I want to establish a remote backup of files local on the NAS to a cloud service provider.
I have established a Cloud Sync task but have been unsuccessful in actually transferring files to the remote location. The task state shows as success, but when I download the log it reports nothing to do and the remote location contains no files.
The interface for establishing a cloud sync task is pretty clear and self explanatory, nevertheless I’ve read the documentation page and I feel like I’ve followed the instructions there accurately. So I’m a bit at a loss for what I’m missing. Possibly something obvious…
I have established credentials and cloud sync tasks for the following services and all produce the same result. So it must be me not them.
I have validated the credentials and when I setup the task, I am able to select from a list of buckets and browse the folders created in the bucket. That leads me to believe authentication is not an issue here.
Appreciate any thoughts on what to check or change.
Did you ever hear more about this? I’m getting the same issue with google drive, no actual transfer occurs, it reports as a success, and the logs say “nothing to transfer”, but my Google Drive folder is empty
My problem turned out to be that the folders I am backing up were empty. So my backup to cloud was correctly reporting there was nothing to do.
I had a job syncing the folders from where they were on a QNAP onto the TrueNAS box. The QNAP was (until told differently) applying the QNAP permissions to the files on TrueNAS which of course did not make any sense in the context of TrueNAS users and groups.
So I don’t think this solution will be of much assistance to you I’m sorry.