Fresh Sonarr Install Not Seeing Media Directory

I’m confused, the screenshot shows the owner and group as being root.

Yes, that’s after I changed Media2/Windows to match Media3/TV because Sonarr see the contents of Media3/TV. Even with this change Sonar did not see the contents for Media2/Windows.

If you look up in post that starts with “I’m not sure I follow” you’ll see that in the 4th screen shot there that Media2/Windows is set to apps but that didn’t work either. At the Dataset level though (the 3rd screenshot, it’s still set to root/root because I don’t know how to change that.

But I don’t think it matters since the Media3/TV is set to root/root at both the pool and dataset level and Sonarr sees the contents of it.

So I know it’s been a while but I thought, better late than never and provide a bit of an update on how I solved this issue.

Even starting form complete scratch I wasn’t able to do get Sonarr to see the media directory. The only way I could get this to work is if I create new dataset for every single type. So now in my NewMedia pool I have half a dozen or so datasets (4K Movies, Movies, Kid’s Movies, TV SHows, Pictures, Other etc.) Not ideal and my OCD doesn’t really like this setup but it works so I’m leavin it as is.