Beginner question: How does TN Scale do quota management?

hello All

I have created a /mnt/mainraid/videoclips dataset which will fill up with video clips and jpegs written one at a time, periodically throughout the day and night.

I have set a quota warning for the dataset to 80% and a critical warning at 95% .


  1. What happens when it fills up to the brim?

  2. If it continues to write (but with the attendant quota warnings), is there a webUI way to “hard limit” the dataset’s capacity so it cannot “grow”?

  3. Is there a way to turn the dataset into a “giant FIFO” whereby older clips are deleted to make way for newer ones being written?

I can’t see a UI mechanism, but I think I that (3) could be achieved via a script and a cron job, for example:


CURRENT_USAGE=$(du -sBG "$DATASET_PATH" | cut -f1 | sed 's/G//')

if [ "$CURRENT_USAGE" -ge "$QUOTA_LIMIT" ]; then
    # Find and delete the oldest files until the usage is below the limit
    while [ "$CURRENT_USAGE" -ge "$QUOTA_LIMIT" ]; do
        # Find the oldest file and delete it
        OLDEST_FILE=$(find "$DATASET_PATH" -type f -printf '%T+ %p\n' | sort | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f2-)
        if [ -n "$OLDEST_FILE" ]; then
            rm "$OLDEST_FILE"
            echo "Deleted: $OLDEST_FILE"
        CURRENT_USAGE=$(du -sBG "$DATASET_PATH" | cut -f1 | sed 's/G//')

(not my work - beyond me!).

I did look at this page and a handful of forum posts to no avail, perhaps because I don’t understand.

It will stop accepting writes to the dataset when quota is exceeded.

There is no automated way of deleting oldest files.

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