Control-Space is eaten if you use Microsoft SSH into truenas or anywhere else

It seems Microsoft’s SSH eats Control-Space.

So if I ssh to truenas from a shell in WSL, it works fine.

If I ssh to truenas using microsoft’s ssh, it eats Control-space.

Do this in bash:

while read -r -n1 -p "Press a key: " key; do echo -e "\nYou pressed '$key'"; done

So it wasn’t a truenas issue at all.

bind shot in the dark:
I found the following link which talks about an application eating the Ctl+space. Not sure if ibus is the same culprit on your end but your concept of a system app eating the key combo is probably right on. At the very least, I hope ibus is the culprit so you can get your situation fixed with the following link.

shortcut keys - “ctrl+space” has been bound to invoke some input method and does not work in Emacs or Eclipse auto-complete - Ask Ubuntu