Builtin web based file browser

Hello TrueNAS people,

I am sure there are varying opinions on this, but why does truenas (specifically for my use case “scale”) not have a file browser built into their web UI? Sure there are apps that can achieve this - but they seem to lack the ability to have granulated access permissions based on user/group that are defined within the dataset. Sure I can make a FileBrowser users, but all said users are tied to a local TrueNAS account → 568 or whatever you specify when creating the app. This sadly I find rather counter productive.

Is it on the road-map for TrueNAS to make such a web based file browser that is incorporated in their UI so that local user/groups perhaps even active directory users/groups can only access datasets with their associated permissions?

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If I recall correctly, it was talked about. Someone might correct me on that.


They “accepted” a seven-year-old suggestion for this feature three years ago. They haven’t touched it since.


Yea, its on our backlog wish-list. We’d like to do it, but it a huge undertaking to do one right. We’ve not forgotten though since there is a lot of value in that feature getting added at some point.

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I suppose I should start another discussion but, would this potential file explorer also incorporate the ability to drill into a snapshot to retrieve a particular file? :slight_smile:

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Oh, I have a much longer wish-list than that :wink:

But yes, snapshot visibility would be ideal.

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If using Windows/SMB you can do this via File Explorer…