Collabora App Failed to Install

I have TrueNAS Scale 24.04.2 and I’m struggling to install Collabora. I entered a username/password for WebUI and selected the truenas_default Certificate. Everything is left as default. I then click install and immediately it failed with the following message.

[EFAULT] Failed to install App: WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: execution error at (collabora/templates/common.yaml:17:4): Chart - Values contain an error that may be a result of merging. Values containing the error: Error: 'error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 33: found character that cannot start any token'

It appears there’s something wrong with the app when it tries to convert YAML to JSON format and I’m not sure how to fix it. Any help is appreciated.

When installing the app, under Additional Storage, did you add a Host Path and mount point for the dataset where the config files go?

Did you follow the instructions in this tutorial?

This is out of date regarding recent UI changes but the process is the same.

@garyez_28558 I created the dataset for /mnt/DataStore/Application_Config/Collabora with App permission and the /mnt/DataStore/Application_Data/Collabora with Generic permission. As noted in the documentation, it’s not required from my understanding. Same error either way.

@bella Yes, I used the very same documentation. I also followed this guide

I appreciate the inputs but I still think it’s a configuration error in the Kubernetes config file as stated.

When a failed intall of the app is deleted, the config files should also have been deleted, but sometimes it doesn’t happen so it’s best to check under Manage Images to make sure there are no left overs and if a dataset is used that needs to be deleted.

My Collabora config files are stored in one dataset with generic Unix permissions and its path is mounted to Additional Storage. If you followed the Lawrence Systems guide there should only be one dataset for Collabora. You might also check the environment variables against those in the tutorial.

@dreamzboy click the Report a Bug link at the top of the screen and open a Jira ticket. Use the link sent to you to upload your system debug file to the private attachment area to keep your data private, link to the Jira ticket before you click Save.
Doing this allows us to keep your data private and the ticket public.

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I got it up and running. I deleted all the storages, used username as “admin” with default password “changeme123”, set the certificate, and hit install. That did the trick. It will not install if the username and password are different than the default.

Thanks to those who helped.

Oh yeah, forgot about about that little trick because it’s been almost one year since I last had to reinstall Collabora.

Yah. That’s one big piece of information that has been left out of the documentation. I just happened to try based on the video I watched.