I’m trying to build a semi-automated (restic) backup process. Is there a way to use CLI to replicate the GUI steps of importing a pool from a connected drive and then export and disconnect it when the backup is done? zpool import backup_pool
does import a pool, but makes it read-only and gives a warning on import
cannot mount ‘/backup_pool’: failed to create mountpoint: Read-only file system Import was successful, but unable to mount some datasets
Exporting via zpool export backup_pool does export the pool, but in GUI it still has leftovers - it sees the pool as ready for import, but there are some tiles still left as if the pool is still live. Not disconnected maybe?
I guess I need to pass some additional parameters on import as well as on export. Any tips?
Okay. Once you give gave me a hint to go with the API calls, I’ve sat together with ChatGPT and here are two scripts we’ve ended up with:
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <pool_name>"
exit 1
# Function to check if a pool is already imported
check_pool_imported() {
local name=$1
response=$(midclt call pool.query)
echo "$response" | grep -q "\"name\": \"${name}\""
# Check if the pool is already imported
if check_pool_imported "$pool_name"; then
echo "Pool '${pool_name}' is already imported and available."
exit 0
# Start the import_find job and get the job ID
job_id=$(midclt call pool.import_find)
#echo "Started import_find job with ID: $job_id"
# Poll until the job is complete
while true; do
echo "Checking import job status..."
job_status=$(midclt call core.get_jobs '[["id", "=", '"$job_id"']]' | jq -r '.[0]')
state=$(echo $job_status | jq -r '.state')
echo "Import job state: $state"
if [ "$state" == "SUCCESS" ]; then
echo "Inport job succeeded."
elif [ "$state" == "FAILED" ]; then
echo "Import job failed"
exit 1
sleep 1
# Extract the job result once it's complete
pools=$(echo $job_status | jq -r '.result')
# Find and import the pool with the specified name
# Process each pool result using jq and a while loop
echo "$pools" | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r pool; do
name=$(echo "$pool" | jq -r '.name')
guid=$(echo "$pool" | jq -r '.guid')
if [ "$name" == "$pool_name" ]; then
import_job_id=$(midclt call pool.import_pool "{\"guid\": \"$guid\"}")
# Poll until the import job is complete
while true; do
import_job_status=$(midclt call core.get_jobs '[["id", "=", '"$import_job_id"']]' | jq -r '.[0]')
import_state=$(echo $import_job_status | jq -r '.state')
if [ "$import_state" == "SUCCESS" ]; then
elif [ "$import_state" == "FAILED" ]; then
exit 1
sleep 1
# Final check if the pool is imported
if check_pool_imported "$pool_name"; then
echo "Successfully imported pool: $pool_name"
exit 0
echo "Pool with name $pool_name not found or not imported"
exit 1
and export/disconnect with export_pool.sh
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <pool_name>"
exit 1
# Function to check if a pool is imported and available
check_pool_imported() {
local name=$1
response=$(midclt call pool.query)
echo "$response" | grep -q "\"name\": \"${name}\""
# Function to get the pool ID by name
get_pool_id() {
local name=$1
midclt call pool.query '[["name", "=", "'"${name}"'"]]' | jq -r '.[0].id'
# Check if the pool is imported and available
if ! check_pool_imported "$pool_name"; then
echo "Pool '${pool_name}' is not imported and available."
exit 1
echo "Starting export of pool '${pool_name}'..."
# Get pool ID for export
pool_id=$(get_pool_id "$pool_name")
# Start the pool export job
export_job_id=$(midclt call pool.export "$pool_id")
echo "Started pool export job with ID: $export_job_id"
# Poll until the export job is complete
while true; do
echo "Checking export job status..."
export_job_status=$(midclt call core.get_jobs "[[\"id\", \"=\", ${export_job_id}]]" | jq -r '.[0]')
export_state=$(echo $export_job_status | jq -r '.state')
echo "Export job state: $export_state"
if [ "$export_state" == "SUCCESS" ]; then
echo "Export job succeeded."
elif [ "$export_state" == "FAILED" ]; then
echo "Export job failed"
exit 1
sleep 1
# After export, double-check if the pool is no longer available
if check_pool_imported "$pool_name"; then
echo "Pool '${pool_name}' still found after export attempt. Error!"
exit 1
echo "Pool '${pool_name}' successfully exported and no longer available."
exit 0
I’m by no means an expert, but these two are working for my needs.
Thanks for pointing me to the API.
thanks got it working but i also have another problem my apps are not showing up they are the official apps and the ix-application dataset also exists so idk whats the problem
It has nothing to do with the original post thus makes no sense to explore it in this thread. I suggest you ask for help in a new/different topic. I hope someone will be able too help you out.