ACL type mismatch after upgrade to Dragonfish

I got these errors after upgrading to Dragonfish.

SMB shares have path-related configuration issues that may impact service stability: 
till: ACL type mismatch with child mountpoint at /mnt/data/backup: data - POSIX, data/backup - NFSV4, 
till: ACL type mismatch with child mountpoint at /mnt/data/backup/timemachine: data - POSIX, data/backup/timemachine - NFSV4, 
till: ACL type mismatch with child mountpoint at /mnt/data/backup/timemachine/loxberry: data - POSIX, data/backup/timemachine/loxberry - NFSV4, 
till: ACL type mismatch with child mountpoint at /mnt/data/backup/timemachine/till: data - POSIX, data/backup/timemachine/till - NFSV4, 
till: ACL type mismatch with child mountpoint at /mnt/data/media: data - POSIX, data/media - NFSV4, 
till: ACL type mismatch with child mountpoint at /mnt/data/media/music: data - POSIX, data/media/music - NFSV4

Do I need to recreate ACLs?

It looks like maybe you’re sharing /mnt/data directly. This is strongly recommended against in our documentation. Best practice would be to share /mnt/data/backup and such. If you do this then you won’t have issues.

Generally behavior when nesting different acltypes within a single share is undefined. Hence need to make it consistent.

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So I verified this and it’s not the case that I am sharing /mnt/data directly. However I have a nested share /mnt/data/backup/timemachine within /mnt/data/backup.
Should I change that?

Can you please send me a system debug via private message?