Boot device not showing in UEFI Bios boot order

I have a system running on an ASROCK motherboard (approx 8-10 years old???) . The SSD boot device failed and I made a fresh install of 13.0-U6.2 on a new SSD. The new SSD does not show up in the ASROCK boot configuration, so I am not able to select it as the default boot device, but it is selectable when I override the boot options with the F11 key on power up. Both the original SSD and the replacement are Kingston 64GB drives purchased at the same time. I tried installing with both BIOS and with UEFI selected and in neither case does the SSD show up in the boot configuration menu.

I have the system up and running but it won’t boot automatically until I resolve this. I would appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you,
Dean Souleles

In the BIOS, somewhere (probably under Advanced → CSM) you can choose the boot filter from Legacy and UEFI (or both).
This Is different from every mb, but will be not hard to find

Thank you. The motherboard is an ASROCK Z77 and there is no CSM option on the UEFI boot tab. I upgraded to the latest UEFI BIOS for the board this morning. No change. Not at all clear why this was working with the previous drive but not with the new one. Both the original and replacementr drives are Kingston SSDNOW 200 64GB.

The Extreme 6? My ex motherboard :heart_eyes:

Coming back to your problem… Have you search in ACPI too? Is AHCI enabled for all ports? And have you try another SATA Port?

Sound strange to me too… maybe try a clear CMOS too

Thanks again - it as an a Extreme 6. Good call - CSM option is under Advanced/ACPI. it is enabled. The only choices are enabled or disabled - and there is a cryptic warning about diabling it. In any case, CSM is enabled and the drive still doesn’t show in the boot priority list. I swapped ports with a drive the is showing up in the list and the SSD still does not show up. I tried a Crucial SSD that had previously had Win 10 on it and had the same issue. Unfortunately the MB is dated enough that the ASROCK forum is pretty silent and most of the posts are from several years ago. I’ll try to clear the CMOS and change the battery. I hate having to change out a perfectly good mother board - means new MB, CPU and RAM - for a system that is working. It’ll boot fine from USB - ha! Dd that for many years with no problem until I changed to SSD with Truenas.

So you’re saying it shows up in the boot menu if you hit F11 during POST, but doesn’t boot if you leave it alone?

It’s possible this is one style of MB that throws it into a secondary menu (under something like Hard Drive priority or similar)

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Thats the point, CSM enabled means “Legacy”. Despite the warning did you try disable it?
Still strange that installing TN in Legacy didn’t show up

Correct. It shows up in the F11 boot bypass menu, but not in the boot priority list where you set the default boot device. After hitting F11 I can select and boot from the SSD.

Resetting CMOS and replacing the battery made no difference. When I turned off CSM the system would only boot to the UEFI screen and no further.

What finally worked was disconnecting all hard drives except the SSD. Then the SSD showed up in the boot priority list and I was able to select it and save it. After reconnecting all the disks the system boots fine now.

Thanks for the replies and the interest.



Bizarre but I guess that’s just a quirk of your motherboard. Glad you figured it out!