Checksum Errors

Hi Everyone …

Need some help and advice … I have a pool called “Computer Core” I have a mirror of two hard drives that I am getting checksum errors on …

What I don’t understand is why … I have scrubed the pool , and trimmed it … I also ran the long smart test on the two drives and after 2 days that came back with nothing as well …

So I am not sure what I should do … Thoughts ? advice ?

Thanks …

Need more information:

  • Hardware
  • Any HBAs in use?
  • Which version of Core?
  • Pool information / status, such as zpool status -v "Computer Core"

You can hide/filter any information or names that you don’t feel comfortable sharing.

Hi Winnielinnie,

here you go … hope it helps …

TrueNas Core : 13.0

Ryzen 5 5600G


2 x SAMSUNG 970 EVO Plus SSD 250GB NVMe - OS Drives

6 x 6TB WD Red Pro - Data Drives

1 x Samsung Evo Plus 1TB - VM Drive

RX 580 8gb

64gb Ram

Screenshot 2024-05-09 211815
Screenshot 2024-05-09 211754

Harddrive issue, cabling issue, power issue, memory issue, or zfs bug.

As you don’t have ECC, you can’t really rule out a memory issue…

So, what you want to do is try to work out if there is actually an issue that the harddrive can investigate by checking its smartctl -a /dev/<etc> results.

If it has UDMA CRC errors, then its probably a cabling/pwer issue. If the HD hasn’t identified any errors, and you’ve been running tests then its probably a memory issue…

but you can test cabling issues by swapping drives/cables around and seeing if the issue goes away or moves.

and then you can perform an extended memory test.


You also didn’t say how these drives are connected. Directly to the SATA ports on the motherboard, or via an HBA?

Thanks Stux ,

I just ran that command you said and it came back …

zsh: parse error near `\n’

Not sure what that means … I am still very new to TrueNas and this is my first box and build …

Hope that helps … But I will also replace the cables and double check things this weekend when I can pull the system out and take it apart …

Sorry Winnielinnie,

I must have missed that … its both … I have all the sata ports on the MB full and then a pcie sata card for I think two of the drives … hard to remember its been a while since I built this box …

I already have a new pcie sata card that I was thinking about replacing this weekend when I pull the box to clean it and check the cables …

You will need to replace <etc> with your drive identifier

Eg /dev/da0 or whatever is appropriate

Thanks Stux,

I ran the command again this time with ada6 as that is a drive that shows checksum errors in the pool and it just came back with all the drive information and that the last smart test long was successful with no errors …

Oh boy…


Thanks Winnie for the information …

So let me ask you this … I have a Mini R that I am planning on using in the near future … Seeing how the Mini R has a pcie expansion slot I am going to need either a sata or nvme card for it …

What would you recommend ?