About the International category

Welcome to the International Category! This is intended to be used for conversations in languages other than English.

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Er… How is it supposed to work for sorting topics by language? Sub-categories as sub-forums, or language tags?

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This needs to be addressed with a certain urgency since the other forum has been closed off. @will tagging you as well.

Great idea, Implementing now! :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your quick response.

Happy to do so!

New tags have been created:

  • Chinese - 中文
  • French - Français
  • German - Deutsch
  • Italian - Italiano
  • Russian - Русский
  • Spanish - Español

Language tags are locked to the International Category!


Thank you. Somehow, I appear to not be able to set them as Watched in my Tracking settings.

Thanks @will !
Can you also lock Portuguese-Portugues (name appears mangled) and Dutch-Nederlands? And delete the empty thread I created alongside the latter tag.

I see only Italian and German. As a French canadian, I was working in the French section time to time…

Also, in the old forum, there was only an English message about the switch to this new one. It would probably help to post at least one sticky in each language in the old forum and telling about this new one…

You should be able to see French-Français.
In the italian section I posted a heads-up in a thread that had become a sort of bearing point for a few users, and it seems succesful so far.

Ok ; it was not in the “all tags” list and not visible in the dropdown menu either. I had to search for it to find it.

I created a kind of welcome post as a first post in french and now the tag is listed in the all tags lot.

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Click on the pencil icon right to “Tags” to see the complete list of existing tags, including those with zero posts.

Yes, there are ways to find them. The thing is, I doubt new comers will get there by themselves and that to “kickstart” each tag would be the thing to do… Up to IX to decide though…