Alternate apps vs TrueCharts

Hi all…
sadly gatvol of the attitude of the Truecharts guys… mid way through helping logs off… leave me stranding.
then i post asking for help, no one responds, go to a more general app channel asking if anyone can help, ge thread bitten off for wrong channel… clearly guy wa irritated at me… so i said let me clean up, remove wrong channel postings, get warning/blocked for day…
Excited to hear we have docker-compose in the future, hopefully that will be outside the Truechart realm,
I use network ingress… if we can call it that… assigning specific ip’s to apps… allowing app access on other than my NAS ip…
Is this possible outside Truecharts ?
I’m some hw going to need to migrate my Plex database out of the Truechart app to the Native TrueNAS… but worried about ip.
Same goes for my Unifi controller, and for this it gets more important as my Unifi devices communicates with the controller on that specific address.
sorry for offending someone by this…
as a NAS user, not a developer on the platform, I don’t know their Discord setup… other forums are helpful and say we moving this thread to the following as it suits that room better… this getting chewed out i don’t need.

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… i’d like to find alternates for any/all Truechart apps deployed, considering above.

See attached


Half of the apps in that list are kubernetes specific and are, as far as i can tell, not required in a native docker environment. The only apps you propably have to migrate are qbittorent, speedtest and unify. It gets more problematic if you’re using traefik as reverse proxy for ingress (domain access). You’d have to manually create the ingress routes/rules. I’m at the same point in my research on how to do that…

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qbittorrent is the Truenas version already.
Speedtest is a direct docker container deployed.

only worries is Unifi and Plex.
Unifi is the easier, export config file, build new and import, ye i will loose my history, issue is the ingress ip, it lives on a custom ip which is then used for all my paired devices.
Plex… well I have a big database, that contain all the users and what they’ve watched, which I don’t want to loose, so need to figure out how to migrate that, and preferable then figure out how to expose multiple external ip’s for the hosted apps vs all on the NAS address but on different ports.


…wonder how much of a demand/requirement (TrueChart bits) will stay behind when we get direct docker and docker-compose feature.