Create a shared space with access levels for different users

Hello. I’m new to TruNas Core administration. Is it possible to create a shared space on a dataset that has children. Users from one group (Group 1) can see everything in the given dataset, but cannot open the children datasets, and users from another group (Group 2) can only open a specific child folder from that dataset!

If i understand well, here you should find how to setup ACL on your scenario

Hi. Thank you. If I may ask you one more question? Can it be made so that users from one group can create new folders and files in a child directory without being able to delete it?

Yes, in the GUI of ACL, using Advanced → Add ACL Item → Permission Type: Advanced → select only what you want to enable for that group (Read, Write) should work.
Always try to test if the result is what expceted :grin: