24.04.3 > 24.10 Plex App Migration failure

Figured out how to fix it but it’s a bit of a pain if you’ve already started using Electric Eel in production.

Delete the Plex app in your 24.10 install
Go to Boot → then click “activate” on your old version (in this case 24.04.3)
Then reboot your NAS
Once back in the web portal go back to the Boot Environments menu you were just in
Delete the 24.10 boot environment
Go Apps and make sure that your Plex app is 100% up to date
Then go back and do the update once more

This will force the remigration from k8s to docker.
After the migration is complete again, to confirm go to shell under System → Shell
Run the command sudo less /var/log/app_migrations.log and it should all come back successful.