Automate File Management with Python Script

Im looking at setting up a TRUENAS Core for now to try. What i was looking to achieve is to automate file management (renaming files and copying to different folders). If a user dropped a file into a specific folder, the script will automatically rename it with prefix based on the name of the folder. Once file is renamed, the script will create a new folder based on the filename, and will create subfolders then copy the file to a different folder for other user to access and use the file.
Please advise if my requirement is possible with TRUENAS, and if the script can be run within TRUENAS Core.


iX is pretty strongly recommending that any new deployments use SCALE rather than CORE.

But otherwise, I’m not sure what you’re asking. Python comes with TrueNAS, so if you can write the script you’re talking about, it should run there.

thanks a lot