Docker apps, in EE, Fangtooth, and beyond



What is the benefit of having a stack of compose files (the Dockge method), rather than one big single compose.yml?

I have played around with Dockge and can’t seem to find a way for it to pull and update all containers in one go. With Docker Compose on the CLI I just run my alias “alias dcup=‘docker compose -f ~/compose.yml up -d’” and then boom - everything pulled and recreated (if necessary) in one simple command.

That’s what the “update” button is for:

I really don’t know what you mean here. The “Dockge method” is pretty much just a GUI for docker compose. If you want to put 50 separate applications into a single compose file, it won’t stop you. I don’t think that’s how it, or Compose in general, is typically used, but you could. But multi-container compose files are used all the time with Dockge.

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You could use that command while using Dockge.

Alternative, use Watchtower.

The screenshot here GitHub - louislam/dockge: A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager shows the stacks on the left-hand-side where they are all given the names of single containers. e.g. adguardhome, jellyfin. nginx etc. This is what I referred to as the “Dockge method” (a container per stack). I didn’t realise that Dockge supported more than one container per compose file - so thanks for the heads up. This is important for containers with interdependencies (“depends_on:” statements) and custom networks.
Watchtower is how I flag new container updates, but I run the updates manually, and it’s been so tedious updating one container at a time - I just don’t have the patience for that. Not when Docker Compose can update them all at once :slight_smile:

They’re given whatever name you give them. If you don’t specify a name, the default is the name of the first container in the stack.

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