The objective is to use hadware acceleration on my NAS so that the CPU doesen’t run at 100% when decoding video files
Improved compatibilty with low-power intel video decoders
User Story
This would enable Jasper Lake CPUs to work out of the box with encoding in apps like Jellyfin or emby, since without the needed files, ecoding did’t work.
how i fixed it:
I enabled developer mode (this was mandatory) and i followed the guide at:
Jellyfin guide
After downolading (via git) and copying the files in the correct directory everything works.
Since jellyfin is avaible in the store, it would be nice if the OS had all the components to make it work correctly.
i hope this gets added to the main release, right now becouse of the developer mode change and how trueNas is built, once the next update is released i will loose my modifications.