I guess you don’t want to hear that if you set the expiry to say… 1m on your 5 minute snap task, it will solve the problem the next time it runs the snapshot task.
When I first started using TrueNAS Scale, this was something that confused me until I realized how it worked.
As a newcomer at the time, I assumed that snapshots themselves stored their expiry date (that you set upon creation).
I eventually figured out that snapshots don’t hold any info on when they expire. It’s the snapshot task itself that handles the deletion of expired snapshots. I figured it out after I deleted a snapshot task and noticed the related snapshots lost their expiry date in the GUI.
Just to point out to anyone reading this that isn’t aware yet, snapshot tasks will delete all snapshots from non-excluded datasets that have a matching naming schema. Furthermore, the snapshot task needs to be scheduled to run on the exact hour:minute:second
as a snapshot has been taken on (on another day) to have the deletion logic match up and work properly.