Backup to TrueNAS SCALE using rsync


I am new to TrueNAS. I have just installed SCALE on my old NAS with the primary aim of using it as an rsync backup target for my current ASUSTOR NAS.

I am a bit confused as to the proper way to set this up. I understand that there was a recent change in the rsync impmentation in SCALE and the guides I can find seem to describe the old manner of doing things.

The Rsync Tasks panel seems to be constructed for backing up of the local TrueNAS pools to a remote server. I would like to do the opposite. What’s the correct approach?

Basically what I would like to do ideally:

  • Define the list of folders on ASUSTOR to back up. Their OS has some application to do this as save it as an rsync module. But if it makes more sense to set this up on the SCALE machine, I can do that.
  • Have the SCALE machine boot up once a day, connect to the ASUSTOR over ssh, run the backup. If this is better initiated from the ASUSTOR, that’s also fine.
  • Maintain some sort of history of backups (eg 5 daily ones, 5 weekly and 5 monthly) on the SCALE machine with some way to easily restore file versions from th past.

I think I should be able to figure this out if I knew roughly what I should be reading about.

Thanks for any pointers.

When you set up an rSync task in TrueNAS you can set it either to push or pull:

If you want to initiate the backup from the ASUSTOR (which means coordinating the power up of the TN server with the starting of the backup), then you will need to install the rsyncd app.

OK if I want truenas to coordinate this thing, then all I need is an Rsync task with pull, some module name on the remote AUSTOR and it should work?