Update worth it to EE?

You have your phone out???:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


So , im thinking it best to wait as other have said ,
took me while to get my head around the basics and setting up Scale and Plex , if things were to go wrong i don’t really have the time to look for answers…

thanks guys :+1:

A sensible decision IMO.

P.S. I note that the Software Status page is now saying that is suitable for Testers, Early Adopters and General Users but not Conservative users - and that the announcement of this minor update included a warning to users to read the Release Notes and follow the instructions therein. Whilst IMO the suggestion that it is ready for General Users might be a little premature, this approach does seem to be somewhat more rational and consistent than the previous announcements recommending for everyone to upgrade vs. Software Status saying it was only for Testers.

There seems to be a rather nasty potential issue in the point release though. Hopefully resolved soon in a new hotfix.

I will not upgrade yet as I already use a VM in TN for all my docker needs and that seems to be the big feature.

Yep, we’re working on that now. Fix is in testing and we’ll push when ready.

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