Very slow WebUI - Login, Apps, etc. SCALE Dragonfish RC

ZFS is smart enough.

[66977.197356] WARNING: ignoring tunable zfs_arc_max (using 121437160243 instead)


I have no idea. I would assume it would interpret anything higher than your RAM capacity as an error, and forcefully set it to your actual RAM amount.

The other variable (zfs_arc_sys_free) would still be in play, as its own safety cushion, regardless.

EDIT: Before I finished posting, @essinghigh with the goods!


Ha, ok.

root@storage01[/sys/module/zfs/parameters]# cli
[storage01]> system advanced update kernel_extra_options="zfs_arc_max=243926810624"
[storage01]> exit
root@storage01[/sys/module/zfs/parameters]# echo 243926810624 >> /sys/module/zfs/parameters/zfs_arc_max
root@storage01[/sys/module/zfs/parameters]# cat /sys/module/zfs/parameters/zfs_arc_max
root@storage01[/sys/module/zfs/parameters]# arc_summary | grep 'Max size'
        Max size (high water):                           31:1  227.2 GiB
root@storage01[/sys/module/zfs/parameters]# arc_summary

ZFS Subsystem Report                            Wed May 08 08:46:11 2024
Linux 6.6.20-production+truenas                                  2.2.3-1
Machine: storage01 (x86_64)                                      2.2.3-1

ARC status:                                                      HEALTHY
        Memory throttle count:                                         0

ARC size (current):                                    39.0 %   88.7 GiB
        Target size (adaptive):                        39.2 %   89.1 GiB
        Min size (hard limit):                          3.1 %    7.1 GiB
        Max size (high water):                           31:1  227.2 GiB

root@storage01[/sys/module/zfs/parameters]# free -mh
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           228Gi       100Gi       128Gi        99Mi       398Mi       127Gi
Swap:           15Gi          0B        15Gi

Seems to have worked. I’ll keep ya posted!

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Should I manually set this to something other than the default of 0?

root@storage01[/sys/module/zfs/parameters]# cat zfs_arc_sys_free

Leave it as is. The fewer changed variables, the better. :+1:

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Hey now, context is everything here :slight_smile:

In my worldview you generally only swap for two reasons:

  1. Memory Leak (Swap only prolongs and extends the suffering in this case)
  2. Overloaded System (I’d rather find out right away that I can’t run 64 simultaneous Apps and 2VMs on my 16GB system)

Interesting- it has started swapping. Not much, but it is there.

Honestly, that’s not a good sign. :slightly_frowning_face: It means that “swappiness = 1” doesn’t work as advertised. It shouldn’t be swapping at all, unless the RAM is truly at its very limit and cannot release anything.

Exactly. I was surprised to see it.

I’ll let it keep running as-is for a bit. I’m curious if it will grow or stay about the same.

That won’t really indicate much, since it’s the constant swap in/out that is the cause for the slowdowns. (In other words: Acting like it’s a low-RAM system, even though it’s not.)

Keep an eye out for sluggishness and slowdowns, even if the “used swap” remains relatively low.

Not quite 24 hours, but it’s close enough. swapoff -a has definitely resolved the slow-down I was experiencing. It’s really hard to tell with these things, but it seems CPU utilization has dropped as well. It was never really ‘high’, but it seems lower.

This graph is kind of difficult to see, but notice how the iowait (purple) was higher until I disabled swap ~2 days ago. The couple spikes were of course when I rebooted to test without the other sysctl changes:

Could be wrong, but I assume this is one of the drives that swap was using:

Swap usage before/after disabling. No surprise that it’s no longer being used, but unsure why it was ever used considering the ‘mean’ of 40gb free RAM:


I thought that was = 0, not 1?

Used to be, but modern versions of the Linux kernel treat “0” as “disabled” and “1” as the way “0” used to behave.

EDIT: Oh, I see what you mean.

I wrote “It shouldn’t be swapping at all”, because there is no reason for their system to resort to swapping, given the amount of RAM and memory pressure. The value of “1” advertises as “Swap used only if absolutely necessary.” But that’s clearly not the case, from what we can observe.

My guess is it has to do with ZFS/ARC and Linux. (Swap is still in the pre-ARC days.)

Yes, 0 should be the same as swapoff. Or are you trying to basically keep swap but only for extreme cases? Have not read it all, sorry.

Yes, that’s the “supposed” behavior, but it’s not working as expected. There is no emergency, yet it still wants to swap to disk, when there’s plenty of free RAM. (See my post above, I edited it.)

Well, I don’t see it, was the system rebooted after changing the setting? It depends how it was changed whether it took effect or not. Also, what was the source of the new swappiness behavior, where did you find it was changed? I wonder if that might be on a newer kernel than Scale is using? Everything I am reading says it’s the same as it’s always been? Which means 0 means smallest possible swap (but not none). If that is the case, it might still swap even with 0.

Here’s a 2024 reference from Redhat: Change in swap behavior between RHEL 7 and RHEL 8 kernels - Red Hat Customer Portal

No reboot, won’t be able to do that for a while.

No speed issues on user interface, it is working fine. Not under high load at the moment though, I’ll try to simulate that later.

Current stats:

free -mh
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           228Gi       104Gi       124Gi       9.7Mi       255Mi       124Gi
Swap:           15Gi       701Mi        15Gi

arc_summary | head -13 | tail -3

        Target size (adaptive):                        41.1 %   93.4 GiB
        Min size (hard limit):                          3.1 %    7.1 GiB
        Max size (high water):                           31:1  227.2 GiB

One thing that is interesting is that prior to disabling swap, my boot drive was getting hit pretty hard. (See What is writing to my boot drive? - TrueNAS General - TrueNAS Community Forums) As soon as I turned off swap, that quit hammering the boot disk. With swappiness at 1, the boot disk is still pretty darn quiet. So far, it seems that just changing swappiness to 1 from 60 has been a good move.

Last hour:

So you are saying swappiness 1 and swap is back on?

Bingo. Swap enabled, swappiness 1. zfs_arc_max at total memory minus 1 gb, which as I understand is boot up default.

UI is responsive, boot disk isn’t having more than expected traffic. Everything seems happy right now… knock on wood :slight_smile:

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I think the way forward will be to disable swap though based on reading the other thread with IX comments. They’ll have to change the memory recommendations. Not for you though! Interesting experiment though. See how it is in a day or so. Report back.

Are you SURE swap is back on? The mdstat output didn’t show any swap partitions. Maybe that changed in Dragonfish, wouldn’t think so. What does free -m show?

Still, this is what it should do. Shouldn’t be swapping unless a good reason. I’m interested in seeing the results, thanks for testing!

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