1st replication task


I’m trying to set my very first replication task to move an entire pool from one TNScale server to another TNScale server.

When I use the Replication task wizard it says there were no snapshots to select, while in the reality there are.

Screenshot 2024-11-10 at 14.37.36 Medium

Screenshot 2024-11-10 at 14.41.03 Medium

Is this a normal behaviour?

Any help is most welcome.

Same behaviour if you flag recursive (btw you should flag It anyway afaik)?

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Yes no changes, it says zero snapshots found.
Displayed periodic snapshots tasks are all recursive.

@oxyde is referring to the Replication Task’s option: Recursive

Your screenshot shows this option is not selected.

Yes, I understood.
The first screenshot (above) was posted without flag because was the first, before the @oxyde hint.
Then I tried what @oxyde suggested without posting the screenshot, only the outcome.

Here is the screenshot with the flag…

Just an assumption: maybe the GUI Is searching snapshot with a specific naming schema that doesn’t match your snapshot list?
Did you try a pull from the target (instead of a push from the source)?
Honestly i would try anyway to start the replication… In worst case It fail gracefully

I’m straining my eyes here. You really need to post screenshots that don’t get smudged by the downscaling.

You also cropped out other details. What is the naming schema selected? What is the associated snapshot task(s) selected?

Thanks for the hint, it was the naming schema the issue. I figured out using the advanced option menu and replication (push) worked.
However I had some issue with permissions (the destination’s files wasn’t accessible to the same user that own at source) so I deleted the destination replication and now I’m doing from scratch again.

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