HELP! Lost pool upgrading to scale

Did you also export the “Secret Seed” with these configs? The filename is pwenc_secret

Yes there is a file called pwenc_seed in the config zip

There is also a folder in the zip called “geli” and has 5 different .key files

Geli key in /data/geli matches with device id in /dev/gptid
Still wont unlock. If i use shell to geli attach the key, i get a metadata not found error?

root@freenas[~]# sqlite3 /data/freenas-v1.db 'select sed.encrypted_provider from
storage-encrypteddisk as sed join storage-volume sv on - sed.encrypted_vo
lume_id where sv.vol_name = “HomeNAS”;

You’re sure you never made a passphrase?

Thinking back at one stage, there was a passphrase but it was removed and replaced with a key

This is the metadata error:

root@freenas[~]# geli attach -p -k /data/geli/b58ad59e-6985-4982-8ee2-d88f9939a1
e4.key /dev/gptid/83f7fe92-fc48-11eb-860e-00259024a96b
geli: Cannot read metadata from /dev/gptid/83f7fe92-fc48-11eb-860e-00259024a96b:
Invalid argument.