A couple of issues after installing CORE 13.3-BETA2

After installing 13.3-Beta2, my console was bombarded with messages:

The first related to SMB Authentication attempts by networked Windows clients - messages too long to quote in full but beginning form is "Jul 28 01:38:42 NAS3 1 2024-07-28T01:38:42.355901-04:00 NAS3.local TNAUDIT_SMB 37149 - - @cee:{“TNAUDIT”: "

The second message advised that syslog-ng.conf referred to an outdated version of syslog-ng and should be changed to the current version - change “version” value from 3.35 to 4.4.

With that change made, and a reboot, the spamming on SMB Authentication seems to be fixed.

Well - spamming began again this morning after the configuration reload - seems like the syslog-ng config change was overwritten (as is normal for config changes not made through the UI).
I must have been mistaken about something yesterday - I thought I confirmed that the edit of the config file survived a reboot - but it doesn’t today.

If they ar enot fixed in nightly, can you make a bug report?

Sounds similar to this:

Thanks, but I can’t see 130008…

Ah sorry. The ticket had pretty much the same issue and was closed with this info.

“Thanks for the ticket! Because 13.3 is considered “stable” and the message that is raised is purely cosmetic (doesn’t prevent functionality) we’re going to close this and not fix it.”

Thanks for the follow-through. I can’t say that I’m charmed by that response given the many concerns associated with the future of Core for those of us reluctant to switch to Scale.

Yes, I guess so, but see @Johnny_Fartpants post suggesting potential futility…

The case closed was getting a single message per day… no impact on functionality.

If your case is similar, then I can understand the reluctance.

Our engineering team is focused on more severe issues that impact operation.

It was potentially only getting one message per day as it was a test environment with no actual users on the system.

That would be good data to have… but we have to prioritize the work based on available evidence.

8 messages in the 8 hours since the midnight config reload today. I’ll file a bug report.

Can’t file bug report. System won’t let me in to do so. “Login to Jira” fails to let me in, despite showing authorization allowed, so I can’t edit the category and submit.

There’s a Report a Bug link to Jira at the top of this page that you can use.

This is broken for me as well. I gave up trying to file bug reports from my CORE system a while back.

Thanks - I have a workaround - I was actually logged in to Jira in another window while Core was telling me that I could not be authenticated…

Bug Team advises this will be fixed in next release of 13.3 - issue marked as closed.

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Well, I’m now on 13.3-U1 and the warning persists.