I’m having some trouble using asigra-ds-system app. After registering, I’m using management console and when I try to activate license, it keeps giving me this error:
DS-System type does not match.
Could it be because I was using truenas core and I’m using scale now?
Anyone with this problem?
Thank you.
Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4210R CPU
Supermicro X11SPH-nCTPF IT mode
I dont have access to my nas right now to check, but i took a peek at the truenas github and there’s no asigra app listed on github, so how did you install the app?
Ok, just got home and checked and it’s in the enterprise train just as you said, but it’s not listed on the truenas/charts github, which is confusing.
I would ask on the truenas discord since some of the maintainers use the discord server but don’t visit the forum as much, or directly open an issue on github.
That is the (24.04 and prior) kubernetes apps system. Current apps trains are on GitHub - truenas/apps.
@hugovsky “DS-System type does not match” doesn’t return anything other than this thread on Google. Is that the exact text of the error message it gives you?
Ok I wasn’t following the issue. If it installed properly in TrueNAS, you might have to look to asigra for support with the configuring the license. Our app controls installation, but once it’s launched and you’re in the app UI, that behavior is maintained by the upstream project.
Someone here may still be able to help, but you may may have more luck coming at it from the other direction.
“This is exactly why it is not working at the moment. We are working on adding support for Scale and will migrate DS-System to docker by early next year. I will let you know when this is ready. It is currently in testing phase internally.”