10GTek 10G Card only showing 1000Mb/s (Transferring at 100Mb/s)

I recently purchased the above mentioned card for my system:
10th Gen i-5 processor, 32G RAM, 250G NVMe with TrueNAS Scale 24.10.2. Connection is wired into a switch. Needing to transfer large data through my home network. The 10GTek card has the Intel X540 controller. (X540-10G-1T-X8) After installing my new card, the Dashboard is only showing 1000Mb/s. Transfers from my laptop have been topping out at around 11.6Mb/s on a wired connection.

I have been researching across the forum and haven’t found anything to indicate what might be causing the problem. I wonder if the ixgbe driver needs updating. Noticed that Intel released an update last month. And I haven’t ruled out that because the Ethernet ports in my network are NOT multi-gig ports that could be bottle necking the transfers. Can confirm that they can transfer 1Gb/s. I’m hoping some pros with TrueNAS can steer me in the direction to help me resolve the problem.

So the fact that you’re seeing link at 1000M makes sense, because the device it’s connecting to is 1000M. A 10Gbit card cannot run at 10Gbit/s unless it is connected to another 10Gbit capable device.

How are you confirming this? If you are just trying to test network throughput, please test with iperf3 instead of something like SMB/NFS. You could be having some sort of dataset/share config issue manifesting as perceived slowness across the network.

Also, if you’re testing via SMB/NFS, please be specific on whether it’s 11.6Mb/s or 11.6MB/s

Forget about driver - its fine. Make sure you first setup SMB settings correctly.

Is the card 1gbe or 10gbe ?

run iperf3 -s/-c <NAS IP> -P 4 test to check network connection speed

Read this thread and make sure you checked SMB settings :

@essinghigh @bugacha The card is 10Gbe. But I know not to expect that kind of speed because my network is just not set up for that.

And when transferring data from the server, it was transferring at “11.6MB/s”.

I’ll try the iperf3 and check the SMB settings. Also thanks for the thread link. I’ll be sure to read that!

The iperf3 output is interesting, be sure to test bi-directionally.

I do not expect changing SMB settings (rss or multichannel) to impact this in any meaningful way, since there is only a single network adapter on either side and your CPU is relatively recent, all things considered.

The 11.6MB/s bit suggests to me that somewhere along the link something is falling back to Fast Ethernet (100 Mbit/s). This may be due to misconfigured ports or an old/broken cable. Just because the TrueNAS dashboard reports 1000Mb/s doesn’t mean you have that capability in the next hop from the switch. Verify each step, try different cables, try a direct link if you can.

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That’s 100Mbit, not 1000Mbit. Try a different cable, that one may be bad and the link failing back to 100Mbit.

Note, a Cat 5 cable is not going to deliver 1Gbit, you need a cat 5e or cat 6. The “category” should be written on the ethernet cable casing.

Cables are CAT 6 that I recently purchased.

Then it’s time to verify what each link in the network chain actually achieves in terms of negotiated link speed.

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iperf3 results show that transfer speeds around 100Mb/s, which is consistent with your earlier assessment:

[ 5] 0.00-1.01 sec 11.9 MBytes 98.3 Mbits/sec
[ 5] 1.01-2.01 sec 11.2 MBytes 95.0 Mbits/sec
[ 5] 2.01-3.00 sec 11.1 MBytes 93.7 Mbits/sec
[ 5] 3.00-4.01 sec 11.6 MBytes 96.3 Mbits/sec
[ 5] 4.01-5.00 sec 11.1 MBytes 94.6 Mbits/sec
[ 5] 5.00-6.02 sec 11.5 MBytes 95.1 Mbits/sec
[ 5] 6.02-7.02 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.3 Mbits/sec
[ 5] 7.02-8.01 sec 11.2 MBytes 95.0 Mbits/sec
[ 5] 8.01-9.01 sec 11.4 MBytes 95.1 Mbits/sec
[ 5] 9.01-10.00 sec 11.2 MBytes 95.4 Mbits/sec

[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate
[ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 114 MBytes 95.3 Mbits/sec sender
[ 5] 0.00-10.04 sec 113 MBytes 94.9 Mbits/sec receiver

Looks like I need to double check to see if my switch or cables are the culprit, maybe even both…

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What speed does your laptop ethernet port say it is running at?

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Found the bottleneck…its the laptop Ethernet port…It’s highest speed is 100MBps full Duplex. :roll_eyes:.

Thanks for recommending that I double check the laptop ethernet port.

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