I am currently using TrueNAS Scale - Dragonfish and have two apps that I want to access externally: AudioBookShelf and Kavita. Both do not natively support https so I have to use a Reverse (Ingress Proxy). The reason behind having this part exposed is to access my audiobook and ebooks while being remote and to have two-three trusted family friends also have access.
I’m currently using subdomain.asuscomm.com through my wireless router, and have a Lets Encrypt certificate. The services are being accessed through subdomain.asuscomm.com:portnumber. Right now, it’s working with HTTP, but HTTP is bad.
I would like to configure things so that the services are accessible as follows:
In conjunction with Traefik, Cert-manager, and Cluster Issuer, the external service app will set Traefik up as a TLS-terminating proxy for whatever on your LAN you like. Their docs discuss setting it up for the TrueNAS UI, but can be adapted to just about anything else: https://truecharts.org/scale/guides/truenas-web-gui-via-traefik/
My apologies for the delayed response. I’ve been busy.
First of all, thank you to @victor and @dan for your suggestions.
Unfortunately, the Traefik component was only offered through the TrueCharts catalog, and as we all know, that catalog is no longer offered. I’m hoping that the Nginx Proxy Manager will offer the same functionality as I want to have a secure connection for both my Kavita and Audiobookshelf instances.