[Accepted] Support system-wide credentials for Docker Registry


Electric Eel supports Docker and Docker Compose.

The Pull Image pane allows entering Docker Registry Authentication details.

As the Docker Hub is rate limited, and as an application host like TrueNAS could make a number of pulls and exceed the rate limit, it would be good to be able to set your Docker Hub login details if you have any, which increases the rate limit.

This could be added as a preference setting in the Apps β†’ Settings menu.

This could be implemented by adjusting the daemon.json file.

Originally report: NAS-130735


Another super helpful thing would be if I could point things at another registry. I have a harbor (soon to be zot) pull through proxy for docker hub images to resolve this problem on my local network.


looks like it’s about to get even worse at 10/hr

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Just to follow up, this is already in Fangtooth Beta:

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