aMule container cant get full permissions in external volume

Hi. Mi first thread here. First of all sorry for my English and low experience.

I am trying to lauch aMule container in my host. For it, i have installed first portainer app, and later it some docker images of amule using it.

When i dont map the “temp” and “incoming” folders, the amule container seems to work perfectly, whitout any error log. All downloads ends well and them is marked as “completed”. But when i map the temp and incoming folders to a external volumen (usb disk dataset)… all seems work right, even files are created in these directories, but finally aMule fails when the download ends, that is “stopped” and launch this error log:

Error: Impossible to set permissions for the file ‘/temp/001.part.met.backup’ (error 1: Operation not permitted)

The result is that aMule builds the file downloaded in the incoming folder, but doesnt remove the temp files (full downloaded), so when i restart the docker it creates again the file in incoming (duplicated), and there is a loop.

Of course, i give permissions in data set to “apps” user, also “root” and many more.

Any idea? Thanks!!