Video: Setting up Sandboxes with Jailmaker for Docker, Dockge and Jellyfin

thank you very much for this video man! had fun setting it up last night (with a lot of trial and error lol)…

i ended up using plex instead of jellyfin and im having a hard time understanding the command/scripts lines or whatever you call it lol…

i just need help understanding how to mount/direct a media folder path from a different pool into the docker edit and compose shell/edit thing lol…ill post some screenshots below…

docker edit 1

dockge 1

im guessing its a permissions issue? but ive adden admin and my user to have full control so idk…probably a syntax error, but if you can help id be greatly appreciative and then i can add my second media folder myself…

but again thank you for this video, it was really cool and well done

The jail config is used to mount datasets from your pool into the jail

then the docker compose volumes section is used to mount directories from your jail into the container

In the first case you have mouted /mnt/Ulixes_Media_Storage/Media_backup/TV into “/tv” on your jail.

Which is fine, I would’ve mounted it into /mnt/media/tv, but each his own and all that.

Then in your docker compose you mount “/mnt/Ulixes_Media_Storage/Media_backup/TV” into /tv"

But you’ve already mounted /mnt/Ulixes_Media_Storage/Media_backup/TV to /tv in the jail, so your tv mount line in the dockercompose should be

- /tv:/tv

Another option is for you to change the jail’s TV mount line to


Ie, don’t specify a mount point, and it will mount in the same place in the jail, as on the pool.

And then your docker compose config will be correct.

NOW, In retrospect, if I had known about the Electric Eel Docker migration when I made the video, I probbaly would’ve suggested mounting as above… because that will help with migration eventually.

(of course, the migration was only announced AFTER the video was published ;), and my suggested approach minimises dependencies, which allows easier migrations anywhere)

Clear? :slight_smile:

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…wow hahaha, ive been at it trying to get my folder to be seen in the plex app for hours re-reading your reply and trying different little tweaks…i was about to post a reply saying i was defeated and couldnt get it to work…

but then i tried your second option again but a little different,(i got rid of the /TV part from the Media_backup/TV since i had a movies folder in there anyway i would need eventually…got rid of the “:tv’” part like you said and edited the compose yaml to the edit i made, (/mnt/Ulixes_Media_Storage/Media_backup:/tv)…and it magically worked lmfao!!!

i was so relieved when it worked you dont even know hahaha…but to be honest, idk if i was just being a noobie green idiot, and forgot a small but major step, i though i was restarting everything properly, but honestly i think it was all because i didnt restart something in the dockge,(i clicked update this time wondering if i needed to do that to actually get the edits to set) and finally the media folders from my bind attached!!! im an idiot if that was the issue hahaha…

but thank you very much again sir, this has been really fun and hope you make some more cool videos for us all…i just wish i understood how this all works together more specifically…but thats really on my end needing to research and read what all these different services and apps are and how to use them…

sorry for the rant, but thanks again…now if only i can figure out how to get my nvidia gpu to be recognized in the plex app now…cause i put a “1” in the docker edit…but its not showing in plex app? would you happen to know what to do/check? like download nvidia drivers folder and add it somewhere, idk lol?

edit:…wooooow, i am an idiot hahahahah…i just tested my theory on if just clicking “update” was my issue…i just went to bind and add my other movies path to the movies volume in the compose yaml…first i just saved it and restarted the app and the path didnt show in plex app…then i clicked “update” and then i was able to see the binded movies path…too damn funny…its always the little things…sometimes

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Hi, I am really struggling to get nginx or apache working in TruenasScale jail. I have followed the jail maker video. I seem to have a working jail. I have added the following nginx yaml compose file:

version: "3.8"
    image: nginx:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8080:80
      - ./www:/var/www/html
      - ./templates:/etc/nginx/templates
networks: {}

I have a standard nginx landing page on port 8080.

When I Putty into my TrueNas (not the jail) I can see that within my stacks directory I have a new folder created by the dockge deployment called nginx. Within that folder there are two created folders called templates and www. Both are empty. There is no default.conf to edit and any html boilerplate file put by me into the www directory is ignored. It is exactly the same if I try with apache php also.

Please can I have some help?
Many thanks.

I am getting below error , while trying to install Docker jail on my TrueNas iXsystem Box. What I am doing wrong, Please help ?

Enter jail name: docker

Do you want to start this jail now (when create is done)? [Y/n] y

Creating ZFS Dataset DataL/jailmaker/jails/docker
Downloading the image index
ERROR: Couldn’t find a matching image
Cleaning up: /mnt/DataL/jailmaker/jails/docker.
Removing ZFS Dataset DataL/jailmaker/jails/docker

Thanks for the video. The setup and transitioning the apps was super easy with dockage. I do have one issue now. I have topped out on the number of apps that I can run in the default network space (28 currently running). When I try and launch a new app in dockage compose now I get “or response from daemon: all predefined address pools have been fully subnetted”. How can I expand the number of networks available?

Surprised. Have you got a /etc/docker/daemon.json file in the jail? What’s its contents if you do?

Thanks for the video kind of off topic but I was wondering If I need to adjust my jail to get apps installed in dockge to connect with the instance of sab I have running on truenas as I tried to install an arr app within dockge but sab refuses the connection and I’m stumped.

Are you using macvlan? Because if you do, the jail is isolated from the host and cant reach it. You’d have to switch to a bridge for the jail to reach the host

A. For any issue, there’s a video tutorial by @Stux.
B. One video tutorial by @Stux to solve all issues.
C. Who took the #1 spot on YouTube from Taylor Swift?

Pick the most appropriate legend for the above post…

Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 7.58.13 AM

Just the nvidia driver code

Yes I am thanks for the link seems straight forward.

guessing this alert is just a confirmation of me changing my static ip in this case from to 73??

The current default gateway was provided by DHCP, and may go away.

Copy it and paste it into the field to manually override it preemptively.

Please bear with me as I’m just making sure that I 100% understand this.

In my case my local address is and after disabling all my jails and apps, I then un-tick my DHCP add a new ip that I create in this cased and just re-enter it into that box to confirm the change, then just enter that ip to access my dashboard and move forward with changing my interface to a bridge?

And If I have any issues with services I can just go back and change my network settings to DHCP?

Can I just add the ip information to the daemon.json? Will that mess up any of the containers I have running already?

You probably want to shutdown the docker daemon, change the configuration, then restart the daemon

You can do this (I think) using service docker stop and then service docker start to restart.

More info on configuring the daemon:

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 3.33.05 PM
Added that and it seems to work now. Thanks for the help.


Finding myself with a spare week (in order to allow for the things which always seem, inevitably, to go wrong), I embarked on this “jailmaker adventure” with a wry smile of knowing expectation. Disappointment and frustration, hello yet again.

Everybody always says “it’s ever so easy, you just …” and then someone reels off (say) a long list of opcodes which you’re supposed turn into python in your head; or someone tells you to “simply cut the oak tenon to fit properly into the mahogany mortise so your table legs are fully secure”.

I know; I have tried these sorts of “easy” tutorials so you can imagine how I knew just how badly this jailmaker stuff would go.


I was almost expecting a catch of some sort. There wasn’t one.
Stux’ tutorial is idiot-proof, proven.

I have spent the last three days searching, searching, searching for a tutorial to set up a particular docker app in TrueNAS Scale. Apparently, it is something I did two years ago when I first got to grips with TrueNAS, but for the life of me I can’t find it let alone remember it.

I crashed the TN Scale App “layer” (or it crashed itself, or anyway it stopped working) last week and I was struggling to get this one aspect working. I gave up and thought I’d at least try to use jailmaker and dockge. I mean it obviously wouldn’t work, but it’ll be a distraction.

Not only was it one of the most easy to follow tutorials I have ever enjoyed, but when I came to the end and thought “is that all I needed to do? Surely the actual docker image itself won’t work, though” it turns out the docker image did work and it was as easy as the video suggested.

I’ve another handful of fairly simple ambitions to implement. I reckon I’ll have them done by the end of today. I hope the Electric Eel implementation is as easy, or perhaps it will simply embrace jailmaker and dockge. The latter is very pleasing because it’s a crossover of a simple UI with specific text entries without the ambiguity which is sometimes attendant.

This is great - thanks very much for everyone’s efforts in building and explaining this functionality!

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I trying to follow the video but can’t get dockge access from the static ip
My setup: I’m running Dragonfish-24.04.2 in an oracle VM with networking set to bridged adapter and promiscuous mode to allow all. My plan is the experiment with scale jailmaker and eventually when I have things working, convert my core jails to scale jailmaker. I had this working before but after a reboot I can’t get dockge to work. I deleted all the jails and started again. I didn’t change the bridge setup in Scale that was working previously.

root@docker:~# sh 
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:09 --:--:--     0curl: (6) Could not resolve host:
[+] Running 1/0
 ✔ Container dockge-dockge-1  Running               

When I google the Ocurl: (6) error it seem to have something to do with IPV6 which I do not have enabled.