Copying files from Truenas to Truenas on same network

I have been running Scale for a little over a year and it’s been great. The problem is that I have found too many uses. I have run out of storage on my first machine, which was originally slated as a media server, so I built a second. I would like to keep using the old/first machine to host tv shows, music, and books. I also have another pool in there for a personal cloud, and another for Home Assistant.

I would like to copy all of my movies onto the new machine, as they take up the bulk of the space. My movies dataset is ~19TB. Is Replication the best way to copy that dataset to my new machine? Also, would that slow my home network down drastically while doing so? Is it possible to use the shell and mv function? I have searched and can’t seem to find a use case similar to mine.

Thanks in advance,
Another Noob


It shouldn’t; that’s what switches are for.

Not easily. You’d first need to mount storage from the one system onto the other, which you can’t do through the GUI. Replication’s going to be the better way to go.

Forgive the simplistic question but why move/replicate? I have two machines as well (one: truenas two: freebsd). My TrueNAS machine just hosts the media and the FreeBSD machine has my Plex jail. I mound my “Movie”, “Music”, etc. datasets on my second machine. …works good.

Also, I have possibly, maybe, if I round-up, 1tb of media data so do NOT forget to add my email address to your plex share page.

Thanks for the quick reply. I will give it a shot when I get home.

I need to free up space on that pool for my growing collection of TV Shows. The new system will only host Movies (for now) In the future, I will probably move to a rack-mounted server with way more drive bays, add even larger drives, and consolidate the two systems.

Wink wink


*sigh* *face-palm* no, not ‘wink’! The word you’re looking for is “do”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I have not had the best of luck with this Replication. The best speeds I have gotten for transfer were 7.46 MiBs. At 22 TiB, that puts the replication task taking over 300 days. I have been researching everywhere to figure out if I can disconnect both machines from my home network, plug them into a single switch (separate from my LAN), and then plug my laptop into the same switch in order to access the GUI. If I set up static IP on both machines, can I go to those addresses in my web browser of the laptop and use the GUI to setup replication again and hopefully have much better speeds? Am I SOL?