Audible (.aax) file conversion

Hi all,

I am looking for a solution to convert .aax files to mp3 or similar audio files. I do have an Audible subscription with a decent size library and I would like to back it up for personal use. They let you download the file on Mac via their website however I can only play this file in Apple Books app (after audible pairs with it).

I have came across this but I have not tried it yet as I would like to find a solution to run on my server.

Did someone used the above solution? Is it working?

Is it possible to run this in TrueNas Scale as a custom app?


  1. The README says: “Windows application” - TrueNAS SCALE is build on Debian Linux so no you cannot run AaxAudioConverter under TrueNAS SCALE.

  2. It is an interactive application with a GUI, and there is no easy way to run GUI applications on the TrueNAS server.

  3. AaxAudioConverter is open source, so (in theory) you could take the source code for that and hack it around to run as a batch application under TrueNAS (in a K3S container or jail) - but this would be VERY non-trivial. However it is written in c# (Microsoft language) so it might be even more complicated.

My advice: Store the Aax files on your (Windows) computer, convert them on Windows using AaxAudioConverter and store the converted files on your TrueNAS server.

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