Can't generate video previews for NextCloud No Preview generator available for typevideo/mp

I have been trying everything I can to generate video previews but the occ commands like ’ occ preview:generate" does not seem to work at all. I used every recommendation from ChatGPT but can’t get it to work. It automatically generates photo previews and ffmpeg is in my app install so at least the photos preview is working. It seems like a lot of the common commands like “occ preview:generate-all” is missing from the charts version of Nextcloud’s occ.

To test this faster I am doing this from the TrueNas shell

kubectl exec -it -n ix-nextcloud nextcloud-76cd6799b6-h8skx – su -s /bin/bash www-data -c “php -d memory_limit=512M occ preview:generate ‘user1/files/Photos/mytestfile.mp4’”

I get the following

No preview generator available for file of typevideo/mp4

I checked the ffmpeg output and it shows it should support my type of file. It is the default one in NextCloud

I added this to my config.php but still no luck. Anyone have any ideas? The AI is out of things for me to try.

‘preview_providers’ => [
‘OC\Preview\MP4’, // Enable MP4 preview
‘OC\Preview\AVI’, // Enable AVI preview
‘OC\Preview\Movie’, // Generic movie preview provider

If I try the commonly recommended preview:generate-all I get

Command “preview:generate-all” is not defined.

Did you mean one of these?

I am just scratching my head at this one. I updated to the latest 2.0.17 chart version and still have these same issues.