Are there any good hooks into the replication status through cli?

I am trying to figure out where truenas scale is getting the information for the replication status from as seen in the GUI:
replication GUI

I would like the information such as last run (duration since last run) and the state (finished, running, failed).

I want to run a script that act on this information, and I seem not to be the only one. There is a thread from the old forum called:

In that thread they talk about the same issue and come up with various hacks to try and guestimate this information. Their attempt at determining this information relies on looking at /var/logs/zettarepl.log, but it is pretty clear that this is a hack approach that is not really reliable. And for something like replication tasks, you really want reliable otherwise you can be lured into a false sense of security.

I also see the thread named:
correct-way-to-script-zfs-replication-in-truenas-scale which is touching a similar topic but from a slightly different angle where they are basically replacing the GUI replication with a script, which I might end up doing as well, if I cannot get a nice hook into the status of the GUI replication. But I would rather use the GUI replication and do as little modification as possible to the way truenas scale is supposed to run as possible.

So surely there must be a better way of getting this information in truenas scale?
Maybe the middleware API allows some extraction of this information, or perhaps it is directly written into a file somewhere else which is how the gui gets the information?

Does anyone know of a good way to get this information?