CrazyNAS (all SSD NAS) update

Hi everybody

First post on the new forum. This is very exciting! :sunglasses:

First a little reminder or introduction if you’re new to this “CrazyNAS”-thing: A little explaining is in order.

Back in spring '21 I got my hands on a bunch of decommissioned SSDs. The first batch was around 6 or 7, but that soon balloned into 40 SSDs, then around 90 and as of right now I have almost 150 decommissioned SSDs.

We’re supposed to either sell them for refurb or throw them away.
Refurb didn’t want them so we where told to throw them away.
Actually. It wasn’t the SSDs we where told to throw away.
It was the entire laptop, including RAM and storage, that was supposed to go to the erternal green but not that kind of ‘green’ e-waste fields.

I just couldn’t bare it. So I took them home.

Before anyone raise an eyebrow about data / personal security; they’re bitlocked, and I did a full reset before even putting them on the shelf.

There, they were until I started this project.

First entry into this endavour was titled “DIY all flash/SSD NAS - not going for practicality” and you can read about all the initial woes there.

Jump to spring '23: And I decided to get back on the CrazyNAS-train and soon ran into problems. Long story short: The HBA I thougt was flashed into IT-mode was flashed into IT-mode and after hitting my head against the proverbial brickwall I decided to put it back on the shelf until I had time and energy to find out how to move the project along.

You can follow along in the sequel right here: DIY all flash/SSD NAS (CrazyNAS issues)

That happened almost a year later (Feb '24) when I decided to give the HBA another try. Got it working and not to drag it out any further, I also finally got myself together and bought the gear necessary to make my little corner of our SOHO-network 10gig capable.

I ended up buying both a Chelsio T520-CR and Mellanox ConnectX-3 (for our other TrueNAS-server, that’s just been dubbed ‘TrueNAS’ or ‘TrueNAS-box’). I couldn’t decide, found a seller on eBay that had both listed, so bought one of each.

For the MacBook I was temporarily thinking about 25gig, but soon realized the hazzle of upgrading everything before even trying out 10gig. I stuck with 10gig, which also meant I didn’t have to abandon the US-16-XG or start to look for 25gig transceivers.

The TrueNAS-box (old spinner-based server) is connected via fibre back to the XG.
CrazyNAS is connected via CAT6 to the XG
MacBook (via QNAP T310G1S) is connected via DAC

So, one of each, you could say.

I had my heart drop a little after having pulled the TrueNAS box from the shelf, cleaning it off and installing the Chelsio nic and then see it not working.
Had I kinked the fiber?
Was the nic a fake/scam?
Did I forget to move a jumper?
Did I make sure it was seated firm in the PCIe socket?
Was the nic and transceivers even compatible, like for real?
Did I have to do it all over and try again with the Mellanox?

… turned out, it just had to set the nic to ‘up’.

Seriously. Except for the physicality of pulling the server (removing all drives, just in case) down from the shelf, cleaning and making sure everithing was as it should be.

The only, and I mean THE ONLY thing that tripped… ok. Only TWO THINGS that tripped me:

  • link state ‘up’

  • for some reason, traffic was going in via one nic and out via another (just changed Gb-LAN connection to ‘down’).

Uh. Also! I replaced the stock fans in the XG with 40mm Noctuas.

I’m sorry to drag this out with a lot of text. But just wanted to let everybody (interested) know, that CrazyNAS is up and running and running at full speed.

I have been doing some benchmarks (or at least tried to), that are both ‘bare metal’ and some that are more ‘true’ to what one would experience just using it.

(Single RZ2, ‘bare metal’ vs. ‘vanilla’ - ie. with and without cache and ‘–direct=1’ flag)

CN-SSD, 4x08R2
(Full array with 4x 8-drive RZ2, combined 4TB storage)

Performance, in and of itself is perhaps not the most impressive thing. Especially not considering power usage (!) but as someone said in another thread: It’s also a learning experience.

Before I leave you:

  • Yes. I’ll be posting pictures soon.

  • No. This is far from being some kind of permanent solution - for now.

  • Yes. This is cool as hell! And, I’m happy I stuck with it.

  • Money pit? Also true.

  • Any ideas for testing or other exotic scenarios?

EDIT: Oh! Forgot to mention total cost (exluding some doodads and whatnots): $1,320

That covers: Backplanes (four of them), motherboard with CPU, RAM, HBA, miniSAS cables and the two 10gig nics (one for the TrueNAS-box, another for ‘just in case’/another project), shipping, VAT and import tax.


I’m having problems inserting pictures in the post above - keep getting a “422”-error.


Some images for your pleasure :kissing_heart:

Playback via LAN is super smooth and I wish I had done the 10gig upgrade sooner.

I know, that a transfer rate of around 80-90 MB/s is within 1Gbps LAN, but I suspect that the Activity Monitor in macOS isn’t sampling fast enough to visualize potential stutters and hickups.

According to BlackMagic Design, 4K BRAW (3:1) at 30 fps should take up ~130 MB/s.

After doing the upgrade to 10gig, I see no difference between 25- or 50fps 4K in BRAW (3:1).

I must admit, that it could be some kind of placebo, but I’m almost certain that playback and scrubbing is smoother via LAN now than with the (Samsung T5) SSD directly into the machine.

My next course of action or tinkering is replacing the backplanes with a PCIe x16 M.2 riser (ASUS Hyper-something) and trying out some NVMe sweetness.

More images:

I promise I’ll stop spamming for now.

You can look forward to some results from my testing. I learned a alot about the setup, so I think it was time well spend. Stay tuned! :kissing_heart:


Please don’t!


I’ll have your spam! I love it!

(apply a proper british accent, please)

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So, after some testing, I’ve collected a bunch of data that I perhaps need some help interpreting.

I ran fio a bunch of times, like… a lot! And wrote the results into an Excel spreadsheet.

In an attempt to keep it kinda structured, I’ve decided to split the following wall of text into:

  1. Reason for testing in the first place
  2. Method - how I tested and why I did it this way
  3. Results - some of them. Ran the same tests for more than 344 times
  4. Analysis - My thoughts and perhaps some questions
  5. Conclusions / other considerations - Where I’m at and how to move forward

But first, at teaser:

1. Reason for testing in the first place

  1. For the lulz, not gonna lie! I just wanted to see, how fast this thing really was, though impractical, still cool in my view.
  2. It’s not everyday, that you have the chance to test out / toy with the characteristics of almost 100x SATA SSDs. I thought, I’d might learn something, I could apply, if I decided to make CrazyNAS somewhat practical in the long run.
  3. I knew beforehand, that an 8-drive wide vdev was recommended, but I wanted to see - with ‘my own eyes’, how it looked when you went from 1-drive to i.e 20-drives. Kinda. I didn’t test it like that, for the sake of my own sanity, but I’ll go through the long winded explaination in the next section.

Which brings me to:

2. Method - how I tested and why
On Windows I’m quite familiar / used to CrystalDiskMark [CDM]. I don’t know a lot about testing drives and I’m not going to pretend, that I have any other reason to just do what everybody else does. It might not be the ‘correct’ way to go about it, but I thought it’d make it easier to compare, since ‘everybody else’ is using CDM.
Though I use macOS, as my daily driver, I’m very multilingual - though not fluid - into other os’es. TrueNAS and therefore by extension somewhat FreeBSD. Ubuntu, both desktop (I have a Lenovo Tiny which is set up to dual-boot into either Window or Ubuntu) and server (mostly vm’s, or rather, just vm’s). I’m by no means an expert, but I dabble and are very good at googling and copy-pasting other peoples instructions. That’s about it.
In macOS my goto for drive testing is BlackMagic Designs Disk Speed Test - I know,… I know.

The only thing I knew of, that made it possible to run something kinda CDM-like on TrueNAS was/is fio with flags that was supposed to match CDM’s tests.

I know I might have screwed up big time here, but I’m presenting the commands I ran, so other people can chime in or give advice:

fio run - examples:

fio --bs=1M --direct=1 --directory=/mnt/CN-04R2/ --iodepth=8 --group_reporting --name=SEQ1MQ8T1_R --numjobs=1 --ramp_time=10 --runtime=60 --rw=read --size=1GiB --time_based
fio --bs=4K --direct=1 --directory=/mnt/CN-04R2/ --iodepth=32 --group_reporting --name=RND4KQ32T1_R --numjobs=1 --ramp_time=10 --runtime=60 --rw=randread --size=1GiB --time_based

Explainer for variables/flags:
I tried to read up on CDM’s documentation and was left with the impression, that I could ‘just’ match with the following flags:
iodepth with queue depth
bs: block size was set to either ‘1M’ or ‘4K’.
direct: I was under the impression, that with ‘direct’ set to 1 (true), I would bypass any caching and therefore get the true ‘direct to drive’-performance result. There I also used:
sync=1: which I took for ‘forcing’ a sync directly to the drive or file system. It tanked my results and meant that almost every write with the sync=1 flag is extremely low. I consider this an absolute worst case scenario, though not realistic. I’m not sure, if I should have done this with read as well? I did a few tests and didn’t see a difference, so I chose not to. That might’d been a mistake, when this decision was based on only a couple of tests.
numjobs: was set to ‘=1’, since CDM is also single thread, or at least, that’s how I understood it. Might also be a mistake. More on that later.
ramp time: 10 seconds
run time: 60 secons
size: 1GiB - this might have meant I’d just be testing the cache performance, but most files I use is rarely over 1GiB except for large video files or ISO’s (individual files from my Atem switcher). We’re talking minutes here, when transferring anyways, so 1 GiB seemed reasonable because that’s also my default setting in CDM. So, 1GB (or there around) to match.

Before running each disk config I decided to do it twice. One with ‘default settings’ in TrueNAS and then again with cacing disable:

zfs get primarycache CN-04R2 ; zfs get secondarycache CN-04R2


zfs set primarycache=none CN-04R2 ; zfs set secondarycache=none CN-04R2

And then ‘get’ again, just to double-check the status.

I call this (along with: direct=1 and sync=1) ‘bare metal’. Though it may be the wrong terminology, I use this definition to communicate my intents behind the tests.

So, to sum it up: I tried to match CDMs params for drive tests using flags in fio to match - best to my knowledge and understanding. Did every test twice (and in some instances thrice, just to double-check potential outliers or me forgetting to chance a flag somewhere):

  • ‘default’, with no changes as to how TrueNAS (Core) normally operates
  • ‘bare metal’, to get as close to ‘real drive’-performance as possible.

The idea was to test both scaling and characteristics in both a ‘default/best case’ envoirenment and ‘worst case’-scenario.

Onto the results then:

3. Results - some of them. Ran the same tests for more than 344 times
I noted every result into an Excel spreadsheet, because I’m a math teacher and Excel is awesome. Anyone who says otherwise is just plain wrong! :kissing_heart:

A note, about notation:
CN = CrazyNAS
00 = Number of drives in config
S, M, R1, R2 and R3 = Stripe, Mirror, RaidZ1, -Z2 and -Z3 respectively.

All numbers are in MB/s and not MiB/s (fio reports the final result as both, but I chose to write down MB/s as per CDM-likeness-reasoning, feel free to be bothered if I’m wrong - I didn’t do it to offend anyone and please tell me, if it’s totally the wrong way to do it).


CN-01 /da0 (0,0)
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 303 135
SEQ1M, Q1T1 307 135
RND4K, Q32T1 19 18
RND4K, Q1T1 19 15

1-disk config, device level test before adding the drive to a vdev/pool. The numbers in the parenthesis is the drives ‘coordinates’ as seen from the HBA. I’m not using this notation in the ‘main results’ I’m presenting, but I just wanted to tell you what it means.
(0,0) = first port on HBA and first backplane on that port.
(1,1) = second port on HBA and second backplane (cascaded) from that port.

I did these tests first, to see if placement as seen from the HBA made any difference whatsoever. To my surprise, it actually did.

CN-01 / 128GB (0,0)
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 366 54
SEQ1M, Q1T1 356 43
RND4K, Q32T1 3 1
RND4K, Q1T1 3 1
CN-01 / 128GB (0,1)
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 356 47
SEQ1M, Q1T1 350 41
RND4K, Q32T1 3 1
RND4K, Q1T1 3 1

(flags: --direct=1, --sync=1 and cache disabled)

I ran this test a couple of times with different drives and different locations on the backplanes. I’m not going to copy-paste every result, but they were pretty much the same.
Placing a drive one backplane down the chain meant losing around 10-12 MB/s sequential performance in the high end and around 3-5 MB/s in the low end (referring to queue depth here). Not that it matters in the bigger picture, but it was something to have in mind if margins where going to have any effect.

Spent some time on it, drew my conclusions and moved along.

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 592 49
SEQ1M, Q1T1 573 42
RND4K, Q32T1 4 1
RND4K, Q1T1 4 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 660 28
SEQ1M, Q1T1 634 23
RND4K, Q32T1 4 1
RND4K, Q1T1 4 1

(flags: --direct=1, --sync=1 and cache disabled)

4-drive stripe vs. 4-drive mirror, worst case scenario.

Just wanted to see, how they performed, before moving on to the larger vdev configs.

From now on, theres going to be some effort required on the readers part, but I’m going to try my best to explain what you’re being presented with.

Let’s start with an example:

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 527 53
SEQ1M, Q1T1 654 50
RND4K, Q32T1 4 1
RND4K, Q1T1 4 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3908 5113
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3895 5028
RND4K, Q32T1 212 404
RND4K, Q1T1 211 445

From my terminology descriped earlier, this is supposed to be the same config, right? So why are the numbers different? One of them is ‘bare metal’ and the other is ‘as is / default behaviour’. If you have any doubts: almost every ‘bare metal’ has terrible random performance. Like: ‘What’s wrong with the drives?!’-terrible. I’m not going to make any guesses, but If you’re confused, just look at random performance. It’s pretty much guarenteed to be terrible when it’s ‘bare metal’.

Anywho. Let’s compare an 8-drive stripe with 8-drive mirror (‘bare metal’):

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 527 53
SEQ1M, Q1T1 654 50
RND4K, Q32T1 4 1
RND4K, Q1T1 4 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 693 23
SEQ1M, Q1T1 660 26
RND4K, Q32T1 4 1
RND4K, Q1T1 4 1

Same comparison but ‘default’-behaviour:

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3908 5113
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3895 5028
RND4K, Q32T1 212 404
RND4K, Q1T1 211 445
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3885 6541
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3902 6057
RND4K, Q32T1 286 520
RND4K, Q1T1 204 592

Oh! Interesting. I’m not drawing any conlusions yet, since I’ve already looked at the numbers and also you should know, I didn’t do it in the order I’m presenting it in right here.

But. It appears as if, theres no discernible difference. There is ‘some’ variance, but according to fio, sequential write is faster in ‘bare metal’-stripe.
It’s the other way around with default behaviour (~6 GB/s vs ~5 GB/s).

Read in default is around the same for 8-drive stripe vs. 8-drive mirror, but for some reason 8-stripe ‘bare metal’ SEQ1M Q8T1 is a little slower.
Ran this particular test a couple of times with different drives. It was always around 500 MB/s for CN-08S, SEQ1M Q8T1. One of the runs was as low as 480 MB/s. Everything else was about the same except for some minute variance which - that’ll become apperant later - itsn’t that important.

Fastest ‘bare metal’ RaidZ-level with 8 drives?

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 746 52
SEQ1M, Q1T1 725 53
RND4K, Q32T1 7 1
RND4K, Q1T1 6 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 783 59
SEQ1M, Q1T1 918 52
RND4K, Q32T1 7 1
RND4K, Q1T1 6 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 727 56
SEQ1M, Q1T1 794 58
RND4K, Q32T1 6 1
RND4K, Q1T1 6 1

Also, kinda interesting. Didn’t expect that much (though, not that much) of a difference.

RaidZ2 appears to strike the best balance between resilience and performance. I guess we already knew that, but that’s ‘bare metal’. How about TrueNAS’ default behaviour?

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3881 4934
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3875 5102
RND4K, Q32T1 212 351
RND4K, Q1T1 212 365
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3899 5717
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3921 5593
RND4K, Q32T1 214 572
RND4K, Q1T1 213 617
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3880 5305
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3886 5397
RND4K, Q32T1 212 476
RND4K, Q1T1 212 484

Well. This pretty much confirms it for me. 8-drives with two parity drives seems to be the sweet spot. Of course, one could argue, that it’s a waste of drive space but I also see the appeal if you’re building out your pool over time.

8-drives means great performance and adding 8 drives to an existing 8-drive config is waaay more practical than ie. 24 drives at a time. You also get the benefit of drives falling in price over time, which could be made into a point about starting with for instance, 3-4 TB drives and by the time you’ve filled the entire backplane or whatever, you’ve effectively trippled the totalt capacity if the next set of drives are +8 TB drives.

[INSERT from EDIT] When reading this part back, I can see I made a terrible explainer. What I meant was: You start out with i.e. 8x 4 TB drives in RaidZ2. Then, when drives fall in price, the next ‘set’ of drives could be 8x 8TB in RaidZ2 (~48 TB). You’ll go from ~24 TB usable storage to 24 TB + 48 TB = 72 TB, which is tripple that of 24 TB that you started out with. Next ‘set’ could be 8x 16TB ~96 TB, which then brings the total up to 72 + 92 = 168 TB. That last one doesn’t scale perfectly with “three times the previous…”-statement. I just meant: Starting out with 3-4 TB drives in a 8-drive wide vdev is great, and then hard drives has fallen in price, the next set could potentially tripple your starting capacity."

Also. It makes your pool less vulnerable in case of a drive failure. You’re just resilvering an 8-drive wide vdev instead of a 24-drive wide vdev or even 48-drive wide.

So… how about performance, when you scale beyond 8 drives? Let’s start with 4 drives wide R2 ‘bare metal’ and add 4 drives (yes, the 8-drive one is the same as the one above):

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 688 27
SEQ1M, Q1T1 751 28
RND4K, Q32T1 5 1
RND4K, Q1T1 5 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 783 59
SEQ1M, Q1T1 918 52
RND4K, Q32T1 7 1
RND4K, Q1T1 6 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 736 51
SEQ1M, Q1T1 789 52
RND4K, Q32T1 8 1
RND4K, Q1T1 6 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 803 49
SEQ1M, Q1T1 774 49
RND4K, Q32T1 6 1
RND4K, Q1T1 6 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 717 50
SEQ1M, Q1T1 725 52
RND4K, Q32T1 6 1
RND4K, Q1T1 6 1

My reasoning was as follows: Keep adding drives until diminishing returns / loosing performance.

For my particular setup (and these drives), this happens somewhere around the 16-drive wide and 20-drive wide R2 vdevs. Decided not to test a 24-drive wide vdev. Interestingly enough, I’m never seeing the performance drop below the 4-d wide R2 vdev.

For some reason I decided to delete / not run the 4-drive wide vdev to see the default behaviour. I can’t remember excactly why, but I can see myself thinking, something along the lines: “If I’m using two parity drives in a 4-drive config, I’d might as well be doing a striped-mirror config.

So the following is ‘only’ from 8-20-drives wide R2 default behaviour:

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3899 5717
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3921 5593
RND4K, Q32T1 214 572
RND4K, Q1T1 213 617
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3875 5804
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3883 5623
RND4K, Q32T1 212 586
RND4K, Q1T1 212 576
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3871 5537
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3873 5332
RND4K, Q32T1 212 566
RND4K, Q1T1 212 585
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3865 5552
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3875 5494
RND4K, Q32T1 212 596
RND4K, Q1T1 212 569

Well, this one also threw me off a little. I know we’re almost at a point where we’re splitting hairs, but splitting hairs is splitting ‘something’ none the less. Overall I still think that an 8-drive wide R2 is the best balance between resilience and performance. I’m just presenting my findings for the next guy who might be interested.

You’ll also notice, that ‘bare metal’ in this instance isn’t indicative of default performance. There seems to be no good reason to go wider than 8-drives except for perhaps saving some space due to lost capacity as a product of parity.

For instance: 8x 8TB drives is still 64 TB (raw) and around 43-45 TB when factoring in ZFS (perhaps more with compression?). That’s a lot for home use!

And with 4x 24 drive backplanes, that could be split into multiple vdevs with smaller drives - for instance:
Pool ~ 48-50 TB
– vdev#1@R2: 8x 4TB ~ 24-25TB
– vdev#2@R2: 8x 4TB ~ 24-25TB

Anywho. Let’s move along and test out just that kind of config:

‘Bare metal’:

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 930 62
SEQ1M, Q1T1 945 65
RND4K, Q32T1 7 1
RND4K, Q1T1 7 1


CN-SSD, 4x08R2
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3874 3738
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3856 3645
RND4K, Q32T1 212 198
RND4K, Q1T1 212 204

I think, we have a winner!

Absolute best ‘bare metal’ performance so far’. With this absolute worst case scenario, it appears as if, I’m guarenteed a saturated 10gig connection when looking a sequential read (‘bare metal’).
When we let TrueNAS do it’s thing, even random 4K performance is almost double that of a 1GbE connection. To me, this is insane numbers and could just as well be a SSD connected directly via USB-C (I know USB-C is 5/10Gbps, so I wouldn’t see numbers much higher than 1GB/s anyway, when looking at sequential).

Well. This was a rundown of all the SATA numbers I found interesting.

I was curious and decided to disconnect backplanes and pull the HBA and swap it out for some NVMe SSDs. The motherboard I’m using (X10SDV-4C-TLN2F) is able to do PCIe bifurcation and I happen to have some sh*tty SK Hynix 256 GB drives in the drawer. Let’s move along.

CN-01 /nvd0
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 1042 770
SEQ1M, Q1T1 965 769
RND4K, Q32T1 37 192
RND4K, Q1T1 37 192

Single drive, device level - pretty much in line with what I’ve observed using CDM in Windows.

SK Hynix (BC501, 256GB)
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 1775 814
SEQ1M, Q1T1 1043 748
RND4K, Q32T1 311 228
RND4K, Q1T1 39 109

This a 4-drive average, meaning i benchmarked four drives, wrote down the results for each test and did an avage of those results.

Same drive, but this time with a file system (pool with single-drive vdev), also ‘bare metal’:

CN-01 256GB
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 728 128
SEQ1M, Q1T1 699 136
RND4K, Q32T1 6 1
RND4K, Q1T1 6 1


As with the SATA SSD, there seems to be a performance penalty going from drive level into file system territory.

How about default behaviour then?

CN-01 256GB
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3928 5948
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3917 6007
RND4K, Q32T1 193 561
RND4K, Q1T1 201 598

Oh… what? Wait a minute?!

Have I been testing the cache / RAM performance all along?!

Well. To be honest, I knew this already and it’s also one of the reasons I did the tests the way I did. I’ll get a bit more into it in the analysis, but I wanted to find the bottlenecks in the system. That’s why I tested with ‘direct’, ‘sync’ and cache disable. It’s a decision I made pretty early on, but not from the very begininng, so I had to go back an redo some of my (SATA) tests.
As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t do the tests in the order I’m presenting them in, but I did do the NVMe-tests at the very end.

Let’s look a bit more into the different configs. The above was with a single drive, so let’s do the obvious thing next and test 2-drive configs - first, stripes:

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 293 171
SEQ1M, Q1T1 208 144
RND4K, Q32T1 4 2
RND4K, Q1T1 3 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3872 5603
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3892 5466
RND4K, Q32T1 210 422
RND4K, Q1T1 209 436

‘Bare metal’ vs. ‘default’. For some reason, 2-drive stripes with NVMes tanks ‘bare metal’ performance. We’re almost at direct flash-level speeds. Not much of a surprise, since that’s what I wanted to test. But, still. ~300 MB/s read?! Damn!

‘Default’ presents no real surprises except for poorer random write for some reason?

Let’s look at a 2-drive mirror:

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 286 87
SEQ1M, Q1T1 317 93
RND4K, Q32T1 4 1
RND4K, Q1T1 6 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3882 6300
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3885 6155
RND4K, Q32T1 208 603
RND4K, Q1T1 208 646

When we compare 2-drive mirror vs. 2-drive stripe, everything seems to fall in line with what’ve observerved earlier with the SATA SSDs.

Mirror: faster
Stripe: faster seq.write
Random 4K performance is about the same, stripe or mirror, either way.
No, wait a minute?
Random 4K in a 2-drive mirror is notably faster with an iodepth/queue depth of 1.
I ran this particular test a couple of times and switching between drives, the result was the same. 2-drive mirror random 4K was double the speed compared to 2-drive stripe.

Let’s look at 4-drive stripe and mirror. Stripe’s up first:

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 367 196
SEQ1M, Q1T1 736 195
RND4K, Q32T1 6 3
RND4K, Q1T1 6 3
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3875 4901
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3873 4891
RND4K, Q32T1 193 238
RND4K, Q1T1 194 257

And let’s quickly compare that to 4-drive mirror:

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 408 108
SEQ1M, Q1T1 387 102
RND4K, Q32T1 5 1
RND4K, Q1T1 4 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3872 6332
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3881 6175
RND4K, Q32T1 204 621
RND4K, Q1T1 204 680

4-drive mirror seems to be inferior in almost every single-test, except for, q8t1?

This doesn’t match what we’ve observed with the SATA SSDs.

Perhaps it’s down to a PCIe-thing, I honestly don’t know, but just to refresh (“-”, means, they’re about the same / within margin of error, otherwise, the fastest config is noted):

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q1T1 - S
RND4K, Q32T1 - -
RND4K, Q1T1 - -
CN-04S/M (NVMe)
Test Read Write
RND4K, Q32T1 - S

But, that’s ‘bare metal’. What happens, when we throw TrueNAS’ ‘default’ behaviour into the mix?

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 - M
SEQ1M, Q1T1 - M
RND4K, Q32T1 - M
RND4K, Q1T1 - M
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 - -
SEQ1M, Q1T1 - -
RND4K, Q32T1 - -
RND4K, Q1T1 - -

So… yeah. What does this even mean? It means, not drawing any conclusions, that it actually doesn’t matter. If ‘bare metal’ is a factor, by all means, use these results. Everyone else? It appears as if, there is no difference (except for available space, of course). It appears to be something else, making it as if a mirror and stripe perform the same - like, within 5% (or less) of each other.

It’s only ‘default’ behaviour with SATA SSDs that show any meaningful difference. The same can’t be said with NVMe-drives - not going by these results at least.

Lets’ look at RadZ1 and -Z2 before going into the analysis - the following are both ‘bare metal’:

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 431 151
SEQ1M, Q1T1 431 167
RND4K, Q32T1 6 1
RND4K, Q1T1 5 1
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 461 119
SEQ1M, Q1T1 470 130
RND4K, Q32T1 5 1
RND4K, Q1T1 5 1

No surprises here. Kinda single-drive behaviour, again, but seq.reads are down a notch. Write’s about the same as are random read/write.

Let’s look at ‘default’:

Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3889 5797
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3881 5580
RND4K, Q32T1 204 444
RND4K, Q1T1 203 508
Test Read Write
SEQ1M, Q8T1 3887 6079
SEQ1M, Q1T1 3875 5943
RND4K, Q32T1 207 542
RND4K, Q1T1 206 578

Hmmm. Again, not much of a surprise. If single-drive resilience is enough, I’d rather take RaidZ1 with four drives. Actually, there’s another m.2 slot on the motherboard itself so you could configure a 5-drive setup. I just stuck with 4-drive setups, because I forgot about the m.2 on the motherboard and was deep into testing and couldn’t be bothered to also taking PCIe vs. m.2 into account (not that I expected any difference).

[INSERT from EDIT, again] Well. Joke’s on me. The m.2 slot is SATA and not NVMe. I thought it was able to act as a PCIe, based on the block diagram in the mothervboards manual, which states:

M.2 connector
PCIE 3.0 x4
or SATA 3.0 x1


The X10SDV series deploy an M key only dedicated for SSD devices with the ultimate performance capability in a PCI Express 3.0 X4 interface for native PCIe SSD support. The X10SDV M.2 is mux with the I-SATA0 port for legacy SATA SSD devices.

Perhaps I’m just missing something. Tried to install another SK Hynix NVMe. TrueNAS won’t see it.
[/INSERT from EDIT, again]

So. Congratz! You’ve made it to the end of my breakdown of the results. Let’s try do some analysis and if you have any insights or objections I’d very much appreciate it. I’m kinda ‘lost’ in the numbers at this point, so I’ve made some graphs… everybody loves graphs, right?

4. Analysis - My thoughts and perhaps some questions
The diagrams doesn’t show excactly the numbers I’ve presented above, but I’ll explain one diagram and hopefully the rest will make sense.

The first diagram below shows all ‘bare metal’ results for the SATA SSDs. Also configs I haven’t mentioned in the results-part of this post. I’ll explain why in just a minute, but first a graph (or diagram):

So. What are we looking at?

We are looking at (almost) every result of my fio testing with different SATA SSD configs. Single-drive, 2-drive, and so on upto 4x 8-drive RaidZ2 configs.

I’m just throwing it out there for you to see, and also perhaps gain a ‘bigger picture’ myself.

Seq.write: config 5, 6 and 8 dips:
Config 5 and 6: Those a both mirror-configs (4- and 8-drive respectively).
Config 8: 4-drive RaidZ2 config.

Best performance overall seems to be config 16, the very last one, when looking at ‘bare metal’ results.

Config 16 is dubbed ‘CN-SSD,4x08R2’, meaning: Pool of SSDs, 4 vdevs, each being an 8-drives wide RaidZ2 vdev.

Going by ‘bare metal’ alone, config 16 is only beaten in seq.write by config 15.
Config 15 is dubbed ‘CN-08M-S’, meaning just that. A pool with a stripe of mirrors (or, is it the other way around? Can’t remember), that isn’t the optimal setup in my use case. To much space goes to waste and it’s not that much faster than config 16 in this one particular test.

Let’s look at TrueNAS’ default behaviour:

Hmm… I should have noticed this very early on, but no. I’m not joking. When you’re looking at numbers ranging from 1-3 MB/s to 5000-6500 MB/s, a couple of MB/s can get lost and it’s not until you step back an look at everything all at once you see the patterns emerge. is pinned at 3.9 GB/s (or, almost, in reality it’s more like 3.880 MB/s but I’m rounding. I’m a former engineering student, it’s ok. I’m allowed, I think).

Seq.write is a bit more all over the place, but no lower than (coincidentally), around 3.8 GB/s. Most of the time, ranging from 5 GB/s to around 6.5 GB/s. again, pinned around 210-212 MB/s.

Rand.write, is all over the place. The best results are with config 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8.

You’ll notice, the number of configs doesn’t match the ‘bare metal’ results, so the numbers also doesn’t match. However, the aforementioned configs are dubbed:

  1. CN-08M
  2. CN-08R2
  3. CN-12R2
  4. CN-16R2
  5. CN-20R2

If you look closely, you can almost see the performance level off / drop. The two last configs (9 and 10) are dubbed:

  1. CN-08M-S
  2. CN-SSD, 4x08R2

From a pure performance standpoint, a single 8-drive wide RaidZ2 vdev appears to be the sweet spot. However, though wider vdevs might offer similar performance, there appears to be no pracital benefit from going wider than 8-drives.

The last config, 10, being a pool with multiple 8-drive wide vdevs appears to be the worst - looking at performance alone, but I’m not sure I agree with that conclusion.

Sure. If you only have room for 8 drives, you can toy around and do whatever.
But, I’d expect every config to perform worse, when using multiple… I don’t know the right word here, but ‘instances’ is the closest that comes to mind.

What does that mean?

Well. Perhaps, (for instance) a 16-drive wide vdev is faster than a single 8-drive vdev. But a pool made with 2x 16-drive wide vdevs would scale ‘the same’, as a pool consisting of 2x 8-drive wide vdevs.

Does that make any sense? Like. Yes. A 16-drive wide vdev might perform better, in and on itself, but it would also suffer some pentalty when adding another 16-drive wide vdev to that particular pool.

Anywho. “8-drive wide vdevs is the sweet spot.” - confirmed!

Lets’ look at NVMe performance - ‘bare metal’:

Well. I honestly didn’t know what to expect. My intution was that NVMe drives are much faster than their SATA counterparts. SATA tops out at 6 Gbps and NVMe drives tops out at what-ever speed the particular drive is able to do or the interface (either the drive or the host). That’s why I wanted to test a single drive before moving on (the same with SATA, for that matter).

That’s the very first config, 1.

The best: performance with these (again, sh*tty) drives seems to be a single drive. is either a single drive or config 4, which is a 4-drive stripe.

Seq.write is also clearly config 4. Almost 200 MB/s clean.
Rand.write is, again config 4.

In other words, going by performance alone: 4-disk stripe is the way to go, with these particular NVMe drives and this setup.

For comparison, going by ‘bare metal’ performance alone, it seems the best config fo the SATA SSDs was: config 10 (CN-08R2) or 16 (CN-SSD, 4x08R2). Again, some flavour of the 8-drive wide configs.

I’d wish this motherboard had the possibility to use 2x PCI x16 slots so I could run two of these ASUS Hyper m.2 thingies in tandem. Unfortunately the one motherboard I had, that also had this capability was broken… by ASUS, but let’s not go there.

4x NVMe will do for now, and it seems - just to circle back - that a 4-drive stripe means ultimate ‘bare metal’ performance.

Let’s take a look at the NVMe’s performance characteristics, when TrueNAS is behind the wheel: is, again, pegged at 3.9 GB/s (3.886 GB/s average). is also pegged at, yes, the… almost same 200-210 MB/s.

Seq.write is also around 5-6.5 GB/s, but not much lower than 4.9 GB/s with config 4 (CN-04S).

The best write performance, is config 5 (CN-04M), closely followed by config 3 (CN-02M). So, fast write performance with these NVMe-drives? Mirror’em!

To be honest. It seems like, you can’t go wrong with any NVMe (4-drive) config, except for rand.write. Stay away from config 4 (CN-04S). Though you’d might get at least 250 MB/s, it’s also the slowest for random writes. Every other config averaged together is around 500-550 MB/s, with the slowest being config 2 (CN-02S, also a stripe). Remove all striped configs from the data and you’re looking at rand.write performance at around 600 MB/s.

I don’t know, if I’m communicating this well. Random 4k, write, at almost 5 Gbps over LAN (or, at least the ‘potential’). That’s insane numbers to me.
That’s the same speed as a USB-C SSD connected directly into my computer, doing sequential!

My best bet for sweet spot between performance, resilience and and capacity would a 4-drive wide RadZ1 vdev or 5-drive wide RaidZ2 - but I haven’t tested a 5-drive config, so I can’t say for sure.

5. Conclusions / other considerations - Where I’m at and how to move forward
You’ve made it this far. You’d might as well stick around 'till the end. Please?

I know. I know. Perhaps you even wrote it in a reply/comment before we made it this far.

It’s obvious that the CrazyNAS is CPU-limited when doing anything read-related. It looks like TrueNAS/fio is single-threaded, but since I ran the test with the “–numjobs=1” flag, it shouldn’t surprise me.

Or, should it?

I have no idea why, but the 3.9 GB/s cap, when doing and ~210 MB/s cap when doing all made one core go to 100% as long as the test would run. What core was doing 100% shifted around, but it was the same with every read-related test.

I didn’t notice the same issue with writes. Everytime a large write was performed, it looked as if (in the TrueNAS UI) the load was using multiple threads.

Is there more performance to be had, if I switch the X10SDC out for, for exapample, an AMD EPYC based setup? I’m not sure. When doing benchmarks at least, CrazyNAS’ bottleneck seems to be the single-core performance.

The 5-6.5 GB/s limit bothers me a lot. Had it just been with the SATA SSDs it would have made some sense.
It matches up fine with the SAS-interface limit. Each interface is, as far as I understand it, limited to 24 Gbps because of the SAS2-backplanes. That’s around 3 GB/s pr. channel and around 6 GB/s total, when we’re back at the HBA.

What’s the specs of the HBA you’d might ask. Well, it’s a SAS9340-8i flashed into IT-mode. It’s based on the “LSI SAS3008 SAS-3”-controller: SAS 3008 spec

It’s connected to the motherboard via a PCI 3.0 x8 interface (7.88 GB/s), but as it clearly states in the specs for the controller:

Deliver more than million IOPS and 6,000 MB/s throughput performance

Is 6 GB/s ever going to be a practical limit in my daily use? No. I don’t expect it to be.

It’s just a weird limitation to run into.

But. That’s just the SATA-setup using the HBA. Why aren’t the NVMe-drives faster then?

I’ve had a hard time finding out where that 6-6.5 GB/s limit was introduced (in regards to the NVMes).
CPU? RAM speed?

Well. I’d might need some help on this one. You see. As I’ve stated a couple of times: These are shtty drives. Like, lowest rung, bargain bin, public funding, shtty.

They bench fine, fine enough for spec.s, when looking into buying like 1.000s for the staff of an entire municipality - also, and I feel kinda stupid for pointing this out - we’re talking public spending. Tax payer money. I’m not bashing those, who have to make these kind of decisions.

The only reason I’ve gotten my hands on some of the NVMe’s was because - like the other ones - they where going into the trash. Quite literally. They can’t be sold, and even if someone (privately) was willing to buy/pay, we aren’t allowed to sell stuff. Except for cookies when there is like a school play or something like that.

… but, I digress.

I’ve benched these drives before and even under the best of circumstances: seq.write was never over 1 GB/s, never! I think the best result was around 850 MB/s or something like that. Even if you aggregate those 850 MB/s with four drives total? 3.0-3.5 GB/s.

It’s almost perfectly half that of the interface itself. 7.88 GB/s * 80% for overhead = 6.300 MB/s

The fastest speed with NVMe drives? 6.300 / 6.332 MB/s
The fastest speed with SATA drives? 6.057 / 6.541 MB/s

I’m clueless as to which limit is introduced where. How can I write with almost double the speed even considering caching - or am I getting at this the wrong way around?

Have I bunged up the testing or did some of it make sense?


This is it for now. It’s been fun but I think I need a break from testing or else I’m going to buy an AMD EPYC for around $100 on eBay.

Right now, I have two main threads I’m considering to follow and luckily one doesn’t exclude the other:

  1. Set up CrazyNAS with 8x 128 GB drives and slowly over time swap them out for 1, 2, 4 or event 8 TB SATA drives. Gonna take a while, but I could start out with 8x 4 TB @ R2 = 24 TB. Not bad for starters. Could disconnect idle backplanes and save myself some fan noise and power usage.
  2. Switch it up, put the SAS backplanes back on the shelf. Buy 5x 4/8 TB NVMe SSD’s and be done with it. Power usage so far, when using NVMs’s seems to be around 70-80 W total. Not bad, considering the fact that CrazyNAS uses around 170 W… idle.

So. That’s it for now. Thanks for sticking around and I hope you have a great day :kissing_heart: :pray:

[EDIT] Fixed some typos, spelling and added missing words.


This is epic.


Just wanted to add a vague “me too” and thanks for all the benchmarking data in this.

I was recently gifted 90x 1.6TB SAS SSDs that were retired from a Netapp system at my workplace. This was the spark that drove me to investigate and start using TNS. I’m using a recycled (from the WEEE pile at work) HP DL380 G6. All I’ve bought so far is a Dell Perc HBA (£9) and a 25 bay HP storageworks disk shelf for £45!


AS you point out, fio may be the limit, not ZFS. Testing across a network with iSCSI or SMB is more normal

Read and writes behave differently.
Reads require ZFS to get the data before read is completed. The fio thread might be waiting for that.
Writes require ZFS to accept and acknowledge the write . After that ZFS can spend time committing that data to actual vdevs. Hence more parallelism.