Creating 'ix-applications-data' dataset returns an error about permissions on 'ix-applications'

I’m not sure if I’ve identified a bug or I’m doing something dopey.

I have done a couple of dummy installs of applications and as a result I now have an ‘ix-applications’ dataset in my data pool. I’m now doing a dry run of setting those applications up ‘properly’ with volume mappings pointing to non volatile storage locations.

My understanding is the intent of the ‘ix-applications’ is to store the images and container data.

The plan was to create a dataset called ‘ix-applications-data’ with child datasets for each application. The containers would be established to use the ‘ix-applications-data’ child dataset for volume mappings to store data for the application.

Happy to take advice on that overall plan, but the specific hitch I’m running into is when creating the ‘ix-applications-data’ dataset, I’m selecting the “Apps” dataset preset. When I click save, I receive an error.

“Changes to permissions of ix-applications dataset are not permitted: /mnt/data-pool/ix-applications-data.”

If I close the error and close the add dataset screen, the dataset has been created, but I’m not sure the correct dataset preset has been applied.

If I create a dataset with an unrelated name like “applications-data” and select the Apps preset, the dataset is created without incident. It feels like the script that’s applying the data presets is incorrectly matching ‘ix-applications-data’ with ‘ix-applications’.

For the moment, I’ll avoid the ix prefix on my dataset name.

If the dataset created correctly and you just received a strange error, that does sound like there might be a validation check that is just looking for a dataset starting with ix-applications and was mistakenly applied to your separate dataset with a similar name.

If you submit a bug report (Report a Bug link at the top of this screen) we can take a look at that. In the meantime, yeah applications-data is a fine solution.

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It looks like a bug in path validation, but it is not present in Electric Eel so no need to file bug report about it. At this point dragonfish fixes will be mostly for critical issues.

In ElecticEel the mountpoint for datasets housing what used to be in ix-applications is being moved outside of the paths that may be used for NFS and SMB shares (to /mnt/.ix-apps) which eliminates large categories of misconfigurations and associated validation.