Can't Log in As General User, But Can As Root

I was behind on updates and did several one right after the other. When I was done I can log in as root, but not with a user I setup for Time Machine backups. This is via the web interface. I created a new user and can’t log in with than one either.

I get the message: Wrong username or password. Please try again.

My Proxmox server does backups to TrueNAS. It works fine.

I’m on ElectricEel-24.10.1

You can’t ordinarily log into the web UI as a general user, only as an administrator–though SCALE has been pushing for non-root admin users for a few releases now.

It’s been quite some time since I logged in at all so I may have never been able to login as my secondary user. I also can’t log in from MacOS. I know that worked before. The account in question is set up for Samba authentication. Has something changed with that method?

It’s not a client issue.

Hence won’t be able to log in the WebUI. There are 3 kinds of permission levels that allow you to log in the WebUI, each with different authority levels (starting from all mightly to monitoring only).

You have to log as root/main admin and manager user permission levels.

At least that’s so if my understanding is correct.

Never mind. I wasn’t paying close enough attention to the error. My MacOS said it could reach the server. The url and port were right. Then I checked the service and saw it was stopped. That must of happened from the reboots