Add "Bind IP Addresses" option to SSH Service

Electric Eel has native docker support.

If one wishes to bind port 22 in a docker container to a host IP alias, one needs to disable ssh on that IP alias.

For example, a local gitlab implementation

    image: gitlab/gitlab-ce:16.11.6-ce.0
        max-size: "1g"
        max-file: "3"
    restart: always
    stop_grace_period: 5m
      # bind to specific IP or all IPs... which will most likely fail since SSH already exists.
      - '${GITLAB_IP:-}:80:80'
      - '${GITLAB_IP:-}:443:443'
      - '${GITLAB_IP:-}:22:22'

An alternative is to use macvlan/ipvlan networking, but that will force you to burn an IP address per container, and requires a host to container route to be created if you desire host<->container networking.

The feature request is related to this: