ ! $listofdrivesbad2 == "" ]]; then ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List="$(echo "$listofdrivesbad2" | sed 's/.$//')"; echo "Bad Sectors Detected"; else ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List=""; echo "No Reallocated Sectors"; fi if [[ ! $listofdrivesmedia == "" ]]; then Media_Errors_List="$(echo "$listofdrivesmedia" | sed 's/.$//')"; echo "Media Errors Detected"; else Media_Errors_List=""; echo "No Media Errors"; fi echo " " echo "Values Set:" echo "CRC_Errors_List: "$CRC_Errors_List echo "MultiZone_List_Errors: "$MultiZone_List echo "Reallocated_Sectors: "$ReAllocated_Sector_List echo "Reallocated_Sectors_Events: "$ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List echo "Media Errors: "$Media_Errors_List echo " " fi if [[ ! $autoselect == "1" ]] && [[ $Keyboard_yn == "n" ]]; then clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "Offset UDMA CRC Errors" echo "Press 'd' to delete, 'e' to edit, or Enter/Return to accept." echo "Current List: "$CRC_Errors_List read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then CRC_Errors_List=$Keyboard_yn; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "d" ]]; then CRC_Errors_List=""; Keyboard_yn=""; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "e" ]]; then # Let's list each drive and ask to keep or reject drive_select="" for drive in $smartdrivesall; do clear_variables get_drive_data echo " " echo "Do you want to add this drive (y/n): Drive ID: "$drive" Serial Number: "$serial read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then drive_select=$drive_select$serial":" echo "Enter the sector count offset you desire: " read Keyboard_yn drive_select=$drive_select$Keyboard_yn"," echo "drive_select="$drive_select fi done if [[ ! $drive_select == "" ]]; then CRC_Errors_List="$(echo "$drive_select" | sed 's/.$//')"; else CRC_Errors_List="none"; fi fi echo "Set Value: "$CRC_Errors_List echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "Offset MultiZone Errors" echo "Press 'd' to delete, 'e' to edit, or Enter/Return to accept." echo "Current: "$MultiZone_List read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then MultiZone_List=$Keyboard_yn; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "d" ]]; then MultiZone_List=""; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "e" ]]; then # Let's list each drive and ask to keep or reject drive_select="" for drive in $smartdrivesall; do clear_variables get_drive_data echo " " echo "Do you want to add this drive (y/n): Drive ID: "$drive" Serial Number: "$serial read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then drive_select=$drive_select$serial":" echo "Enter the MultiZone_List count offset you desire: " read Keyboard_yn drive_select=$drive_select$Keyboard_yn"," echo "drive_select="$drive_select fi done if [[ ! $drive_select == "" ]]; then MultiZone_List="$(echo "$drive_select" | sed 's/.$//')"; else MultiZone_List="none"; fi fi echo "Set Value: "$MultiZone_List echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "Offset Bad Sector Errors" echo "Press 'd' to delete, 'e' to edit, or Enter/Return to accept." echo "Current: "$ReAllocated_Sector_List read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then ReAllocated_Sector_List=$Keyboard_yn; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "d" ]]; then ReAllocated_Sector_List=""; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "e" ]]; then # Let's list each drive and ask to keep or reject drive_select="" for drive in $smartdrivesall; do clear_variables get_drive_data echo " " echo "Do you want to add this drive (y/n): Drive ID: "$drive" Serial Number: "$serial read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then drive_select=$drive_select$serial":" echo "Enter the Bad Sector count offset you desire: " read Keyboard_yn drive_select=$drive_select$Keyboard_yn"," echo "drive_select="$drive_select fi done if [[ ! $drive_select == "" ]]; then ReAllocated_Sector_List="$(echo "$drive_select" | sed 's/.$//')"; else ReAllocated_Sector_List="none"; fi fi echo "Set Value: "$ReAllocated_Sector_List echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "Offset Bad Sector Event Errors" echo "Press 'd' to delete, 'e' to edit, or Enter/Return to accept." echo "Current: "$ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List=$Keyboard_yn; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "d" ]]; then ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List=""; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "e" ]]; then # Let's list each drive and ask to keep or reject drive_select="" for drive in $smartdrivesall; do clear_variables get_drive_data echo " " echo "Do you want to add this drive (y/n): Drive ID: "$drive" Serial Number: "$serial read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then drive_select=$drive_select$serial":" echo "Enter the Bad Sector count offset you desire: " read Keyboard_yn drive_select=$drive_select$Keyboard_yn"," echo "drive_select="$drive_select fi done if [[ ! $drive_select == "" ]]; then ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List="$(echo "$drive_select" | sed 's/.$//')"; else ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List="none"; fi fi echo "Set Value: "$ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "Offset Media Errors" echo "Press 'd' to delete, 'e' to edit, or Enter/Return to accept." echo "Current: "$Media_Errors_List read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then Media_Errors_List=$Keyboard_yn; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "d" ]]; then Media_Errors_List=""; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "e" ]]; then # Let's list each drive and ask to keep or reject drive_select="" for drive in $smartdrivesall; do clear_variables get_drive_data echo " " echo "Do you want to add this drive (y/n): Drive ID: "$drive" Serial Number: "$serial read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then drive_select=$drive_select$serial":" echo "Enter the Media Error count offset you desire: " read Keyboard_yn drive_select=$drive_select$Keyboard_yn"," echo "drive_select="$drive_select fi done if [[ ! $drive_select == "" ]]; then Media_Errors_List="$(echo "$drive_select" | sed 's/.$//')"; else Media_Errors_List="none"; fi fi echo "Set Value: "$Media_Errors_List fi echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "Automatic ATA Error Count Updates" echo " " echo "This will automatically let the script update the multi_report_config.txt" echo "file with the current Error Log count." echo "This might be desirable if you have a drive that keeps throwing minor errors." echo "Enter/Return to keep current value." echo "Current: "$ATA_Auto_Enable echo -n "('t' = true, 'f' = false) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then ATA_Auto_Enable="true"; else ATA_Auto_Enable="false"; fi; fi echo "Set Value: "$ATA_Auto_Enable echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "ATA Error Count - This will ignore any drive with an error count less than" echo "the number provided. When the drive errors exceed this value then the" echo "Error Log will be displayed." echo " " if [[ $ATA_Errors_List == "" ]]; then ATA_Errors_List2="EMPTY"; else ATA_Errors_List2=$ATA_Errors_List; fi echo "Current: "$ATA_Errors_List2 echo -n "('e' = Edit/Add, 'd' = Delete, Any key to Accept) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then ATA_Errors_List=$Keyboard_yn; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "d" ]]; then ATA_Errors_List=""; fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "e" ]]; then ATA_Errors_List="" for drive in $smartdrivesall; do clear_variables get_drive_data echo " " echo "Do you want to add this drive (y/n): Drive ID: "$drive" Serial Number: "$serial read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then echo "Enter the Error Log threshold: " echo -n "(0-10000) " read Keyboard_yn ATA_Errors_List=$ATA_Errors_List$serial":"$Keyboard_yn"," fi echo "ATA_Errors_List="$ATA_Errors_List done if [[ ! $ATA_Errors_List == "" ]]; then ATA_Errors_List="$(echo "$ATA_Errors_List" | sed 's/.$//')"; fi fi if [[ $ATA_Errors_List == "" ]]; then ATA_Errors_List2="EMPTY"; else ATA_Errors_List2=$ATA_Errors_List; fi echo "Set Value: "$ATA_Errors_List2 echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "Drive Warranty Expiration Date Warning" echo "This will provide a yellow background and a text message when" echo "the warranty date occurs." echo " " echo "The format is: drive_serial_number:yyyy-mm-dd and comma separated." echo "Enter 'd' to delete, 'e' to edit, 'a' to add, Enter/Return for no change." if [[ $Drive_Warranty_List == "" ]]; then Drive_Warranty_List2="EMPTY"; else Drive_Warranty_List2=$Drive_Warranty_List; fi echo "Current: "$Drive_Warranty_List2 echo -n "('a' = Add Drive, 'e' = Edit Drive, 'd' = Delete All, Any key = Accept) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "d" ]]; then Drive_Warranty_List="" echo "Working..." fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "e" ]]; then echo "Working..." for drive in $smartdrivesall; do clear_variables get_drive_data echo " " # Lets compare the $serial to the Drive_Warranty_List IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$Drive_Warranty_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do drivesn1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 1)" drivedt1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" if [[ $drivesn1 == $serial ]]; then warrantyyear="$(echo $drivedt1 | cut -d '-' -f1)" warrantymonth="$(echo $drivedt1 | cut -d '-' -f2)" warrantyday="$(echo $drivedt1 | cut -d '-' -f3)" # Display the results and ask to edit, keep, or delete. echo "Drive S/N: "$serial" Warranty Date is "$warrantyyear"-"$warrantymonth"-"$warrantyday echo "Do you want to (k)eep, (e)dit, or (d)elete this entry? " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "e" ]]; then # Edit the drive string echo "Enter new warranty date in format yyyy-mm-dd" # Need to ask for the date to be entered again read Keyboard_yn # Save serial and date to $warrantydrivelist if [[ $warrantydrivelist == "" ]]; then warrantydrivelist=$serial":"$Keyboard_yn else warrantydrivelist=$warrantydrivelist","$serial":"$Keyboard_yn fi elif [[ $Keyboard_yn == "d" ]]; then # Delete the entry echo "Deleting "$serial" from the warranty list" else # Leave the drive warranty data unaltered. echo "Leaving drive "$serial" untouched." if [[ $warrantydrivelist == "" ]]; then warrantydrivelist=$serial":"$warrantyyear"-"$warrantymonth"-"$warrantyday else warrantydrivelist=$warrantydrivelist","$serial":"$warrantyyear"-"$warrantymonth"-"$warrantyday fi fi echo "Edited Value is: "$warrantydrivelist else addserial="1" fi done done if [[ ! $warrantydrivelist == "" ]]; then Drive_Warranty_List="$(echo "$warrantydrivelist" | sed 's/.$//')"; else Drive_Warranty_List=""; fi fi if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "a" ]]; then echo "Working..." echo " " echo "Searching for drives not in the Warranty List..." echo " " for drive in $smartdrivesall; do clear_variables addserial="" get_drive_data if [[ $Drive_Warranty_List == "" ]] || [[ $Drive_Warranty_List == "none" ]]; then addserial=$serial; fi # Lets compare the $serial to the Drive_Warranty_List IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$Drive_Warranty_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do drivesn1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 1)" drivedt1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" if [[ $drivesn1 == $serial ]]; then addserial="" break else addserial=$serial fi done if [[ $addserial != "" ]]; then # Display the results and ask to edit, keep, or delete. newdrivesfound="1" echo "Do you want to add this drive "$serial" (y/n)?" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then # Keep the drive from the string echo " " echo "Enter the date the drive expires in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd" read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Drive_Warranty_List == "" ]] || [[ $Drive_Warranty_List == "none" ]]; then Drive_Warranty_List=$serial":"$Keyboard_yn else Drive_Warranty_List=$Drive_Warranty_List","$serial":"$Keyboard_yn fi else echo "Not adding the drive to the Drive Warranty List" fi fi done if [[ $newdrivesfound != "1" ]]; then echo "No new drives were found."; fi fi if [[ $Drive_Warranty_List == "" ]]; then Drive_Warranty_List2="EMPTY"; else Drive_Warranty_List2=$Drive_Warranty_List; fi echo " " echo "Set Value: "$Drive_Warranty_List2 echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "Drive Warranty Expiration Chart Box Pixel Color" echo " " echo "Enter/Return = no change, or enter Hex Color Code (Google it)" echo "Examples: black=#000000, red=#FF0000, lightblue=#add8e6" echo "Current: "$expiredWarrantyBoxColor echo " " echo -n "(Press Enter to Accept or enter a Hex Color Code) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then expiredWarrantyBoxColor=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: "$expiredWarrantyBoxColor echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn clear echo "Drive Errors" echo " " echo "Drive Warranty Expiration Chart Box Background Color" echo " " echo "Enter/Return = no change, or enter Hex Color Code (Google it)" echo "Examples: black=#000000, red=#FF0000, lightblue=#add8e6" echo "yellow=#f1ffad" echo " " echo 'You may also enter "none" to use the default background.' echo "Current: "$WarrantyBackgndColor echo " " echo -n "(Press Enter to Accept or enter a Hex Color Code) " read Keyboard_yn if [[ ! $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then WarrantyBackgndColor=$Keyboard_yn; fi echo "Set Value: "$WarrantyBackgndColor echo " " echo "returning..." sleep 2 ;; L ) clear echo "Subject Line Customization" echo " " echo "The default subject line is typically sufficient however there have been" echo "requests to alter it. This is the option to alter it." echo " " echo "If you want to add the 'host' name, enter into your string using ${host}" echo "where you want the information displayed." echo " " echo "Example: Yo! Server ${host} is having a problem, better look at it!" echo "The text '${host}' will not be displayed but rather the host name will" echo "replace it when this program saves the data." echo " " echo "A) Normal Subject Line" echo "B) Warning Subject Line" echo "C) Critical Subject Line" echo " " echo "D) Set all back to default" echo " " echo " Make your selection: " echo -n "('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', or Any other key to continue) " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var4 echo " " shopt -s nocasematch case $Keyboard_var4 in A) clear echo "Normal Subject Line" echo " " echo "Current :"$Subject_Line_Normal echo "Enter new value or Press Return/Enter to leave the same." read Keyboard if [[ ! $Keyboard == "" ]]; then Subject_Line_Normal=$Keyboard fi echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key ;; B) clear echo "Warning Subject Line" echo " " echo "Current :"$Subject_Line_Warning echo "Enter new value or Press Return/Enter to leave the same." read Keyboard if [[ ! $Keyboard == "" ]]; then Subject_Line_Warning=$Keyboard fi echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key ;; C) clear echo "Critical Subject Line" echo " " echo "Current :"$Subject_Line_Critical echo "Enter new value or Press Return/Enter to leave the same." read Keyboard if [[ ! $Keyboard == "" ]]; then Subject_Line_Critical=$Keyboard fi echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key ;; D) clear echo "Return to Default Subject Lines" echo " " echo "Current Normal: "$Subject_Line_Normal echo "Current Warning: "$Subject_Line_Warning echo "Current Critical: "$Subject_Line_Critical echo " " echo "Change back to defaults (y/n) or Press Return/Enter to leave the same." read -n 1 Keyboard if [[ $Keyboard == "y" ]]; then Subject_Line_Critical='*CRITICAL ERROR* SMART Testing Results for ${host} *CRITICAL ERROR*' Subject_Line_Warning='*WARNING* SMART Testing Results for ${host} *WARNING*' Subject_Line_Normal='SMART Testing Results for ${host} - All is Good' fi echo " " echo "Current Normal:"$Subject_Line_Normal echo "Current Warning:"$Subject_Line_Warning echo "Current Critical:"$Subject_Line_Critical echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key ;; esac ;; M) clear echo "Built into Drive_Selftest script." echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key ;; N) clear echo "All NVMe testing options are now located in the drive_selftest.sh script." echo " " echo "End of NVMe section, Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key ;; O) clear echo "SCSI Drive Settings" echo " " echo "Presently there is one parameter specifically related to SCSI drives," echo "this is the fact that many SCSI drives do not report the drive" echo "power_on_time (hours). Crazy, I know! But I can't make this up." echo " " echo "If actual power_on_time exists, the options here are void." echo " " echo "In order to display the Power On Hours in the chart, we have two other" echo "options for this column:" echo "1) Use the last SMART Self-test time to populate the column. The column will" echo " have a yellow background to denote it is not the current real time." echo "2) Run a SMART Short Self-test and wait for it to complete, then use the" echo " data from the last SMART Self-test data as it will actually be correct." echo " " echo "You can also invoke the second option using the CLI '-scsismart' regardless" echo "of this setting." echo " " echo "Do you want to automatically run this test?" echo "true=yes, false=no" echo "Current: "$Run_SMART_No_power_on_time echo "Enter 't', 'f', or Enter/Return to retain the current value." read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" || $Keyboard_yn == "f" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then Run_SMART_No_power_on_time="true" else Run_SMART_No_power_on_time="false" fi fi echo " " echo "Set Value: "$Run_SMART_No_power_on_time echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key ;; S) clear echo "Custom Drive Configuration Mode" echo " " echo "This series of questions will allow you to customize each alarm setting" echo "for up to at least 24 drives on your system. It is suggested that only" echo "drives which need customization be included here." echo " " echo "If you choose to customize a drive you will be presented with the" echo 'Drive ID, Drive Serial Number, and the "system default" alarm setting.' echo " " echo 'Press Return/Enter to accept the "system default" value. This means that if' echo "the system default value changes in the future, it will mirror that value." echo "Or you may enter a numeric value and this value will be hardcoded for this" echo "one drive by serial number." echo " " echo "IMPORTANT: Do not enter a value unless you want to hardcode the value." echo "Example: Warning Temperature defaults to (45). If you press Return/Enter" echo "to accept the default then if you later change the configuration file" echo "Warning Temperature to (50), this drive will use (50)." echo "However, if you entered '45' and pressed Return/Enter, this specific drive" echo "is set to (45), even if you changed the configuration file default value." echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key clear echo "Custom Drive Configuration Mode" echo " " echo "Two additional setpoints:" echo "Disable "Last Test Age". This is useful for some older drives" echo "which may generate an alarm." echo " " echo "Reverse the Wear Level value. Unfortunately sometimes the value starts at 100" echo "and counts down, sometimes it starts at 0 and counts up, and sometimes we" echo "need to use the Normalized value, or worst case, Ignore it all together." echo " " echo " " echo "Follow the prompts." echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key clear echo "Custom Drive Configuration Mode" echo " " echo "Collecting list of drives, Please wait..." # Lets go ahead and grab all the drive data we will need for the entire section. get_smartHDD_listings get_smartSSD_listings get_smartNVM_listings smartdrivesall="$smartdrives $smartdrivesSSD $smartdrivesNVM" # So we have all the drives listed now. # We will step through each drive and then compare the S/N's to Custom_Drives_List, if there # is a match then we display the values. If no match then display default values. if [[ $Custom_Drives_List != "" ]]; then echo "Would you like to delete all Custom Configuration Data (y/n)?" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then echo " " Custom_Drives_List="" echo "Data Deleted" fi else echo "No Custom Drive Configuration Exists." fi echo " " echo "Would you like to continue to customize (y/n)?" echo "Anything other than (y) will exit this section." read -s -n 1 Keyboard_exit echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_exit != "y" ]]; then clear echo "If you deleted the custom configuration data," echo "Make sure you write your changes." echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key continue fi clear echo "Custom Drive Configuration Mode" echo " " echo "Collecting Individual Drive Data..." echo " " for drive in $smartdrivesall; do clear_variables get_drive_data echo "Drive ID: "$drive echo "Drive Serial Number: "$serial echo " " # Check to see if the drive is listed in the Custom_Drives_List file, if yes then list the alarm setpoints. # If the drive is not listed then ask to add it to the list. Next list the set/default setpoint values. if [[ "$(echo $Custom_Drives_List | grep $serial)" ]]; then echo "The drive serial number "$serial" is already listed as Custom." echo " " echo "Options are: Delete the entry for this drive, then you may" echo "re-add and edit it immediately." IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$Custom_Drives_List" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do cdrivesn1="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 1)" if [[ $cdrivesn1 == $serial ]]; then tempWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 2)" tempCritx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 3)" SectorsWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 4)" SectorsCritx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 5)" ReAllocWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 6)" MultiZoneWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 7)" MultiZoneCritx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 8)" RawReadWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 9)" RawReadCritx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 10)" SeekErrorsWarnx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 11)" SeekErrorsCritx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 12)" TestWarnAgex="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 13)" testAgeOvrd="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 14)" HeliumMinx="$(echo $i | cut -d':' -f 15)" wearLevelAdj="$(echo $i | cut -d":" -f 16)" fi done echo " " echo "The current alarm setpoints are:" echo "Temperature Warning=("$tempWarnx") Temperature Critical=("$tempCritx")" echo "Sectors Warning=("$SectorsWarnx") Sectors Critical=("$SectorsCritx") ReAllocated Sectors Warning=("$ReAllocWarnx")" echo "MultiZone Warning=("$MultiZoneWarnx") MultiZone Critical=("$MultiZoneCritx")" echo "Raw Read Error Rate Warning=("$RawReadWarnx") Raw Read Error Rate Critical=("$RawReadCritx")" echo "Seek Error Rate Warning=("$SeekErrorsWarnx") Seek Error Rate Critical=("$SeekErrorsCritx")" echo "Test Age=("$TestWarnAgex") Ignore Test Age=("$testAgeOvrd")" echo "Helium Minimum Level=("$HeliumMinx")" echo "Wear Level Adjustment=("$wearLevelAdj")" echo " " echo " ('d' System default, 'r' Reverse, 'n' Normalized, 'i' Ignore)" echo " " echo "Do you want to delete this drive from the custom configuration (y/n)?" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then echo "Custom Drive Configuration for "$serial" -- Deleting." echo " " echo " " ### Roll through the Custom_Drives_List data until a match for $serial occurs, then copy all but that data back. tempstring="" for (( i=1; i<=32; i++ )); do tempvar="$(echo $Custom_Drives_List | cut -d',' -f $i)" if [[ ! $tempvar == "" ]]; then tempsn="$(echo $tempvar | cut -d":" -f 1)" if [[ $tempsn == $serial ]]; then bogusvalue=1 else if [[ $tempstring == "" ]]; then tempstring=$tempvar else tempstring=$tempstring","$tempvar fi fi fi done Custom_Drives_List=$tempstring sleep 1 clear fi fi # Lets assign the local variables with the default values. They will be changed # later if the drive is in the Custom_Drives_List variable. sectorswarn=$SectorsWarn sectorscrit=$SectorsCrit reallocwarn=$ReAllocWarn multizonewarn=$MultiZoneWarn multizonecrit=$MultiZoneCrit rawreadwarn=$RawReadWarn rawreadcrit=$RawReadCrit seekerrorswarn=$SeekErrorsWarn seekerrorscrit=$SeekErrorsCrit testage=$TestWarnAge testAgeOvrd="0" heliummin=$HeliumMin wearleveladj="d" if [[ ! "$(echo $Custom_Drives_List | grep $serial)" ]]; then echo "The drive "$serial" is not in the Custom Drive Config database." echo " " echo "Displaying Default Values" if [[ $Custom_Drives_ListDrive == "HDD" ]]; then tempwarn=$HDDtempWarn; tempcrit=$HDDtempCrit fi if [[ $Custom_Drives_ListDrive == "SSD" ]]; then tempwarn=$SSDtempWarn; tempcrit=$SSDtempCrit fi if [[ $Custom_Drives_ListDrive == "NVM" ]]; then tempwarn=$NVMtempWarn; tempcrit=$NVMtempCrit fi echo " " echo "The current alarm setpoints are:" echo "Temperature Warning=("$tempwarn") Temperature Critical=("$tempcrit")" echo "Sectors Warning=("$sectorswarn") Sectors Critical=("$sectorscrit") ReAllocated Sectors Warning=("$reallocwarn")" echo "MultiZone Warning=("$multizonewarn") MultiZone Critical=("$multizonecrit")" echo "Raw Read Error Rate Warning=("$rawreadwarn") Raw Read Error Rate Critical=("$rawreadcrit")" echo "Seek Error Rate Warning=("$seekerrorswarn") Seek Error Rate Critical=("$seekerrorscrit")" echo "Test Age=("$testage") Ignore Test Age=("$testAgeOvrd")" echo "Helium Minimum Level=("$heliummin")" echo "Wear Level Adjustment=("$wearleveladj")" echo " " echo " ('d' System default, 'r' Reverse, 'n' Normalized, 'i' Ignore)" echo " " echo "Would you like to customize an Alarm Setpoint for this drive?" echo "Return accepts current setting, 'y' to modify. " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then echo " " echo "Let's modify some values..." echo " " echo "You have the following two options..." echo ' Return to accept the "system default" value, or' echo " Enter a numeric value to override the system default value." echo " " echo "Temperature Warning=("$tempwarn") " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then tempwarn="d" else tempwarn=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Temperature Critical=("$tempcrit") " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then tempcrit="d" else tempcrit=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Sectors Warning=("$sectorswarn") " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then sectorswarn="d" else sectorswarn=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Sectors Critical=("$sectorscrit") " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then sectorscrit="d" else sectorscrit=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Reallocated Sectors Warning=("$reallocwarn") " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then reallocwarn="d" else reallocwarn=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "MultiZone Warning=("$multizonewarn") " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then multizonewarn="d" else multizonewarn=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "MultiZone Critical=("$multizonecrit") " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then multizonecrit="d" else multizonecrit=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Raw Read Rate Warning=("$rawreadwarn") " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then rawreadwarn="d" else rawreadwarn=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Raw Read Rate Critical=("$rawreadcrit") " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then rawreadcrit="d" else rawreadcrit=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Seek Errors Warning=("$seekerrorswarn") " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then seekerrorswarn="d" else seekerrorswarn=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Seek Errors Critical=("$seekerrorscrit") " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then seekerrorscrit="d" else seekerrorscrit=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Test Age=("$testage") " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then testage="d" else testage=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Ignore Test Age=("$testAgeOvrd") (0=No, 1=Yes)" read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn != $testAgeOvrd && $Keyboard_yn != "" ]]; then testAgeOvrd=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Helium Warning Level=("$heliummin") " echo "NOTE: Helium may not be used by this drive so enter the default." read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then heliummin="d" else heliummin=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Wear Level Adjustment=("$wearleveladj") " echo "NOTE: Wear Level Adjustment is set to: 'd' for Default, 'r' for Reverse value," echo " 'n' for Normalized, or 'i' for Ignore." read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then wearleveladj="d" else wearleveladj=$Keyboard_yn fi if [[ $wearleveladj == "d" ]] || [[ $wearleveladj == "r" ]] || [[ $wearleveladj == "i" ]] || [[ $wearleveladj == "n" ]] || [[ $wearleveladj == "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then wearleveladj="d" else wearleveladj=$Keyboard_yn fi else echo "ERROR, Incorrect Value! Must be 'Enter/Return', 'd', 'r', 'i', or 'n'" echo -n "Enter new value :" read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then wearleveladj="d" else wearleveladj=$Keyboard_yn fi fi echo " " echo "The current alarm setpoints are ('d' = system default):" echo "Temperature Warning=("$tempwarn") Temperature Critical=("$tempcrit")" echo "Sectors Warning=("$sectorswarn") Sectors Critical=("$sectorscrit") ReAllocated Sectors Warning=("$reallocwarn")" echo "MultiZone Warning=("$multizonewarn") MultiZone Critical=("$multizonecrit")" echo "Raw Read Error Rate Warning=("$rawreadwarn") Raw Read Error Rate Critical=("$rawreadcrit")" echo "Seek Error Rate Warning=("$seekerrorswarn") Seek Error Rate Critical=("$seekerrorscrit")" echo "Test Age=("$testage") Ignore Test Age=("$testAgeOvrd")" echo "Helium Minimum Level=("$heliummin")" echo "Wear Level Adjustment=("$wearleveladj")" echo " " echo "Adding "$drive" Serial Number: "$serial" to the custom configuration" echo "variable." echo " " # Add all the current values for this $serial to the Custom_Drives_List variable. if [[ $Custom_Drives_List == "" ]]; then Custom_Drives_List=$serial":"$tempwarn":"$tempcrit":"$sectorswarn":"$sectorscrit":"$reallocwarn":"$multizonewarn":"$multizonecrit":"$rawreadwarn":"$rawreadcrit":"$seekerrorswarn":"$seekerrorscrit":"$testage":"$testAgeOvrd":"$heliummin":"$wearleveladj else Custom_Drives_List=$Custom_Drives_List","$serial":"$tempwarn":"$tempcrit":"$sectorswarn":"$sectorscrit":"$reallocwarn":"$multizonewarn":"$multizonecrit":"$rawreadwarn":"$rawreadcrit":"$seekerrorswarn":"$seekerrorscrit":"$testage":"$testAgeOvrd":"$heliummin":"$wearleveladj fi echo " " else echo "Drive skipped." fi fi echo " " echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key clear done echo "Make sure you write your changes." echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key sleep .5 ;; T) clear echo "SMR DRIVE OPTIONS AND GPT PARTITION CHECKING/BACKUP" echo " " echo "Do you want to Enable SMR Drive Operations?" echo "Current: "$SMR_Enable echo " " echo "(true=yes, false=no)" echo " " echo "Enter 't', 'f', or Enter/Return to retain the current value." read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" || $Keyboard_yn == "f" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SMR_Enable="true" else SMR_Enable="false" fi fi echo "Set Value: "$SMR_Enable sleep 2 if [[ $SMR_Enable == "true" ]]; then clear echo "DOWNLOAD SMR SCRIPT?" echo " " echo " " echo "Do you want to download the SMR Script if it does not exist?" echo "This will ONLY grab a copy of smr-check.sh from Github if it does not" echo "exist on this system." echo "Current: "$SMR_Update echo " " echo "Enter 't', 'f', or Enter/Return to retain the current value." read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" || $Keyboard_yn == "f" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SMR_Update="true" else SMR_Update="false" fi fi echo "Set Value: "$SMR_Update fi sleep 2 clear echo "IGNORE SMR ALARMS?" echo " " echo " " echo "Do you want to Ignore SMR Alarm Notifications" echo "When 'false' the Email Subject Line will denote a Warning," echo "and the Text Message section will list the specific warning message." echo "Note: The Drive ID will still signify the drive as still SMR." echo " " echo "When 'true' the Drive ID in the chart will indicate an SMR drive," echo "no alarm indications are generated." echo " " echo "Current: "$SMR_Ignore_Alarm echo " " echo "Enter 't', 'f', or Enter/Return to retain the current value." read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" || $Keyboard_yn == "f" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then SMR_Ignore_Alarm="true" else SMR_Ignore_Alarm="false" fi fi echo "Set Value: "$SMR_Ignore_Alarm sleep 2 echo " " echo " " clear echo "SEND WARNING FOR NEW SMR DRIVES - DURATION OF RUNS" echo " " echo " " echo "This setting will check to see if the drive serial number is listed" echo "XX number of times and if it is greater than XX, the SMR Alarm" echo "will be IGNORED (similar to SMR_Ignore_Alarm=true) however this" echo "allows the Subject Line to generate a Warning message and after" echo "exceeding XX runs of the script, the subject line will stop indicating" echo "the warning message." echo " " echo "This feature is useful for when a new drive is added, if it is an SMR" echo "drive then you will clearly have a warning message." echo " " echo "NOTE: This feature relies on the Statistical Data File being present." echo "If you are not using the Statistical Data File, then this feature" echo "will not function." echo " " echo "Current: "$SMR_New_Drive_Det_Count echo " " echo "Enter a numeric value of how many times the script can be run before" echo "it ignores the SMR warning message, or Enter/Return to retain the" echo "current value." echo " " read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn != "" ]]; then SMR_New_Drive_Det_Count=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "Set Value: "$SMR_New_Drive_Det_Count sleep 3 echo " " clear echo "GPT PARTITION CHECKING" echo " " echo " " echo "If enabled this will check all partitions to ensure there are no" echo "catastrophic errors. If you suspect GPT Partition issues, you would" echo "be smart to make sure all is good, do not depend on this script alone." echo " " echo "Do you want to Enable GPT Partition Checking?" echo "Current: "$Partition_Check echo " " echo "(true=yes, false=no)" echo " " echo "Enter 't', 'f', or Enter/Return to retain the current value." read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" || $Keyboard_yn == "f" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then Partition_Check="true" else Partition_Check="false" fi fi echo "Set Value: "$Partition_Check sleep 2 clear echo "GPT PARTITION BACKUP" echo " " echo " " echo "If enabled (true) then a backup of each partition table (HDD/SSD) will" echo "be created and added as a file attachment that will be issued when the" echo "TrueNAS Config file is attached (Monday is the default)" echo " " echo "Current: "$Partition_Backup echo " " echo "(true=yes/enable, false=no/disable)" echo " " echo "Enter 't', 'f', or Enter/Return to retain the current value." read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" || $Keyboard_yn == "f" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "t" ]]; then Partition_Backup="true" else Partition_Backup="false" fi fi echo "Set Value: "$Partition_Backup echo " " echo " " echo "Make sure you write your changes." echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key ;; U) clear echo "Update Script - Automatic or Manual Internet (Github) Updates" echo " " echo "Automatic Script Update" echo " " echo "WARNING: Fully Automatic Updates takes you out of control." echo "Use at your own pearl. I personal do not recommend this" echo "option but it was requested so I created it." echo " " echo "You may select normal Manual Updates or Fully Automatic Updates." echo " " echo "Manual Updates requires the user to run the script using the" echo "'-update' switch and answering a question to update or not." echo " " echo "Automatic Updates is a fully automatic update and requires" echo "no user interaction. This happens completely automatically" echo "and if Github has an update on it, it will be downloaded" echo "and installed immediately." echo " " if [[ $Automatic_Update != "true" ]]; then echo "You are currently using Manual Updates (system default)." else echo "You are currently using Fully Automatic Updates." fi echo " " echo "Press 'a' for Automatic, or 'm' for Manual Updates," echo "or any other key to keep the current setting." read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then echo "Keeping the current setting" elif [[ $Keyboard_yn == "a" ]]; then echo "You selected Fully Automatic Updates." Automatic_Update="true" elif [[ $Keyboard_yn == "m" ]]; then echo "You selected the safer Manual Updates." Automatic_Update="false" fi echo " " echo "Automatic_Update ("$Automatic_Update")" echo " " echo "Make sure you write your changes." echo "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key ;; W) echo " " echo "Writing Configuration File" echo " " echo " " sleep 1 update_config_file echo "File updated." echo " " x=100 sleep 1 ;; X) echo "Exiting, Not Saving" sleep 1 x=100 ;; Z) clear echo "Zpool Settings" echo " " echo "Sorry, only one setting as of now and not actually for the Zpool." echo "This setting is for the individual drives, the selection of displaying" echo "either the Total Data Read / Written for the Current Month or the Past" echo "Rolling 30 Days." echo " " echo "I will move this to a more appropriate location..." echo "Unless I update the Zpool section to add this column of data as well." echo " " echo "Do you want to display:" echo "1 = Current Month" echo "2 = Past Rolling 30 Days" echo 'Current value: '$Total_Data_Written_Month read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then Total_Data_Written_Month="month" else Total_Data_Written_Month="30Days" fi echo " " echo "Set Value: "$Total_Data_Written_Month echo " " echo -n "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key echo " " ;; *) echo "Invalid Option" sleep 2 ;; esac done ;; # Advanced Configuration Level End D) load_config for (( v=1; v<=50; v++ )); do clear echo " Drive Self-test (companion) Script Configuration" echo " " echo " S)hort Test Setup" echo " L)ong Test Setup" echo " R)eports (Logging)" echo " A)utomatic Update" echo " E)nable Drive Self-test Script" echo " W)rite to configuration file (NOTE: Any changes will be lost if you do not write the file NOW)" echo " X) Exit" echo " " echo -n " Make your selection: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_loop2 echo " " case $Keyboard_loop2 in S) for (( u=1; u<=50; u++ )); do clear echo " Short SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "These setting affect Short drive tests only." echo " " echo " A) Short Test Mode" echo " B) Short Time Delay Between Successive Test" echo " C) Short SMART Drive Testing Order" echo " D) Short Number of Drives to Test Per Day (Test Mode 1 Only)" echo " E) Short Testing Period (Test Mode 1 Only)" echo " F) Short Authorized Days" echo " G) Short Time Delay to Allow Testing to Complete." echo " X) Exit - Return to previous menu" echo " " echo -n " Make your selection: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_loop1 echo " " case $Keyboard_loop1 in A) clear echo " Short SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "1) Test Mode 1 = Test various drives as defined by parameters" echo "2) Test Mode 2 = Test ALL Drives" echo "3) Test Mode 3 = Test NO Drives" echo " " echo "Current value:"$Short_Test_Mode echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 != "" ]]; then Short_Test_Mode=$Keyboard_var3 fi echo " " echo "New Value: Test Mode "$Short_Test_Mode echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; B) clear echo " Short SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "Time Delay Between Successive Test" echo " " echo "Enter the amount of time in SECONDS that you would like to" echo "have a delay between starting up a drive self-test" echo " " echo "Current Value:"$Short_Time_Delay_Between_Drives echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 != "" ]]; then Short_Time_Delay_Between_Drives=$Keyboard_var3 fi echo " " echo "New Value: "$Short_Time_Delay_Between_Drives" seconds was set." echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; C) clear echo " Short SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "Testing Order (Test Mode 1 Only)" echo " " echo "There are two testing orders:" echo " A) 'Drive Name (ID)' (DriveID)" echo " B) 'Drive Serial Number' (Serial)" echo " " echo "Current Value: "$Short_SMART_Testing_Order echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "a" ]]; then Short_SMART_Testing_Order="DriveID" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "b" ]]; then Short_SMART_Testing_Order="Serial" fi echo " " echo "New Value: "$Short_SMART_Testing_Order echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; D) clear echo " Short SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "How many drives to test per day (Test Mode 1 Only)" echo " " echo "Enter the number of drives you wish to test in a given day." echo " " echo "Note: If you select too small of a value in order to test all" echo "of the drives in the specific time period, the value will be" echo "adjusted for you. Leaving a value of '1' is perfectly acceptable." echo " " echo "Current Value:"$Short_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 != "" ]]; then Short_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day=$Keyboard_var3 fi echo " " echo "New Value: "$Short_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; E) clear echo " Short SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "Drive Testing Period (Test Mode 1 Only)" echo " " echo "There are two testing periods:" echo " A) 'Week' - Tests all the drives in a weeks period" echo " B) 'Month' - Tests all the drives in a months (28 day) period" echo " " echo "NOTE: There are three values which establish the Test Mode 1 periodicity" echo " Drives to Test Per Day, Drive testing Period, and Authiorized Test Days of the Week" echo " All three values are used to determine how many drive must be tested to complete" echo " the required allowed testing time." echo " " echo "Current Value: "$Short_SMART_Testing_Order echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "a" ]]; then Short_SMART_Testing_Order="Week" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "b" ]]; then Short_SMART_Testing_Order="Month" fi echo " " echo "New Value: "$Short_SMART_Testing_Order echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; F) temp_authdays=$Short_Drives_Tested_Days_of_the_Week for (( y=1; y<=50; y++ )); do clear echo " Short SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "Authorized Days of the Week to Test" echo " " echo " 1) Monday" echo " 2) Tuesday" echo " 3) Wednesday" echo " 4) Thursday" echo " 5) Friday" echo " 6) Saturday" echo " 7) Sunday" echo " " echo " C) Clear (to clear the numbers)" echo " " echo "Current Value: "$temp_authdays echo " " echo "Select the days of the week you will allow a Short test to be run." echo "NOTE: The order the values are listed in will not affect normal operation." echo -n "Press Enter/Return to accept the values." read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "1" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"1"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",1" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "2" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"2"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",2" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "3" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"3"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",3" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "4" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"4"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",4" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "5" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"5"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",5" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "6" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"6"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",6" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "7" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"7"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",7" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "c" ]]; then temp_authdays="" fi if [[ $(echo $temp_authdays | cut -c1) == "," ]]; then temp_authdays=$(echo $temp_authdays | sed 's/,//') fi echo " " echo "Temporary Value: "$temp_authdays echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "" ]]; then Short_Drives_Tested_Days_of_the_Week=$temp_authdays y=100 fi done echo "New Value: "$Short_Drives_Tested_Days_of_the_Week echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; G) clear echo " Short SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "Time Delay to Allow Testing to Complete" echo " " echo "This allows you to set a delay after all the SMART Self-tests" echo "were commenced. The intinsion is to allow all SHORT tests to" echo "complete before returning control back to the Multi-Report script." echo " " echo "If using Multi-Report, recommend using a value of 130 seconds." echo "If running Drive-Selftest alone, recommend using a value of 1 second." echo " " echo "Enter the amount of time in SECONDS that you would like to" echo "have a delay between starting up a drive self-test" echo " " echo "Current Value:"$Short_Drives_Test_Delay echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 != "" ]]; then Short_Drives_Test_Delay=$Keyboard_var3 fi echo " " echo "New Value: "$Short_Drives_Test_Delay" seconds was set." echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; X) clear echo "Returning to the previous menu..." sleep 2 u=100 ;; *) ;; esac done ;; L) for (( u=1; u<=50; u++ )); do clear echo " Long SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "These setting affect Long drive tests only." echo " " echo " A) Long Test Mode" echo " B) Long Time Delay Between Successive Test" echo " C) Long SMART Drive Testing Order" echo " D) Long Number of Drives to Test Per Day (Test Mode 1 Only)" echo " E) Long Testing Period (Test Mode 1 Only)" echo " F) Long Authorized Days" echo " X) Exit - Return to previous menu" echo " " echo -n " Make your selection: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_loop1 echo " " case $Keyboard_loop1 in A) clear echo " Long SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "1) Test Mode 1 = Test various drives as defined by parameters" echo "2) Test Mode 2 = Test ALL Drives" echo "3) Test Mode 3 = Test NO Drives" echo " " echo "Current value:"$Long_Test_Mode echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "1" ]]; then Long_Test_Mode=$Keyboard_var3 elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "2" ]]; then Long_Test_Mode=$Keyboard_var3 elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "3" ]]; then Long_Test_Mode=$Keyboard_var3 elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "" ]]; then echo "No change" else echo "Invalid Entry" sleep 1 fi echo " " echo "New Value: Test Mode "$Long_Test_Mode echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; B) clear echo " Long SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "Time Delay Between Successive Test" echo " " echo "Enter the amount of time in SECONDS that you would like to" echo "have a delay between starting up a drive self-test" echo " " echo "Current Value:"$Long_Time_Delay_Between_Drives echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 != "" ]]; then Long_Time_Delay_Between_Drives=$Keyboard_var3 fi echo " " echo "New Value: "$Long_Time_Delay_Between_Drives" seconds was set." echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; C) clear echo " Long SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "Testing Order (Test Mode 1 Only)" echo " " echo "There are two testing orders:" echo " A) 'Drive Name (ID)' (DriveID)" echo " B) 'Drive Serial Number' (Serial)" echo " " echo "Current Value: "$Long_SMART_Testing_Order echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "a" ]]; then Long_SMART_Testing_Order="DriveID" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "b" ]]; then Long_SMART_Testing_Order="Serial" else echo "Invalid Entry" sleep 1 fi echo " " echo "New Value: "$Long_SMART_Testing_Order echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; D) clear echo " Long SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "How many drives to test per day (Test Mode 1 Only)" echo " " echo "Enter the number of drives you wish to test in a given day." echo " " echo "Note: If you select too small of a value in order to test all" echo "of the drives in the specific time period, the value will be" echo "adjusted for you. Leaving a value of '1' is perfectly acceptable." echo " " echo "Current Value:"$Long_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 != "" ]]; then Long_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day=$Keyboard_var3 fi echo " " echo "New Value: "$Long_Drives_to_Test_Per_Day echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; E) clear echo " Long SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "Drive Testing Period (Test Mode 1 Only)" echo " " echo "There are two testing periods:" echo " A) 'Week' - Tests all the drives in a weeks period" echo " B) 'Month' - Tests all the drives in a months (28 day) period" echo " " echo "NOTE: There are three values which establish the Test Mode 1 periodicity" echo " Drives to Test Per Day, Drive testing Period, and Authiorized Test Days of the Week" echo " All three values are used to determine how many drive must be tested to complete" echo " the required allowed testing time." echo " " echo "Current Value: "$Long_SMART_Testing_Order echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "a" ]]; then Long_SMART_Testing_Order="Week" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "b" ]]; then Long_SMART_Testing_Order="Month" else echo "Invalid Entry" sleep 1 fi echo " " echo "New Value: "$Long_SMART_Testing_Order echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; F) temp_authdays=$Long_Drives_Tested_Days_of_the_Week for (( y=1; y<=50; y++ )); do clear echo " Long SMART Test Setup" echo " " echo "Authorized Days of the Week to Test" echo " " echo " 1) Monday" echo " 2) Tuesday" echo " 3) Wednesday" echo " 4) Thursday" echo " 5) Friday" echo " 6) Saturday" echo " 7) Sunday" echo " " echo " C) Clear (to clear the numbers)" echo " " echo "Current Value: "$temp_authdays echo " " echo "Select the days of the week you will allow a Long test to be run." echo "NOTE: The order the values are listed in will not affect normal operation." echo -n "Press Enter/Return to accept the values." read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "1" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"1"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",1" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "2" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"2"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",2" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "3" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"3"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",3" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "4" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"4"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",4" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "5" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"5"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",5" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "6" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"6"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",6" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "7" ]] && [[ $temp_authdays != *"7"* ]]; then temp_authdays=$temp_authdays",7" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "c" ]]; then temp_authdays="" else echo "Invalid Entry" sleep 1 fi if [[ $(echo $temp_authdays | cut -c1) == "," ]]; then temp_authdays=$(echo $temp_authdays | sed 's/,//') fi echo " " echo "Temporary Value: "$temp_authdays echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "" ]]; then Long_Drives_Tested_Days_of_the_Week=$temp_authdays y=100 fi done echo "New Value: "$Long_Drives_Tested_Days_of_the_Week echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; X) clear echo "Returning to the previous menu..." sleep 2 u=100 ;; *) ;; esac done ;; R) clear echo " Reports Setup" echo " " echo "You may enable or disable logging" echo " " echo "Current Value: "$Enable_Logging echo " " echo "Do you want to enable logging?" echo " " echo "Press 't' to Enable, or 'f' to Disable" echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "t" ]]; then Enable_Logging="true" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "f" ]]; then Enable_Logging="false" else echo "Invalid Entry" sleep 1 fi echo " " echo "New Value: "$Enable_Logging echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " echo "Log files will be located here: "$LOG_DIR echo " " sleep 1 echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard ;; A) clear echo " Automatic Update Setup" echo " " echo "Automatic updates is not operational at this time." echo " " echo "Current Value: "$Allow_Drive_Selftest_Script_Update echo " " echo "Do you want to enable logging?" echo " " echo "Press 't' to Enable, or 'f' to Disable" echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "t" ]]; then Allow_Drive_Selftest_Script_Update="true" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "f" ]]; then Allow_Drive_Selftest_Script_Update="false" else echo "Invalid Entry" sleep 1 fi echo " " echo "New Value: "$Allow_Drive_Selftest_Script_Update echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; E) clear echo " Enable Drive Self-test Script" echo " (Set path & name)" echo " " echo "The companion script name is:" echo " " echo "Current Value: "$External_Script_Name echo " " echo "It is highly recommended to leave it as '/path/drive_selftest.sh'" echo " " echo "Enter a new path and script name" echo " " echo -n "Or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 != "" ]]; then External_Script_Name=$Keyboard_var3 fi echo " " echo "New Value: "$External_Script_Name echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 clear echo " Enable Drive Self-test Script" echo " " echo "Do you want to enable the companion script to test drives?" echo " " echo "Current Value: "$External_SMART_Testing echo " " echo "Press 't' to Enable, or 'f' to Disable" echo " " echo -n "Enter your selection or press Return/Enter to remain the same: " read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 echo " " if [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "t" ]]; then External_SMART_Testing="true" Use_multi_report_config_values="false" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "f" ]]; then External_SMART_Testing="false" Use_multi_report_config_values="true" elif [[ $Keyboard_var3 == "" ]]; then echo "No change" else echo "Invalid Entry" fi sleep 1 echo " " echo "New Value: "$External_SMART_Testing echo " " echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_var3 ;; W) echo " " echo "Writing Configuration File" echo " " echo " " sleep 1 update_config_file echo "File updated." echo " " x=100 sleep 1 echo -n "Press Any Key to Continue" read -s -n 1 Keyboard ;; X) clear echo "Returning to the previous menu..." sleep 2 v=100 ;; *) ;; esac done ;; H) clear echo "HOW TO USE THIS CONFIGURATION TOOL" echo " " echo "This tool has many options and you should be able to perform a complete" echo "configuration using this tool." echo " " echo "In order to use the advanced options you will need to have created an external" echo "configuration file then the tool will be able to read and write to this file." echo " " echo "Throughout this process you will be asked questions that require different" echo "responses:" echo " " echo " 1) String content: Where you will either enter a new string followed by the" echo " Enter/Return key, or just press Enter/Return to accept the current value." echo " " echo " 2) Numeric content: Where you will either enter a new number followed by the" echo " Enter/Return key, or just press Enter/Return to accept the current value." echo " " echo " 3) True/False content: Where you will either enter 't' or 'f' followed by the" echo " Enter/Return key, or just press Enter/Return to accept the current value." echo " " echo " 4) Enable/Disable content: Where you will either enter 'e' or 'd' followed by the" echo " Enter/Return key, or just press Enter/Return to accept the current value." echo " " echo " 5) Other possible options: 'd' = delete or default, 'r' = reverse, 'i' = ignore," echo " 'n' = normalized, 'e' to edit." echo " " echo " " echo -n "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key clear echo "HOW TO USE THIS CONFIGURATION TOOL" echo " " echo "Just to re-iterate: Press the Enter/Return key to accept the current value." echo "Press 't' or 'f' to change to 'true' or 'false'. Enter a number or string" echo "followed by the Enter/Return key to change a value." echo " " echo "For a listing of switches, run the program with the '-h' switch." echo "For more detailed Help information, run the program with the '-help' switch." echo "And do not forget to read the User Guide." echo " " echo -n "Press any key to continue" read -s -n 1 key echo " " sleep 1 ;; N) clear echo "Creating a new configuration file. This will overwrite an existing file." echo " " echo "Enter your email address to send the report to, or press Return to abort" echo -n ": " read Keyboard_Email if [[ $Keyboard_Email == "" ]]; then echo "Aborting" sleep 2 continue fi if [[ ! $Keyboard_Email == "" ]]; then Email=$Keyboard_Email; fi echo "Set Value: "$Email echo " " echo 'Enter the email for Drive temperature monitoring (used with -m switch only).' echo "to send an alert to." echo " " echo -n "Press Return to use your normal email address:" read Keyboard_Email if [[ $Keyboard_Email == "" ]]; then echo "Using normal Email address..." AlertEmail=$Email fi if [[ ! $Keyboard_Email == "" ]]; then AlertEmail=$Keyboard_Email; fi echo "Set Value: "$AlertEmail echo " " echo "Current from address: "$From" " echo 'While most people are able to use the default "From" address, some email' echo 'servers will not work unless you use the email address that the email' echo 'server is associated with.' echo -n "Enter your from Email address: " read Keyboard_Email if [[ ! $Keyboard_Email == "" ]]; then From=$Keyboard_Email; fi echo "Set Value: "$From echo " " echo "Enter the path and name of the statistics file or just hit Enter to use the" echo 'default (recommended): ' echo 'Default is '$SCRIPT_DIR'/'statisticalsmartdata.csv read Keyboard_statistics if [[ $Keyboard_statistics == "" ]]; then echo "Default Selected" statistical_data_file="$SCRIPT_DIR/statisticalsmartdata.csv" else statistical_data_file=$Keyboard_statistics fi echo "Set Value: "$statistical_data_file echo " " echo "Automatic Drive Offsets will effectively zero out the following values" echo "if they have any current errors - UDMA CRC Errors, MultiZone, and" echo "Reallocated Sectors. This is useful for tracking additional errors." echo " " echo 'Would you like to scan the drives and setup these offsets (y/n): ' read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then echo " " echo "Collecting data, Please wait..." get_smartHDD_listings get_smartSSD_listings get_smartNVM_listings smartdrivesall="$smartdrives $smartdrivesSSD $smartdrivesNVM" echo " " echo "AUTOMATIC DRIVE COMPENSATION - UDMA_CRC, MultiZone, and Reallocated Sectors" echo " " for drive in $smartdrivesall; do clear_variables get_drive_data if [[ ! $crcErrors == "0" ]] && [[ ! $crcErrors == "" ]]; then listofdrivescrc="$listofdrivescrc$serial":"$crcErrors,"; fi if [[ ! $multiZone == "0" ]] && [[ ! $multiZone == "" ]]; then listofdrivesmulti="$listofdrivesmulti$serial":"$multiZone,"; fi if [[ ! $reAlloc == "0" ]] && [[ ! $reAlloc == "" ]]; then listofdrivesbad="$listofdrivesbad$serial":"$reAlloc,"; fi if [[ ! $reAllocEvent == "0" ]] && [[ ! $reAllocEvent == "" ]]; then listofdrivesbad2="$listofdrivesbad2$serial":"$reAllocEvent,"; fi if [[ ! $mediaErrors == "0" ]] && [[ ! $mediaErrors == "" ]]; then listofdrivesmedia="$listofdrivesmedia$serial":"$mediaErrors,"; fi done echo "Scanning Results:" if [[ ! $listofdrivescrc == "" ]]; then CRC_Errors_List="$(echo "$listofdrivescrc" | sed 's/.$//')"; echo "UDMA_CRC Errors detected"; else CRC_Errors_List=""; echo "No UDMA_CRC Errors"; fi if [[ ! $listofdrivesmulti == "" ]]; then MultiZone_List="$(echo "$listofdrivesmulti" | sed 's/.$//')"; echo "MultiZone Errors Detected"; else MultiZone_List=""; echo "No MultiZone Errors"; fi if [[ ! $listofdrivesbad == "" ]]; then ReAllocated_Sector_List="$(echo "$listofdrivesbad" | sed 's/.$//')"; echo "Bad Sectors Detected"; else ReAllocated_Sector_List=""; echo "No Reallocated Sectors"; fi if [[ ! $listofdrivesbad2 == "" ]]; then ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List="$(echo "$listofdrivesbad2" | sed 's/.$//')"; echo "Bad Sectors Detected"; else ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List=""; echo "No Reallocated Sectors"; fi if [[ ! $listofdrivesmedia == "" ]]; then Media_Errors_List="$(echo "$listofdrivesmedia" | sed 's/.$//')"; echo "Media Errors Detected"; else Media_Errors_List=""; echo "No Media Errors"; fi echo " " echo "Values Set:" echo "CRC_Errors_List: "$CRC_Errors_List echo "MultiZone_List_Errors: "$MultiZone_List echo "Reallocated_Sectors: "$ReAllocated_Sector_List echo "Reallocated_Sectors_Events: "$ReAllocated_Sector_Events_List echo "Media_Errors: "$Media_Errors_List echo " " fi #The default values at the beginning of the script are written. echo "Creating the new file..." update_config_file echo " " echo "Success! --- New clean configuration written." echo " " echo "Path and Name if the configuration file: "$Config_File_Name echo " " echo "If you desire more customization, rerun the -config and select Advanced options." echo " " exit 0 ;; S) clear load_config echo "Spencer Add-On Script by NickF" echo " " echo "Spencer Enabled is currently: "$spencer_enable echo 'Do you want to change this (y/n or Enter/Return to remain the same)' read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then if [[ $spencer_enable == "true" ]]; then spencer_enable="false"; else spencer_enable="true"; fi fi echo "New Value: "$spencer_enable echo " " echo "It is recommended that spencer.py be located in the same directory as the multi_report.sh script." echo "You may change the path and file name if desired." echo " " echo "Current path and name: "$spencer_script_name echo "Enter a new path and name, Enter/Return to keep current value, or 'd' to reset to the default." read Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn != "" ]]; then if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "d" ]]; then spencer_script_name="$SCRIPT_DIR/spencer.py" else spencer_script_name=$Keyboard_yn fi echo "New Spencer script full path is: "$spencer_script_name else echo "Location not changed" fi if [ ! -e $spencer_script_name ]; then echo " " echo "Spencer is not found!" echo "Please ensure you install Spencer in the path you provided or reset to default." sleep 2 fi echo " " echo "Set Warning Levels" echo 'New "Not previously reported" Errors Warning Level' echo " " echo "Valid Error Levels" echo "1) None = No Email Subject Error Message" echo "2) Warning = New Errors are reported as a Warning Message (default)" echo "3) Critical = New Errors are reported as a Critical Message" echo " " echo "Current Value: "$spencer_new_warning_level echo "Enter new level or Enter/Return to leave unchanged (1/2/3)" read -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "1" ]]; then spencer_new_warning_level="None" elif [[ $Keyboard_yn == "2" ]]; then spencer_new_warning_level="Warning" elif [[ $Keyboard_yn == "3" ]]; then spencer_new_warning_level="Critical" elif [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then a=$a else echo "Invalid Entry" sleep 3 fi echo "New Value: "$spencer_new_warning_level echo " " echo 'Existing "Previously reported" Errors Warning Level' echo " " echo "Valid Error Levels" echo "1) None = No Email Subject Error Message (default)" echo "2) Warning = Existing Errors are reported as a Warning Message" echo "3) Critical = Existing Errors are reported as a Critical Message" echo " " echo "Current Value: "$spencer_existing_warning_level echo "Enter new level or Enter/Return to leave unchanged (1/2/3)" read -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "1" ]]; then spencer_existing_warning_level="None" elif [[ $Keyboard_yn == "2" ]]; then spencer_existing_warning_level="Warning" elif [[ $Keyboard_yn == "3" ]]; then spencer_existing_warning_level="Critical" elif [[ $Keyboard_yn == "" ]]; then a=$a else echo "Invalid Entry" sleep 3 fi echo "New Value: "$spencer_existing_warning_level echo " " echo "Write the changes for Spencer (y/n)?" read -s -n 1 Keyboard_yn if [[ $Keyboard_yn == "y" ]]; then echo "Writing File" update_config_file else echo "Aborting" fi sleep 3 ;; X) echo " " echo " " echo "Exiting..." echo " " echo " " z=50 exit 1 ;; *) echo " " echo " " echo "GREETINGS PROFESSOR FALKEN." echo "SHALE WE PLAY A GAME?" echo " " echo " " sleep 6 ;; # End First Level esac done shopt -u nocasematch } ########## HELP INSTRUCTIONS ########## display_help () { clear echo "NAME" echo " Multi Report - System status reporting for TrueNAS Core and Scale" echo " " echo "SYNOPSIS" echo " multi_report.sh [options]" echo " " echo "COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE" echo " Multi Report is Copyright (C) by its authors and licensed under the" echo " GNU General Public License v3.0" echo " " echo "DESCRIPTION" echo " Multi Report generates an email containing a summary chart of your" echo " media and their health. Directly after the chart is a Text Section which" echo " may immediately contain failure information followed by Zpool data," echo " key SMART data for each drive, and raw data for drives that do not report" echo " SMART. In addition if configured, statistical data is collected for" echo " long-term monitoring. This script currently runs on both CORE (FreeBSD)" echo " and SCALE (Debian Linux) versions." echo " " echo "OPTIONS" echo " -help This message." echo " " echo " -h List the most common options." echo " " echo " -s [-m] Record drive statistics only, do not generate a" echo ' corresponding email, unless used with "-m"' echo " " echo " -cleanup Cleanup any left over Multi-Report files then may have been" echo " abandoned due to script error. A reboot will do the same thing." echo " " echo " -config Generate or edit a configuration file in the directory the" echo " script is run from." echo " " echo " -delete Deletes the statistical data file if the file exists." echo " " echo " -dump Generates an email to the user that provides additional data." echo " -dump all Generates an email with attachments of all drive data and" echo " and the multi_report_config.txt additionally it also suppress" echo " the config_backup file and statistics file from being attached" echo " to the email unless you use the [all] option, then the" echo " config_backup and statistics files will be appended." echo " " echo " -dump email The [email] option runs the normal -dump command but will send" echo " an email to joeschmuck2023@hotmail.com for further analysis or just to" echo " provide drive data information to Joe to help make improvements" echo " to the script. You will be asked to enter a comment to aid Joe in" echo " your specific problem." echo " " echo " -dump emailall [emailall | emailextra] these options produce the same result." echo " -dump emailextra and the 'emailextra' is being depreciated. This switch provides" echo " additional details should those be required." echo " " echo " -m [-s] Monitor Drive Temperature Alarms. This will generate" echo ' an email to "AlertEmail" that contains a' echo " notification when a drive reaches the Warning Temp Limit." echo " Great for Smartphone Text Messages. By default it will not" echo ' write to the Statistical Data File, appending "-s"' echo " will update the statistics as well." echo " " echo " -purge This will purge all test data from the statistical data file." echo " " echo " -scsismart This will allow running a SMART Short Self-test is required to" echo " obtain the current power_on_time from a SCSI drive. A 130 second" echo " delay will allow the test to complete, and the delay is definable." echo " " echo " -t [path] [-dump] Use strictly for test files (.json format)" echo " This is strictly for development." echo " " echo " -u7zip This will remove 7-Zip from Scale if it was installed." echo " " echo " -update Manually check GitHub for an update." echo " " echo " -ignore_lock This will ignore multiple instances running." echo " This option should be last on the command line." echo " " echo " -disable_smr This will modify the multi_report_config.txt file to" echo " disable checking for SMR drives. This only needs to be done once." echo " " echo " -enable_smr This will modify the multi_report_config.txt file to" echo " enable checking for SMR drives. This only needs to be done once." echo " " echo " -check_smr This will run a single SMR check if SMR checking was disabled." echo " " echo " -disable_smr_alarm This will discontinue generating an alarm related to" echo " SMR detection. The Drive ID will remain unchanged." echo " " echo " -enable_smr_alarm This will reactivate SMR alarms." echo " " echo " Running the script without any switches will collect statistical data" echo " and generate an email report." echo " " echo "CONFIGURATION" echo " The script has become quite complex over time and with added features" echo " ultimately required an external configuration file with version 1.6c" echo " to simplify upgrades to the end user." echo " " echo " If the external configuration file does not exist, the script will use" echo " the values hard code into the script (just like versions 1.6b and" echo " earlier), however there is now an email address check to ensure you have" echo " changed the email address within the script." echo " " echo " In order to generate an external configuration file you must use the" echo " [-config] parameter when running the script which is the preferred" echo " method to configure your script. Five options will be available:" echo " " echo " N)ew configuration file" echo " A)dvanced configuration" echo " S)pencer Integration" echo " D)rive Self-test configuration" echo " H)ow to use this configuration tool" echo " X) Exit" echo " " echo " N)ew configuration file will create/overwrite a new configuration file." echo " This is the minimal setup before running the script without parameters." echo " The configuration file will be created in the directory the script is" echo " located in using default parameters." echo " " echo " The default settings should be sufficient to test this script." echo " " echo " A)dvanced configuration allows you to customize the Multi-Report script," echo " changing the default parameters as desired. Before exiting the" echo " advanced configuration screen, ensure you Write and changes you wish" echo " to retain. Not writing will abort the changes." echo " " echo " S)pencer Integrations allows you to enable/disable the Spencer external" echo " script and adjust some minimal settings. Out of the box, Spencer is" echo " enabled if the script is present." echo " " echo "STATISTICAL DATA" echo " Besides the emailed chart, the script can also email you attachments with" echo " your FreeNAS/TrueNAS configuration file and a Statistical Data file." echo " " echo " The statistical data file is a comma delimited collection of drive data" echo " that can be opened in any spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel." echo " This data could prove to be useful in diagnosing and troubleshooting" echo " drive or system problems." echo " " echo "EMAIL CONTENT" echo " Normal operation of this script will produce an output email and it may" echo " or may not have attachments per your configuration. The email will" echo " contain the following information:" echo " " echo " - Subject with Summary Result of 'All is Good', '*WARNING*', or" echo " '*CRITICAL ERROR*'" echo " The summary result is based on your settings of the warning and critical" echo " settings, where:" echo " All is Good = No Alarm indications." echo " *WARNING* = A warning threshold has been crossed and it means you should" echo " investigate and take action." echo " *CRITICAL* = Something significant has occurred and your data could be" echo " at risk, take immediate action." echo " " echo " - The version of the script and the version of TrueNAS you are running." echo " - The date and time the script was run and how long it took to generate." echo " - Zpool Status Report Summary: (Pool Name/Status/Size/Errors/Scrub Info)" echo " - HDD Summary Report Chart: (Drive ID/Serial Number/other data)" echo " - SSD Summary Report Chart: (Same as the HDD report)" echo " - NVMe Summary Report Chart: (Same as the SSD report)" echo " - Text Section: The Text section contains the text version of most of" echo " the previously displayed data. It will tell you:" echo " -- if using an external configuration file" echo " -- if saving statistical information" echo " -- if a drive warranty has expired" echo " -- Zpool native report - in which the gptid's are listed '*followed by a" echo " listing of the drives that make up the pool and the drives are listed" echo " in the order the gptid numbers are listed.*'" echo " -- Drive relevant SMART data followed by if TLER/SCT is enabled/disabled" echo " or available." # echo " -- NON-SMART data will be listed for drives that do not support SMART." echo " " echo " While all this data is nice to have, there is no substitute for having" echo " due diligence in examining your hardware and ensuring it is working" echo " correctly. This means you may need to examine your SMART data closer." echo " " echo "USAGE" echo " This script was designed to be run from the CRON service, generally once" echo " a day in order to produce an email output to notify the user of any" echo " problems or trends. To identify trends the script also collects" echo " statistical data for analysis." echo " " echo " A good starting point is to set up a CRON job to run this script once a" echo " day at e.g. 2:00AM using no switches. This will produce an email snapshot" echo " once a day." echo " " echo " In addition if you are trying to troubleshoot drive problems where SMART" echo " data would benefit you, I would recommend you setup an additional CRON" echo " job using the [-s] switch for collecting statistical data only (ie. no" echo " email report). This statistics cron job should run more frequently." echo " The corresponding cron job should be scheduled to not overlap with the" echo " daily report email." echo " --If you sleep your drives then this option may not be desirable.--" echo " " echo "CUSTOMIZATIONS AND FEATURES" echo " There are quite a few built in features in the external configuration file" echo " and these are a few:" echo " " echo " Custom Chart Titles: Change the name of any or all headers and columns." echo " " echo " Selectable Columns: Display or remove as many or few columns of data as" echo " desired. This is great for removing a column with no relevant data." echo " " echo " Alarm Setpoints: Practically everything has an alarm setpoint, from pool" echo " capacity to Scrub Age, to temperature Warnings and Critical Warnings," echo " and a plethora of options." echo " " echo " Custom Drive Configuration: Allows unique customizing of alarms where" echo " the general settings would not work properly for a drive," echo " including inverting the Wear Level value for SSD/NVM drives." echo " " echo " TLER: You can monitor and even have TLER automatically set if required," echo " for drives which support it. The default is to not automatically set" echo " TLER on, I believe the user should make that decision." echo " " echo " Statistical Data: Modify the location of your data, if you want it emailed" echo " and when to email, and we include an automatic purge to ensure the" echo " data file doesn't get too large (default 2 years)." echo " " echo " UDMA CRC Error Corrections: Have you ever had a hard drive UDMA_CRC_Error?" echo " Well they often are caused by a poor/loose data cable but the error" echo " will be recorded forever in the drive electronics. This option lets" echo " you zero out the value in the script. This feature is usable for" echo " Bad Sectors and Multi Zone Errors as well." echo " " echo " Ignore Drive: Every wished you could just ignore a USB Flash Drive or any" echo " drive just giving you problems? With this feature the drive will be" echo " completely ignored in the script." echo " " echo " Warranty Expiring Warning: You can configure the configuration file to" echo " provide a warning message for a drive on a certain date. This a great" echo " tool to keep track on when it might be time to consider buying some" echo " replacement drives." echo " " echo " Custom Colors: Use the HEX color codes to change the color scheme of the" echo " background and alerting colors on the charts. This is ONLY" echo " changeable manually, you have to edit the config file." echo " " echo " NVMe drive SMART Self-test for TrueNAS which does not support" echo " smartmontools v7.4 and/or TrueNAS GUI does not support configuring" echo " NVMe drives for automatic SMART Self-tests." echo " " echo " It is very important that if you edit the configuration file or the script" echo " that you need to maintain the proper formatting of the text or you will" echo " throw a wrench into things." echo " " echo "HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS" echo " If you run across errors running the script, odd are it is because a drive" echo " was not recognized properly. I recommend you post your error to the forum" echo " to as for assistance. It is possible you will be asked for a [-dump]" echo " of your data in order to let the developer assist you and correct the" echo " problem. There are varying levels of dump data (indicated above)." echo " " echo " Please note that a [-dump] file is not the same as a cut/paste of a" echo " terminal/SSH window. Critical formatting data is lost that is required." echo " " echo "Recommendation: When troubleshooting a problem you may be asked to provide" echo "dump data to assist troubleshooting. Use the [-dump email] or [-dump emailall]" echo "to include all relevant data (drive data and configuration file) which sends an" echo "email to joeschmuck2023@hotmail.com, your email address will not be shared!." echo "If you prefer you can use [-dump] or [-dump all] and then open up a dialog" echo "with Joe Schmuck and attach the files in a message on the TrueNAS forum." echo " " } ########## HELP COMMANDS ########## display_help_commands () { clear echo "NAME" echo " Multi Report - System status reporting for TrueNAS Core and Scale" echo " " echo "SYNOPSIS" echo " multi_report.sh [options]" echo " " echo "COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE" echo " Multi Report is Copyright (C) by its authors and licensed under the" echo " GNU General Public License v3.0" echo " " echo "COMMON OPTIONS" echo " -h This message." echo " " echo " -help Full Help message." echo " " echo " -s [-m] Record drive statistics only, do not generate a" echo ' corresponding email, unless used with "-m".' echo " " echo " -m [-s] Monitor Drive Temperature Alarms, generate special email" echo " notification when a drive reaches the Warning Temp Limit." echo " " echo " -cleanup Cleanup any left over Multi-Report files then may have been" echo " abandoned due to script error. A reboot will do the same thing." echo " " echo " -config Generate or edit a configuration file in the directory the" echo " script is run from." echo " " echo " -dump [all] Generates an email with attachments of all drive data" echo " [email] and the multi_report_config.txt additionally it also" echo " [emailextra] suppress the config_backup file and statistics file" echo " from being attached to the email unless you use" echo " the [all] option, then the config_backup and statistics files" echo " will be appended. The [email] option runs the normal -dump" echo " command but also will send the email to" echo " joeschmuck2023@hotmail.com for further analysis or just to" echo " provide drive data information to Joe to help make improvements" echo " to the script. If you use the [-dump email] option, you will" echo " be asked to confirm sending of the email. So you cannot run" echo " this parameter from a script, it must be CLI. You will also" echo " be asked to enter a comment to aid Joe in your problem." echo " [-dump emailextra] option is the same as '-dump email'" echo " except it also includes 'smartctl -a' and smartctl -x' text file" echo " data for each drive. This should normally not be required." echo " " echo " -scsismart This will allow running a SMART Short Self-test is required to" echo " obtain the current power_on_time from a SCSI drive. A 130 second" echo " delay will allow the test to complete, and the delay is definable." echo " " echo " -update Manually check GitHub for an update." echo " " echo " -ignore_lock This will ignore multiple instances running." echo " This option should be last on the command line." echo " " echo "Recommendation: When troubleshooting a problem you may be asked to provide" echo "dump data to assist troubleshooting. Use the [-dump email] or [-dump emailall]" echo "to include all relevant data (drive data and configuration file) which sends an" echo "email to joeschmuck2023@hotmail.com, your email address will not be shared!." echo "If you prefer you can use [-dump] or [-dump all] and then open up a dialog" echo "with Joe Schmuck and attach the files in a message on the TrueNAS forum." echo " " } ### DEFINE FUNCTIONS END ### ####################### ####################### ### ### ### PROGRAM START ### ### ### ####################### ####################### # The order in which these processed occur is unfortunately dependent. # The -s switch will just collect statistical data. # The -t switch will allow a raw text file for smartctl -a, -x, and .json, followed by the input path. SECONDS=0 echo $programver smartdata="" # Don't think we need this here. # Verify all the commands are available. Thanks @dak180 # If not, generate a message. if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then # FreeBSD commands=( # FreeBSD Unique md5 sha256 sysctl glabel nvmecontrol ) else # Debian commands=( # Debian Unique fdisk lsblk md5sum sha256sum nvme ) fi commands+=( #Common Commands awk base64 case chmod clear curl cut date egrep git grep head hostname jq mount printf read rev sed sendmail shopt sleep smartctl sort sqlite3 tail tar test trap uname wc wget zfs zpool ) #Temporary testing location, move to end of script. #smart_selftest # Test if the commands exist for command in "${commands[@]}"; do if ! type "${command}" &> /dev/null; then echo "'${command}' is missing, FIRST ensure you have elevated privileges -root- and if that fails, Contact Joe referencing this message." >&2 exit 1 fi done if ! [[ "$1" == "-config" || "$1" == "-help" || "$1" == "-delete" || "$1" == "-s" || "$1" == "" || "$1" == "-dump" || "$1" == "-purge" || "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "-t" || "$1" == "-m" || "$1" == "-u7zip" || $1 == "-update" || "$1" == "-ignore_lock" || "$1" == "-cleanup" || "$1" == "-scsismart" || "$1" == "-smr_update" || "$1" == "-check_smr" || "$1" == "-disable_smr" || "$1" == "-enable_smr" || "$1" == "-disable_smr_alarm" || "$1" == "-enable_smr_alarm" ]]; then echo '"'$1'" is not a valid option.' echo "Use -h for help and look under OPTIONS." echo " " exit 1 fi # Cleanup Any Leftover Files from a previous run. if [[ "$1" == "-cleanup" ]]; then echo " " echo "Cleaning up any old left over files." cleanup_files echo " " if test -e "/tmp/Multi-Report"; then rm -R "/tmp/Multi-Report"; fi echo "All old left over files are gone, Yippie!" echo " " exit 0 fi if [[ "$1" == "-scsismart" ]]; then Run_SMART_No_power_on_time="true"; fi # Enable running a SMART Short Self-test and then waiting approx 2 minutes for test to complete. # The trick, I want to run all drives at once that qualify before sleeping for 140 seconds. if [[ "$1" == "-smr_update" ]]; then update_smr; echo "updated"; exit 0; fi # Set the default Write_Statistics="true" # If -m is used, turn off Statistics by default. if [[ "$1" == "-m" || "$2" == "-m" ]]; then Monitor="true"; Write_Statistics="false"; echo "Monitoring for Critical & Temperature Alarms"; else Monitor="false"; fi # If -s is in either position, turn on Statistics if we turned it off above. if [[ "$1" == "-s" || "$2" == "-s" ]]; then Write_Statistics="true"; fi if [[ "$1" == "-config" ]]; then generate_config_file exit 0 fi if [[ "$1" == "-help" ]]; then display_help | more exit 0 fi if [[ "$1" == "-h" ]]; then display_help_commands | more exit 0 fi # if -dump then interactive user selected dumping, if "all" then automatic dumping of everything. # Use dump_all=1 during the running routine to gather all the drive data and dump to drive ID files. # if -dump all is used, then include config and statistical attachments (dump_all=2). # if -dump email is used, send "-dump" data to Joe Schmuck for analysis (dump_all=3). # if -dump emailextra | emailall is used, send "-dump" plus smart _a.txt & -x.txt files (dump_all=4). # Dump the files into /tmp/ and then email them. No_Drive_Test="false" if [[ "$1" == "-dump" || "$3" == "-dump" ]]; then No_Drive_Test="true" Attach_Files1="true" zpool list > /tmp/zpoollist.txt zpool status -v > /tmp/zpoolstatus.txt zfs list -d 0 > /tmp/zfslist.txt if [[ "$2" == "all" ]]; then dump_all="2"; echo "Attaching Drive Data, Multi-Report Configuration, Statistics, and TrueNAS Configuration files."; fi if [[ "$2" == "" || "$3" == "-dump" ]]; then dump_all="1"; echo "Attaching Drive Data and Multi-Report Configuration files."; fi if [[ "$2" == "email" || "$2" == "emailextra" || "$2" == "emailall" ]]; then echo "emailing to Joe Schmuck & Attaching Drive Data and Multi-Report Configuration." if [[ "$2" == "emailextra" || "$2" == "emailall" ]]; then dump_all="4" else dump_all="3" fi echo " " echo "Processing..." echo "Collecting the data and sending to Joe Schmuck for analysis." echo " " echo " " echo "Please enter a comment to Joe or just press Return to continue." echo " " echo 'Example: "Hey Joe, ada2 last test age should be zero value. Could you' echo 'please take a look at it and let me know if it is okay? Thanks, Jimmy"' echo " " echo -n "Enter your message: " read Keyboard_Message if [[ $Keyboard_Message == "" ]]; then echo "No Message Included"; Keyboard_Message="No Message Included"; else Keyboard_Message='"'$Keyboard_Message'"'; fi echo " " echo "Working..." fi else dump_all="0" fi if [[ "$1" == "-delete" ]]; then echo "Preparing to Delete Statistical Data File" echo " " read -p "Press Enter/Return to Continue or CTRL-C to Abort Script" rm "$statistical_data_file" echo " " echo "File Obliterated !!!" echo " " exit 0 fi if [[ "$1" == "-purge" ]]; then purge_testdata exit 0 fi if [[ "$1" == "-s" || "$2" == "-s" ]]; then echo "Commencing Statistical Data Collection"; fi # Remove 7-Zip and Exit if [[ "$1" == "-u7zip" ]]; then if test -e "/usr/local/bin/7zzs"; then # Check if /usr is readonly (SCALE 24.x started this) romounttest="" romounttest=$(grep "[[:space:]]ro[[:space:],]" /proc/mounts | grep "/usr") if [[ $romounttest != "" ]]; then mount -o remount,rw '/usr' romount="true" fi rm "/usr/local/bin/7zzs" # Remove 7zzs Standalone Program rm "/usr/local/bin/7z" # Remove Symbolic Link # Check if /usr is readonly (SCALE 24.x started this) if [[ romount == "true" ]]; then mount -o remount,ro '/usr' fi fi echo " " echo "7-Zip has been removed." echo " " exit 0 fi if [[ "$1" == "-update" ]]; then update_script echo "The script has been updated. Exiting." sleep 1 exit 0 fi load_config if [[ "$1" == "-disable_smr" ]]; then echo "Disabling SMR Checking. Use '-check_smr' for a onetime check." echo "or use '-enable_smr' to perform a check with each run." SMR_Enable="false" update_config_file elif [[ "$1" == "-enable_smr" ]]; then echo "Enabling SMR Checking." SMR_Enable="true" update_config_file fi if [[ $TrueNASConfigEmailEncryption != "" ]]; then check_7zip; fi if [[ "$1" == "-check_smr" ]]; then SMR_Enable="true"; SMR_Update="true"; echo "Checking for SMR drives this run."; fi if [[ "$1" == "-disable_smr_alarm" ]]; then SMR_Ignore_Alarm="true"; update_config_file; echo "Deactivating Alarms for SMR drive detection."; fi if [[ "$1" == "-enable_smr_alarm" ]]; then SMR_Ignore_Alarm="false"; update_config_file; echo "Re-activating Alarms for SMR drive detection."; fi if [[ $Total_Data_Written_Month == "month" ]]; then HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="Current Month Read
/ Written" SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="Current Month Read
/ Written" NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="Current Month Read
/ Written" else HDD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="30-Day Read
/ Written" SSD_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="30-Day Read
/ Written" NVM_Total_Data_Written_Month_Title="30-Day Read
/ Written" fi # Cleanup previous run files if anything is left (there shouldn't be). cleanup_files # Let's check for a script update. if [[ $Check_For_Updates == "true" ]] && [[ "$1" != "-t" && "$1" != "-m" && "$1" != "-dump" ]]; then checkforupdate fi # Let's Update Automatically if allowed. if [[ $UpdateAvailable == "true" ]] && [[ $Automatic_Update == "true" ]]; then # We are updating automatically update_script if [[ $Automatic_Update == "true" ]]; then rm -rf /tmp/multi_report.lock echo "Running script normally." # How do we run the script when the script is the same name? Temporarily copy the new script to a new name and run that name. ( cd $SCRIPT_DIR"/" cp $SCRIPT_DIR"/"$runfilename $SCRIPT_DIR"/"temprunfile.sh ; chmod 755 $SCRIPT_DIR"/"temprunfile.sh ./temprunfile.sh $1 sleep 2 rm $SCRIPT_DIR"/"temprunfile.sh ) exit 0 else echo "Script Not Updated" echo "Running script normally..." fi fi # GRAB DRIVE-SELFTEST SCRIPT THIS ONE TIME, ONLY BECASUE IT IS NEW. # THIS GOES AWAY IN THE NEXT VERSION OR SOMETHING SIMILAR NEEDS TO HAPPEN. ALSO VERSION CHECKING IS NEEDED TO ENSURE # WE ARE USING A COMPATABLE VERSION. ALSO ADD CHKSUM TO DRIVE-SELFTEST IN NEXT VERSION. AND DO NOT USE HARD CODED FILE NAMES. if [[ "$(curl -is https://github.com | head -n 1)" ]]; then # Go git the file ( if ! test -e $SCRIPT_DIR"/drive_selftest.sh"; then echo "Installing Drive-Selftest Script. This is a companion to Multi-Report in order to test the drives out." echo "this will become a seperate function in the next version of the script." if ! test -e "/tmp/Multi-Report"; then mkdir /tmp/Multi-Report; fi cd /tmp/Multi-Report curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/drive_selftest_v1_2024_12_27.txt curl -LJOs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoeSchmuck/Multi-Report/refs/heads/main/Drive_Selftest_User_Guide.pdf cp "/tmp/Multi-Report/drive_selftest_v1_2024_12_27.txt" $SCRIPT_DIR"/"drive_selftest.sh cp "/tmp/Multi-Report/Drive_Selftest_User_Guide.pdf" $SCRIPT_DIR"/." fi ) fi if [[ $Partition_Check == "true" ]]; then # Check to see if the files needed are there. check_gdisk fi # 1 = -dump : Normal Dump, No TrueNAS configuration and Statistical Data File. # 2 = -dump all : Attach Almost Everything. (Includes TrueNAS Config File, Statistics, and MR Config) # 3 = -dump email : Add Joe's email address and SAME data as #1. # 4 = -dump emailextra or -dump emailall (Includes smartctl -a and smartctl -x). if [[ "$dump_all" == "1" ]]; then TrueNASConfigEmailEnable="false"; SDF_DataEmail="false"; dump_type="Normal - Local"; fi if [[ "$dump_all" == "2" ]]; then TrueNASConfigEmailEnable="true"; SDF_DataEmail="true"; TrueNASConfigEmailDay="All"; SDF_DataEmailDay="All"; dump_type="Attach All Files - Local"; fi if [[ "$dump_all" > "2" ]]; then Email=$Email",joeschmuck2023@hotmail.com"; TrueNASConfigEmailEnable="false"; SDF_DataEmail="false"; dump_type="Attach All Files & Send copy to Joe"; fi testfilepath="" datestamp2=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) datestamp=$(date +%Y/%m/%d) # FreeBSD gets second resolution if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then timestamp=$(date +%T) else # Linux gets second resolution as well timestamp=$(date +"%T") fi #### Check if the statistical data file exists and if it does, check if it is current, if not then update it. if test -e "$statistical_data_file"; then if ! cat $statistical_data_file | grep -q "Total MBytes Read"; then echo "Updating statistical data file to new version."; rewrite_csv; fi fi #### SIMULATION SECTION START - NOT FOR REAL DRIVES # Command Format: -t /path/to/files [-dump|-config|-m] if [[ "$1" == "-t" ]]; then # $2 is the path for the test files, it must be present. if [[ "$2" == "" ]]; then echo "Invalid Test File Path" exit 1 fi # Ensure the path does not have the following three as these are used to identify the drive type by file name. if [[ "$2" =~ "HDD" ]] || [[ "$2" =~ "SSD" ]] || [[ "$2" =~ "NVM" ]]; then echo 'Invalid Path - Cannot contain "HDD, SSD, or NVM"' exit 1 fi # Set testfilepath testfilepath=$2 # How many test files are there? testfilecount="$(ls $2/*.json | wc -l)" echo "testfilecount="$testfilecount # Collect all the test file names. testfilenames=( "$testfilepath"/*.json ) # Separate into HDD, SSD, NVM for (( i=0; i<=$testfilecount; i++ )); do if echo "${testfilenames[i]}" | grep -q "HDD"; then testfilenamesHDD+=("${testfilenames[$i]}") ########## TEST DRIVES CORE OR SCALE NAMING CONVENTION if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then smartdrives+=("ada${i}") else numbertoletters=$i number_to_letters smartdrives+=("sd${numbertoletters}") fi fi if echo "${testfilenames[i]}" | grep -q "SSD"; then testfilenamesSSD+=("${testfilenames[$i]}") if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then smartdrivesSSD+=("ada${i}") else numbertoletters=$i number_to_letters smartdrivesSSD+=("sd${numbertoletters}") fi fi if echo "${testfilenames[i]}" | grep -q "NVM"; then testfilenamesNVM+=("${testfilenames[$i]}") if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then smartdrivesNVM+=("ada${i}") else numbertoletters=$i number_to_letters smartdrivesNVM+=("sd${numbertoletters}") fi fi done # AT THIS POINT I DO NOT HAVE A LISTING OF SMARTDRIVES IN THE SIMULATOR AS AN OUTPUT. IS IT NEEDED? SEEMS TO WORK WITHOUT IT. fi # Generate a config file using test mode and test json files to perform automatic compensation. # Does not work yet. if [[ "$3" == "-config" ]] && [[ "$1" == "-t" ]]; then generate_config_file exit 0 fi # Do not collect real drive data if we are using test data. if [[ "$testfilepath" == "" ]]; then get_smartHDD_listings fi # Do not collect real drive data if we are using test data. if [[ "$testfilepath" == "" ]]; then get_smartSSD_listings fi # Do not collect real drive data if we are using test data. if [[ "$testfilepath" == "" ]]; then get_smartNVM_listings fi # Call to find out if power_on_hours exists. if [[ $testfilepath == "" ]]; then #Only if not a test file Check_power_on_time fi get_smartOther_listings zpool_report if [[ $SDF_DataRecordEnable == "true" ]]; then if test -e "$statistical_data_file"; then # Purge items over SDF_DataPurgeDays days statistical_data_file_created=0 else # The file does not exist, create it. printf "Date,Time,Device ID,Drive Type,Serial Number,SMART Status,Temp,Power On Hours,Wear Level,Start Stop Count,Load Cycle,Spin Retry,Reallocated Sectors,\ Reallocated Sector Events,Pending Sectors,Offline Uncorrectable,UDMA CRC Errors,Seek Error Rate,Multi Zone Errors,Read Error Rate,Helium Level,Total MBytes Written,Total MBytes Read\n" > "$statistical_data_file" # And set flag the file was created. statistical_data_file_created=1 fi fi # Lets start processing the drives baby! if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo " " echo " " echo "smartdrives="${smartdrives[*]} echo " " fi # Examine for failure SMART HDD Report SER1="" sas_message="" #### INSERT A CHECK FOR THE LAST SMART TEST PASS/FAIL OR ADD IT TO THE CRUNCH NUMBERS SECTION - SEE LINE 4153 ## WE WILL CHECK THE SECOND LINE (PREVIOUS TEST) IN THE GET_DRIVE_DATA ROUTINE. # External_SMART_Testing - IS THE VALUE STATING A SMART TEST IS REQUESTED. # Use_multi_report_config_values - IS THE VALUE STATING TO USE THE EXTERNAL CONFIGURATION FILE (multi_report_config.txt). # dump_all - IS A ZERO (0) VALUE FOR NO DUMP ACTION, A NON-ZERO VALUE FOR A DUMP TO OCCUR. # If this script value is true, read the config file. The -use_external_file will also force the external script use. #if [[ $Use_multi_report_config_values == "true" ]]; then External_SMART_Testing="true"; fi # NOT TRUE, WE MAY NOT WANT TO USE SMART TESTING BUT DO WANT TO USE THE EXTERNAL FILE. if [[ $External_SMART_Testing == "true" ]]; then echo "Running Drive Self-test Script: "$External_Script_Name else echo "SMART Testing not enabled." fi echo " " if [[ $External_SMART_Testing == "true" ]]; then # If the script does not exist, exit. if test -e "$External_Script_Name"; then if [[ $dump_all == "0" ]]; then if [[ $Use_multi_report_config_values == "true" ]]; then # echo "USING EXTERNAL FILE" /bin/bash $External_Script_Name -use_external_file else # echo "USING INTERNAL FILE" /bin/bash $External_Script_Name fi else if [[ $Use_multi_report_config_values == "true" ]]; then # echo "USING EXTERNAL FILE AND DUMPING" /bin/bash $External_Script_Name -use_external_file -dump else # echo "USING INTERNAL FILE AND DUMPING" /bin/bash $External_Script_Name -dump fi fi else echo "The file '$External_Script_Name' does not exist, no SMART Testing Occuring." No_External_File="true" fi fi echo "Collecting Report Data..." # Generate SMART HDD Report SER1="" sas_message="" if [[ "$smartdrives" != "" ]]; then generate_table "HDD" for drive in ${smartdrives[@]}; do clear_variables get_drive_data "HDD" crunch_numbers "HDD" write_table "HDD" done end_table "HDD" fi if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "End of HDD Section" duration=$SECONDS echo "$(($duration / 60)) minutes and $(($duration % 60)) seconds elapsed." echo " " echo " " echo "smartdrivesSSD="${smartdrivesSSD[*]} echo " " fi # Generate SSD Report SER1="" sas_message="" if [[ $smartdrivesSSD != "" ]]; then generate_table "SSD" for drive in ${smartdrivesSSD[@]}; do clear_variables get_drive_data "SSD" crunch_numbers "SSD" write_table "SSD" done end_table "SSD" fi if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "End of SSD Section" duration=$SECONDS echo "$(($duration / 60)) minutes and $(($duration % 60)) seconds elapsed." echo " " echo " " echo "smartdrivesNVM="${smartdrivesNVM[*]} echo " " fi # Generate NVMe Report SER1="" sas_message="" if [[ $smartdrivesNVM != "" ]]; then generate_table "NVM" for drive in ${smartdrivesNVM[@]}; do clear_variables get_drive_data "NVM" crunch_numbers "NVM" write_table "NVM" done end_table "NVM" fi if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "End of NVMe Section"; fi if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "$(echo "${json_error_log}")"; fi # This purge happens here directly after data collection. # A zero (0) value = Disable Purging (Keep all data) if [[ $SDF_DataPurgeDays != 0 ]]; then purge_exportdata fi write_ATA_Errors="0" if [[ "$Enable_Text_Section" == "true" ]]; then if [[ $spencer_enable == "true" ]]; then if test -e "$spencer_script_name"; then cd $SCRIPT_DIR && python3 "$spencer_script_name" multi_report fi spencer fi detailed_report $2 if [[ $ReportNonSMART == "true" ]]; then if [[ $DisableRAWdata != "true" ]]; then non_smart_report fi fi fi if [[ $Monitor == "false" ]]; then echo "End of data section" >> "$logfile" fi # Update multi_report_config.txt file if required. if [[ $write_ATA_Errors == "1" ]]; then ATA_Errors_List="$(echo "$temp_ATA_Errors" | sed 's/.$//')" update_config_file fi if [[ "$1" == "-s" || "$2" == "-s" ]] && [[ "$Monitor" == "false" ]]; then echo "Statistical Data Collection Complete" else Email_datafile remove_junk_report config_backup attach_files fi if [[ $logfile_critical != "" ]] || [[ $logfile_warning != "" ]]; then Send_On_Alarm="true" else Send_On_Alarm="false" fi Email_Sent="false" if [[ "$1" != "-s" && "$2" != "-s" ]] && [[ $Monitor == "false" ]]; then if [[ "$Email_On_Alarm_Only" == "false" ]] || [[ "$Send_On_Alarm" == "true" ]]; then if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "Create Normal Email"; fi create_Email Email_Sent="true" fi elif [[ $Monitor_Send_Email == "true" ]]; then if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "Create Monitor Email"; fi if [[ $Email_On_Alarm_Only == "false" ]] || [[ $Send_On_Alarm="true" ]]; then create_Email Email_Sent="true" fi fi if [[ $Email_On_Alarm_Only_And_Attachments == "true" ]] && [[ $Attach_Files1 == "true" ]] && [[ $Email_Sent == "false" ]]; then create_Email fi #smart_selftest Long # Run Long HDD/SSD SMART Tests if [[ $NVM_Low_Power == "true" ]]; then if [[ "$testfilepath" == "" ]]; then if [[ $softver != "Linux" ]]; then nvm_power fi fi fi cleanup_files duration=$SECONDS if [[ $Develop == "true" ]]; then echo "$(($duration / 60)) minutes and $(($duration % 60)) seconds elapsed."; fi # All reporting files are left in the /tmp/ directory for troubleshooting and cleaned up when the script is initial run.