Did a fresh install of Scale (EE) on a machine I just built (13500, w680). Set up some users, datasets and the first app I went to install was portainer, it gave me a warning about not trusting it and what not. That was fine, clicked next and got the “Please wait” spinning wheel. And that’s where I waited until it logged me out. Signed back in and still had the spinning wheel.
Tried a new session and did another app, and it sent me right back to the spinning wheel. No matter what app I try to install I get a spinning wheel. Tried doing custom app, and I get a spinning wheel. Cleared my cache, turned off my ad blocker, and still the same thing.
I tried doing an install via yaml with a simple "hello world’, and that worked. Not ideal, but better than nothing.
Did debug via browser and found this during a refresh (not sure if related):
Source map error: Error: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
Stack in the worker:parseSourceMapInput@resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/source-map/lib/util.js:163:15
Resource URL: https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ui/apps/installed
Source Map URL: ix-icon.component-JCTGJMGJ.css.map
Any ideas why I can’t just install apps like normal? Anything I might be missing or something I can try?