Practical Limits for Data Storage for Home TrueNAS Users

I will look into which is the most idiot-proof re: installation and operation. You have plenty of scars related to that as my efforts related to breaking your excellent SSL scripts attest.

Thus, it might make the most sense to go with the plex option since I already have a license and you made a script for a plex Jail. Stockholm syndrome anyone?

I’ve played with Emby just a little and Jellyfin not at all, but the latter is, IIRC, free and open-source, while Plex and Emby are not. I’ve been using Plex on a lifetime license for several years and don’t see any real reason to change.

In regards to signing up for a streaming service for just one series… I am considering waiting until they, (like Disney+, and what’s up with the pluses?), have enough new content to justify signing up for 1 month. Pretty cheap to see 25 to 50 hours of new content.

As for Farscape, yes, I too was annoyed that it stopped at season 4. I originally rented it from a physical Blockbuster, (which I passed on my way home from work). But, eventually I bought the DVDs, including the Peacekeeper Wars. Perhaps it is time to re-watch it. Trivia: I used to have Bird of Paradise in my back yard. (Only Farscape viewers might catch that reference…)

Now for streaming services loosing content, I was annoyed when Netflix lost the right to stream some of the series they seemed to have commissioned. Like “The Punisher”, “Daredevil” or “Jessica Jones”. I just hope Netflix makes better choices for things like “Wednesday”, which is expected to get a second season.

That was related to the whole Disney+/Marvel thing

Yes, but I thought Netflix paid for those series creation… (Along with “Iron Fist”, “Luke Cage” and “The Defenders”.)

Now if Netflix “sold” them back to Disney+, okay, I can understand that. Even if Netflix was pressured into the sale.

Quite. But Disney.


But in good news, Daredevil and the other Defenders shows are now canon. Again.

(I bought them on disc some time ago (well most))

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Wow. That got interesting!

I would add this note: none of the IP I currently manage was ever published. That being said, I would not support digital releases because of what has been described as the ‘here one day, gone the next’ situation. Either it’s available forever, or never. (You shouldn’t need RedFox to solve your media issues, right?).

Forever means LP and CD, and maybe Super Audio CD. Buy it once, own it forever. We shall not compromise on that issue.