CPU Temperature Monitoring

Hi, just wondering if this expected behaviour

On the dashboard. CPU usage shows all 32 Threads correctly however, only 16 values are returned for temp. Is temperature only displayed for physical cores rather than threads?


Thanks for the super swift response.

I assumed this was the case but I had doubts due to the fact there are still 32 columns for temp display.

Threads are not physical devices so they don’t have a temperature. Threads are essentially how many separate instructions silos a core can execute at the same time switching between them…

Aware of the difference between cores and threads. I just needed a sanity check.
The 32 temp columns (half populated) kind of threw me,

It was just recently changed from threads to cores, i believe with 24.10.1.

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Cheers Lars, that makes sense.
I had a feeling I had seen all 32 temp columns populated at some point.

Doesn’t make sense to me. When it says:

CPU Temperature Per Core

Why would you show 32 columns? Seems a bug where the display is incorrectly showing the number of cores in the system.