Not unless something is very wrong. To add I’m not sure if you got it as a startup script to manually set that on boot - if not rebooting would likely reset to default.
On FreeBSD I wouldn’t even bother manually setting anything; as winnie previously mentioned. On FreeBSD, ARC will eat up to like 80% of total ram (if I remember correctly), if available, & does an excellent job reducing in size on the fly as needed & then building back up when available again. I don’t remember ever having any issues due to ARC on TruenasCore.
Yes - that version is based on FreeBSD; what I said is 100% applicable.
Additional information that is not relevant to your question, but fun anyway:
The newer Scale versions instead run on linux instead of freebsd. If instead you were running one of a specific few older versions of Truenas Scale, then it might make some sense to limit ARC size. On latest Scale version it should also be fine to leave at default.
I still have a concern that wired memory keeps increasing. Can it be swapped out when necessary ?
Current status is 12G, comparing to that of this morning. 1G memory is taken out.
But the free memory is decreasing gradually. I’m concerned it’ll eat up all memory and cause OOM.
Would it swap out and release memory accordingly when running out memory? Generally, all OS would do this task.
Been using truenas for over 3 years now and never had problems with the sytem going OOM, even when i was only using 16GB of ram. As already mentioned zfs will use all available memory it can get, and will increase until only 1% (i believe) Memory is left free. If the the system needs memory, for a system process or to start a vm, arc will shrink itself down.