Cannot get Komga to actually browse my folders?!

Thanks a lot for your insights, @ABain!

Step #3 in your above post was crucial: quite unfamiliar with the “container” concepts, I had not thought of adding additional storage, thinking that the installed App would access the host file system. Turns out, it does not. So the /mnt I was seeing empty was /mnt of the container, not the host’s. I am sure this is the 101 for people that are familiar with SCALE, yet… well… I am still learning, eh. :slight_smile:

So, a for-dummies solution:

  1. Connect to the web interface
  2. Go to Apps page
  3. In the Application list to the left, select the row of your “Komga” app
  4. Click the Edit button in the upper right corner of the Application info tile to the right
  5. In the Storage Configuration part, click the Add button facing the Additional storage line.
  6. Type: select “Host Path (Path that already exists on the system)”
  7. Mount path: Choose the path under which you want the Komga library browser to find it. Remember: This is a path that will exist only within the Komga container. E.g., /mnt/comics
  8. Host Path: Choose the path under which your comics collection is currently stored on your TrueNAS system. E.g. /mnt/nas/share/comics
  9. Finally, go all the way down and click the Update button. Once the app is restarted, you will be able to add the library within the Komga web portal, browsing to /mnt/comics

Now I can see that this all makes a lot of sense, given that Apps are containers, and containers are not supposed to access their host filesystem that easily.

EDIT: This solution actually unblocked the issues I was encountering on other Apps (Navidrome, SFTPGo, Emby, etc.) that I had installed, scratched my head at, then given up “for now” (for weeks). Thanks a lot again, @ABain!

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